Chapter 1

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This is a sequel to 'Along Came A Spidey'. It can be taken as the 3rd part of the Spidey series as the 2nd part will be published after the release of Infinity War.  Starting of most chapters will always be in 3rd person.

Sanya took a deep breath as she stepped inside Stark Industries.
In the age of numbers, Sanya Reza was 22, much more grown up since her shenanigans with MJ and Betty and Ned those years ago. (They all still kept in touch.) She'd faced so much. Changed so much. But she hadn't changed much outwardly. Taller, yes..5 ft 8 inches now. Thinner, yes. But she was the same outside- cool, calm facade with an extroverted attitude with close ones. Inside was a storm. A storm she'd tried to stop for years but which still bested her.

She was applying for the job of personal assistant to the head of the whole shebang.

If the head was Uncle Tony (this name had annoyed him no bounds) she knew she would've had this job in the bag. As it is, he wasn't, owing to his tragic death 3 years ago. The girl, woman really shut her eyes and took another breath as the memory of the numerous horrific events of that year washed across her.

A tear slipped through her eyelids as she remembered the hospital, a place she had always hated. The blood, the doctor's kind voice which caused so much anger in her heart.... He'd clearly never- no. That memory was too traumatic.

Then the memory of Uncle Tony's funeral where Steve and Pepper completely broke down. Pepper was put on bed rest. Steve left. The rest of the Avengers continued their work (Peter included) but so much of their heart in it was gone.

Oh, Peter! Peter's crying, depressed, utterly broken face came into her already depressed mind. If May hadn't been there....she let out a guttural moan which caused the man sitting next to her to move away.

They pushed each other away. She was at Yale, he was at MIT. Didn't take much to completely wreck their relationship. Distance had already fucked it up a lot.

Sanya's POV:

Eyeing the door leading to the man I would be giving an interview to apprehensively, I rolled my eyes and placed a hand on my stomach. A habit when I was nervous which I'd picked up when....about 3 years ago.

My phone rang suddenly, Sau Aasmaan(Hundred Skies) playing. Amma.

"Hi, Amma." I greeted.

"Hey, Sanu. Are you okay?" Her worried voice came through my phone.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? The last time you were so called fine, you l-" Amma scolded.

I cut across her. "I am okay. I swear. How's Salman? 8th grade going okay? And Abba?"

Her voice, suddenly tired, spoke.
"Abba is okay. Salman....You know how he is with studies.... At least you would if you came to visit once in a while. But you've been so HiFi since moving to Manhattan. High class." She meant it as a joke but the tone was slightly bitter.

"It's nothing high class, Ma. It's a tiny apartment, a quarter the size of your one. The only way it's better is that rent is low, it's in Manhattan and the roof isn't locked." I laughed. The other candidates looked weirdly at me, due to my mixed use of Bengali and English.

The one calling all the interviewees came out.

"Senyea Reezay?" It took me a moment to figure out that was me.

"I gotta go, Amma. Job interview."

"Remember to-" I cut the call.

"That's me. Well, I'm not Senyea Reezay but Sanya Reza." I grinned at the woman.

"Didn't ask your life story, kid. Get in." She opened the door and ushered me in.

I looked at the very familiar man in front of me- his brown eyes, wavy pretty brown hair, his crinkly smile, dimples, everythng. Only thing new was a wispy moustache which didn't really suit his boyish face but it made him look hotter.

Peter Parker stood up when he saw me. He'd inherited Stark Industries after Tony's death. Pepper was supposed to run it but her mental condition didn't let her.

"Sanya." He breathed, full of shock.

"Mr. Parker." I had contrived to be as formal as possible considering how personal our pasts were.

"Wha-what. How- what are you doing here?" He asked, quite surprised. Does he still not read his business files? He clearly didn't know I was coming.

"Applying for a job, sir." I say politely.

"What's all the formality? I'm Peter, Petey, dumbass, clumsy." He tried in vain to make me smile.

"Please, P- Mr. Parker. I'd rather not acknowledge our personal history now. It, if I may, is unnecessary and not to mention, didn't have a happy ending."

He sat back down. The look of the efficient boss came over his face- serious now.

"Of course, I understand. I do apologize, Ms. Reza."

"It's alright, sir." I murmur, as if his compliance didn't put salt on the wound.

After a not very exceptional interview, Pe- Mr. Parker leaned back on his chair.

"I think I have everything I need, Ms. Reza. I shall keep in touch if you've secured the job." He nodded towards the door

"Yes. Thank you." I got up and walked to the door.

"Wait." He suddenly says.

I turn around, blink to adjust my lens and look at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can I ask you something? Not as Mr. Parker interviewing a potential candidate but as Clumsy talking to Little Girl?" Peter bit his lip.

I hesitated.

But then I gave a small smile.


He walked across the room, now leaning across the cupboard.

"What happened to the girl who had the dream of being a fearless journalist/reporter and writing a book in her spare time?"

"She grew up. She realised most dreams don't come true. Happy endings, if any, are scarce. Money trumps all." I say listlessly. It still hurts, goddamn.

Back to 3rd person:

On that sombre note, she walks out of the room, out of the building...out of Peter's life. Again.

But not if he can help it. He's not letting her go again.

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