His Saviour

By ariesstarz

383K 10.5K 796

Imogen worked nights in a popular city nightclub in Manchester, England. Under the management of Kate her bo... More



9.6K 314 10
By ariesstarz

Zach dropped me off the next day. I really didn't want him to see me drunk, that is not the image I want him to have in his mind but a girl can't always get what she wants.

I had just finished my shower when I got a text from my parents. Turns out my cousin is getting married. I have to be one of the bridesmaids even though I haven't spoken to her in years.

I grimaced when I saw my mum ringing me. Brilliant, I knew I shouldn't have sent that emoji of me rolling my eyes.

"mum, I barely know her why the hell does she want me as a bridesmaid" I groan into the phone.

"Imogen don't be stupid she's family you should feel privileged she asked you" privileged isn't the word I would describe at this moment. I'm only close to two of my cousins mainly because they're cool and actually did something for themselves in life.

The only thing that's pulling me through actually going to this wedding is the fact I can spend time with them.

"why, she doesn't even like me. She tried to steal my boyfriend don't you remember mum?" she better remembers that was a very traumatic moment for me.

She clicks her tongue, as a sign she's quickly getting annoyed with me. "she's different now honey, she's met someone now. Speaking of that, I want you to bring that handsome man of yours" there is fucking is.

Why am I not surprised that she said that?

"first of all, he's not mine and secondly I'm not bringing him to a wedding where my whole family will be. No way" I honestly expected her to start shouting at me but she surprised me by suddenly laughing.

"stop lying to yourself Imogen, and don't lie to your mother either" okay now I'm honestly confused.

"it was just a suggestion but don't embarrass me by coming alone, alright" I groan out loud. Bet she's told half my family I have a boyfriend because how fast my mother moves.

I definitely don't want to ask him to be my date to a family wedding, fuck we've only just kissed I'm not going to do that.

Then again, if I turn up alone my mother may fry my head.

I think ill just put the whole thing off for a while I have months until I have to even worry about a date, heck maybe I won't be seeing Zach then.

Zach did text me, apparently, he has a busy day today which thankfully means he wont seeing me today. After yesterday I'm somewhat embarrassed with how things escalated.

I also have work tonight so I got to do that. I needed to go in early so I could train this new girl. She was only 21 bless her just starting out.

After changing into my work clothes, I made sure to lock my door and drive to the club. Once I arrived I spotted the girl standing at the bar looking nervous as hell. The club wasn't open yet everything was just setting up for the night.

"hey, you must be Chloe," I say walking over gracing her with a wide grin.

"yes, nice to meet you" she replies back politely. Very nice.

"you're on time, that's a great start. Ill just show you around and then we can have a quick catch up "

she nods her head before following behind whilst I give her a quick tour.

"right so we have two bars. This one is the section where all VIP's come and mainly business people come, on the other side is for everyone else which is where we will be working. You have the decision to swap to the other bar but that comes with experience" I inform her pointing over to the other bar.

I quickly take her around to the back. "this is the staff section, you can chill here on breaks and stuff." I introduce her to the guys chilling in there, smoking a few.

"this is pretty cool. I worked at a club in London before but it wasn't as comfortable as this place" she says leaning up against the bar again. Every introduction comes with a free drink.

"what club was that," I ask, maybe I know it.

"Spikes before they closed down" she smirked clearly, she's got some juicy details that she's going to share with me.

I know the place, had a few fun nights there but I knew they were known for some dodgy shit. But aren't most clubs.

"I'm guessing this means I don't have to teach you how to make drinks then," I say hopeful. This is exhausting already just showing her around.

"oh, don't worry about that, I've been working at bars and clubs since I was 17," she says much to my relief. She laughed when she saw me slump down on a stall.

"boss doesn't pay me enough for this I swear" I comment. I never thought id be in charge for the newbies but nobody else liked doing it.

This girl was actually really chill. I learnt that eventually, she wants to own her own bar in the city. I was impressed we don't get many employees who actually think about their future. Normally its just to help and pay off that student debt.

Thinking about it, I'm still paying mine off.

I watched her when I was on my break, she managed to take control pretty quickly and was very good with the customers.

"she's a natural" boss says saddling up to my side. I nod my head agreeing with her.

"the usual dirty bastards are on her though," she says eyeing the few guys chatting her up. I only smirked when she gracefully handled it and sent them idiots on their merry way.

"I think she can handle herself," I say kicking off the wall and helping her to serve the drinks. A bunch of girls walked up to the bar, they seemed to be having a good night.

"shots shots" they chant once they spot me. I only smile getting down to business and pouring them a few shots.

It wasn't long before they were off again, they had guys watching them so I'm guessing they were taken, how cute.

By the time I was done I had to take a double take when I saw Zach on the opposite side of the club in VIP section. I think he was here on business. he seemed to be in deep conversation with another man.

This man wasn't messing around he had a girl on each knee as he spoke to Zach.

I tried not to get jealous when I saw girls sitting too close to him, practically every inch of their body was on Zach.

A smirk graced my face when I saw him push one away before talking again. That's it bitches walk away.

I decided that I would head home.

I took my bag from the back and moved my way towards the exit. Before I could escape I felt a firm hand on my arm. I thought it was some weird creep but when I finally looked up I gaped at him.

"not yet beautiful" he simply he said before dragging me through the crowd. I was being pulled in between bodies until Zach pulled me roughly so I was now walking in front of him.

We made our way to a private section behind a black curtain. As soon as we were alone he had pulled me to sit with him on one of the comfy chairs.

"rough night," I said noticing the tiredness in his posture. He hadn't texted me since lunch so I'm guessing He's been busy since then.

"one way to put it, how am I suppose to have a conversation with a man that is practically being eaten by some woman" he groans leaning his head back. I only laugh picturing the image from before.

I decided on cosying up to him letting my head rest on his chest as we enjoyed this peaceful moment just a few steps away from the crazy night.

I smiled when I breathed in his scent. I had my leg just covering his thigh. I enjoyed the moment of being with Zach. He took his hand and placed it on my face. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see him so close to me.

"I'm going to kiss you now, gen," he says his eyes staring down at me and his face closing in on me.

I didn't have time to respond before I felt his lips come down onto mine. His lips instantly moving against mine in a soft rhythm. I moaned into his as he pushes my lips apart, moving his tongue to meet mine.

Fuck, if this isn't the most erotic kiss I've ever had.

Walking out after our little make out session was a mixture of emotions. I'm pretty sure I was blushing red. I was also smug as I watched the women stand around and stare with envy.

"see you later," I said placing a kiss on his cheek before finally making my exit out of the club.

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