One Fell Swoop { A Banana Bus...

By DivinityIn-Motion

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It is the 100th annual Hunger Games, and for this Quarter Quell only boys are entered into the reaping. Craig... More

Chapter One - Reaped
Chapter Two - The Train
Chapter Three - Welcome To The Capitol
Chapter Four - Parade
Chapter Five - Alliances
Chapter Six - Bridges Built and Burned
Chapter Seven - Assessments
Chapter Eight - Scores
Chapter Ten - Before the Games Begin
Chapter Eleven - The Bloodbath
Chapter Twelve - Surviving The First Day
Chapter Thirteen - Exit Light, Enter Night
Chapter Fourteen - Of Monsters And Men
Chapter Fifteen - The Night Comes Down
Chapter Sixteen - Star Crossed Lovers
The Ending and Notes

Chapter Nine - Interviews

78 3 0
By DivinityIn-Motion

TW: sexual assault at the end of the chapter, and yes the plot point does make a reappearance later in the fic. This is a long update :)

The bedazzling lights illuminated the stage, the interviewer standing and bowing in the middle as a fanfare played and the audience clapped. Felix was his name, he was famous enough to not have a last name to back up the first.

"Hello Panem!" Felix shouted, the crowd roared back. "Yes, thank you. Tonight is the night you've all been waiting for! Over the past week we've watched our tributes train for the Hunger Games, and here's our chance to get to known them on a personal level. You know the drill, we'll bring out a tribute from each district, one at a time. Now...let's give it up for our lucky first tribute from District 1, Mr. Evan Fong!" Felix announced, swinging an arm out to side stage, gesturing for Evan to join him.

Evan made his way out in front of the audience. He was wearing a tight, black suit with his hair styled up in a faux do. He smiled coyly, his lips staying shut. Felix gestured for Evan to take the seat next to him. Evan leaned back into the chair, resting one ankle on the knee of his other leg. He was gripping each arm of the couch tightly, but the cameras don't pick it up.

"So Evan, how are you feeling? You're in the top three favourites and the games are tomorrow," Felix asked. Evan rubbed the nape of his neck. He was feeling pretty proud, but his mentor said that if he played up his humbleness, he'd win more fans.

"Uh...I don't think it's a big deal. Anything can happen in the arena. I just need to keep my head up and hope for the best," Evan smiled.

"And your allies? I hear you've already formed pretty close bonds with Craig and Tyler from District 3, and you've known Jon your whole life?" Felix asked.

"Yeah, the three of them are really great mates, and Jon and I have been friends as long as I can remember," Evan said. The audience cooed.

"I think we have a few instances of childhood friends in the games this year, I have to admit it's quite unlucky. Best of luck, Mr Fong," Felix replied. Evan stood up and bowed to the audience before leaving the stage.

"Up next we have Mr. Jonathan Smith from District 1," Felix exclaimed. Jon followed the introduction, clad in a deep blue suit with a matching bow tie.

"Welcome, Jon. Now, I've come to an understanding that you and Mr Fong are childhood friends, are you not?" Felix asked, side-eyeing the audience. Jon sighed and nodded, of course they wanted to ask Jon about Evan, but not vice versa.

"Yes, we are. Evan and I have always had...a connection, I know he's too oblivious to understand this, and probably won't be watching this at the moment, but I think the connection was more strongly felt on my side," Jon confessed. Felix opened his mouth in shock and awe, some members of the audience gasped and others cooed. Homosexuality wasn't frowned upon in the capitol, so the audience didn't feel anger towards Jon, just sorrow.

"Oh my, and now fate has brought you two together in the games, the best of luck to the both of you. You've taken the capitol by storm. Everyone, a round of applause for Jonathan Smith of District 1!" Felix shouted, taking Jon's hand, forcing him to stand and bow to the crowd. Jon smiled and waved as he walked off.

"Up next we have Anthony Chilled from District 2, welcome Anthony," Felix announced, sitting back down. Anthony jogged out and waved to the crowd, stunned at their light applause. Evan and Jon got cheering and whooping when they walked out, why didn't he?

"Tell me, Anthony, are you aware that your entire district is looking down on you? You volunteered, but you have no survival skills, why would you condemn yourself like that?"

"Thanks Felix. I am aware of the hate towards Steven and I, we aren't exactly the best contenders for the games, but that doesn't mean I'll give up fighting that easily. I'd say I'm an underdog, I"ll strike in the games, mark my words," Anthony grinned with his response. It was the idealistic bullshit the Capitol loved to eat up. Whoops arose from the crowds with his bold statement. Felix raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing what Anthony was spouting. After more questions about his strategy, Anthony departed from the stage and Steven Ze walked on.

"Welcome Steven. I have to say I'm disappointed but not surprised that you got the lowest score in the competition, how does that feel?" Felix asked, leaning forward. Steven couldn't hold his scoff back.

"Give over, I didn't get the lowest score, Cody got a three." Steve crossed his arms and huffed. Felix shot back and blushed, embarrassed over his mistake.

"Oh, sorry Steven, my notes must be mixed up..." Felix fumbled for an excuse.

"I'm going to be the first one off the pedestal in the games. I'm going to get to the cornucopia first, and grab everything I need before running off to survive with Chilled. We won't hesitate to kill anyone we come across." The audience cheered at Steven's announcement. They really love their drama, Steven thought. Steven eventually left and Felix made the crowd do a drum roll before calling for Tyler.

Tyler wore a magenta tux with neat, black slacks. The crowd applause was deafening. He smiled and waved to the crowd before sitting down opposite to Felix.

"Good evening, Tyler, how are you enjoying the Capitol so far?"

"It's incredible, never thought the Capitol would have better food than District 3," Tyler replied.

"That's good then. Now, you are aware that you and Ryan are tied for the favourite right now? And that your friend Evan is not far behind? How does that make you feel?" Felix asked, clasping his hands. Tyler blew air passed his lips in an 'O' shape and leaned back in his seat.

"Honestly I cannot believe it, out of all the tributes, I somehow manage to get the favourite spot? And Evan, Jon, and Craig aren't too far behind. Not to spoil anything for you Felix but I think you're in for a tough round this year," Tyler chuckled and jabbed a finger at the host. Felix laughed and nodded.

"About Craig, you two were somewhat friends back at your district? I think it's rather sweet how you've kept him around despite his lack of fighting skills." Immediately, Tyler's whole demeanour changed.

"Hold on, if you're all brawn and no brains, you won last a day in the arena. I'm astounded that you haven't recognised that yet. Craig stands a better chance than me. Sure I can kill other people, but that means nothing if I can't survive in the elements," Tyler argued, glaring at the host. He swiftly apologise and welcomed Craig out as Tyler left the stage.

"Now Craig, I want to talk about your score. It was surprisingly high, and I'm under the impression that you built a trap as your assessment? Most trap scores don't get about 7," Felix pondered.

"Yeah I'm ecstatic about my score, it couldn't have gone any better than that," Craig replied.

"There's another question that's been nagging in my mind, do you idolise Tyler?" Felix asked.

"In a sense, yes. He makes me a better person, he makes me want to push myself and strive for the best, as cliche as that sounds," Craig responded.

"Aw, that's very sweet Craig, best of luck in the games," Craig made his way off stage, "Now we have David Nogla from District 4, another volunteer, welcome David." The audience clapped as David stumbled out onto stage. He corrected his posture and sat next to Felix.

"So it has come to my attention that you've been abandoned by your district partner, is this true?" Felix asked.

"To put it lightly, it was a mutual decision. We never got along back at home, so I don't intend to now," David shrugged. Felix nodded, understanding.

"So you've saddled up with Lui Calibre from District 12, how do you think you two will go?" Felix asked. David thought about his answer for a moment.

"If it came down to us two being the final two, I would sacrifice myself so that Lui would win, which is more than I can say for Ryan, he wouldn't do that for anyone," David stated boldly, the audience eating up the tension and the slander.

"Very interesting. Sadly David, our time is up so I have to call out your district partner, give it up for David and Ryan!" David left as Ryan entered, the audience didn't miss the daggers in Ryan's eyes, landing target in David's back. They cheered anyway.

"Ryan, welcome buddy. How do you feel about everything?"

"Amazing, I already know who's going to be the victor of this year's games, do you want to know?" Ryan asked. Felix nodded and leaned in, as if he was being let into some big secret.

"Me," Ryan shouted into his ear. Ryan's fans screamed in the audience.

"No doubt about it?" Felix puzzled. Ryan shook his head.

"What about your weaknesses?" Felix asked.

"What about them? They don't exist, Felix, you'll soon see," Ryan flashed a winning smile at the crowds, flicking his brown locks to the side.

"Best of luck with that mindset Ryan, the capitol love you! And Tyler, of course, we'll see what goes down between you two in the games," Felix said, trying to get Ryan to leave. He didn't like his cocky attitude, he didn't understand how the rest of the Capitol ate it up.

"Ah here comes the pretty boy, Bryce McQuaid! As you all know, most of the boys this year are pretty boys, but let's leave it at that," Felix chuckled, directed to the audience. Bryce didn't let his discomfort show, he couldn't stop being his cheery persona.

"Bryce there's one burning question on my mind, do you feel a bit out of place seeing all of your allies are muscled men?" Felix asked. What a strange question, Bryce thought.

"Yeah a bit, I guess when you put it like that. I am a pretty thin man, but that makes me quick, and there's less target space," Bryce laughed with the host and the crowds.

"Good to see you can keep your sense of humour up, and what you said is very true. Were you listening to Ryan's interview, how he said he has no weaknesses? You just pointed one out. If another tribute has terrible aim, that doesn't matter because they'd be more likely to land a hit on him rather than you," Felix laughed. Bryce refrained from laughing, knowing that Ryan would be mad if he found out.

"I think that Ryan has a good shot at winning this, big target or not. He's a man of brawn, but teamed with me, who I'd say is good at strategy, the other's don't stand a chance. That's not even mentioning Mark and Luke, who are two very skilled men as well," Bryce explained. After the questions stopped, Bryce left and John Kryoz was welcomed out.

"Welcome, John-"

"Ah, just call me Kryoz, it's more unique," Kryoz corrected him.

"Ok Kryoz. What I'm going to ask might be a bit sensitive, but was there any trauma in your life that made you so skittish?" Felix asked. Kryoz nodded slowly, maybe this was the perfect time to score some pity points with the sponsors.

"Yes there was, when I was twelve my mother passed away. After dad changed, he became abusive towards my sister and I. It got even worse three years ago, my sister was reaped and she died in the games. Ever since then I've had PTSD, they broadcasted her death all over the district because she almost made it home. Ask anyone who knew me beforehand, I was a happy-go-lucky kid, and now everything's come back because I was reaped for this year's games, and all I can do is my best." The stadium was silent.

"Thank you for sharing Kryoz, it really means a lot that you shared that with us. One thing, aren't you worried how your dad will react now that you've told the whole of Panem?" Felix asked. Kryoz laughed.

"No, I won't see him again, and if I do manage to make it out of the games, I'll have special treatment and won't have to live with him anymore," Kryoz responded, a small smirk alight on his face.

Ryan Smitty was next, who told Felix to just call him Smitty to avoid confusion with Ryan Ohm.

"Yeah, he's more important apparently, so he can go by his first name. But you know what? Smitty sounds way cooler than Ryan," Smitty got a few laughs with that.

"How do you think you'll go in the games Smitty?"

"I know my fate, I'm nothing special, it'll be someone from District 1, 3, or 4 going home. If worst comes to worst, I'll sacrifice myself for my teammates, that's a promise, all of them are more capable than me. As long as I'm helping my allies, I'll be happy," Smitty concluded.

"That's touching, truly, Smitty, good luck." Smitty left the stage and Adam followed on.

"Welcome Adam, nervous?"

"Nah, not particularly. I'd just like to start by saying I think I'm an underdog right now," Adam started strongly. Felix nodded.

"I'm inclined to agree with you there. You got a magnificent score, but no one's really talking about you, to put it bluntly, why do you think that is?"

"Maybe because I'm a lone wolf, I don't plan on having any allies, that's how you get attached." Adam's interview ended shortly and Luke Patterson came out.

"This is a man I've been looking forward to meeting, right everyone?" Felix asked the crowd, who cheered back.

"Thanks everyone I'm flattered," Luke responded with a humble smile.

"You're a very muscled man, are you built because you chop wood back in your district?" Felix asked, Luke was stunned at the question, what a strange thing to ask.

"Um...yeah, I guess. It's harder than it looks," Luke laughed nervously.

"Ah I love it. Now for a more serious question, what's your stance on Ryan's bravado?" Luke paused and thought for a second.

"I think it's very important in a competition like this to keep a strong front, if he allows himself to cave in from the pressure, then he's already lost. I think Ryan's done a very good job and mastering confidence," Luke responded.

Luke's interview finished and Mark made his way out, looking like his suit might burst open at any second.

"So Mark, what's it like to constantly be in Luke's shadow. He seems to be the front man of District 7," Felix asked insensitively. Mark frowned.

"I don't know, I didn't even know I was in his shadow." What a rude man, Mark thought. His interview wrapped up quickly after that.

"Now everyone, we have Cody Racing from District 8, give it up!" Felix said, throwing a hand out to the side of the stage. Cody dawdled to his seat, the applause dim.

"Cody, how are your alliances?" Felix asked, he didn't get a reply.

"Have you made any allies?" Felix asked again. Cody looked up at Felix before glaring at his feet once more.

"Ah, not a man of many words," Felix tried to joke. The audience laughed with him, but Cody didn't think it was too funny.

"I'm not daft, you know. I know I stand no chance. I came here to die," Cody spat. He opened his mouth to let more profanities fly, but a man in black with a headset rushed out and hoisted Cody up by his arm and ushered him off.

"Yikes, sorry about that everyone. Here to lighten the mood a bit is Max Gassy of District 8, welcome him!" Felix clapped along with the crowd.

Throughout his interview, Max tried to lighten the mood, his district partner completely bombed and placed him in an awkward situation. He said that despite the setting, he has faith in his allies, Steven Ze and Anthony Chilled.

Scotty from District 9 emerged next, wearing polka dot suspenders with his suit.

"I have to say Scotty, I'm very impressed with your score. How did you achieve it?" Felix asked.

"I used the weapons and nailed every target," Scotty replied, nodding his head.

"I've heard your endurance is almost superhuman, how come?"

"I guess it's because of my upbringing, I had to run all over the district with errands from my parents, so thank them for my fitness." Scotty finished his interview after thank, and Anthony Panda made his way out.

Throughout his interview he made jokes at his expense, particularly at his lack of fitness, he said that Scotty was the one hogging all the fitness.

"Seriously though, thanks for having me Felix. I would like to thank all the tributes for the time I spent training with them, for making it enjoyable despite the circumstances, and good luck to everyone when the time comes," Anthony bowed and blew kisses to the crowd before leaving.

"Now we have another favourite childhood friends duo up next, we start with Brock Snuckel, welcome up here Brock," Felix greeted Brock. He bashfully waved to the crowd as he sat down. The Capitol ate up his humble nature.

"There's been several cases of childhood friends these games, in District 1, 2 ,3 and now in District 10. How do you differ to everyone else, Brock?" Felix asked, secretly sensing his answer. Brock gulped, it was now or never. If Brian rejected him, he would have no where else to turn except maybe Craig who he spoke to a bit throughout training.

"I think our case, is special, because I don't want us to be friends. I want to call Brian my own, if you get what I'm saying." Brock looked at his feet and blushed as the crowd cooed. Brian was standing side stage and his heart dropped when he heard Brock say that. He screamed out "wait!" and pushed passed the guards, not caring for repercussions.

"Brock, all this time? You've felt this way?" Brian asked, running a hand through his flowing locks. Brock nodded sheepishly.

"Please don't be mad," Brock pleaded. Brian shook his head. He grabbed Brock's hand and pulled him to his feet. He wrapped a strong arm around his waist and pulled him close. All of a sudden he pressed his lips to Brock's soft ones, passionately kissing him. The whooping from the crowd pulled him back to reality. He smiled at Brock.

"You should've told me, I would've done that way sooner." Brock was ushered off the stage and Brian sat down for his interview. He was asked about Brock the entirety of his interview, and was wished the best when the interview drew to a close.

Marcel expressed his fondness for Scotty, and how he will follow him to success, while his district partner Jay wanted to stay by himself. He has no allies and is confident in his own survival abilities.

Lui came out and sat across from Felix.

"Are you the shortest tribute this year?" Felix asked. Lui sighed and nodded, that's not what he wanted to be known for.

"What do you think of Ryan?" Felix asked.

"Not much, but I don't condone what David said earlier this night, it was uncalled for."

Lui stepped off the stage and the final tribute for the night was called. Arlan spoke about his own survival strategies, what he did and did not plan on doing. He explained how he hasn't formed any strong alliances but will stick to Lui if he needs to. 

"Lui's a great kid, he's been a friend for a long time, always there to help out if I need it. I hope he wins, the rest of the competition is foul," Arlan stated. Once Arlan left the stage, Felix stood up in the centre. 

"And that concludes this year's ceremony, we will be looking forward to see which one of these lovely tributes emerges victorious in a week, goodnight Panem!" Felix shouted with  grin.


After the ceremony Ryan snuck out of his quarters to invite Bryce for a late night stroll. They walk around their block, no patrol on the tributes that night. They were free to do whatever they liked, as long as they didn't break the law. 

"Are you a cat person Bryce?" Ryan asked. Bryce looked at Ryan through lowered eyelashes. 

"Yes I am, why?" Bryce responded.

"Because I think I just saw a black cat at the end of the alleyway, do you want to go check it out with me?" Ryan asked, dragging Bryce by his wrist, his grip a bit too tight. 

"Isn't that bad luck though?" Bryce asked, hesitant to follow his ally into the dark of the alleyway. 

"Nah it'll be fine, I'm an animal person to." They reached the end of the alleyway, the street was a good twenty metres away and there were no overhead lights. 

"I think we should head back Ryan, there's nothing here. I want to be rested for tomorrow," Bryce argued, trying to push passed Ryan. Ryan grabbed Bryce and pushed him up against the alley wall. Bryce noticed something hard digging into his lower stomach, what did Ryan have in his pocket?

"You don't get away that easily. You don't offer anything of value to the team except your mind, we could really do without you, so you have to make up for it somehow," Ryan threatened. Bryce's heart dropped. What did he want?

"What do you mean?" Bryce asked, shaking a bit. Ryan place a hand on top of Bryce's head and began to push down.

"Get on your knees," Ryan ordered. Bryce gasped and had no other choice but to oblige, he knew what was happening now. The water of the streets seeped into the fabric of his knees, but that cold was a different feeling than knowing what was coming next. 


Unbeknown to Evan and Brian, Jon and Brock cried themselves to sleep that night over their respective partners. They didn't want to lose the in the games. All but one had to die.

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