Chapter 8

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The next few weeks went in a blur.

Sanya went to work, had sex with Shadab for the first time, ticked off Harry for calling her every day so much that Peter confiscated her phone when she told him it was Harry not knowing he'd take it away and still doesn't let her use it at work, and cutting away Felicia Hardy's face from a magazine which featured her and Peter. She went out with Shadab, having very mildly intoxicating talk and not very bad carnal relations.

Peter continued making breakthroughs in science and technology basically every week, protecting the city, country, planet from threats, being petty to Sanya because of her constant calls with Harry. The one day Shadab showed up to pick her up, he basically banned all non-employees from entering the building. He went out with Felicia, having great sex but he'd realised they really didn't have much in common. Except being superheroes. But then again, she preferred anti-hero.

In short, both of them were jealous and continued to go out with their respective partners because they liked them to some extent, didn't want to hurt them (which I really don't like, I mean of you don't love them, break up with them. It's better in the long run. Alas, the character based on me has flaws. Even Peter who I've deemed perfect is flawed.) and to make their exes jealous.


It's September now. This chapter deals with the 3 year anniversary of their breakup.

Peter's POV:

I rolled over in bed, smacking my head on the alarm clock to get it to STOP.

I really shouldn't hang out with Sanya so much. Well, not hang out, like talk to her at work. Ok, maybe I just look at her sometimes. Alright, all the time.

I'm a horrible, horrible human being.

On that pleasant thought, I got up and because I felt my Spidey Senses tingle, put on my costume and went out to fight crime.

I got back an hour later, dirty, tired, sore, wet because I fell into the Hudson. I quickly got ready and because it was nearing 10:30 swung to work. I accidentally smacked into the window. And nearly got the FBI called because of one paranoid redhead intern named Ron.

Sanya'd like his parents.

"Reza, could you schedule all my appointments a half hour later than they are? I need to- where's Sanya?" I stop short when I see Debra, a girl who generally worked as a sub in my Sanya's seat.

"She didn't come in. I don't know why. She just phoned and said well, what I told you....sir, where are you going? SIR!?" The redhead continued to shriek after me as I rushed out from the exit in my office, hardly aware of what I was doing- all I knew was that Sanya could be hurt, hell dead because of me, missing, raped....all horrible scenarios run through my mind. Maybe she's sick! Cancer or pneumonia or.....

Wait, where does she live?

Uh.. all I know is that it's on the Upper East Side.

Oh wait...I think she mentioned that address once...okay, I stalked her.

So I went to their building and after an excruciating ride to the 14th floor, knocked on their apartment, prayed it was hers and also that she was alive and well.

"Peter?" Sanya opened the door and I swear my heart stopped.

She was okay, no sign of any illness, all her hair was there and she looked as gorgeous as always- beautiful chestnut eyes, golden brown skin, dark brown, pretty much black hair with wait, purple highlights!? When did she get those? All long limbs and plump body. Zebra striped glasses on her nose.

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