Noble Adonis: Glory of Chaos...

By DawntoPandemonium

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Synopsis: Shion is a regular student going to a well looked upon university. At the moment, there is noth... More

Chapter 1: A Predetermined Meeting
Chapter 2: Chaos on another stage
Chapter 3: Without a trace
Chapter 4: Turmoil of the past
Chapter 5: Torn
Chapter 6: A turn for the worst
Chapter 7: A different vision
Chapter 8: From Blood To Blood
Chapter 9: Grasping Air
Chapter 10: A betrayal on both sides
Chapter 11: A Matter of Risk and Profit
Chapter 12: Desperation, Anguish and Pain
Chapter 13: To eat or to starve?
Chapter 14: Trouble on the frontline
Chapter 15: Duel between kings
Chapter 16: The countdown to the end
Chapter 17: The King Looks Back
Chapter 18: A lover's heist
Chapter 19: Pre-party Plans
Chapter 20 A night worth anticipating for all but her
Chapter 21: Hoax of Reliance
Chapter 22: A home to return to
Chapter 23: The Unveiling
Chapter 24: Descendent of the Devil
Chapter 25: Marriage takes two
Chapter 26: A partnership that could turn the world
Chapter 27: Flowers and Food
Chapter 28: What should I do?
Chapter 29: Dense
Chapter 30: Not so child friendly
Chapter 31: What are we?
Chapter 32: Getting Closer
Chapter 33: The embers of an unforgiving emotion
Chapter 34: Suitable
Chapter 35: A butterfly carried by the wind
Chapter 36: A sad smile
Chapter 37: Batting for the other team
Chapter 38: Money problems
Chapter 39: Playing date detective
Chapter 40: Crossroads
Chapter 41: Phobia
Chapter 42: Forgive and Forget?
Chapter 43: Bitter Sweetooth
Chapter 45: Step number one
Chapter 46: Shocked Frozen
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: A disaster in the making
Chapter 49: 20 Questions with consequences
Chapter 50
Chapter 51: The first fitting
Chapter 52 Changing Tide
Chapter 53: Sanity, Balance and Eternity
Chapter 54: Singleton
Chapter 55: Sombre and Sobre
Chapter 56: A new approach to intimacy

Chapter 44: The sweetness of daily life

1.9K 79 3
By DawntoPandemonium

Chapter 44:

"It's really late. I think it's about time we head home," Shion smiled joyfully as he held Orion's phone.

The previously opened google maps had been closed after the streets became more recognizable.

"I'll send you home then," replied Orion regretfully.

Having spent so many hours with Orion, he was also beginning to feel slightly exhausted, but still he hoped that tonight would never end.

Orion hesitated for a few moments, "I'll come find you tomorrow."

"Haven't you skipped enough work yet?" Shion laughed lightly.

Orion blushed slightly hearing the accusation in Shion's words. It was true, someone with as high a standing in the world as Orion could never take off as many days and nights as he had so far. Orion had only managed to spend days accompanying Shion simply because he had forcefully made Levi rearrange his schedule to clear out a week block under the threat of doing it himself.

Chuckling guiltily, Orion rubbed his head as he defended, "I officially took a week off, so I still have a few days to spare."

"Oh, an in-demand model and high ranking member of the Lukenlore company can casually take a week off?" Shion doubtfully pondered out loud.

Putting both his hands in the air, Orion surrendered, "Ok, ok, I told Levi that if he didn't rearrange my schedule and clear a week for me, I'd do it myself and scared him half to death."

"...Don't organise anything. If you touch your schedule I'm sure you'd make it that you're in Paris in the morning and New York by the afternoon. Your ability to organise is at the same level as my piano playing," Shion cringed.

Rolling his eyes, Orion grumbled, "Then you don't play piano. I don't want my ears to bleed and die. The noise you make can shock someone to epic proportions for all the wrong reasons."

"I can still make noise. It's fine. My fingers are famous for their ability to type on computer keys no piano keys," Shion blurted arrogantly while turning up his nose.

At his arrogant comment, Orion reached up and pinched Shion's nose.

"Don't be so arrogant, little prince," Orion snorted happily.

Feeling the light touch on his nose, Shion swatted away the hand while complaining about injustice. However, while Shion accepted this gesture as if it were part of normal everyday life, Orion was on the border of having his heart bust out of his chest. He'd taken liberties with Shion before, and their skin-to-skin contact wasn't little; however, even touching Shion's cute little nose gave him such a thrill. Originally, he thought he'd never be able to touch Shion again, but despite everything, feeling the soft tissue under is fingers, Orion could practically feel his heart beating out of his chest. He happily retrieved his hand with a light laugh after being swatted away as he basked in the euphoric feel of skin contact with his beloved. He felt like a high school boy. Correction, his high school self was a bastard through and through. He felt like a smitten high school boy. Pulling up outside of Shion's home, Orion felt the need to add touch to his farewell. However, knowing that he'd just made up with Shion, he didn't want to break the level of trust that he'd built up through threading sickly sweet words together in a heartfelt apology. Knowing he probably wouldn't be able to come up with such heartfelt words for while, Orion stuck with contact that was a little bit more acceptable. Sitting in a parked car outside of the large house, Orion smiled gently as he rustled Shion's hair with enough force to turn it into a chicken nest.

"See you tomorrow, Shion," Orion farewelled.

With a mocking face, Shion shielded his head a minute to late before smiling, waving and turning to the house. In a leisurely gait, he strolled up to the front door causing the porch light to flicker.

Having seen Shion at the door with his hand on the handle, Orion lifted his foot from the brake to ease away from the curb when he saw Shion rustling through all his pockets, and fishing out his phone. Curiously, Orion stayed to watched on with amusement.

After flipping out all his pockets, Shion's face looked as dark as the bottom of a pot. He turned around and stalked back to Orion's car.

"Phone," Shion commanded.

"Y-Yes, queen," Orion sniggered mockingly on the verge of full-blown laughing

Passing the phone over to the outstretched hand, Orion again embraced being able to have their fingertips touch. He must be losing his mind to be moved over simple finger touching.

Tapping in the password, Shion unlocked the phone with ease as if it were his own, and dialled Avery's number.

He the slight click indicating someone picked up Shion aggravatedly demanded, "Door, open, now."

"The hell are you back so early. Go roll in the sheets and warm the bed or something. You're so crabby that I'm starting to think you need to get laid," Avery complained over the phone.

"Open the door," Shion replied flatly.

"Ok, ok. I got it, queen," Avery mumbled as the sound of wood creaking was heard.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Shion asked curiously.

Curiously, Avery questioned, "What?"

Without any amount of shame, Shion replied, "Queen."

Avery burst out guffawing as the sound of his steady footsteps stopped indicating that he'd literally bent over laughing.

"I couldn't imagine anything less from you, Shion, my liege," Avery said between laughter.

Rolling his eyes, Shion hung up and passed the phone back to Orion embarrassedly. Having heard Shion's animated interaction with Avery, Orion was a little more than jealous; however, with a straight face, he was prepared to drive away when he saw movement from his peripheral vision.

A hand reached over and ruffled his waxed hair into a shameful state.

"Good night," Shion whispered with a vibrant grin as he heard the door open.

After retrieving his hand from the nest of hair, Shion peered at his digits, "Ewww...gel. Who were you trying to impress?"

Orion's deadpan expression spoke more than words could say in that moments as he watched Shion wave and walk back towards the house.

Touching his hair, Orion rubbed the gel between his fingers. Well, it certainly was an interesting texture. As he sped away from Shion home, he felt a warmth in his heart that had never been there before. Unlike that butterflies that flittered around when his chest when he was close to Shion, this warmth spread to his limbs like a gentle breeze. It was an addicting feeling of just basking in the gentle sun that caused him emotions to bubble positively. One hand on the wheel, Orion touched his forehead for a minute to make sure he wasn't suffering a fever, and taking a big whiff of air to ensure he wasn't high on petrol fumes before he allowed himself to bask in this fluffy feeling.

The drive home was totally silent, but even then, Orion seemed to be experiencing some visual hallucinations because he kept replaying the scene of his hair being ruffled over and over again.

"Focus," Orion ushered under his breath.

Despite his serious self-talk, a smile sweet to the point of being stupid was still spread across his face.

Even when settling in to bed, this sweet feeling still failed to leave the confines of his chest.

The following morning, Levi sat in the kitchen with a pile of documents as he commented, "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you face, but it's your money making tool, so I'd appreciate if you didn't damage it."

Ignoring the offensive comment, Orion turned his head and continued to drink his coffee at a leisurely pace.

After a long sip drawn out to piss Levi off, Orion asked, "Why are you here at an unholy hour of the morning thrusting hot coffee into my hands?"

"You know perfectly well you lazy son of a one eyed pig," Levi complained incessantly.

Cocking his head to the side in feigned innocence, Orion smirked as he said, "Humour me."

"You told me to clear you schedule for a week, so I did, but don't forget that you're also someone with deadlines to meet, movies to film and documents to sign. I had to go and send half my yearly salary's worth of gifts to all the people you've managed to piss off in a single week," Levi practically roared.

"...We should increase your salary then," Levi voiced.

"I'm going to hit you over the head with a phone book," Levi announced.

"I implore that you don't do that," Orion chuckled.

"That's not it! There's work to be done. I don't want to spend my time rearranging your schedule everyday because you want to play a dating game. You're a professional, so act like one. If you make me clear another week of you schedule again, I will whip that gold spoon you were born with straight out of your mouth and beat you over the head," Levi yelled.

"I've got a vicious manager, but you know, even though you've said all that, you still haven't told me why you're here. If you're searching for a place to do your work, I'd recommend the headquarters of the office. The lighting's better, and you can get free coffee," Orion calmly pondered.

Had it not been damaging to the face, Levi would probably have thrown the pen in his hand into Orion's face.

"I need you signature. This is all the paperwork that you've allowed to pile up. Until you get half of it done, don't even think about leaving the house," Levi said indicating the sky high pile of documents.

Seeing the mounting of documents, Orion sighed. He drew one from the top of the pile and carelessly signed without readings. Quickly and meticulously, he grabbed four sheets and signed all four. Then he grabbed six and signed six all without reading the fine prints.

Levi, not being able to stand the careless behaviour, rolled up a newspaper and hit Orion of the head.

"Those aren't random contracts, you buffoon. Some of them are co-operation contracts, employment contracts and other contracts that require reading the fine prints. It isn't as easy a putting a signature. Read them, and make sure there are no mistakes," Levi sighed pitifully.

Uninterestedly, Orion began seriously working through them. While the documents were being read, all the thoughts revolving in his head were of spending a glorious day out in the sun with Shion.

Levi watched Orion in a foul mood as he noticed his eyes glazing over. The fool wasn't even paying attention to the papers in his hand. He had been sitting without moving for close to an hour already.

"I get it. I get it. Go on your stupid date. You'd better be home tonight to finish these off. My job is relying on you handing in your documents," Levi huffed.

Finally free of the annoyance, Orion bounded up and six feet away from the cursed paperwork he was being forced to do. He rushed to the bathroom to fix up his overall appearance before finally leaving the house in less than fifteen minutes.

Levi brought his hand to his forehead to calm down his anger in hopes that his frustrations wouldn't put him in a psychotic state.

While his manager felt like banging his head against a brick wall, the culprit confidently walked away from the house look the part of a regular human on the streets in a deceptively plain looking pair of jeans, a top and haircut that mostly shielded his appearance.

He descended into the underground parking lot throwing his car keys in a playful manner and catching them. It was finally time to head out.

A/N: I'm not entirely happy with this chapter. May make a few edits later. Not that I haven't written a chapter in such a tired state that I practically drunk, just that I've never been this hesitant over posting it, but it's Tuesday, and this chapter is like 4 days over due...><.

Ah, for those of you who wanted to see some of my other novels, I'll upload a new story under the title 'Story collection' which will literally be the first chapter of a few of my less horrific stories. Check it out if you're interested. ^^ There'll be some really strange ones in there. I have a lot of ideas, but none that are written down at this tiresome. I'll get to it eventually. Not all of my stories are bl though which is a pity. 

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