The Bad Boy's Mate

By BornBroken423

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Addison Grace has been home schooled since freshmen year of high school due to certain..circumstances. Now th... More

Chapter 1: College Letter
Chapter 2: Stolen Kiss
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: War
Chapter 5: Strangers
Chapter 6: Cranky Office Workers
Chapter 8: Shower Drama
Chapter nine: Meeting Friends
Chapter 10: Adulting
Chapter 11: Breakfast
Chapter 12: School
Chapter 13: Ethan
Chapter 14: Kidnapping
Chapter 15: Different
Chapter 16: Zach
Chapter 17: What is Love

Chapter 7: Frat Boys

5.8K 149 4
By BornBroken423

It's night time now and I've decided to just find a sheltered bench on campus, I don't know if this will be for the whole weekend but I know I don't have enough money for three nights at a hotel so tonight this will have to do. It's not like I have any choice, the only numbers in my phone are my mom who would kill me and my brother and dad who are both dead.

I lay down on the bench, using my duffle bag as a pillow. I'm about to drift off when I hear loud laughter and people stumbling around. I open my eyes to see a group of guys with beer bottles in all of their hands and their laughing for no absolute reason. I stay silent as watch them laugh with each other and stumble around. They finally notice me and stumble over.

" What are you doing out here lovely? "

One of them ask, not being able to make a serious face and laughing with every space. I sit up and the guy basically falls in the spot next to me.

" Um sleeping. "

I reply, unsure and blushing at his previous remark.

" You can sleep with me any day. "

He slurs, trying to wink I think but instead blinks. I hear someone else walking towards us and at first I think it's just another drunk but this time I don't hear stumbling.

" Are you guys trying to get another girl drunk? I fucking swear I can't leave any of you alone. "

I hear a familiar voice scowl.

" Tabias we were just talking. "

They whine and as soon as I hear his name he walks into view, his smile drops as he sees me and my face flushes red.

" Whoa even drunk I can feel the tension. "

The guy next to me laughs but then falls over, throwing up.

" So... What are you doing here? "

Tabias ask nervously, ignoring his friends throwing up in the bushes.

" I'm actually going to college here. "

I say biting my lip.

" Wow, that's great! How does your mom feel? "

" She, doesn't know. "

His eyes grow wide.

" Wait, you're here and she doesn't know? The amazing Addie went all bad girl on us and snuck off? "

He teases and I roll my eyes.

" Why are you sleeping on a bench though? "

He ask.

" My dorm won't be ready until Monday so I'm improvising. "

" No way are you sleeping on a bench, I insist you come stay with us at our frat house. "

" I don't kind of seems weird staying in a house full of guys. "

" Don't worry they won't mess with you, I will make sure of it. Besides if you stay here there's no telling what kind of drunk guys will try to hit on you, or worse. "

Worse? As my brain tries to put the puzzle together my eyes go wide as I realize what he's talking about.

" I guess I would be better off with you then. "

I say, cringing at the thought of some drunk guy trying to touch me. I don't really mind most people but drunk people I don't care for.

He gestures for me to follow him and I stand up, grabbing my bag.

" Take me with you! "

His friend yells but Tabias just shakes his head and turns around. He leads me to what looks like the biggest party in history but then again I pre never been to a party so I wouldn't know. He turns to me and holds out his hand as I look at him confused.

" I'm not trying to put a move on you, the party is crowded you could get lost easily so I need you to hold onto me. "

He says causing me to blush at my own stupidity. I take his hand and he leads me through the crowd of smoke, alcohol, and half naked people and I can't help but think this is strange. Tabias never seemed like the kind of guy to hang around here but I never did see him outside of our parents talking. Either way, I trust him he's still Tabias just a frat boy version.

I look around at the people dancing on each other and cringe, this is not dancing, this is sex with clothes on. Is this really what college is like? We head upstairs and there's people passed out every where but Tabias seems unaffected as he tells me to just step over them.

Finally we come to a stop as he leads me into his room, opening it with a key. I walk in as he closes the door and look around.

" Sorry about the noise but it should calm down soon, everyone is usually passed out by twelve. "

" It's alright, I appreciate you letting me stay. "

As I look around I spot a picture of me and Tabias from a while back, we're both laughing as we pour chocolate over each other's head. He did it to me first so of course I had to get revenge.

" I forgot all about this! "

I laugh, picking up the picture.

" We seem to always bond most over food. "

He grins and I nod in agreement.

" but you're always the one who starts the fights. "

I point out and he pouts.

" I'm hurt! "

I roll my eyes at him laughing.

" The truth hurts. "

He smiles and I sit on the bed, wanting to go to sleep but not really sure how to tell him. I've never slept over at anyone's house, especially not a guys house. As I'm thinking about this I notice there's only one bed.

" You can take the bed, I will sleep on the floor. "

He says, reading my mind. I feel bad for making him sleep on the floor but I don't say anything, knowing how awkward I would feel sleeping in the same bed as him. I lay down and a few minutes later he turns the lights off. Suddenly I hear creaking of a bed in a strange constant rhythm and then a moan comes from the room near us. My eyes widen as I realize what's happening and I just hear Tabias laugh, probably seeing my reaction.

What kind of college is this?

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