park jimin fluff collection ❤︎

By emilylovesbangtan

118K 2.1K 901

[ Highest Ranking: #3 in Jiminie, #10 at PJM ] For those who love fluff. Fluff fluff fluff. No very dirty sin... More

1. Beautiful
2. Hugs
3. Goodnight
4. Cold Nights
Rest in peace Jonghyun
5. A Special Christmas
6. Happy New Year!
7. First Kiss
8. I love you
9. I'm all ears
10. I really like you
11. I'll miss you
12. Your Book
13. Library Kiss
14. Piano
15. Umbrella
16. Happy Valentine's Day
17. Blanket
18. Power Outage
19. Call
20. Love Letter
22. Ice Cream
23. Jacket
24. Miss Right
25. Stuff Animal Fight
26. April Fools
27. Sick Day
28. Plane Trip
29. Wanna date?
30. Cheeks
31. Smile
32. Handsome
33. Pink Dress
34. Hands
35. Holding Hands
36. Roses
37. Hoodie
38. Photo Booth
39. Puppy
discontinued !

21. Converse High

1.4K 36 8
By emilylovesbangtan

a/n: inspired from converse high, one of my favorite bts songs~


"Hey Jimin-ah?" I asked, looking at my boyfriend sitting next to me. He was leaning on my shoulder, watching anime on his phone.

"Yes my dear?" He said, pausing his show. He was watching One Piece, his favorite. 

"I need your help. I want to order some new shoes, since my old ones are pretty old now." 

I said, showing him my phone screen. I showed him the screenshots of certain sneakers I wanted to buy. 

"I want to order some new sneakers. Just don't know which... " I showed him the ones I thought of buying. Jimin has helped me with clothes so much. He's not like your typical boyfriend, who doesn't bother to help with this kind of stuff. 

That's because he's Park Jimin, much more than average. 

Jimin's eyes lit up once he saw a pair of red converse high on the screen. 

"Oh! Get those ones!" 

"Eh? The converse high?" I said, looking at them. They would replace my old converse low tops, since those ones are over worn and dead, but would the color red suit me? Would converse high look good on me? 

"Yeah! Converse highs would look so good on your feet jagi. We could go to the store right now and buy them, if you want to try them on to see how they look." 

He grinned at me. 

I smiled. "Well, if you really think they would look good on me, we could go now?" 

"Okay. I'll go get ready." 

Jimin happily jumped off the couch and went into our room, changing out of his sweats quickly into casual wear.

I also changed into something. And then we were off to the mall. 


"Jagi, we found them, the shoes. Let's look for your size... " Jimin happily looked for my shoe size, as I happily watched him. He's so cute when he lights up like that. 

"Here, your size." 

He motioned for me to sit down on a bench, and gently took off my heels. He put on one converse on my right foot like Prince Charming putting the glass slipper on Cinderella. 

"Wow, they look cute on you! Ahh, my girlfriend is as pretty as any model..." Jimin started to gush over my one foot. I giggled.

"Jimin, do you like me with heels or converse better?" I asked, taking off the converse and putting it back into the box. 

"Well, converse of course... " He smiled.

"Really? Why?" I asked, putting my heel back on and picking up the shoe box. 

"Because you look so cute in them! I can't help it. You look so good in converse. They fit perfectly with you. I really like your converse high, jagi." 

"I don't even own them yet."

"Well, you will soon!" Jimin put his hand into mine and dragged me to the lines. The shop didn't have many people in it, so it was a short line. As we were in the line, Jimin picked up a pair of white and black striped socks that reached my ankles. 

He told me that it was for me. I didn't disagree, I wanted some new socks anyway. 

"I'll pay," Jimin said, giving the lady his credit card.

"What? Jimin-" 

"I was the one who wanted you to get the converse high though? And, my treat." 

He winked. 

I sighed and smiled. "Okay, fine." 

Once Jimin paid for the shoes, he pointed at a bench and motioned for us to sit down. We sat down, and he took out the shoe box from the bag. 

"I can't wait, put them on!" He said, taking off my shoes. He quickly put on the new socks onto my feet. Luckily, no one was nearby to see a happy Jimin take off my shoes... 

"Jimin my heels-" 

"Screw your heels, let's get it with your converse high." 

He tied the laces for me, put my old heels back into the shoe box that went back into the bag, and leaned down to kiss my forehead. 

"I really like your converse high, baby." 

Does this boy love me or the converse?

 I chuckled, kissing him softly once he sat down beside me. He kissed me back, and pulled away to admire my feet. I wiggled my legs, looking at my shoes. They did look good. 

"Do you want me to wear converse high for our wedding?" I said, chuckling. Jimin started to laugh, imagining me in a big beautiful wedding gown paired with red converse high. 

"I mean, I won't mind that." 


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