The Dragon Master Part II: Re...

Bởi Snapmite1998

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Five years after the defeat of the alliance between the Outcast and Berserker tribes, Hiccup and his allies d... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Peace
Chapter 2: Reunited
Chapter 3: Drago's orders
Chapter 4: Dragon Eye part I
Chapter 5: Dragon Eye part II
Chapter 6: On the hunt
Chapter 7: Know thy enemy part I
Chapter 8: Know thy enemy part II
Chapter 9: Spy
Chapter 10: Finding the Dragon Sanctuary
Chapter 11: Information
Chapter 12: Preparations
Chapter 13: War has begun part I
Chapter 14: War has begun part II
Chapter 15: Dragon Master vs. Dragon-God
Chapter 16: Defeated/ A great man has fallen
Chapter 17: Coup
Chapter 18: Comfort/ A new piece to the game
Chapter 19: Seeking eternal life
Chapter 20: Crippled
Chapter 21: Changing alliegances
Chapter 22: A day of bloodshed
Chapter 23: Drago's vendetta
Chapter 24: Gathering strength
Chapter 25: Snoggletog
Chapter 26: Another child
Chapter 27: Captured
Chapter 28: Personal vendetta
Chapter 29: On the move
Chapter 30: Rescue
Chapter 31: Final battle part I
Chapter 32: An unlikley ally
Chapter 33: Final battle part II
Chapter 35: Goodbye

Chapter 34: Home

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Bởi Snapmite1998

(Normal pov)

As Hiccup and his allies finish burning Drago's fortress to the ground, they held a memorial for their dead, they sent their brothers and sisters to rest and dine in the halls of Valhalla. Hiccups Viking allies bid there goodbyes, they told Hiccup they'd meet him back at Berk for the huge celebration. Viggo returned to his tribe and decreed they would not hunt dragons anymore, but to befriend them and work along side them.

As Hiccup and Toothless exited the icy mouth that held Drago's fortress, he saw Drago's fleet, they were absent during the battle, but he could already see men scrambling on all the decks of their ships, preparing themselves for a fight, as he and Eret flew in. He had come to discuss a treaty with the new captain of Drago's fleet. Eret had come along as back up and as a witness to the transaction Hiccup hoped would take place.

"You ready, bud?" Toothless gave him a mischievous look and let out a loud roar before circling the slew of boats, terrifying many. "Well, that was helpful... not. Toothless, we're trying to make friends. Not scare the living daylights out of these guys!" Toothless made a guttural noise that sounded like the human equivalent to a laugh. "Ha ha, very funny, now let's land on..." Hiccup looked around and saw a large, well they were all large, but a larger and scarier than the rest warriors who stood out and looked like he was in charge, "...that boat." He pointed and Toothless glided down. At least twenty spears were pointed at them the minute Toothless placed his paws on deck. He looked back at Hiccup cautiously. "It's okay, bud. Just relax. I've got this."

Hiccup slid Drago's bull-hook out of it's casing and jumped down, holding it out in front as an offering. Many of these men had fought along side Drago for years, they gasped at the sight of their masters bull-hook in Hiccup's hand. The guy who Hiccup had guessed was the leader of the pack, stalked over to meet him, towering at least two feet over his head.

"I am Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Chief of Greater Berk." He brushed one of the guard's pointed swords away as he walked closer. "This is the bull-hook of your dead master— Drago Bludvist, which I give to you freely." Hiccup said as he stopped in front of the man and held out the weapon, but the man did not take it. His eyes only narrowed and Hiccup swallowed hard.

"I am Arkamun Nzeogwu V. I am now chief of all these men." He gestured to the array of ships. "You are master of all dragons. Leader of Greater Berk. And bane of all who seek to harm dragons. A fierce and worthy opponent. I want peace between us."

"Peace?" Hiccup said excitedly. "Really? I mean, wow, that's great! Here." He chucked the bull-hook to one of the soldiers standing near, before reaching into his flight suit's arm compartment and bringing out a large piece of paper. "A treaty?" He asked happily. The man's face relaxed and Hiccup went on. "You don't attack us, we don't attack you. Open trade between us both. How does that sound?" Arkamun nodded and Hiccup wrote out all the particulars, signed it and gave it back to Arkamun, who looked it over carefully.

"This is good." He agreed. Then he took the pen from Hiccup and signed it convitedly. Hiccup bowed his head in thanks, as did Arkamun. The war was officially over.

They were now at peace.

(Greater Berk)

As Hiccup and Eret entered Berk air space, they spotted Outcast, Bog and Meathead ships at the harbor and they noticed both Bewilderbeast were moving to their side of the island that held the nest. As Hiccup and Eret landed, Hiccup slid off Toothless and ran to his house; eager to see his family. As he opened the door he gasped at the sight, Valka and Gothi tending to Astrid and Mala. When Hiccup approached his anger shot through the roof as he saw the wounds, they were whip lashes.

Gothi approached Hiccup and performed sign language. 'Mala has lost too much blood, I fear she will not survive.' Tears welled up in Hiccup's eyes, Mala could die? She can't! Hiccup looked at the stairs to see Calus with a sorrowful look while shaking his head and comforting Eira, the looks on their faces told Hiccup all he needed to know. "And what of Astrid?" He asked worryingly, Gothi nodded and spoke with her hands once more. 'She will live, your mother and I have been doing everything we can, but we can only do so much...' Hiccup knelt down and placed a hand on Gothi's shoulder.

"I understand Gothi, thank you for helping them." He said with gratitude, the elder smiled and nodded at her Chief and continued her work. Hiccup exited his home to get some air, he went up to the Great Hall to see all his people, friends and allies eating laughing and celebrating which brought a smile to Hiccup's face.

Hiccup found a spot with his friends, Ruff and Tuff made the group laugh by telling hilarious jokes, Fishlegs, Heather and Asbjorn informed Hiccup that the Bewilderbeast egg is safe and is under constant guard by Mammoth and the other Bewilderbeast. Cami teased Hiccup by claiming she could steal him and anyone blind and they'll never even know she was there; which was proven true, considering she held Inferno in her hand while smirking at Hiccup, the man blinked in confusion before looking to his belt to find his sword wasn't there, he rolled his eyes and Cami laughed, but returned the weapon back to him.

Alvin told Hiccup tales of how he and Stoick became like brothers, thick as thieves they were, and how he missed Stoick too. Hiccup thanked Alvin for his kind words, and for his services, he dropped all charges against him and his men years back, he's now free.

Hiccup offered the Outcasts, Mogadon and Meatheads, along with  Bertha and Cami an ocean of coin, gems and other precious jewels to continue helping them get back on their feet. They never did fully recover during the Outcast and Berserker alliance years prior.

Hiccup offered Eret and his men and live with them, since they served him well, they agreed and took residence in a house large enough for the whole crew. They were like brothers and refused to be separated.

As night approached, Hiccup bid his Viking allies safe travels and soon returned home, he looked to see Astrid sitting up, drinking water. "Astrid!" She looked up and saw Hiccup drop on his knees before her, the two caressed each other's faces and gently kissed each other. "Thank the gods you're alright." Hiccup mumbled against her lips, Astrid gently kissed Hiccup's earlobe and whispered. "As am I my love." When they pulled apart, Hiccup looked at Mala and choked. The woman was deathly pale.

Hiccup placed a hand on her forehead and winced. She was cold.

"No." Hiccup said as he felt tears slide down his cheeks, he never got to say goodbye to her. Astrid came up behind and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I'm sorry Hiccup. I know how much she meant to you. She treated you with the love and respect, me and the others failed to give you years prior." Hiccup nodded, remembering the first day he met Mala at Caldera Cay, he saved her and her people from the lava flow of their volcano. They went through so much together, and now she's dead.

"She told me to give this to you, if she were to fall." Astrid said as she reached for her neck that had a necklace, but there was a small tube wrapped around the leather and Hiccup took the necklace and opened the small tube to find a rolled up letter in it. Hiccup nodded and kissed Astrid one last time. "Thank you Astrid, you go to bed, I'll join you shorty." Astrid nodded and headed up the stairs, Hiccup sighed heavily and sat on the couch and stared at Mala's cold dead corpse.

He then unfolded the letter and took a deep breath, he then stared reading.

Dear Hiccup,

If you're reading this letter, then I suppose that's terrible for me. Since I would've died due to my injuries. I want you to know that I'm so proud of you. Everything you did for me since our first meeting at Caldera Cay, you were my knight in shining armor and you saved my life. You are what you've always been, a good man.

You stand up and fight for what's right, not just for man, but for dragons as well. You've changed the course of history for Vikings in the Archipelago. You helped Berk and most importantly, you forgave them after they treated like dirt, like you were a festering disease, you still forgave them and they've prospered since then.

Since the day we made our home on the Isle of Night, I knew I'd follow you anywhere. And I have. Though it cost me my life in the end, know that if I could relive every moment with you, every battle, every time we worked together, fought for dragons, protected our people and raised our future generation to become dragon riders I would do all over again in a heartbeat. And I wouldn't change a thing.

My hope for you is that when you're looking back years from now, you'll be able to say the same. The future's in your hands now, Hiccup. And I know you'll find a way to do what's right. You always have.

Take care Eira and little Stoick. But take care of yourself too. I know that your father would be so proud of you, as am I. Thank you for coming into my life.

Goodbye, my brother.


Hiccup exhaled shakily as tears streamed down his face, he nodded his head and walked toward his deceased friend and kissed his fingers before placing them on her forehead. "Goodbye Mala." He murmured softly, he then summoned Calus and Eira, the three of them gave Mala a proper burial and they each said their goodbyes before returning to their home. Hiccup placed her Nightshade Steel swords on the left and right of where they buried her. Hiccup bid Mala one last goodbye before returning home.

He returned to bed with Astrid and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer, she hummed in contentment and he kissed her neck. "I love you." She whispered, Hiccup nodded and caressed her smooth and warm skin. "I love you too Milady." They soon fell asleep, safe in each other's arms and glad to be home.

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