About Crystals and Stars (On...

By lovingtimetravel

14.3K 691 1.4K

[3rd place in the Brewing Flair Awards] A ShiMayu fanfiction based on the manga "Sousei no Onmyouji". A le... More

Author Note


427 20 63
By lovingtimetravel

A/N: I know the map is still the same and it gets kinda lame to post the same one all the time but Rokuro is there so chapter 10 will be different!^^


"Look at you wearing our uniform like you've always wanted!" Proudly she smiled at Rokuro while she led them towards the beach. She could not believe it. Her best friend was here! From all the things that could have happened, she'd never expected that. Rather she'd expected to starve to death on this island, to sail with Shimon to Crystal Island on a raft or to get caught by her soldiers and be dragged home.

It sure was surprising! Today had been full of surprises! Her heart fluttered cheerfully as she was still hyped from all this energy circulating within her system after controlling the Crystal's powers. Yet another thing she had not been able to believe at first. She had controlled the Crystal's powers!

"Awesome, right?" Twinkling eyes Rokuro grinned at her with a pure blush. "By the way Mayura, what happened to your clothes?" He pointed at the hem of her yukata suffering from a few tears and the stains she wasn't able to wash out without any soap.

Amused she giggled. "I guess they aren't made to live in the wildness."

Rokuro then looked over his shoulder and took two quick steps to be only a feet away. He shielded his mouth in a conspiratorial way. "And that soldier. Has he done anything to you?"

"No, he's my – I mean we're – We're –" she stuttered while tilting her head down and watching her feet carry her.

What were they? After a few days she felt that they were close to friends. But that felt not quite right.

Behind her Rokuro hummed pensively.

Quickly she blurted out, "We're companions."

She sighed.

This was not the truth either.

"Are you sure you're alright? You are red in the face. You can tell me if he touched you or did something else," Rokuro said, leaning closer to her, scrutinizing her face with his unique red eyes.

Heat exploded on her cheeks upon the idea of Shimon touching her. Damn that Rokuro for suggesting such a thing. Except of taking her hand a numerous times, Shimon had never touched her. Actually, he had been very courteous, now that she thought about it. She never got the notion of him insinuating something vulgar or making unwanted advances. Despite his first strip in front of her, there was never a situation he made her uncomfortable.

Anyway, Shimon touching or not touching her was not the reason why she had wanted to talk Rokuro alone. "No, he did not," she uttered decisively. "Also he does not know I am Narukami's princess. This must stay between us, okay?"

Once anew Rokuro hummed while they crossed the edge of the forest and stepped into the sand warmed by the sun.

At the fireplace she motioned for him to sit down and followed suit. The boar was still hanging on the stand, a great portion was consumed already and the rest of it was blackened on the outside and dry on the inside due to the fire of heating and the sun glaring down on it all day.

It filled their bellies. That was the most important thing. Before she could pick up the flint stones, Rokuro restarted their discussion, "What are you doing here with him anyway?"

She smiled at the question. Funny how everything played out in the end. Days ago she had berated herself on killing a stranger from Tsuchimikado. Now she was grateful for having met Shimon. Calmly her gaze rested on her folded hands in her lap as she recalled all the events of the last days. "We've both stranded here by chance. Shimon shipwrecked and I was abandoned here by sailors on my way to Tsuchimikado. So we helped each other out. Actually we share the same aim. He wants to end the war, too. I planned to go to Crystal Island with him."

However, the happiness fluttering in her stomach did not reach Rokuro for when she raised her gaze he stared at her wide eyed and tensed up.

"Mayura, do you know what you're saying? This sounds too good to be true. He is a soldier from Tsuchimikado after all."

"I did not ask for you to understand but to keep my identity hidden," she shot back, sharper than she'd intended..

He sighed, looking awfully morose. "I hope you're doing the right thing."

"Me, too," she sighed relieved about her friend trusting her decisions after all. There was only one more request she wished for him to fulfill. "That's why I also ask you not to bring me back to my father. This is something I need to do."

His face broke into a big grin. "Nah, I won't. I am coming with you of course."

Mayura blinked at him. "You are?"

He leaned back, folding his arms. His grin never left his face. "Sure, I already planned to do it. The old geezer wouldn't believe me finding you anyway."

She huffed a little laugh. Her father and Rokuro always acted like they hated each other but everyone around them knew they both held a lot of respect for the other. Yet, Mayura had to admit her father had treated Rokuro very different compared to her, even shortly after he had brought him to their home. She'd always wondered if it was because Rokuro was a male or adopted that her Otosama behaved so differently.

It did not matter now, though. Perhaps it was a good thing, Rokuro held a rebellious nerve against her father this time.

"Thank you, Rokuro."

He snickered once before his grin left his face again. "So the soldier... Do you think you can trust him?"

"I don't. I just do." She smiled thinking about Shimon. "I trust him."

The sound of a twig breaking, startled her. She snapped her head towards the direction. Shimon stood there covered in the shadows of the undergrowth, the red colors of his armor having lost their biting glow upon the shades. His eyes, though, seemed to shine as they connected with hers.

Wonder met surprise.

Her mouth slightly opened. Agape her gaze stayed glued to his.

Rokuro said something but her heart had deafened the world around them as her eyes were fixed on Shimon's. There was a deep warmth in the ice blue.

Slowly it dawned to her what she'd said.

Once again her face heated up. Flustered she tore her gaze off of him and caught a breath.

Bad timing for him to walk into this sort of confession. Not that it was that sort of confession.

Dear Crystal, help her! She wanted to bury her face into her hands or in the ground. Somewhere where she wouldn't feel his eyes on her.

She gulped down her nervousness which settled uncomfortably in her stomach when he started talking, "My apologies, I did not mean to walk into... you're conversation... I did not know how long I was supposed to wait and so..."

"It's fine," she replied with haste while turning farther away and tilting her head so he would not see her blush.

"Oi Mayura, did you not want to make a fire?" Rokuro asked. His stomach rumbled again.

"Yes," she said quickly and grateful for the distraction. She turned to the fireplace, only to see that of course she had not thought about bringing firewood. It was Shimon's chore.

Like an answer of a prayer it began to rain twigs and branches onto the fireplace in front of her eyes.

"I thought you might need it," Shimon murmured.

Surprised she lifted her eyes to his profile of him. He had his eyes shut in a frown, a small tint of red covered his cheeks.

She must have embarrassed him. She knew for certain, she'd embarrassed herself.

She nodded even though he had his eyes closed and watched him walk a few feet away and sitting down with his back turned towards the fire, Rokuro and her. Was he – sulking?

Releasing a deep breath, she chose to bite down this awkward situation and finally started to make a fire. She picked up the flints again and knocked them together to emit sparks and send them flying down to the wood.

After a while the sparks ignited little flames. Rokuro cheered, "Ohh, Mayura. You're so amazing! Since when do you know how to make fire?"

Again she blushed but this time it was not as deep and disturbing. "I had to learn it." Leaning her head to the side she looked at him. There was no way Rokuro would have been able to lit a fire himself. "What did you plan to eat on this island?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "No idea. But I did not come for food only. To be honest I sort of lost orientation and wanted to watch the course of the sun."

From his position Shimon scoffed, "And you call yourself a warrior."

"I don't. I am a soldier," Rokuro snapped back.

"It doesn't matter. You got lost regardless."

Surprised she looked at Shimon. What was wrong with him? Why was he acting so hostile towards Rokuro? Wasn't he as neutral about Narukami people as he had claimed to be?

"At least I did not shipwreck," Rokuro mumbled and folded his arms.

Mayura sighed. Seriously what was wrong with both of them? She was used to Rokuro's foolish streak, that was sometimes cute but more often annoying at times. She had not thought Shimon could be easily riled up like this as well. She turned around to face them fully and told them, "Cut it out you two. Shimon, Rokuro is accompanying us. He is my best friend and I hope you two get along. Rokuro, I owe Shimon. He was a big help and saved my life. Please be kind."

"He's the one who started insulting me," her friend said pouting.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay," he grumbled.

She then skipped her eyes over to Shimon who sighed, "Fine."

"Good. More importantly, Rokuro," she addressed her best friend urgently, having caught up on a crucial detail. "You've said you didn't shipwreck. Does this mean you have a boat?"

"Of course," he shrugged. "How else would I be here?"

Mayura huffed in relief and tilted her head towards Shimon's direction who already smiled at her over his shoulder.

Like fools they smiled at each other.

They were able to leave this isle now and for good!

"Why are you both smiling like this?" Rokuro interrupted the momentum.

Shifting on her knees towards him, she reached out for his hands and shook them. "Rokuro, you've saved us. With your boat we'll make it to Crystal Island."

He rose an eyebrow. "Crystal Island? I thought you wanted to go to Tsuchimikado."

"I did but we agreed to help each other." She nodded towards Shimon who had turned into their direction.

"Well now you have me. We can drop him off on Crystal Island and then head towards Tsuchimikado," Rokuro replied.

"Sounds reasonable," Shimon said, agreeing with Rokuro to her surprise.

"But Shimon..." She dropped Rokuro's hands and faced Shimon fully. Words failed her. Hesitant she rose a fist to her chest.

"We don't have to stick together anymore. You can follow your plan and I will follow mine," he continued with the dry way of his.

Why was it so easy for him to say this? It was logical but...

She could not release him yet. Even if it was egoistic, even if she was acting upon selfish reasons, even if she'd just postponed the inevitable she could not watch him leave yet.

If she'd ever lost sight of him, she would never see him again. The princess of Narukami would never see a soldier from Tsuchimikado. Only as long as that identity stayed hidden she could travel with him.

Rising her eyes again to his she told him, "We've decided to travel together and that's what we'll do. I'll leave nobody behind."

His eyes searched hers. Her heart picked up its pace under his mustering gaze. After what felt like forever, he nodded.

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