The Past Is Never Where You T...

By tinyaesthete

621 35 26

8 years ago, Kaylee and Zaiden, the legendary "It" couple break up. After years of heartbreak, they finally a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

352 12 4
By tinyaesthete

Meh, don't know what to say... finally uploaded this :') This is basically "Do You Believe In Destiny?" / "Time Changes Everything" re-written :D Enjoy ;) Any confusions? JUST MESSAGE ME BRO :3 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Chapter 1


[ 8 years ago. ]

“Zay?” Kaylee asked, slowly. She had never seen him look so serious.

“Just…give me a moment,” he said, his light golden-brown eyes looking down. His long dark hair that was constantly in his eyes flew in the wind.

“Are you okay?” She asked, sitting on a nearby rock. This was their favourite place. Just next to their friend’s, ’s, house there was a little forest area. Zaiden was just a couple of houses down, and Kaylee was almost constantly at Sabrina’s. Today was her birthday party, and Zaiden and Kaylee had ducked out a couple of minutes ago, to come here. But now something seemed amiss.

“Just a moment,” he repeated, glancing up from under his long eye-lashes. She was sitting on one of the big rocks that lined Sabrina's pool. It was too cold to swim, making a pool party out of the question. She had kicked her shoes off, and was now sitting with her legs crossed, making the skirt of her short white dress dance in the wind as well, giving him little peaks of her bright blue underwear. This was going to be hard.

“Lee-lee?” he began, hesitantly.

“Yeah?” she imitated his tone. She knew something was about to happen.

“Um…I-I’m breaking up with you,” he pronounced each word with difficult, looking up and deep into her intense green eyes. Her long blonde hair was tied into a messy bun at top of her head, and showed of her long, slender, neck. The necklace he had given her rested right in the middle of her protruding collar bones. Suddenly there was no more roaring of the wind, no more sounds of the party, no more screams, nothing. The silence drowned everything out. Kaylee sat on her rock, unable to move, and was silently glad that she was already sitting. She would've sunk to the ground otherwise.

“A-Are you okay…?” he asked. He was scared. She was so still, it didn’t look like she was breathing. But as soon as the words were out of his mouth, she got up and in a swift movement her shoes were on, and she ran back to the house.

For the rest of the party, he got dirty glares from everyone around him. He knew he deserved it. He had broken her heart, and he never gave her a reason. The next few months were no better. They tried being friends in the beginning, but you just can’t be friends with your ex. It’s impossible. Then she moved away and switched schools. They lost contact. And just like that, he hurt her even more.


[ Present day. ]

~ Kaylee’s POV ~

“Kaylee Ziemer,” Mr. Dour announced in a bored tone. Hey, you would be bored too, if you just called out over a hundred names. I’m glad mine was last. It gave my body time to make use of the six cups of coffee I had this morning, and my walk to the stadium wouldn’t be jittery and hyper, unlike Amanda’s or Tangie’s. 

I got upto him, and shook his hand, then gave him an unexpected peck on the cheek. The guy was my favourite teacher, even though he was a million years old. Then I turned to the crowd, and watched as everyone cheered and threw their caps in the air. I let out a scream, and punched the air with both my fists. Then I jumped down and joined my best friends. Amanda and Tangie. I squealed and hugged both of them, then grabbed their arms and spun them around. I was twenty-one, hell yeah, but still a teenager at heart.

“YES B*TCH! WE’RE OUTTA HERE!” Amanda screamed in my ear, as Tangie kept an iron-clad grin on my waist. They were both in the horrible dark green graduation gowns we were forced to wear.

“BYEEEE-BYEEEEEEEE GOLDEN NUT!” I put in, as Tangie let go.

Guldenat University. I loved this place. I had been here for the past four years, and was now graduating as a qualified lawyer, with a minor in photography. I’ve wanted to be a lawyer since I was twelve, and now I’ve achieved that. I was so happy, I wanted to laugh, scream, shout and even cry a bit. I looked over at Tangie as her eyes glazed over. Amanda was hysterical with tears.

“Promise me we’ll stay in touch?” she said, as we walked away from the crazy ceremony and to where the parents were. Mine couldn’t make it, dad was still too sick, and mom didn’t think she could make it alone. Didn't want to, more like.

“Definitely,” I replied, putting my arm around her slender shoulders and giving her a squeeze. Amanda was definitely the prettiest girl I had ever known. She looked like those typical cheerleading-bitches, with her perfect honey blonde hair, clear golden-hazel eyes, long tan legs, and a slender figure. But she had a heart of gold, an adorable southern accent, and was just a teensy bit boy crazy. Plus, she was the awesome-est room mate ever, since she had the best fashion sense. She could get on your nerves sometimes, but that's okay.

“And me,” Tangie put in. She was Amanda’s cousin, and Amanda was mostly the reason we even knew each other. In the beginning she didn’t like me much, thinking I was too happy and care-free, and wouldn’t shut up. Which is true. Get me going, and there's no way to stop me. But by the second year, she gradually warmed upto me. Now we were the “best-est of friends”. She had chocolate brown hair, and gorgeous huge brown eyes with this perfect tan that never faded. Plus, she was like a genius. She also had a no-nonsense attitude, and was the most straight-up bitch around. She’d never been in a relationship, and didn’t want to be. She was so unique. I loved her, with all my heart.

“Nah, let’s just forget about you,” Amanda winked, dodging Tangie’s whack on the head.

“I’m gonna miss you guys!” I whined. And it was true, I would miss these freaks.

“We’re gonna miss you too!” they said, simultaneously, as Amanda’s mom came upto us, and hugged her. Her mom looked so much like her, just…older. Her parents had split up a while ago, and now she’d lost contact with her dad. Her mom was trying so hard to make up for it. She had come from her voluntary help at the Peace Corps in Fuji to be here.

"Kaylee, you have become so thin!” she gushed, hugging me. The last time we met was last summer, when I came to visit Amanda and her mom for a week or two.

“Look who’s talking, Ms. Byne!” I replied.

I could see Tangie’s smirk at Amanda’s mom’s back. “Kay’s become thin? I thought she was turning into a fatass.”

I stuck my tongue out at her, as Amanda’s mom hugged her as well.

“Come, come, let’s get food!” she said, herding us towards the refreshments.

“No no, thank you Mrs. Byne. I need to look for my parents. They really want to meet Kay, I’ve told them so much about her!” Tangie said, backing out and pulling me with her.

“Tangie!” a voice sang, and we turned to see Tangie’s huge family approaching. Her six younger siblings, – three girls, three boys – her mom, her dad, her aunt and her grandmother. I watched as Tangie's mother embraced her sister, and Amanda bent down to hug her cousins.

“C’mere,” someone whispered in my ear, pulling me away. I turned around and saw Joseph holding both my hands. He was my sort-of boyfriend.

“Congrats,” he whispered, putting my hand behind his neck, and then resting his arms on my waist, like we were the only people here. No parents or shouting kids. And somehow, they just disappeared. He rested his forehead against mine, and kissed the tip of my nose softly.

“Same to you,” I whispered back. “Where are your parents?”

“Couldn’t make it. Yours?”


Suddenly he picked me up, bridal style, as the front of my robes came un-done. Everyone could now see my red tube top and denim hot shorts. He chuckled at my outfit, knowing I never really went out like this, and then carried me out of the hall, ignoring my screams of protest.

“Where are we going?” I asked for the millionth time as he opened the door to his car.

“Somewhere I know you love,” he winked, setting me down on the passenger seat.

“Chili’s?” I asked hopefully.

“Mm hmm,” he replied, taking my hand and squeezing it briefly. I grinned and sent Tangie a quick sorry text, explaining where I was. I knew she would approve. I had dated a couple of guys during my time at Guldenat, but Joseph was her favourite.

We had dinner at Chili’s. He ordered a steak, while I ordered my favourite – chicken fajitas. By the time we got back to the Uni, the place was half empty because people had gone home with their parents last night. Amanda was gone as well, so Joseph kind of slept over.

I had no plans for the future, but I was seriously thinking about marrying the guy.

~ Zaiden’s POV ~ ]

“Get up, sleepy head,” a girly voice giggled in my ear. I opened my eyes to the same thing I saw every morning. A hot chick with tan skin, green-ish brown eyes and blonde-streaked brown hair. Tina Valdez. My half-Italian fiance.

“I’m up, babe,” I whispered, kissing her gently. She got out of bed and danced to the kitchen. I watched her ass. Last night she’d gotten just a bit too hyper, and we got it on. But it was getting boring. Everything was boring now. I didn’t mind Tina though. She was f***ing sexy, and always came up with new ways to... satisfy me. But that gets boring too. I wanted Tina because this other jackass did. After I got her, I wanted to get rid of her, but when the chick’s got an ass like that, you just don’t let it go. Then somehow, I fell in “love” with her, and proposed. Now we were engaged. I wasn't even married yet, but was already tired of commitment. 

 I wearily rubbed my eyes and got out of bed to find a clean pair of boxers, and possibly a shirt. I found both, and then decided to look for Tina. I could smell bacon and eggs, and it was mouth-watering. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a proper meal. I’d been making up excuses at work, so that I wouldn’t have to come home much.

“Hey babe,” I whispered, going into the kitchen and hugging Tina’s waist from behind. She had put on a purple and blue robe, and was frying bacon at the stove.

“Hey,” she whispered back, turning around and putting her hands on my chest. “What are we doing today?”

“I was thinking maybe we’d go out for dinner tonight?” I suggested, lowering my head and kissing her neck lightly.

“Hmm, sounds good. What about the afternoon?” she asked, moaning softly.

“Er, I need to meet Jake. I’ve been promising him those pictures from his birthday forever, and I just got them developed,” I explained. For once, I wasn’t lying. I hadn’t met Jake, my best friend, for weeks. And he was pretty pissed off, because he wanted those pictures.

“Oh…” her face fell. I knew she was expecting me to say something to cheer her up, but I wasn’t really all that bothered.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I said, with a quick peck on the cheek.

“It’s alright,” she said, waving me away. “Eat up, I’m going for a shower,” she said, then she was gone.

I grunted and began to eat. Why does she have to act like such a royal princess? I mean, we were getting married soon. We could save all of that for after we were married. If we spent every moment together now, what would we do then?

I finished my breakfast in record time, and decided that I would go for a quick shower after Ms. Royal Bitch got out, then go pick up the photos, then off to Jake’s. I sighed and got up, and went to get my clothes ready. Tina was amazing at cooking, cleaning, ironing and all that as well, which was just a bonus. I picked out a navy button-up shirt, and black slacks. I loved those button-up shirts, they were my favourite. I spread the clothes out on a chair, just as the bathroom door opened, and out came Tina wrapped in a towel. I ran past her, and locked the door. I stripped quickly, and was soon in the shower.

I spent less than 5 minutes in there, and was out just as I miss you by Blink 182 began to play from my blackberry. I picked it up, and put it on speaker.

“Hey?” Jake’s voice filled my room.

“Yo Jake,” I replied, locking the door, and toweling my hair. I was naked, and if Tina came in, God knows what we’d do. And I so didn't have the time for that.

“You busy today, man?” he asked.

“Nah, I was thinking of coming over,” I replied, pulling on the same boxers from before, and then the slacks over them.

“Awesome. If you want, get Tina as well. Em stayed over last night, and she’d love to see her.”

“Um, nah man, just me,” I said, pointedely. I was trying to get away from Tina.

“Oh…what’s up?” Jake asked. Dammit, he always knew when something was wrong.

“Nothing man,” I shrugged into the mirror, still toweling my hair. I couldn’t put my shirt on when it was wet, and it was so long. I liked my hair, it was dark brown, messy and was constantly in my brown-golden-whatever eyes, and girls loved that. But since I was tied down now, and Tina wouldn’t care if I was bald or not, I should probably cut it.

“Look, we’ve been best friends for 23 years, I know when something’s wrong,” Jake warned.

“Since we were 3, Jake. That makes it 20 years,” I chuckled, finally giving up on my hair, and throwing on my shirt.

“23 sounds more impressive though. Anyways, hurry up, I’ll send Emma out,” he drawled. I grinned, and closed the phone, then picked up my Canon, and opened the door to see Tina standing right there.

“Where’re you going?” she demanded. I snuck a look at the clock. Almost 1. I’d definitely be back before dinner, so why was she freaking out?

“Jake’s place,” I shrugged, walking towards the door.

“Will Emma be there?” she asked. I could practically hear her brain putting together a gossip fest with Jake’s girlfriend.

“Nah, she had some family shit. Anyways, I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Bye, love you!” I called, closing the door behind me.

I decided to walk to Jake’s, knowing that the photo studio was somewhere on the way, and I could use the exercise. Being engaged to Tina was definitely costing me big-time. The girl was an amazing cook, and I never seemed to talk myself into going to the gym.

Soon enough, I was at the studio. The minute I walked in, the Blink 182 song began to play. I sighed and checked Caller ID, expecting Tina’s name to come flashing across the screen. But no, it was Zach, my brother.

“Hey!” I grinned into the phone. Man, I missed the guy! He was a year younger than me, but we didn’t look at all alike. He was taller, and looked like a stick. I was more…masculine. His eyes were the same colour as mine, just a shade or two darker, like our dad's.

“What’s up?” I heard him say, over the millions of miles that separated us. Zach was back in Dubai. He liked it there. I had at a time, but was now sick of it. I knew every area of the city like the back of my hand.

“Nothing, bro, was just on my way to Jake’s. You?” I asked, while drawing a receipt out of my pocket, and giving it to the man behind the counter. He disappeared into the back room, and I leaned against the wall, waiting for my brother’s reply.

“Tell him I say hey. Nothing, just got off work,” he replied with a sigh. Ah, the poor ass had to work on a Sunday. Back in Dubai, the weekends were on Friday and Saturday.

“Poor you,” I teased. “So bro, how come you randomly remembered me?” I asked. My brother wasn’t one for family time or anything. He preferred doing his own thing.

“Ah, I was missing you. You should come here soon, y’know. The old places have been calling your name. I went back to the old places a while ago. And I got in touch with Rose and Dolly. Dolly’s engaged, and Rose has a steady boyfriend. And guess who Dolly’s engaged to? Mark! I always thought they made a good couple. Rose’s boyfriend is a boy she met in University, in Australia. He’s on a business trip now, but she said he’d be home soon.” Zach began.

I sighed. My brother, the gossip. I normally called him that, but he would disagree and say he was merely “well-informed.” Well-informed my ass.

“I met Mark as well, he had come to pick Dolly up. He’s become so tall! I’m trying to get in touch with Tom too, but he never sticks to one place or number at a time. The last time anyone spoke to him, he was in Puerto Rico!” he continued.

“Zach, shut up. I’m not going to gossip with you,” I said, as the man returned and gave me a heavy brown envelope. I paid him, and went back outside.

“But it’s not gossiping! It’s just passing on information,” he disagreed. I was about to roll my eyes, then stopped myself. I needed to remember that people couldn’t see me through the phone.

“Whatever,” I replied. Then I had a brain-storm. Why don’t I go to Dubai for a few weeks? Staying here with Tina really wasn’t that great. And I’d love to see my brother and our old friends. “Hey listen, I actually was thinking of coming home for a bit. Mind having me for a week?”

“I don’t care whether it’s a week, or a century! Just come!” Zach exclaimed. Wow, I guess my brother missed me more than I thought.

“Cool,” I grinned, about to hang up. I was just a few minutes away from Jake’s.

“Bring that girl you’re seeing too. Toni, Tiny, whatever her name is,” he offered.

“Tina,” I corrected. “Nah, she’s going to meet her parents. I’d get bored, so I decided to come,” I lied easily, as I got into the lift leading up to Jake's 4th floor apartment. “My manager won’t mind, he always says I don’t take enough breaks,” that part was true at least. I never took any holidays or anything, even when it was absolutely necessary. I prefer work to staying at home with Tina. 

“Oh, okay. Hope I see you soon, bro! Bye!” he said gaily, then hung up. Sometimes I really do wonder about him.

I sighed, and rang the doorbell of Jake’s apartment. He opened the door in only boxers, a tooth brush in his mouth, and short hair all spiked up. He had light brown eyes, that were framed by long lashes, just a bit denser then my own. We looked very alike, except his skin was a bit darker. The colour mine became after a day at the beach or something.

“’Ey Ga-an” he said, opening the door completely and letting me in. “Ga-ast gim-me a ‘in-oot.”

I switched on the T.V and waited for Jake to come back. I watched a long series of mind-numbing ads, and just as the movie – Fast 5 – was about to begin, Jake came back in wearing a simple white shirt and black shorts and switched off the T.V.

“What the f***?!” I yelled, getting up. Jake shrunk back, knowing I could pound him to a pulp. He was so thin, he looked anorexic.

“Relax!” he yelled, as I cracked up. “Ah, screw you. What’s up with you and Tina?”

That sobered me up. “Nothing man, she’s just getting kind of…boring,” I shrugged.

“Hm, that tends to happen, don’t worry, you’ll get over it,” he said. Then he saw the envelope in my hands. “Oh man, is that mine?!” he exclaimed, taking it from my hand, and flopping down on the sofa.

I sat next to him, and commented on each and every photo. But I just couldn’t concentrate. Was this just a phase that I’d pass with Tina? Somehow, I wasn’t so sure.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

WOOHOO, done :3 

Okay soo, the song of the day is "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift. Suits the first bit, doesn't it? I know I said she's 14, and he's 16 but oh well... (A)

LALALALALLAAL, peace bro. 


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