The Boss's Daughter~Dean Ambr...

By nickimarshall21

5.2K 80 0

Nicole is the daughter of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Jon Good is one third of the shield. Nicole and Jon... More

Nicole Levesque
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29~LAST CHAPTER!!!!

Chapter 24

113 2 0
By nickimarshall21


It's been a month since the whole Randy situation. He hasn't been bothering us for a while and Jon and I are very happy about that. Anyway, my dad told me there's a new diva starting tonight on Raw. I think he said her name was Sarah. I'm supposed to show her around the arena before the show. Right now, Jon and I are going to my dad's office to meet her.

When we got there, I knocked on the door and heard a muffled 'come in'. Jon and I went inside to see my dad and the new diva.

"Nicki, Jon, I'm glad you're here. This is Sarah. She's new to the WWE. I would like the two of you to show her around the arena before the show and show her where her locker room is," my dad told us. "Okay," Jon and I said. He nodded. "Umm... Paul? Who am I wrestling for my debut?" Sarah asked. "You're actually facing Nicki tonight." She nodded hesitantly. "You three may go," Dad said. The three of us nodded and left.

"Sarah, don't worry about your debut match. You'l do fine," I told her. "I'm not really sure about that. I've seen what you can do out in the ring," she replied. "Sarah, you'll be fine. You just need to have confidence in yourself," Jon said. She just nodded.

Jon and I showed her around the arena and her locker room. "If you ever need us, give me a text or call," I said giving her my number. "Okay. Thanks. I guess I'll see you later," she said. "Yup." She gave a small smile and went in her locker room.


Raw just started and I'm just chilling with my boys in the locker room. Mine and Sarah's match is the second match tonight.

"Nicki, do you think Sarah's nervous for your match?" Colby asked. "Well, she looked scared when she was told I'm facing her tonight." "Do you want me at ringside for you?" Jon asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at commentary?" "Oh yeah. That's right." I slapped him upside the head. "What was that for??" Jon asked rubbing the back of his head. "For being an idiot." He just glared at me. "You know I love you baby!!" I told him giving him a hug. He sighed and hugged me back. "I love you too Nicki."

"Nicki and Sarah to the ramp. Nicki and Sarah to the ramp."

That was my cue. Jon and I said goodbye to Colby and Joe and left the locker room. We met up with Sarah at the ramp entrance.

"Hey Sarah. Good luck out there," I told her. "Thanks Nicki." I smiled at her. My theme went off and Jon and I headed to the ring.

"Making her way to the ring, being accompanied by Dean Ambrose, she is the divas champion, Nicki!!" The crowd erupted in cheers as I entered the ring. My theme stopped and Sarah's music played through the speakers. "And her opponent, Angel!!" The crowd cheered for her as she made her way down the ramp and entered the ring. Jon gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and exited the ring to join commentary. I put my championship belt on the edge of the apron and the ref rang the bell.

Jon's POV

I left the ring and joined commentary.

"Dean, it's always nice to see you," Michael said. "Yeah. I now." "All of us have been wondering, why do you always accompany Nicki to the ring?" JBL asked. "Because she's my fiance and I love her. Am I not allowed to be ringside for my fiance??" I asked. He didn't say anything. "That's what I thought." Jerry chuckled. I smiled to myself and I payed close attention to the match. Sarah had Nicki in a figure four leg lock.

"Dean, what do you think Nicki will do??" Michael asked. "Knowing her, she's gonna reach for the bottom rope. There's no way she's gonna tap." I focused on the match again. Sarah still had Nicki in the hold. Nicki struggled for the bottom rope and finally got it causing Sarah to break the hold.

Normal POV

I reached the bottom rope making Sarah release the hold. The ref told Sarah to stand back while I sat in the corner of the ring. I slowly got up using the ropes for support. Sarah came after me, but I ducked and kicked her in the stomach. I grabbed her and hit her with dirty deeds. I went for the pin.


"And your winner, the divas champion, Nicki!!" The audience erupted in cheers as the ref raised my arm. Jon climbed in the ring handing me my belt. He helped me out of the ring and up the ramp. Once we were backstage, we waited until Sarah showed up. She came backstage about two minutes later.

"Great job out there Sarah," I said. "Thanks Nicki. That means a lot coming from you." I smiled. "No problem. We'll see you later Sarah." She nodded and Jon and I headed to our locker room.

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