Forgotten // L. Coly

By QveenCammy

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It's been two years that Kalani has been waiting on Lucas. It's been two years since Lucas left. It's been t... More

Two Years Ago
21 : Short-ish Chapter
Last Chapter!
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By QveenCammy

The Next Day

Lucas | 11:22 am

I was going through my suitcase tryin to find a shirt that I bought the otha day. I swea it's like dat shit jus disappeared.

Amber: Hey baby.

I pecked her lips before continuing to go through my shit.

Me: Wassup.

Amber: What are you doing today?

Me: Nun. Why?

Amber: I thought we could have a day to ourselves.

Now imma have ta choose a whole 'nother fit cause I can't find my shirt.

Me: Yea. What you wanna do tho?

Amber: Maybe a movie? Some shopping? A little date?

Me: Yea we can do whateva you want baby.

Amber: What're you doing?

Me: Lookin' fa a shirt. Have you seen my plain black shirt?

Amber: You mean the one that's on your pillow?

I looked ova at the bed and sho 'nough it was folded ontop of my pillow.

Me: Yea, that one.

She laughed and sat on the bed.

Amber: What're you wearing?

I looked down at my body then back at her.

Me: What I have on.

Amber: Sweatpants? On a date?

Me: Oh, it's a date?

Her eyes narrowed.

Amber: Were you listening to anything that I just said?

Me: Yea sorta.

She clenched her fist; something she does when she gets mad.

Amber: Just get dressed, Lucas.

I grabbed my black shirt and slipped it on then my Jordan's.

Amber: Hurry up. The Uber is almost her.

Me: Don't rush me lil girl.

Amber: Little boy, hurry up.

Me: Ain' nun on me lil.

She didn't reply, instead she shot me a smirk and flipped her hair over her shoulder. I grabbed my phone and wallet and we left out of the hotel with me behind her.

Amber: So, when you used to go out exploring, where did you go?

Me: A lil bit of er'where.

Amber: Like?

Me: All round Long Beach sorta.

Amber: Oh okay.

We got into the Uber.

Me: Where we goin first?

Amber: To the mall.

Me: Oh aigh.

Amber: Speak to Kalani, lately?

I looked over at her as she looked out the window.

Me: Why?

Amber: Just curious, so have you?

Me: Na. Not really.

Amber: Oh. Okay.

It was silent between us until we got to the mall. We got out, thanked the driver and headed inside.

Amber: This is...different.

Me: Cause its ou'side?

Amber: No fool, because there are shops here that I've never even heard of.

Me: That's surprising.

I chuckled as she smacked my arm.

Amber: Shut up, Lucas.

She walked off I got ready to do the same but my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw a text from Dillyn and one from Kalani.

Aye bro, if you need me to cover fa you on Saturday, I can't.
-Dillyn ; 12:02 pm

I quickly replied as I walked beside of Amber.

Aigh' thanks fa tellin me in advance bro.
-Lucas ; 12:03 pm

Busy tomorrow ? If not, we're going to go see ma & pa.
-Kalani ; 11:50 am

Iono how I aint notice the message earlier but na im free tomorrow. What time tho?
-Lucas ; 12:04 pm

Okay cool. It's a hangout & idk yet I'll let you know.
-Kalani ; 12:06 pm

I slipped my phone away after replying with "bet."

Amber: Babe.

Me: Yea?

Amber: Who were you texting?

Me: Dillyn.

Amber: Oh okay.

I watched her head into Bath & Body Works before I sighed and followed her in.

Kalani | 1:02 pm

I got ready to get out of my car but stopped as my phone rang. I answered it seeing as how it was my mother.

Me: Hi mom.

I got out of the car and headed into Wal-Mart.

Mom: Hey sweetie. How are you?

Me: I'm good. Got a 94 on my last test.

Mom: That's amazing.

Me: Yeah, how are you and dad?

Mom: We're good. Your dad is still being annoying as usual.

I laughed as I picked up a bottle of sprite and put it in my cart.

Me: Of course.

Mom: So, what are you doing?

Me: Oh nothing, just in Wal-Mart. I need to pick up some groceries. What about you guys?

Mom: Oh nothing. Just at the airport.

Me: The airport? What for?


I was so stunned I dropped the cans of Salmon on my foot making me cuss and hop around.

Mom: Kalani? Are you there?

Me: Im here- fuck!

Mom: "Fuck"? Kalani what are you doing?

Me: Nothing mom. I just dropped two cans of Salmon of my foot.

Mom: Oh. Well are you okay hun?

Me: Mhm. Yep. Just peachy.

I wanted to kick those cans so damn bad.

Me: So, when did you decided that you were coming to see me?

Mom: Wednesday.

Me: Two days ago? Mom, you could've told me!

Mom: Do not yell at me, little girl.

I sighed and picked up the cans and traded them out for two different ones.

Me: Well, when are you going to be here?

Mom: Oh dear, I forgot to say that we're already here.

Me: WHAT!?

I got startled stares from the couple at the other end of the aisle. I mouthed a sorry to them and went elsewhere.

Mom: YES! I'm excited as well! But they lost your father's bag so it's gonna take us about an hour. Can you pick us up from the airport?

Me: Me? Uh...

I dragged out the word as I thought back to my place that was currently messy.

Me: Me? I actually have an errand to run. Can I send an Uber?

Mom: That works as well...what is an Uber?

I sighed and face palmed myself.

Me: Just let me know when you are ready to leave.

Mom: Okay sweetie. I love you.

Me: I love you too, mom.

We hung up and I quickly finished my shopping spree in Wal-Mart before heading home. I quickly put the groceries away before looking around at my semi-messy kitchen. There were clean dishes in the sink, papers all over the counter and one cup in the sink.

One hour later, I was finished cleaning and re-cleaning the majority of the house and setting up one of the guest bedroom. I had a three bedroom and two baths. I had my own bathroom and they would too.

I was currently making the bed when my phone rang. I had it connected to my Bluetooth speaker so all I had to do was answer the phone.

Me: Yes?

I heard a bit of shuffling before ma's soft voice.

Ma: Kalani, hey sweetie.

Me: Oh, hi ma.

Ma: I was wondering if you found a day Lucas was going to come yet?

Me: I actually did. Tomorrow. I was going to call you later today to see what time and if tomorrow would be good for you guys.

Her soft laugh flowed through my speaker making me smile.

Ma: Tomorrow is perfect. My idiot of a husband is going to cook on the grill tomorrow. You still like barbecue?

Me: I do but that's the thing, my parents are in town. I don't know if-

Ma: Genevieve and Brian!?

Me: Those are my parents.

She laughed.

Ma: Bring them! It can be like old times!

A smile came upon my face as I finished their bedroom.

Me: I will then. Any specific time?

Ma: How does two sound?

Me: Sounds perfect. We'll see you then.

Ma: Alrighty.

We said our goodbyes and I switched over to my mother since she was calling.

I feel like a secretary right now.

Mom: I know I said an hour, but-

Me: It's okay. I can come get you now.

Mom: What about that errand?

Me: Just finished it.

Mom: Okay then. We'll be inside the cafe.

Me: Okay see you soon.

I hung up and sighed.

My parents- oh wait my bad, my mother is a perfectionist. Everything has to be perfect for her or she will bitch your ear off. She has to be the one to make dinner, or she will bitch your ear off. Everything has to be her way, or she will bitch your ear off. Do you see where I'm going with this?

But my father? Oh he's laid back. As long as there's a TV, beer, food and his babygirl (me) is okay, you most likely won't hear a peep from him.

I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car to drive thirty minutes away so I can get my parents.

I walked into the cafe while tying my hair up. I spotted them in a corner with my mom reading a book and my dad sipping coffee and looking around. I got his attention and smiled as I headed up to meet them.

Dad: There's my princess!

I laughed as he hugged me tightly.

Me: Hey daddy.

Daddy: How have you been?

Me: Okay I guess.

Daddy: Good.

We released the hug and I turned to my mom who stood there with a smile on her face (surprisingly) with her high heels on.

Me: Hi mom.

We leaned in and kissed each other's cheeks the "French" way or aka faire la bise.

Mom: Hello darling.

She patted my back instead of hugging me like dad.

Me: Well, are you ready?

Mom: Yes we are.

I looked at daddy for confirmation and he nodded.

Me: Well let's go then.

I led them out of the airport and out to where my car was parked.

Mom: A Mercedes, cute.

My mom had a Bentley and my dad had a Jaguar. So, my mother thought every car was "cute" since she had a damn Bentley.

Me: Thanks, I guess.

Dad: Your car is sweet princess. Your mom is just mad because this one is a newer model than hers.

Mom: It is not!

Me: Mines a 2017, what year is yours?

Mom didn't say anything.

Dad: A 2016.

Wow, something I had was newer than my moms? Im in shock.

My mother had to have the new everything, hint why she just got the iPhone X yesterday when I told her I just got mine a few weeks ago.

Mom: And that is why I am getting a new car next week.

See what I mean.

I didn't reply, instead I helped dad put the bags in the car while mom stood there. When we finished I shut the trunk and went around to the drivers seat to see my mother sitting in it.

Me: Uh what do you think you're doing.

Mom: Driving, keys?

Me: Uh no. Hop out.

Mom: "Hop out"? What does that mean.

Me: It means get out of my seat. I'm the only one who drives this baby, so move.

Mom: Do not speak to me like that.

Me: Mom, seriously, get out of my seat.

Dad: Genevieve, come on sweetheart. Let Kalani drive her own car.

Mom huffed but did as said but not after shooting me an expression. I got in my car with dad in the back and mom in the passenger seat. I started my engine and put it in drive. I held my foot on the break while connecting my phone to the Bluetooth and played one of my playlists. The first song was Neva End by Future and Kelly Rowland. I then pulled off.

Mom: What is this trash?

I was used to her talking about my music like that, so I just didn't reply, instead I switched on my turn signal and turned right onto the highway.

Since my phone was connected to the Bluetooth, whenever I had a notification like a text or call, it came onto my screen on my car and since my mom was nosey, she decided to click listen, but I didn't mind since it was from Lucas. The car played what the message said.

Figure out a time yet?
-Lucas ; 4:09 pm

I handed my phone to my dad since I know he won't snoop through my phone like my mother would.

Me: On the screen, your able to message without unlocking the phone. Can you reply to him saying I'll call you later?

Dad: You got it.

Pretty soon we arrived at my house. I parked and got out.

Mom: This is...nice.

Me: Thanks.

I unlocked the door and went inside after getting my phone back from dad.

Dad: Adorable place sweetheart.

I grinned at him.

Me: Thanks daddy. I know it's not big like your place but it's big enough for just one person.

Mom: Who's this?

She pointed at a picture on that table that consisted of me and Trinity.

Me: That's my bestfriend Trinity. You remember her, right? The dark sk-

Mom: I don't and your place is messy.

I'm starting to get tired of my mother and I haven't been with her for an hour yet.

Me: I just cleaned it.

Mom: Well you didn't do a good job. Then again, you never do.

Me: I'm sorry that I don't have a maid like you do.

She ignored my sentence and headed up the steps, I looked at my father who had an annoyed expression on his face as well.

Dad: Don't worry about your mother. Your place is clean, adorable and Trinity is a nice young lady.

I smiled at him.

Me: And this is why I love you more than mom.

We laughed and headed up the steps. I saw my door opened and walked inside to see my mom in the room.

Mom: I choose this-

Me: No you don't. This is my room, go choose another.

She huffed and walked out nearly knocking my lamp off of my dresser but my father caught it and put it back.

Me: I'm gonna kill her, dad.

He chuckled and followed behind his wife but not before mumbling "not if I get to her first.".

A few minutes later I decided to go check on my parents and to tell them the plan for tomorrow and to let my mother know she's not staying at my place when I'm not here because when I would've come back, everything would be re-arranged.

I knocked and entered when I heard the "come in" from daddy. My mother was unpacking and my father was sitting on the bed.

Me: Comfortable?

Mom: It'll do, I guess.

Dad: It's perfect.

I nodded.

Me: So, you guys remember Cordelia and Sean, right?

Mom: Lucas's grandparents?

Me: Yep.

Mom: Of course. How could I ever forget Cordelia? So sweet.

Me: Well, I got back in contact with them and she invited us over for barbecue tomorrow. It's at two so that's enough time to beat your face like a doll and get dressed.

I cut my eyes at my mother when I said "beat your face like a doll" because well, she looks like a legit doll when she has on makeup, whereas I look natural.

Dad: Okay sounds great.

Mom: Indeed. Whatever happened to Lucas?

Me: He uh came back.

Dad: That's great. Will he be there tomorrow?

Me: Yes. I may be picking him up along the way.

Mom: Alright.

Dad: Can't wait.

I laughed.

Me: You can't wait to help Sean on the grill you mean.

For ma and pa to be half their age, they both get along great and I forget that their grandparents and parents. It's weird...and crazy.

Dad: You know it!

I shook my head.

Me: Okay well I'm in the house for the rest of the day. If you need anything let me know and well, yeah.

Dad: Okay sweetheart.

My mother nodded her head as she looked at her iPhone X that had a glittery case on it.

I shook my head and went back into my room, closing the door in the process.

- - - - 

Chapter 11

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