My Life With You {AMBW~ JungK...

By veri_the_queen

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I'm new to writing stories, so I'm sorry if it's not good. (AU -Pictures aren't mine-) +COMPLETED+ More

Tell Me What You Think
Thank You
A/N+Storytime/Bad Friday


1.2K 49 4
By veri_the_queen

The end of this book, and I won't be making a sequel to it..sorry, if you liked this book that much. Oh and Idk what the new book is going to be about, like I just thought of making the if you have any ideas do tell me lol peace✌


"Jungkook, I'm sorry..but I have to leave. Ace is waiting for me, but I'll talk to you later, I promise, okay?"

He looked at me, "Okay, talk to you later." Jungkook still had dried tears on his face.

I got up to leave, but then looked back at him again from a distance. "What did he need to talk to you about?" Ace asked.

"Oh nothing, just something about his breakup with that girl that was sitting next to him." I replied quickly.

Ace nodded his head, "Why did he need to talk to you about her?"

"Like I said, the breakup and he just needed some comfort, that's all." I answered.

He grabbed my hand and looked down at me with a smile, "I-" Ace got a phone call. "Sorry, let me take this, here are the smoothies." He handed me the cups.


"Hello, sir." I answered the phone call that my professor made.

"Hello, Ace. How are you today?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Mr. Loren, and how are you?"

"I am real happy, do you know why?"


"You got it, Ace!" Mr. Loren exclaimed.

"Got what?"

"You don't have to take these classes anymore, remember about your application to Montier University of Doctors (made up)?"

"What?! No way! I got it?! I got it!" I quietly yelled.

"Yes, Ace, you got it! You should start packing,"

"Packing? Why would I need to pack?" I questioned.

"Don't you remember? The university is in England, and I already made you a flight. It takes off tomorrow night."

"W-what?" My voice saddened a little.

"Is the connection going bad? Anyways, congrats Ace and do start packing. Bye," Mr. Loren hung up.

Dropping my phone, thoughts came to mind. What about Y/N? What am I going to do? How am I suppose to tell her?

"Hey, Ace." Y/N came walking towards me with our smoothies I ordered.


"We should finish our smoothies before they get hot,"

"You're right, I'll take that from you," I took the strawberry smoothie out of her left hand.

"Y/N, what do you think about long distance relationships?" I asked her as we sat down on the swings looking at the sun setting.

"Hm," she swung a bit, taking a sip. "I hate them, they just don't work with me. You know sometimes I have trust issues, and get lonely,"

I took my eyes off of the sunset and put them on my shoes, "Oh..."

"Why do you ask?" She looked at me with innocent eyes.

"Um, I think we should go back to your house so I can talk to you about something." I stood up.

"Okay," she wiggles her eyebrows and then laughs.



"So what did you want to talk about, Ace?" I asked as soon as we sat down at my dinner table.

"The call, the call I received was about my school... Well my professor said that I got into a university I applied for, and I got into it,"

"Oh my gosh, Ace! That's great," I was so happy for him, but his face was painted with sad emotions instead of happy ones. "But you don't look so happy. How come?" My voice became plain.

"That's what I wanted to talk about, I'm happy that I got in, but there's a problem and I can't do anything about it unless I decline to go to the university."

"What is it?" I asked a bit worried.

"I have to leave," He said.

"What do you mean you have to leave?" I repeated.

"The university I applied for is in England, and my professor already booked a flight to England and it takes off tomorrow evening. I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't know that I was going to be in a relationship, I made this application a month before I met you, and I thought they'd reject me. If you want me to decline-"

I interrupted him, "No, you can't and won't decline. I can't hold you back from becoming a doctor, it's your dream. Yes I do hate long distance relationships, but maybe we can just be friends instead... I mean, we just met Ace and not everything's going to work out, so let's just remain friends instead. What do you think?"

"I think that you're right, let's just stay friends instead of being in a relationship. Thanks, Y/N." He brought me into a hug.

"You're welcome, but I did nothing. I'll drive you home, okay?" I said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No problem, let me just get my keys." I took my keys off the kitchen counter and headed outside with Ace.


Ace got out of the car, but tapped on the window so I rolled it down. "Yes?"

"Thanks again, Y/N. I'll come by tomorrow night a few hours before my flight,"

"Okay, see you." I waved bye to him.

On the drive home I was trying so hard to not cry. Get it together, Y/N. Don't let your feelings get the best of you. Breathe in and breathe out. It's okay. Even though I was trying to comfort myself, it didn't work and as soon as I knew it I was crying a waterfall. At least I could still see, and I was a minute away from my house. Finally I stopped crying so I grabbed the tissue box I set in my car and dried them with the tissues. Get over yourself, Y/N. I got out of the car when I got to my house. After I got in, I went straight to my bedroom so I could cry myself to sleep.

Next day..

I got ready for work an hour earlier than I usually do. When I finished, I went by where Ace use to work. Man, that guy got to me a lot.

I walked in, but I didn't see Ace. What am I even doing here? I walked back out, knowing I had nothing to do here. So I went to Luv A Latte Of Coffae, I haven't been there in forever. As soon as I walked in every employee that saw me greeted me.

"I missed you guys," I went to sit down on the high chairs placed in front of the counter.

"We missed you too. Now, what do you want to order, Y/N?" She politely asked.

"I'll have a _____, thanks."

"That's all? Wow, you usually order more than this, but okie dokie your order will be done in a few minutes." She walked away with her small towel on her shoulder.

I played with my keys until someone took the seat next to me, "Jungkook?"

"Uh hi, Y/N. What're you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm more than a usual customer here, remember when I told you that? The old days," I giggled, remembering how we met.

"Yeah," he chuckled.

We kept on talking until we got our drinks and then I had to leave for work and so did he.

After work...

It was currently 6:30 pm and I was just laying around in my pj's watching a rerun of White Chicks. Suddenly I heard a knock, so I went to open it. "Ace?"

"Hi, Y/N. Don't tell me you forgot about what I told you yesterday, did you?" He had an innocent smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, no I didn't forget. I don't know what you're talking about," I slightly giggled and he laughed along with me.

"I wanted to give you something," Ace got a card and a box out of his coat pocket. "I couldn't say goodbye to you without giving you something to remember of me even if we are just friends." He gave them to me, "But don't open them until it's 9 pm."

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's just a thing people say before they leave or something in movies so I wanted to be dramatic like that," he shrugged.

I laughed, "Can't I open them now, please?"

"Fine," Ace sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

I opened the card first, reading it. Then I got tears in my eyes, because of the meaningful words that were written on it, and then I opened the box which revealed a necklace with a gold heart on it, with matching earrings on the the top side. "Ace, you didn't have to do this. Now you got me feeling guilty because I didn't give you anything. Thank you for these, especially the card, it means a lot." I said.

"Maybe our last kiss would repay me?" Ace smirked.

"Okay," I reached up to kiss him. The kiss was filled with passion, after a moment I didn't want to end I said, "Goodbye."

"It's not goodbye, it's bye. Goodbyes mean that you won't ever see that person again, and that's not true. We'll see each other once again, but as friends." Ace said.

"You're right, bye." I smiled.

"Bye," he walked away, giving me a flying kiss that I caught and put on my heart.

A few days later...

Since Jungkook confessed to me, we've been seeing each other a lot, but not expecting to.

"Y/N, when I confessed to you about my feelings, I was being serious. I want to be your boyfriend and since I haven't seen that waiter boy in a long time, I'm guessing that you guys aren't together anymore... Am I right?" Jungkook asked with a serious tone, looking me in the eyes.

"You're right, we're just friends now, because he lives in England now and I don't like long distance relationships so  it'd never work between us." I shrugged.

Jungkook took his hand and placed it on mine, "I'm willing to take his place and take you on dates, and love you because I love you,"

"I'm flustered, Kook. I guess you can take me on a date and then we'll see how it turns out," I smirked.

The end. Thank you guys for your
support! I hope you guys
enjoyed the last chapter
of this book! Bye😊💙

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