
By Nikki_Naiame

30.5K 1.3K 134

Highest Rankings: #1 in the Weasleys category 04-2020 #1 in the Feral category 09-2021 Book Trailer: https:... More

Strange Encounter
Most Unfortunate
A Quiet Succes
Silent Understanding
Shared Secrets
A Flicker Of One's Past
Special Author's Note!
Meeting Humans
Backfired Potions
Another Friendship
New Allies
Divided Loyalties
Utter Madness
Infected with Potter Luck
Stone of Change
A new role
Quick Question!
Unplanned Reconciliation

Troublesome Humans

1.3K 75 6
By Nikki_Naiame



Someone was calling her name? The young girl stirred in her sleep before her eyes fluttered open, for a moment confused at where she was. Then the memories of the day before came crashing down on her, and it took her but a second to sit up on the branch, her silvery-blue orbs staring down underneath her. There in the snow, stood the grumpy form of Severus Snape, glaring up at the branch she was seated on. Adeline groaned and clacked her tongue in dismay, allowing herself a moment to wake up. She stretched her arms above her head and smiled in content as the bones popped, before she briskly turned around and dropped from the tree. For a second, the girl just fell before she turned around in the air and landed on the soles of her bare feet. She squatted down and rolled over her shoulder through the snow to catch the impact of her landing, before standing up straight infront of her professor. Both of her hands reached up to pluck the dirt from her white hairs, arching a brow at the impatient man before her. She was displeased with being awoken in such a manner. ''Insolent little girl! You have a room to sleep in.'' Snape snapped at her, tucking his wand back in his sleeve. He had assumed she would fall to her death, and was ready to use a spell to float her down. But once more, the girl surprised him by seemingly unharmed making it to the ground. Adeline snorted at her troublesome professor, tearing her gaze away from him only to turn around and walk in the direction of the school. She was not in the mood to deal with mr gloom & doom right now. She heard him sigh behind her before his loud footsteps followed her through the crunchy snow. The girl cringed at the loudness of his movements, surprised he managed to roam these woods unharmed if he was as loud as a wailing child. Regardless of her growing distaste for the man she once found interesting, Adeline slowed her pace so they were walking next to one another. Snape's onyx eyes locked on her bracelet, staring it down intently. 

As he didn't speak but just kept staring, Adeline suddenly stopped walking and crossed her arms, glaring at him. If he had something to say, he better had said it now. Right now. Onyx eyes met with silvery blue as he too stopped walking, clearing his throat once. ''I do not remember buying a bracelet with you.'' He spoke in his usual monotome voice, arching a black eyebrow at her. Adeline sighed, allowing her fingers to tap against the bracelet, the wood sparkling once before it shifted and formed into her wand, which she held firmly in her hand. Snape's usually pursed lips formed a surprised little o, before he recollected himself. He plucked some imaginary dust from his black cloak before turning to walk to the castle. ''Impressive, Miss Adeline.'' She heard him mutter under his breath before she walked after him, aimlessly holding the wand in her hand. It felt warm, and Adeline could have sworn it had a heartbeat of its own.

It was dinner time now, and Adeline made her way towards the Great Hall in her black robes, the bracelet secure around her left wrist. She smiled and nodded to the paintings she walked passed, ignoring some of the rude comments the Slytherin ones made. She stepped through the doors of the Great Hall, her silvery-blue gaze locked on a big table in the middle. The tables the students usually sat on were gone, and the Great Hall harboured but one big, round table for all of Hogwarts Staff to sit and eat. And with her unusual circumstances, Adeline ate with them until school began. Up until now, she had succesfully avoided eating with them, sneaking out at meal times to roam the woods and play with the horde of deer she had befriended. Today however, Headmaster Dumbledore had come to her chambers and caught her right outside her door as she was about to sneak off again. Although with his usual, friendly smile; Dumbledore had made it quite clear that she had to come to dinner tonight, or there would be consequences. And so here she was, reluctantly seating herself in one of the vacant chairs next to Professor Snape. She gave him a curt nod in acknowledgement, remembering how he had found her in the Forbidden Forest that very morning. Her cheeks flushed a faint pink hue as she recalled her stubborn and rather childish behaviour, turning her gaze away from the man to eye the table infront of her. ''Good, good. Now that Miss Adeline has arrived, let us enjoy our dinner.'' Dumbledore spoke up calmly, before he clapped his hands once. As if on que, the empty plates and bowls on the table filled up with a rich variety of food, and Adeline froze on the spot. Here she was, hungry and thin most of her life because she had to fight for her food, while these witches and wizards had festive meals prepared as if for a Royal Family. The girl scrunched her nose, doubtful if her tiny little stomach could harbor any of the cooked meals. Instead, Adeline reached out and took an apple from a bowl of fruit, planting her teeth in it like how she would eat in the forest. She planted her feet on the seat of her chair, and squatted down on the chair much like she had down on the snowy ground, that faithful day that Snape had found her to bring her to Hogwarts. 

The small Professor Flitwick ignored the weird position of the girl, he himself too busy with the delightful food. Headmaster Dumbledore seemed only amused by what she did, and allowed her to continue in peace. Professor McGonogall was about to speak up, her wrinkled face scrunched up in shock at such table manners. But it was  to everyones surprise that Severus Snape spoke up first, glaring at the girl from his seat next to her. ''Can you not eat normal, child?'' he spat, arching one of his black eyebrows at her in disdain. Adeline devoured her last piece of apple, her silvery-blue eyes meeting with his onyx ones after he spoke. The young girl remembered him saying something similar that day in the woods, and she allowed her gaze to roam over the others. She then glanced down at her own sitting position, and the fact that her hands were covered in the fruits sticky juices. A small but noticeable blush formed on her pale little cheeks as Adeline slid down and sat on the chair much like the adults around her, embarrassment evident on her face. Snape sneered at his young student before he returned to his food, pricking little bites on a fork and lifting that to his mouth. Adeline observed him for a moment before she tapped her bracelet, smiling softly as it formed into her wand. Two sticky fingers grabbed it carefully, as she muttered something under her breath so she transfigured her empty plate into a small towel for her hands. Her wand slithered around her wrist and turned back into the wooden bracelet as Adeline took the towel and cleaned her hands, before she dipped it across the white wood now curled around her skin to clean it as well. Only then did the young girl realise just how quiet it had become, and she lifted her head to stare up into the stunned gazes of every adult. Her little blush deeped into a crimson one, and she cleared her throat nervously as she settled the now dirty towel on the table. 

''May I see the bracelet, my dear?'' Dumbledore spoke up, finally breaking the silence. Adeline hesitated before she lifted her pale hand and slowly brought it towards him, showing him the white wooden bracelet that was her wand. Dumbledore took her hand in his and even though his touch was gentle, Adeline froze. She curled her lips up to expose her teeth, growling once as she snatched her hand back and pressed it against her chest. Her heart  was beating irratically fast and little Adeline was shaking in genuine fear. Another panic attack was nearing, caused by another person touching her. For some strange reason, this felt worse then when Snape had touched her, but right now her mind was too clouded to really notice. She bit down on her bottomlip to prevent herself from snapping her teeth at any of them, her little chest heaving up and down to the point of her hyperventilating. She saw the Professors discuss amongst themselves frantically but she was too occupied with her messy mind to hear what they were saying. ''Miss Adeline.'' She heard someone close by say, startling her out of her seat. She took a few steps away from the table, clutching both of her hands to her chest. Air. She needed fresh air. ''Adeline!'' She heard the same, velvety voice snap, this time without formalities attached. She glanced around until she saw Professor Snape, holding the door open so she could rush outside. Adeline nodded at him in gratitude before running through the door, dropping on all fours in the hallway and taking off in a sprint to the forest. All the while, Severus Snape stood in the doorway, watching with genuine worry as the girl took off on all fours.

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