The Drummer's Sister

By imabitchxx

307K 2.7K 303

Elle is Josh Devine's little sister. She isn't your ordinary girl. Elle is a bit of a wild child. This summer... More

The Drummer's Sister: Chapter I
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter II
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter IV
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter V
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter VI
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter VII
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter VIII
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter IX
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter X
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XI
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XII
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XIII
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XIV
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XV
The Drummer's Sister: Chapter XVI

The Drummer's Sister: Chapter III

20.2K 218 8
By imabitchxx

After the introductions, Louis and Zayn went to their room across the hall to get ready for sound check while Harry stayed to take a shower and Niall went to get some food. Shocker. Me and Liam stayed in the sitting room and just chatted. He was really easy to talk to and honestly a total sweetheart.

"So... Elle, have you got your eyes on any of the lads yet?" Liam asked cheekily as he wiggled his eyebrows. I was actually surprised by his bluntness but it made me chuckle.

I leaned in closer to him on the couch and smiled flirtatiously. I was practically on his lap when I whispered sensually in his ear. "Yeah, of course, I do..." and I left him hanging as I leaned back.

He looked at me with a grin, "And who might that be?" he asked.

I knew he was with some dancer called Danielle, I think, but I thought it'd be fun to mess with him. I leaned close to his ear once again and let out a soft breath before speaking. "...babe, it's you..." I said as I once again pulled away from him. I sat there smirking waiting for his response.

He looked at me smiling, which then turned into an expression of confusion once I began giggling uncontrollably. "As flattering as that is," he spoke, "I have a girlfriend." He was so cute, he said that in the most loyal and non-hurtful way he could think of. I'd never go for a guy who was with a girl already, but it was still sweet.

"Babe, no worries," I said chuckling, "I was only doing that to mess with you. You are really cute, but I know you're with Danielle, that's what she's called right?" he nodded, still with a confused look to his face. "And, plus, I've got my eyes on someone else," I finished with an innocent smile on my face.

He instantly connected his eyes with mine before saying what we both already knew, "Harry." I smiled. He sat back on the couch and chuckled. "Of course," he said smiling. "You are quite a catch, I'm sure he thinks similar thoughts about you," he said with a wink. We both know he was referring to sex, because honestly Liam was cheeky bastard himself. But truth be told, I'd fuck Harry any day... or any of the other lads for that matter... the single ones that is.

I simply just grinned at Liam's cheekiness. Oh yeah, me and him would get on just fine. I looked to the clock on the wall, it read 3 o'clock. "Shit," I said, "I better start and get ready. What time are we leaving for the sound check?"

Liam looked to the watch on his wrist before saying we'd be leaving in a half hour. "Thanks babe," I said before kissing his cheek and entering the bedroom with my luggage.

I pulled out a sheer vest top and a lace patterned bandeau bra from my luggage. Along with high waisted denim short shorts. Before putting them on I headed to the en suite to do my makeup, but I forgot it was in use by Harry. So I went to the vanity instead and applied a small amount of blusher, minimal eyeliner and some mascara. I smothered my lips in shiny gloss. I puckered my mouth and stared at myself in the mirror. Not too shabby. My hair was in a messy but still attractive tousle which was fine for me.

I looked out the bedroom door to the sitting room, to find it empty, Liam must have left to get ready as well. As I walked into the kitchenette to get a glass, the door opened and there was Niall, with a massive bag of Doritos, two bags of Oreos, a bowl of popcorn, and a jar of Nutella.

"Hey love!" he hollered as he walked in and placed all his findings on the counter. I stared at him questioningly as I took a sip of my water from my glass.

"What?! I get hungry!" he defended in his cute Irish accent. That accent would literally be the death of me. I just chuckled.

"Okay, babe. Whatever you say. I'm using you and Harry's room to get ready if that's alright?" He smiled and nodded in approval. Before leaving I planted a kiss friendly kiss on his cheek. As cute as Niall was, we were just friends, and he knew that so things weren't awkward at all.

I walked back into the bedroom and shut the door. And there stood in front of me with no shame was a butt naked Harry Styles, granted his back was to me and he probably didn't know I was in the room but still! Damn he had a nice arse, I couldn't help but stare. But before I did something I regret, I coughed a bit to get his attention. He swiftly turned his head around. "Bloody hell!" he cursed.

"Harry, please do us both a favor and put some pants on, okay?" I said calmly but chuckling. I turned away as he put on his underpants and some trousers. I still was giggling, "Done?" I asked. I heard a sound of acknowledgment and turned to face him. His cheeks were a deep deep red colour. "Is the one and only, shameless Harry Styles blushing?!" I teased as I walked closer to him, as I was standing by the door earlier.

"Please babe, call me Haz or Hazza whenever you feel like. It's my nickname you know," he said with a cheesy grin. "And I only blush when there's an attractive female in the room," he winked at me. I couldn't help but stare at his toned torso which was still dripping with water. Holy fuck he was hot, I let out a soft involuntary moan at the thought of all the things I wanted to do to him. Shit, stop with those thoughts, Elle. He doesn't see you like that.

Fuck, it. I'm gonna make the most out of this.

"Woah, babe. Are you okay there?" he quizzed whilst smirking cheekily.

I leaned close to his ear and whispered sexually, "Yeah Haz, I'm fine... It's just you're arse, is so fit...!" And with that, I smacked his arse playfully and headed into the en suite with my clothes for the show. I couldn't resist myself from winking at him.


The sound check had gone well, or so I was told. Paul said that I couldn't watch because Josh and the lads wanted the entire show to be a surprise to me. So the lucky girl that I was, I got to spend a whole three hours sitting in a dressing room off the side of the stage. It was small, with one small sofa next to a side table and a vanity with a stool. I splayed my body on the sofa comfortably. I decided to pull out my mobile and go on twitter. Nobody back home really was aware that I was on tour with One Direction so I figured I should put it out there. My tweet:

HellYeahElle: Met the boys from @onedirection today! Should be a rather fun summer :)

I had a substantial amount of followers because I was Josh Devine's little sister but nothing compared to what all those boys had. Less that five minutes later, I noticed I had gotten a follow from all the boys, @Real_Liam_Payne, @zaynmalik, @NiallOffical, @Louis_Tomlinson, and even the elusive @Harry_Styles. Almost instantly I saw my follower count raise drastically. Ooh, I was cool because I was friends with One Direction. Just as I set my phone down on the side table, I heard the familiar sound of Coldplay's song Paradise fill the room. I answered the phone. "It's Elle," I said into the speaker.

"ELLIE BELLY!" Fuck. It was Charlotte. She always thought we were friends but in actuality we weren't. She had always had the biggest crush on Josh and only used me to be closer to him. So I wasn't exactly shocked when she called right after I mentions the very attractive lads of One Direction. Plus, she calls me Ellie Belly... which no one does, because it sounds fucking stupid.

"Goodbye Charlotte." I said and hung up. That bitch needed to get rid of my number. As I hung up, the door to the dressing room opened. It was Zayn and Josh.

"Hey," I said as I stood up. I had to admit Zayn looked bloody attractive, and there stood Josh looking dorky as ever next to him. I was probably only saying that because he was my brother, but whatever.

"Hey squirt," he said. Really? Again, with the 'squirt?' I saw Zayn giggle at my expense. I punched his arm and he winced. I stuck my tongue out him. "Grow up you two," Josh smirked.

"Shut up," I teased, "You're only twenty." I then stuck my tongue out at him too. Zayn hi-fived me. Yup, I like this guy.

"Anyway, loser," Josh began, "Zayn's here to take you to your seat in the audience before the crowd is let in, you'll be sitting in the second row. Don't cause too much trouble, okay?" I nodded in agreement. "Thanks squirt, love you," he said.

"Love you too... I guess," I joked. He messed up my already messy hair and kissed my forehead. Zayn continued to chuckle at our sibling "love."

"Alright, babes let's go then," he said after he composed his giggles. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I complimented it by wrapping my arm around his waist, as he was much taller than me. As we walked, arms still around each other, he started talking. "So I heard you got an eye full of Hazza's arse," he asked cheekily. I blushed. "You liked it, didn't you?" he quizzed with a smirk plastered on his face. Again, my cheeks turned to a rose colour.

I playfully smacked his own arse as we continued walking. "Not as much as I like yours, babes," I said with my own smirk. I liked messing with these boys, they made it so damn easy. His eyes went wide. "Kidding Zayn," I said giggling. "But you do have a nice one on you there, babe," I teased.

"You are perfect for Harry," he chuckled. "You just might be able to play his game better than he can," he winked. I just smiled back at him.

We proceeded into the arena and Zayn brought me to my seat in the second row, which was just on the aisle. I actually had an fantastic view. I let go of Zayn, and looked back into the arena. It was massive, the rows seemed to go on for days. "The arena is so grand," I said still in awe of the whole thing. Zayn looked to me and smiled, he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him and smiled sincerely, he really was a handsome lad.

"Have fun, okay? I'll see you later, love," he said. He leaned in and gave me a tender kiss on the forehead. Not even gonna lie, his lips on my forehead just made me melt.

"Bye," I said and as I did he left to go back to the back stage area.

I sat there for about ten minutes before the crowd started to emerge. Hundreds of girls wearing shirts that said "I LOVE 1D" (ooh, creative, I thought to myself), ones that said all the lads names on them, and just plain stupid ones that said rubbish like carrots, spoons, Nandos mirrors, cats. Must be some sort of inside joke with the fans. Some girls even dressed like the boys, I saw a girl wearing red skinnies and a striped shirt. Louis, I thought. As the crowd settled and everyone got seated, the lights began to dim and the first opening act emerged. She was awful if I must say so myself, she clearly needed some singing lessons, but the crowd seemed into it. It was odd.

After she was finished and my ears were done bleeding, the second act came out and it was Olly Murs. I was in fact a big fan and even though he was about ten years older than me, I'd still shag that any day. My inner slut came out. I was standing and singing along, I was having fun. "I just want you to dance with me tonight!" I sang along, his music was fantastic. I needed to remember to ask Josh to let me meet him.

Once Olly Murs had completed his set, the lights went out and slowly lit back up again to a light dim. I looked to the side of the stage and saw a curly mop of hair. Instantly recognizing it, I looked closely until I saw a pair of eyes looking back at me. Green ones to be exact. Harry. I took my mobile out and opened my twitter app. I began typing a new tweet, looking up at Harry every few seconds.

HellYeahElle: Good luck on stage tonight lads! @Harry_Styles, I see you babe ;)

I knew I was gonna get some hate, but honestly I didn't give a single fuck. I looked to Harry who was looking down at his own mobile. I saw the light from the screen reflecting on his face, his gorgeous face, if I may add. He looked up and made subtle eye contact with me. I smiled at him innocently. I noticed him smile back and give me a cheeky wink before he disappeared deeper into the backstage area.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand, I looked down and saw a new twitter notification. Well, Actually I saw quite a few, but the one that stood out was a certain one from a certain @Harry_Styles.

Harry_Styles: @HellYeahElle Thanks Elle, and guess what? I can see you too babe ;)

I smirked at his cheekiness and set my phone comfortably in my bra just as the opening of the first song began to play.

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