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A/N: Okay... Chapter 50 of SnO was... heavy... ALL THE FEELS, DAMMIT. But the deep development of shimayu is utterly beautiful. I love how they are there for each other. They are so pure. *sniff*

Back to fanfiction now...

I know this chapter has taken over a month and I am very sorry but you know life happens all the time. Plus, I have published two One-shots in the meantime and chapter one of a new shimayu fanfiction. (I wasn't lazy, I swear. XD) *cough* If you want, you might want to check out "Branches". It is fantasy and romance and yet another shimayu AU. :P

Alsoooo I like you all to know that this is chapter is presented to you by not only me but also zeropointzerotwo, the artist of the cover, who drew beautiful fanart to this chapter, starting off our collaborative work on this fic.^^ Yeah, you heard right, we are going to have more beautiful fanart to this universe in the future. 

And again, thank you so much for all the love this story gets! It means the world to me. 

Enough talking! Have fun reading!^^

The sound of the river washing over stones, falling into waves and ripples, was the only noise surrounding her. It's rhythm calmed her down and made her sigh while kneeling on the river bank. Her hands folded into the shape of a bowl, were filled with water. For a moment she stopped when she noticed her own wavering reflection staring back at her. A familiar image, contorted in the flow of the stream. Mayura recognized the sight but found something new, a different expression in her eyes which she had not had before she left her home. She focused on the image frowning back at her until a beam of light broke through the treetops. The mirror image faded. Sprinkling water into her face, she savored the tranquility of the moment.

These last few days they'd been on the island, they had made a lot of progress. The times she was washing up by herself were most welcome, not only to refresh herself and clean off the strain of the day but to have a moment for herself. It wasn't that Shimon's company was a nuisance. On the contrary, she'd been surprised at how well they worked together. Yet, this little time of having not to worry or think about anything was nice.

Mayura sighed contentedly and started her routine.

After loosening her obi, she picked up the rag she brought along, a piece she had torn off of her cape. Mayura began to wash her hair and body while keeping the clothes on, shifting them from one side to another to keep her body shielded from sight. If there was somebody else on this island, she wouldn't want them to see her. She didn't thought Shimon would look though. After getting to know him, she discovered that he wasn't the guy she had at first believed him to be. Rather than that he seemed chivalrous and courteous. He would do no such thing.

Shimon – he was a silent guy. He talked not much, if not needed. She had to ask him whenever she wanted to know something other than what they were going to do or how they were going to do it. Otherwise he'd stayed rather reserved; especially about himself. Very soon she'd learned what to ask and what not and so she had used the chance to learn more about Tsuchimikado and its people, what the country was like and how the people were. In return she'd told him about Narukami, making her miss the gloomy weather, the noises of the city being carried uphill, and the traditions they honored.

All in all it was funny, how she'd always had not truly believed in the rumors about Tsuchimikado people, but never came to think of something which grew clearer the more she'd learned about the other nation. Never had she seen past the name Tsuchimikado, never had she thought about their people being nothing but people. But learning about the land divided by the sea, she acknowledged that the distance was one of the fewer things dividing them. They also had monks and priest praying to the Crystal, they believed in the power of the sacred object, they had similar customs and ideals about family, friendship, honor and dignity. And they shared the same legends and prophesies. Using different titles for similar concepts shouldn't be a reason to bear arms but reach out for each other.

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