Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Officially Mine
Whatever. -You Too.
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Run Away Home
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
Poor Kid
He Did What?!
Waking Up
Because of You

Dirty Little Secret

781 26 2
By California6

   We walk the three miles back to the pack house in silence. I am able to tell that Erin is debating whether or not to start hell by yelling at me.

   When we get to the house, she leads the way in, and heads straight for a room towards the back of it. We are probably going to her room.

   Once we walk in, I am positive that it is her room. The purple ceiling accenting the black walls makes me believe that this is a girls room, plus the lime green bed off to the side helps, too.

   "I like your room." I state, not wanting to be rude or anything.

   "Thanks." she replies, then turns to look at me. Here we go, "What the hell happened back there? What did you do? Climb a tree? It sort of scared me how your scent just disappeared and there was no way to find you. I tried to listen, but heard nothing. Where did you go? What did you do? Can you show me?"

   "Slow down! One question at a time, you have me a little confudled right now."

   "Confudled?" she asks with an amused expression.

   "Yes, confudled. When I was younger, I couldn't pronounce the word confused, and now I just say confudled out of habit.

   "Oh, okay. My first question is Where did you go?"

   "Easy, I followed your scent back to here. I wanted to follow you so I could see what your 'special power' is."

   "Really?! You followed me?! I couldn't even tell! Ha! Did yo see what my 'special power' is?"

   "Yes, how can you run that fast? You were like faster than anything I have ever seen!"

   "I don't know, I guess it was just born into me. Enough about me, I have more questions for you!"

   "Okay, shoot." i say as I take a seat on her amazingly comfortable bed.

   "What did you do? I got to the clearing and it was as if you hadn't moved since I left, but I knew you weren't there, or at least I couldn't see, smell, or sense you."

   "Oh, that. I have the ability to mask my scent and movement. Plus my whole body just sort of does this weird thing that allows for me to go undetected until I want to be seen."

   "Then how did Rebecca find you. I thought she said that you made a noise that brought her attention to you." Crap, she is on to me, a little.

   "I don't like to use the power all of the time becasue I see it as a disadvantage, so I didn't even think about using i when I crossed their paths. I was just walking through the trees when I heard them. The best thing I could do was climb the tree closest to them to see what was going on. I actually did use it to silence myself and go unnoticed until I was in the tree. It was then that I stupidly let my guard down."

   "I understand. One more question, and then I'm done, I think." She has so many deep questions, that I don't know how many more I can answer.

   "Okay, fine. Please make it quick because I am beat and ready to go to bed." While saying that, I ly down completely on Erin's bed.

   "Okay!" She exclaims, before getting to her question, "Can you show me how to do what you did out there?" She asks, while jabbing her thumb in the direction of the woods.

   "I don't know. I tried to train my other friend once, and she just got mad at me when she wasn't able to do it. I don't want you getting angry at me if you are not able to successfully mask your scent."

   "I will be fine if I can or can't. I just wanna try and see if I can."

   "Okay, if you insist. We will try tomorrow because right now I am going to go find an empty bed and pass out from exhaustion." I think about how I was never given a room, and am about to ask, when Erin cuts me off mid-thought.

   "Here, I will show you to one of the empty rooms, and lucky for you, it is across the hall!"

   After showing me all around the guest room that I will be staying in for the time being, Erin prepares herself to leave.

   "Nighty night neighbor!" She yells before exiting my room and closing my door.

   "Night." I say, too late, but i know she can hear me.

   When I wake up, I hear an odd noise in my room. I open my eyes to see Erin sitting above me on my bed, staring at me.

   "Can I help you?" I ask, unsure as to why she is in my room, and was watching me sleep.

   "No, your good, but you look funny when your sleeping." Wow.

   "Umm... I have no idea how to respond to that. Haha." I laughed weakly, not sure what to do. "Why were you watching me sleep?"

   "'Cuz you didn't wake up when I shoved you, and you looked funny, so I figured I might as well enjoy the free show." Wow, she is crazy.

   "Really? I ddn't think I was that deep of a sleeper, but I guess I am. So, what are we doing today 'person who enjoys watching me sleep'?" I ask, giving her a quick new name.

   "Well, 'person who is imposible to wake up', I was thinking you could attempt to show me how to mask my scent." She gives the suggestion, but I know it is more like an order, she is desperate to try to learn how to mask her scent.

   "Haha, nice name. I guess we can try, but you have to promise to not get mad at me if it doesn't work. I don't want our friendship to be ruined because of this."

   "I promise!" She yells, suddenly excited at the chance of trying to learn a new skill.

   "Haha, okay, settle down." I'm afraid she is about to shift right here from excitement.

   She takes a deep breath to settle herself, then looks me in the eye. "Okay, I'm as settled as I will ever be, let's go!" She sits down on the bed in front of me, but I can see her squirming in her seat.

   "Your funny. Just let me shower and get dressed first, and then we will begin." As I say that, I get up and shove her out of my room. "I will come get you when I'm done."

   "FIne, I will be in my room, I guess." She pouts, but walks into her room with no further arguments.

   "Okay, you have fun with that." I giggle as I close my bedroom door and walk into the bathroom to get my shower.

   After my shower, I feel rejuvinated. As I get dressed, I revel in the feeling of being truly clean for the first time in a while. I put on the only other outfit that I have: Black short shorts, a rainbow striped tank top, and pink flip flops.

   I walk out of my room and into the one across the hall. Upon entering, I see Erin locking lips with some guy. Crap, not sapposed to be in here. I inhale, feeling my power come into place, as I silently make my way back out of the room unnoticed. That was way too close!

   Erin was so into her steamy make out session that she was oblivious to me, thank god! She is gonna kill me when she finds out that I know her dirty little secret.

   I now don't know if I should go interupt or let them be. I decide to let them be, they probably just met.

   I make my way down the stairs, unsure of what I am going to do now. My choice is made for me when I see Rebecca standing at the bottom of the stairs.

   "There you are!" She yells, but the only thing I do is walk past her.

   "What do you want Rebecca?" I ask, not wanting to really talk to her after she ratted me out to Doug, her alpha.

   "I want to appologize for what I did. I'm sorry. I guess I was just jealous that you liked Erin more then me. I don't know why I did what I did, but I'm sooo sorry!" I can tell that she actually feels bad, so I decide to not hold a grudge.

   "It's okay, I forgive you."

   "Thank you so much!" She seems releived.

   "Yeah, now where is the kitchen in this place?" I ask, as my stomach starts to make itself known.

   "Here, follow me. I understand how confusing this house can be."

   "Okay. Thanks."

   "So, are you enjoying your stay here?" She is starting to start a conversation, how cute.

   "Yeah, Erin is very nice to me." I say, knowing that it will just piss her off.

   "That's good." She states with no emotion. She tightens her jaw after she says it. I can tell that there is more on her mind that she is not saying.

   "Yeah, and the woods are beautiful. I was actually just about to go for a run." After stating this, a plan begins to form in my head.

   "Oh really?" She asks, looking like she would like to do the same right about now, "Do you mind if I join you? Things have been pretty crazy around here lately."

   "Sure, I don't mind."

   We make our way out of the house and into the woods. We take our time once we hit the first line of trees.

   "What all have you and Erin been up to?" She asks, but I can tell that it is a show. She doesn't really care, the silence is just making her uncomfortable.

   "Not much, but I showed her some of my mad skills last night."

   "Really? And what are your mad skills?" She asks, falling into my little trap perfectly.

   "Do you want me to show you them?" I ask, sounding innocent.

   "Yes, I would love to see these 'mad skills' of yours." She says, allowing some sarcasm to come out with her words.

   "Okay, I need you to walk back to the pack house, and in two minutes, walk back out to this exact spot. I promise you won't be able to find me." I say that last sentence more as a threat, so that she will defintely take me up on my offer.

   "Okay, but I will be able to find you, so I don't know why you are doing this."

   "It will be like a game of hide and seek. Don't stop searching until you find me. The whole forest is game, but once you leave them, you are disqualified."

   "Okay, I will find you, so be ready to give up on the hope of having 'mad skills'"

   "Kk, I will see you then!" I say, adding some fake enthusiasm into my voice.

   "Yeah, I will be back in two minutes. Hey!" She exclaims, "Why don't we make this interesting." She suggests, and I can't help but grin.

   "Okay, how so?" I ask, I want her to pick her own punishment so that she thinks she has the upper hand, but really doesn't at all.

   "Loser has to run down the main road in nothing but a pair of socks." She says with finality, grinning evily to herself.

   "Okay, lets get started then!" I say as I shove her towards the pack house and get ready to begin my ritual yet again.

   I go through the process, and by the end, I have no scent, and I am able to tell where she is and how to get away.

   With about thirty seconds left, I make my way up a huge tree, and jump from tree to tree until I find a really comfy one that allows for me to go unseen.

   When Rebecca finally reapears, she sniffs the air, and is almost taken aback when she can not find a scent for me. She looks around for a little while before starting to walk off in the opposite direction of the pack house. She is so unsure of what she is doing that I almost feel bad for her, but the keyword there is almost. I definitely feel no pity for this girl right now because of how she treated my best friend.

   I follow her as she goes further in, trying to pick up a scent for me, but failing miserably. She finally shifts so that her wolf nose can make an attempt to detect something. When nothing is found, Rebecca takes off running, obviously planning on depending on her eyes to find me. Sometimes she honestly astounds me with the ideas she has.

   I give up on following her, and go back to where we first began. I climb up a tree where I have a good veiw, but would go totally unnoticed, even if she was searching the trees.

   After about four hours, Rebecca finally finds her way back. All the while looking extremely defeated. She is still in wolf form, so she lies down and sighs. She shifts back into her human form behind a tree, and then walks back out.

   She looks up into the trees, trying to see if I am up there, but gives up after about ten minutes. She sighs again, and goes to sit down, when a twig snaps. This time it is not me, though.

   She looks in the direction of the sound and her face shows how scared she is, "Jessice? Is that you?" She asks, but I remain unmoving, not wanting to give my position away.

   When no one replies, Rebecca starts to look around frantically.

   "Relax." Someone states, and I right away know who it is. Erin.

   "Who are you?" Rebecca asks through shaking teeth.

   "Haha. You know who I am." As she says this, Erin walks out from the cover of the shrubs.

   "Oh thank God your here, I can't find Jessica anywhere. She said she had 'mad skills' and i doubted her, but now I can't find her anywhere!" Rebecca seems to be really shaken up by this whole ordeal.

   "I bet she is around here somewhere. It turns out that I am also looking for her. We can look together, if you want." She suggests, and Rebecca quickly nods her head. "Okay, lets go that way first to look." She sys, while pointing in a random direction.

   "Okay, just stay close."

   "I will, don't worry." Erin reassures Rebecca, and that alone almost has me on the ground laughing.

   After Rebecca is out of ear shot, Erin looks up into the trees, not sure which one to look at, and starts laughing her butt off, "That was a good joke, now come down here." She says, her voice filling up with anger and amusement.

   Just the look on her face and the way she is talking to me tell me that I do not want to come down from my spot in this tree.

   When I don't reply, she starts pacing. It's when she asks nicely that I finally at least respond.

   "Will you please come down?" She asks sweetly.

   "You know, I would, but I really don't want to lose this bet. If you could get Rebecca to come and say out loud that she gives up, I would happily come down."

   "Okay, give me a sec." She says, before her face turns into one of someone talking to someone else through their mind. Within five minutes, Rebecca returns.

   After Erin expains that she has to give up, she unwillingly does.

   "Fine! Jessica, if you are hearing this, I give up! You win! I have to do the dare." After she is done, she looks around expectantly, so I decide to have a little bit of fun.

   With Rebecca turned away from me, I jump on her back and scream. My screaming causes her to scream and run away like a little girl, as I roll around on the ground laughing my ass off.

   "O-my-God!" I scream, between breaths, as I start to cry, "That was soooo funny!" I drag out the O to add how funny I thought it was.

   "Yeah, sure. We need to talk." Erin says, cutting to the chase.

   "What about?"

   "Why didn't you come get me after your shower?" She asks, thinking that I have no clue about her and lover boy.

   "Well, I did, but I didn't liek what greeted me when I did. Believe me, you would have left also if you saw your best friend trying to suck some guys lips off!" As I say this, she begins blushing, and as I continue, it gets continuesly deeper and deeper red, "I mean, if you wanted me there for that, I most definetly did not get the memo, and probably wouldn't have followed it. I figured I should give you two some time to settle down, instead of standing there and watching."

   My little speech made Erin's face red, like deep lipstick red. Just seeing that has me crying and trying not to laugh even harder than I already am, but to no avail.

   "Sorry." I say, trying not to laugh even harder.

   "It's okay. I was going to surprise you, but I guess that is ruined. Ha. Well, you unintentionally met my mate, Beck."

   "OMG! You found your mate?! Ahhhhhh! I'm soooo happy for you!" I scream, unable to contain myself.

   "Yes, haha, I did."

   "That is so fantabulous!"

   "Why the hell did you just scare the crap out of me?!" Rebecca asks/screams, as she enters teh little clearing.

   "Because I was ready to have some fun and you were the first to offer a chance to do just that." I plainly state, not sugar coating it at all.

   "Wow!" She exclaims.

   "Yeah, so when are you fulfilling your side of our little deal?" I ask, trying not to fall to the ground laughing.

   She blushes, "About that..." She trails off.

   "Hell no! You are doing it! Especially because it was your idea." I say, grabbing her arm as she tries to run away.

   "Fine! I will do it tomorrow."

   "Okay, six o'clock sharp. Meet here, or else."

   "I guess." She mumbles to herself as she makes her way back to the pack house.

   Seeing her walk away defeated has me giggling.

   "So, when can I meet him?" I ask, turning to face Erin.

   "You want to meet him?" She asks, looking at the ground.

   "Of course I do! Now take me to him before I force you to, and you do not want that."

   "Okay, okay." She mumbles and leads the way back to the pack house.

   "I can't wait to meet him! I bet he is just perfect for you!" I yell, as we walk out of the woods.

   "Shut up." She says, looking around to see if anyone overheard my yelling. When she is happy that no one has, she turns to looks at me, "He is perfect." She says, as a giant smile finds it's way onto her face.


I hope yu all enjoy this! it had me giggling the whole time while writing! haha, we now have someone new to meet- beck!

Emma Stone AKA Rebecca!!! yay! i luv her as a blonde! -------------->>>

~Cali <3

(not edited)




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