life of dante

By charlesgordonart

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this is the story of a man, his life his past and the future. will he rise or will he die. will he make a cha... More

life of dante
birth of dante
secret plans. and meetings, storm on the horizon
talks. and murder,
meetings and plan's.
re-training And, discovering plots
taking Down Leads and Friends. enemies
The order has crumpled, and shaky foundations.
The funeral and Dantes pain. and The training
The Apple of Eden, and fighting The odds.
fighting the fire, and a uniting of the gang's, and parties.

The ending Is just the beginning. Marcos end Dantes beginning

50 4 1
By charlesgordonart

{Recap Dimitri had went to The rogue Assassins hideout and asked for there deadliest killer, They got sophia Project x is very successful and now we look at what happens.}

Sebastian Industry

It has been only a few day's since project x succeed.  and x was getting used to his powers it had done wonders for him made him strong smarter,  and tougher to he was everything That Sebastian was hopping for. and soon he will have it all as well.  Sebastian sat in his office smiling He had alot to smile and to be thankful for his phone rang and he wondered who would call him.

"Yes who is this?"

"Sebastian my dear friend,  How are you doing I heard project x is successful."

"Ahh Dimitri my friend yes it is. it is successful we found the right subject,  everything worked out perfectly"

"Good We have to talk tonight,  are you available Tonight?"

"Yes I'm available."

"Good will I well be in touch."

The line went dead and Sebastian put The phone down and was thinking what could Dimitri want?  He was very nervous and didn't know what to do so many thoughts he didn't know what to do, he was so deep in thought he didn't see his Secretary walk in and speak.

"mr Sebastian,  We have something to show you down in The lab."

"Right coming How is x doing? "

"It appears everything is Going will, He's everything he hopped in."

"Great Thats wonderful news."

Down in The lab The scientists were amazed at x. not only was he strong but he was indestructible there was nothing he couldn't do. They gave him a mega ton

steel chamber and without trying he broke it and just tore it down. Sebastian finally arrived.  he was amazed at what he saw x was really everything he wanted and he was very impressed,  x was Looking up he approached x.

"x how do you feel? Do you feel any different or strange or anything?"

"No I feel great, I can do anything."

"Good that's great,  I'm glad you feel that way will run more tests on you And see what else develops."

Sebastian walked away And was thinking he can use it to The serum he can sell it for money. or he could sell it as a drug on The street's and make more money, he turned to his Secretary.

"Ms Helena get my car ready for tonight,  and make sure to get me 50 of The project x serums ready. I'm going to do alittle door to door services."

With that Sebastian was off to his office to handle work and get ready for tonight.

At abstergo

Dimitri decided to pay abstergo a visit,  and see where they were with everything he brought both shadow and Sophia,  and they can't get along with eachother.

"Ugh your annoying,  You seriously are you know this right."

"I could careless of how you feel, honestly you act like a child."

Sophie spoke to shadow as If talking to a child. Sophie didn't see shadow scary or fearing honestly she saw him as weak, She saw tough

"Shawn and Sophie remain quite,  I have business here Please take it somewhere else."

With that they both didn't speak Dimitri went about looking around as the employees.  watched Dimitri walk about but they grew Curious about The two people with him as Dimitri approach The research area.  one of the scientists came up to Dimitri as he spoke.

"Mr Dimitri,  it's good to see you we have made improvements and changes since the last time you were here."

"And sort of changes have you made? And what improvements?"

"if you follow me, I will show you what I mean."

As Dimitri followed the scientist Sophie and shawn didnt speak much.  but Sophie was curious of What abstergo was working on.  Her mentor spoke about abstergo he said there actually a terrorist group, who have  enemies know as assassins she heard the assassins fought the Templars for a decade and still fight them,  But she was Interrest Because the assassins always fought for truth and justice and peace. Dimitri broke her thoughts.

"What have you come up with? have you any results or found anything New?"

"The animus 9.0 , is our new design it is far advanced then the other models.  it actually doesn't drain the test subject,  like the other one. so In other word's

It's the perfect animus to use on someone.  Did you have any questions?"

"No I'm good thanks I have other business to attend."

with that Dimitri and shadow and Sophie left to other thing's. 

The Assassins hideout

The other assassins who actually fought for justice were very few. since that day Those who remain are the one's that have hung in that long,  The remaining assassins were meeting in a secret location that no one knew. They have been forced to hide But this meeting was important the other leader's had to be called up.  everyone was there the grandmasters and The rest of The order.

They all wondered why and who called this meeting.  Just then a door opened up and walked in a man he was dressed in long black and white robes, he was in his forties and he walked with a air of high authority.  he looked around him And saw every member here He sat at The head of the table and all members looked at him this was the head of the assassin order. his name was bezel.

"My brothers I'm glad to see you all, We have much to discuss and talk about a change.  Now we can talk."

"What was this meeting for bezel?  why are we all here and what do you mean change."

"simple we are in a different century,  we all are going through a change.  The order is changing. "

the other's looked at bezel and looked alittle worried because they never heard him talk like this before. One member spoke up.

"Uh sir? are you okay?"

Bezel smiled and spoke calmly.

"I never felt more happy in my life, My eyes are open I can see everything so clear Now. Before I couldn't see it my friends my brothers,  We are at a critical point in history."

As he was speaking armed men were making there way towards The meeting.  they had on black armor on with a black helmet.  they had a cross on there armor

"and In this New age of time we must make a choice.  We either will join in The glory of this beautiful age and embrace it."

By then some of The members were confused and some just were getting mad. They didn't see a point to this

"Is there a point to this? Your just going on and on, we fail to see The picture here."

Bezel smiled and spoke calmly

"Put it simply we assassins have been living a lie.  and we must change our ways if we are to become better we have to change our ways."

The armed men were at The door waiting on The signal to move in. The members were in shock and disbelief there grandmaster was telling them that they have been leading a lie.

"What is this tricky you speak of What has gotten into you?"

"The truth has found me. all are welcome to embrace it The templar way is all but The way."

One member stood up in rage


"You don't want to embrace the templars?"

"I refuse to embrace our sworn enemies."

The rest of the members all agreed and didn't want to embrace there enemy. Bezel looked at his former friends and put his hands down,  His face turned grim and he spoke again

"My friends,  If you truly feel this way then I have no choice but to end you all I guess you won't share in our perfect world."

The assassins prepared themselves they came armed, They stood up And were aiming at bezel who just stood there.

"I am sorry my brothers if you won't join me. Then I'm afraid I can't let you live I gave you a chance but You didn't take it."

The assassins looked at him and someone was about to speak when out of nowhere,  The door came down and just then armed men came in with guns aimed at The assassins they were wearing scarlet tech armour on with The cross symbol on it.  bezel Looked at his former brothers and gave a cold look and said.

"I offered you a chance. and you spit in my face I offered a place in our perfect world,  but you just took it and You wouldn't take it Fine then we don't need people like you at all."

bezel turned his back and looked at The armed men.

"kill them all leave no one left."


Bezel looked behind and smirked

"Let them come, But I don't fear man."

with that The armed men shot every assassin in the room. But The assassins didn't go down without a fight they fought back,  but The numbers were to much And with The armed templar soliders armed they ended them they checked the bodies.

"Clear there all dead. good the less assassins we don't need the better."

But one was moving he was badly wounded and hurt but he slowly stood up. he coughed up blood and looked at his enemies with rage and hate so much even some of The soldiers flinched.

"I refuse To bow and die to you bastards.

I won't go down"

With a rage of pure anger the assassin charged and ran his sword through one of The armed men. The templar was dead the assassin smirked but soon his eye's widen one of The soldiers shot him in The head. But shot him again for good measure.

"Damn assassin's they don't stay dead. do they man."

"This is squad leader hawk we have killed every assassin,  awaiting orders sir."

"You can leave you have done your part ,good job Hunter squad."

"Welcome squad Hunter out, were coming back."

Dimitri sat in his chair satisfied with his work, leading the assassins to there doom was a stroke of luck. and getting bezel to betray his brother's was even better everything was happening so perfectly. 


Scarlet police were busy as of late with crime rising and going out of control, and This killer know as the scarlet slasher.  He has been going on a crime spree. But The scarlet police can't stop him they have nothing. Blake was at his desk thinking going over his paper work,  He was Getting frustrated because he couldn't stop this criminal and wrose of all He had no leads.

"Man This is going to be a long day. I don't know what to do anymore I need a lead,  But I have nothing"

"Everything ok Blake? you look upset I know this case is getting to us all but we have to remain positive.  at least we will find something I'm sure of it."

"Yeah,  Hopefully we find something soon because if we don't this guy will case this city bloodshed."

John's apartment

John lived in a little apartment on Ben's street.  He was going over paper's and sorting everything out He didn't have a wife or children,  he preferred to live alone as he was sipping his tea sitting down watching tv when a loud knock came at his door. he looked and pulled out a knife from under his couch he slowly made his way to The door where The knocking got louder.

"come on open up The door. I know your there"

John recognized the voice and put his knife in his back pocket.  as he opened The door a man wearing a black shirt with a basketball cap. he was short around,  5"9 He had facial hair on and wore a dark jacket with fitted jeans he came in and John peaked out the door and looked around before closing the door.

"It's over were all done for, we

have to do something."

"What are you talking about?  what happened?"

"You haven't heard?  bezel betrayed the order.  we been compromised and there is no one left, you And Marco are The only one's left who aren't dead I'm not sticking around scarlet city everyone for themselves."

"Wait tell me what happened. don't leave anything out"

The man signed and sat down and began to speak. 

"there was a meeting every assassin was supposed to be there.  ever member but I didn't go because I had thing's to do And that's why I'm alive, anyway bezel goes on talking about Templars and saying how they know The true way and we assassins been living a lie. when he asked other's to join him they didn't want to and out of nowhere,  men with guns wearing scarlet tech armour with guns came in and then they opened fire bezel ordered them to kill everyone and no one was spared, now that you know it's better you warn Marco before it's to late"

John's face was both mad and confused bazel was The most trustworthy person.  but The fact he ordered a strike on everyone,  raises some thoughts and scarlet tech he had to know what that company was about. maybe he could get his hands on some of it.

"Alex I have one more job for you,  I need to know what scarlet tech is And who runs it. then once you find out you can leave.  but you report everything back to me"

"Sure ok anything else you need?"

"No that's all thanks Alex,  stay safe and keep your eye's open ok"

"Will do take care john"

"You to."

john walked alex to The door and The two men exchanged handshakes.  John closed his door and was in shock bezel betray the order.  something was going on and he had to find out what it was first he had to talk to Marco,  he grab his key's and jacket and was out The door.

later that night

Sebastian was in his car the driver was told to drive in The slums as the car drove towards it.  Sebastian looked and wasn't suprised that the slums were dirty and run down this place was The arm pit of the city.

"Stop the car here. keep the engine going until I get back"

He carried a black brief case and was Looking around the slums was no place for a rich person but he wasn't afraid of anything as he walked he saw what this part of The city was. It was very run down The house's were old and The air stink very bad, as Sebastian kept walking until he saw a group of guy's standing there they looked tough and mean they were known as the slumers the worse gang in scarlet city. they were very mean they kill ask questions never one of The members saw him and said

"Hey you lost rich dude you look to be packing some money."

"hi gentlemen I'm Sebastian and I have something to show you. If you let me show you."

"yo I know you, Yeah your that rich business guy what's a rich guy like you doing here?"

One of The thugs approached him but Sebastian wasn't afraid.  He simply brushed it off and kept Himself calm.

"I'm simply here to give you a edge, if You let me show you what I mean."

Sebastian opened up The brief case and in it was project x.  It was red and came in with a needle The thugs looked at it and they smirked,

"So What can This thing do?  does it have side effects?"

"No it doesn't,  it's actually perfect you will have the strength of 20 men. no One will stop you And nothing will hurt you."

The thugs looked impressed by this project x. they were going to take The brief case but Sebastian closed it and looked at them.

"If You want this, then you have to do something for me do we understand eachother."

"I don't think you know who we are. we don't play that we will have you dead in a second,  don't you know people die in the slums every day."

Sebastian looked with no emotion. He just gave a blank stare,

"I didn't come alone, I always make sure to come with protection."

As he said that shadow and silver scarlet came out of The shadows.  shadow aimed his guns at the thugs and sliver scarlet took out her knife.

"Don't make a move unless you want your head blown off. I think you should listen otherwise you will die."

Came shadows cold voice.  Sliver scarlet just looked with no emotion she was wearing a black and Silver hood and paints.  she had various weapons on her.  she wasn't tall but she didn't play Even the thugs were afraid, They looked at her and were scared

"Now gentlemen I have something to ask of you. This city is going to be a war zone soon, and everyone is looking for a piece of The city. it's why I'm asking you to help me to secure it firmly so what you will do is take control over The slums I need this place simply because The people here are very week and they have no hope. what do you say help me And project x is all yours but only when I see results got it."

"Yeah we got it, Will do anything you ask of us."

Sebastian looked and smiled,  And closed the brief case up.

"Now that we have that settled.  another thing I will be giving you money and weapons,  In order to get the slums under control you need fire power."

With that Sebastian signaled. Shadow to get something from the car shadow came back 3 minutes later.  he had to brief case's,  he opened both of them . one had 50,000 dollar's in it while the other had a high powered rifle it was called the needle seeker it was black and sleek it had the scoop it could see very far and it had a needle.  As a point it was made by scarlet tech.

"What do you think, It's very expensive n fact. it's on The black market. not even out yet, It's very deadly and it can shoot at a very long distance"

"you have yourself a deal,  mr. Sebastian"

"Good I will check on you.  in a few months."

with that Sebastian and shadow and silver scarlet left in The limo.

"So What do you want with The slums?  seems like trash to me."

"Its simple really,  The slums are actually a gold mine.  you see it was never the slums it was called paradise it was a beautiful part of The city until people started polluting it. and slowy it started losing it's clean air and water. So now it's a dump but I plan on rebuilding it."

"I wonder how you will do That?"

"Don't worry I have my ways."

With that The limo was driving away from The slums. Sophia had thoughts She was curious of why The slums had to be threatened,  But she would keep it to herself.

The meeting

Bezel was invited to. A meeting with Dimitri to discuss the events of What happened,  Dimitri sat in his office going over things when There was a knock He didn't look up but said,


bezel walked in and. He sat down In front of Dimitri,  Dimitri looked at bezel and smiled at him.

"My friend.  you did Good I have to say You suprised me. when you betrayed The assassins,  I didn't think you would do it."

"I wanted to my friend,  I know The assassins weren't the one's to bring peace to The earth. But The Templars are The only one's who can bring true peace."

Bezel sat there looking smiling.  He felt happy about his choice, 

"My friend, you have made a good choice in choosing the better side. would you like a drink my friend so we can celebrate? "

"Sure I Love one what should we toast to?"

"To New beginnings, and to New friends we will own this city. with The assassins gone and only the two left we don't have to worry about anything."

The two drank to celebrate and were very happy with the fact no one could stop them.  The two Templars were very in control.

bolite household

John had stopped by to talk to Marco,  it was very important It seems it couldn't wait. Marie went to put down Dante for The night John looked at his friend with a grim look

"my friend I have bad news,  we are The only assassins left everyone is dead,  bazel betrayed us all. we have to stop Dimitri Now we can't wait the time is now, what are we going to do wait around?"

Macro stood there thinking he couldnt believe it bezel had everyone killed slaughtered.  him And john was all what was left of The assassins.  then Marco looked at john with a serious look.

"I will attack him head on. But I need time until I'm prepared, but I will confront him myself,  Until then we don't make a move

we just wait until then don't worry I have it."

"I trust you Marco,  just becareful especially with him. he seems to be out to kill everyone in his sights I have to go but yeah that's what I had to tell you ok. goodnight my friend watch yourself."

With that John left. and Marco was left thinking.  he went downstairs to go get thing's prepared,


3 year's have gone by and thing's have changed.  Dante was now 3 And getting big by the day he can walk and speak somewhat.  Dimitri was now in more firm control of scarlet city, Macro had formed a plan He was going to take Dimitri down Tonight.  He was writing down in his journal log He just Finnish and rubbed his hands Tonight was The night.  was The night was The night He mentally signed Macro decided he was going to spend his whole day with his family.  he started going upstairs and opened The door when he saw his son running dante had more energy then marie and Marco could handle.  Little Dante ran into his fathers arm's and Marco picked up dante.

"are you running around again my son?

how do you have so much energy."

In response Dante simply laughed and wrapped his arm's around his fathers neck.

"I Love running daddy, I want to be like you one day."

Marco smiled and held his son more.  He loved nothing more for his son to be like him. He saw his beautiful wife come down she looked more beautiful then ever, The 3 year's have improved her beauty her hair was longer and more wavey.  She smiled at her husband and son, She kissed her son's head and kissed her husband lips.

"what are my men up to?  Running around I see."

"Yes I was running mommy.  I can't help it mom I Love running,"

Both Marco and Marie laughed The family laughed and it was a beautiful moment.

steel prison

in The 3 years that seth has been in The steel prison.  He actually gain the officers of the prison not only that but The officers actually were going to betray the warden. as seth Sat in his cell, He thought to himself

"tonight is The night this prison becomes mine. Nothing can stop me, Then I will have my revenge."

As seth sat there thinking and planning out everything out. a guard had come by He looked at Seth and unlocked his cell.

"well if it isn't my ears around The prison,

So tell me what is happening."

"Well The warden is just doing little thing's.  checking on prisoners, and what not so is tonight the big night?"

"Yeah It is. Get everything ready for tonight and make sure no one screws up, I don't need people screwing things up."

With that seth walked out of his cell. followed by the guard,  as They walked the guards looked at seth and nooded there head and smirked at him. Tonight they were going to do something very important.

later that day

Dimitri was in his office, Thinking In The 3 year's that have gone by. His goals have

gone far He managed to gain more power. He had territory and more followers,  plus with The destruction of The assassins who could truly stop him. and with in full control no body was stopping him, He felt something was going to happen tonight.

"shadow and Sophie. Come I need to speak to you both,"

Shadow and Sophie came in they both have changed physically.  Sophie had grown-up,  She had more curves and more chest and she was alittle taller. she caught shadow looking a few times but she would warn him if he touched he was as good as dead. she was also now 18 and with The training she was doing she had gotten stronger and more deadly

As for shadow he has gotten stronger to he also trainned very hard.  He was also doing his own thing to, He was alittle older 21.

"I feel something is Going to happen tonight.  so You two are going to watch and stay, I need you both here."

"That's fine I don't mind,  I have nothing to do."

"Yes I can use the exercise for once been awhile."

Dimitri smiled and dismissed them both.  He looked out The window And smiled. He decided to make a call He dialed the number in and waited until.


"Bazel my friend.  I need a favor I need 10 of your highly trainned elite soldiers.  I have a funny feeling I'm going to need some help."

"Not a problem,  I can give You that my friend is there anything else?"

"No That's it my friend.  thanks again."

with that they both ended the call.

later that night steel prison.

Warden stone. Was with seth walking with at least 3 armed guards stone has come to fully trust Seth and saw him as a friend,  They have grown as friends it seems as they were walking and talking.

"my friend In The 3 year's we known eachother.  You have become a friend and A trustworthy friend at that,"

"Thanks so have you. I think us becoming friends was The best thing."

They were at the yard at night. they looked it was dark and no one was out, While stone was talking.  Seth looked behind himself and gestured for The guards to grab stone.  Which they started to do.

"my friend stone. You have given me everything, You have taught me to run the prison and showed me everything.  I thank you,  But You have served your purpose. now you Have to die my friend,

Grab him And hold him."

With that the guards grabbed the warden and held him down.  he was Shocked Seth walked up to him And smirked

"What why?  I don't get it why would you do this?"

"Oh I have many reasons.  But I don't have to tell you that. Now if you don't mind I have to run my own prison, shoot him now and then kill 50 prisoners to make it look like a riot."

The guards held the warden down. The One guard took aim and shot warden stone dead. Warden stone was officially dead and with that The guards shoot every prisoner inside.  It was a blood bath,

"Now I run the prison. Yeah I'm going to love it here I believe, I'm going to enjoy running a prison."

Seth was very happy he now was in control like he wanted to be. and with The warden dead nothing could stand in his way He couldn't wait to seek his revenge.

later that night

Marco was Getting his gear ready And he knew what he was going to do. He was prepared for The encounter He armed himself And was fully ready he strapped on heavy armour and fully stocked on weapons and bombs,  Marco was fully prepared to go to war he strapped his hidden blades on and flexed his wrists

He was ready he turning around when he saw his wife standing their she looked sad and heartbroken.  she slowly walked up to him taking his hands he held her hands and kissed them And he kissed her lips . He kissed her passionately and softly,  he didn't want this to end but he had to go. he slowly pulled away And spoke to his wife

"I will return to you both.  I promise you this my love,"

"You better or else I won't forgive you."

he laughed and left he took The flaming bird. it was a sleek smooth ride it was red and it had different speeds,  it could many thing's as Marco was getting in his friend spoke to him thorough the com link

"You best becareful.  Dimitri isn't playing he has elite soldiers and shadow and The sliver scarlet.  Plus his own security,  getting is going to be a problem."

"Not for me I will do The opposite.  Go from above and take them by surprise,  and I can take out there numbers from there, I have something to ask of you my friend."

"Sure what is it."

Macro gripped the steering wheel hard.

"In case I should die please take care of my family.  I want to train Dante and teach him everything,  and please watch out for my wife."

"I will but you don't die on me you idiot.

I won't forgive you at all you hear me."

Macro chuckled and just laughed

"I won't thanks my friend,  wish me luck it's the last time we speak for now."

With that he ended the conversion he turned the engine on as the flame bird came to life. he sighed with happiness then he grow serious and soon The flame bird was lifting up off The ground.  and it went off towards it's destination. His face was set and firm he was ready as he came closer and closer to his destination. he put The flame bird down he jumped out looking around.  and soon he was in the building he had to remain quite, He walked further down The hall way.  until he got to The end of it, He was on guard listening for anything or anyone.  he looked around and was at The entrance

of The building.

"well well if it isnt my old friend.  How are you my friend?  It's been awhile since we last spoke."

came Dimitris voice over The speaker Marco looked around And used his eagle vision.  he spotted at least 10 elite men armed and trainned and then Dimitri own personal guards,  which meant 15 men to fight.

"You have come to your doom assassin you should have stayed home.  and enjoyed your life with your family."

"I don't think so Dimitri,  I will kill you for your evil crimes against our brother's you have twisted the mind's of everyone,  but you shall die tonight."

"I Love to see you try my friend,  but first you have to get passed the armed men.  hopefully you don't die."

with that Dimitri ended the conversion and The armed elites came out along with the personal security.  they looked at Marco and some smirked and some laughed.

"Your dead."

"Yeah Your going to die here."

"I would pray if I were you."

They surrounded Marco aiming there guns but he remained calm and didn't move. he knew what he was doing he just waited. he discreetly reached for 3 smoke bombs,  with that he threw them down and hid in the smoke that covered everything. They all started shooting wildly and blindly Marco bein a seasoned assassin, He used his eagle vision and spotted everyone

"Where is he I don't see him? does anyone see him?"

"I'm behind you."

The elite man turned only to get stabbed through the chest by Marco.  he stared blankly and then feel Marco kept moving

"what was that? Where are you!? show yourself now."

"Becareful what you wish for. You just might get it"

The elite man was stabbed through his back Marco pulled out his knife from the man's back so far he had killed two elite soldiers.  and he was just getting warmed up, He moved within the smoke and kept going.

"Two down 13 to go."

"I don't see anything In this smoke. I can't breath In this smoke."

The man moved about within the smoke trying to navigate his way through.  he felt a hand grab him and then with a Sick twist of a pop, His arm was completely broken

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh ooooooh God!!!!! my arm"

Marco ended His life by stabbing him.

with 12 elite down, Marco was taking them down.  but The smoke started to lift up alittle. so he quickly took out a few bomb traps it was black with red in The middle. it was used during the war's

as The smoked cleared the elite soldiers saw and what they saw scared they saw some of two of there friends down. when The smoke cleared Marco stood there looking. 

"we have you now Your dead now."

"Yeah your dead now."

Macro Looked and slowly stepped away.

"Hey you better stop Now or else we will shoot you."

He pulled out his pistol and stepped back and. he shot the three bombs , he ran and looked for cover as The bombs went off.

BOOM!!!!!  the bombs went off and the elites were thrown back and all you heard was them screaming.

"Ahhhhhh My legs I have no legs!!!!! ahhhhhh ooooh god why."

"I can't breath omg I can't breath, Why me"

All in total only 8 survived,  they were crippled and the rest were dead. Marco walked up to one of The men and stepped lightly on his legs.

"Tell me where Dimitri is And I will let you live."

"Go to hell assassin I die before I tell you anything."

"Very well then Have it your way."

With that Marco stepped on his legs very hard and painfully.  The man begain to scream alittle and broke down.

"Ok ok He's on Then top floor, he's waiting for you. Now please stop my leg hurts"

"was that so hard?  see Now you can live put something on that wound my friend."

With that Marco walked towards The elevator and was Looking around.  Dimitri was visibly mad he can't believe a bunch of trainned men couldn't beat one man, shadow and Sophie stood there amazed

shadow was unsure if he could actually beat him. Sophie couldn't believe one man could do all that.

"Shadow Sophie,  I want you to kill him do whatever you have to do."

They both nooded and went to kill the assassin.  Macro was in The elevator and going up when it stopped on level 20, He stepped out And looked around he was watching everything and anything.  he stopped and heard something

"Keep a look out for The assassin.  He could be anywhere and stick close."

"I don't need you to tell me anything.  You should watch your own back."

Marco heard a male's voice and a woman's voice. He hid in a room and looked out And saw a male figure with a red black hood.  and he was armed the girl was young but looked experienced and could handle herself very well but they lacked team work, and he could use it to his advantage . He took another bomb from his pouch but this one he can set the time he used two at least and timed it for 25:00 minutes He used his eagle vision and saw the two walking they were getting close. He put two of The time bombs on The wall, He waited until they passed by He waited and then

He jumped them He kicked shadow in the back of legs and punched him in The face putting him down.

"Shadow was easy. But I'm not so easy"

sliver scarlet pulled out her knife and charged in to fight Marco but Marco wasn't stupid he waited and. when she got close he grabbed her hand and went to disarm her, But She kicked his leg and she followed up with a slash but he knocked The knife from her hands.  and he grabbed both her hands and slammed her against the wall. he had her pinned to The wall.

"let me go you assassin. I will not be beaten by someone like you."

"calm down I'm not going to kill you.  but you shouldn't be fighting."

"Hey asshole were not done yet."

Shadow got up And started shooting.  Macro dodged but silver scarlet headbutt him and sent Marco backing off. shadow and silver looked at him and they both jumped to attack him he dodged them but he had to watch out because he was fighting two. silver scarlet slashed at Marcos back he kicked her sending her back shadow tried to shoot at him but Marco used a rope dart to grab his weapon.

"I'm starting to hate you seriously.  man your pissing me off."

Marco gave a blank stare

"You can't beat me Because you two can't work as a team. And I was holding back on you both way back,"

They both looked alittle shocked

"You were holding back how? I don't get it."

Marco looked at them both with no expression and he attacked them.  they were in shock, He jumped and kicked shadow in his face sending him on The floor he punched silver scarlet so hard she felt a rib crack,  She grunted and went to attack but he blocked her moves and punched her in The face then kicked her in The head knocking her down.  shadow was Getting up but Marco wasn't having it he stepped on his fingers and then kicked him in his face, as both shadow and silver scarlet were slowly getting up They could barely get up. Marco wasn't tired or sweating, He was still fresh and ready.

"I Love to chat but I have a old friend to meet. Goodbye you have not given me a challenge at all."

shadow was about to say something when a beeping sound caught there attention.

"What Is that sound?"

Then it happened.  BOOM!!!!!! The wall next to them exploded and sent shadow and silver flying they got hit very hard.

knocking them both out with that Marco walked away and went to The elevator he pushed top floor and waited.

Dimitri vs Marco

Dimitri stood there looking out the window of his office.  he knew Marco would come soon he would just wait under he showed up, he was armed and ready for a fight. just then he heard the door open.

"ahh so you arrived so good to see you. old friend,  I'm sorry if we have to meet up like this. it's sad really I mean who would have saw this coming."

"I have nothing to say to you at all. You betrayed everyone you destroyed our order The assassins are done because of you. you are blind by your own goals,"

"You call me blind? I seen the truth the Templars seek the truth while the assassins seek lies they deceived you And history,  it's you that is blind my friend.  It's heartbreaking to see you so corrupted I hate to see what will become of your family your wife........your son."

Macro was mad now his former friend called him blind. and then talked about his family,  he has heard enough he sprung into action and leaped at Dimitri who was alittle shocked but waited until Marco was close and when he was he simply dodged him And blocked his moves back and forth they went at eachother both men knew eachother, until they both had eachother Marco head butted Dimitri stunning him and followed up with two knee shots to his face then he punched him twice breaking his nose.

blood dripped from his nose and Dimitri stumbled back and looked at Marco and attacked him Marco blocked and dodged and countered him. getting Dimitri frustrated.  Marco grabbed his arm and twisted it very painfully causing him pain.

"Dimitri you have been nothing but a pain in my side. You have done nothing but bad , You have been nothing but a headache for us And now it's time for you to pay."

Marco flexed his wrist and his hidden blade came out. Dimitri saw it and was trying to break the hold but wasn't able to.

"You die Now Dimitri your end is here."

Marco was going for The kill but a gun shot was heard. Marco grabbed his shoulder in pain, another shot was heard again this time shadow shot Marco in the arm.

"You should watch your back.  now you know,  but this will be your last time around."

"Good shadow thanks you have manged to wound my enemy,  Now you see Marco I can't be beaten.  no matter what I will never been beaten by anyone."

Marco was wounded and bleeding he had to get out of here and retreat.  he reached for at least 5 smoke bombs,  he threw them down and was running out. The smoke covered the room both Dimitri and shadow was coughing and trying to breath. Marco was running looking for a place to escape,  He pressed into his comn link and was trying to get john.

"John come in I'm wounded. I don't know where to go, help me out I'm out of options here."

"hold on friend. I got you don't worry."

John typed very fast and looking until he came across a room.

"go down this hall and make a left then a right then a left and go down until you come towards The last door."

with that Marco ran fast and was going where john had guided him. he ran so fast as if hell were chasing him he made it to The last door he opened it and it was big. with a long table and a closet he tapped his comn link.

"I'm here man my wounds have gotten worse I can't really do much.  do you have eye's on shadow."

"Yeah He's in pursuit,  hes coming."

Marco looked down and his eye's widen he left a trial of blood.  it will only take shadow 7 minutes to get here.

"John can you hear me. I need you to do something for me my friend."

"what is it my friend?"

Marco sighed he took out a needle and injected it in himself and crushed the needle.

"take care of my family.  raise Dante I don't think my wife can because she will be to broken, train dante in everything be tough but loving.  teach him all you know. my deepest regret is I won't see him become a hero. Can you do this my friend tell my wife I Love her very much I'm sorry."

With that Marco ended the link and shadow came busting the door down. Marco pulled out two guns.

"If I'm going down I'm going down fighting."

when shadow bust the door down he was met with gun shots going off he duck behind the wall and waited. Marco was waiting for The stuff to work he had to stall and at least wait a few minutes.  he took out a few time bombs and put 3 minutes on it he kept shooting. he reloaded and got behind the table.  shadow peaked inside and looked checking he stood right next to The bombs.  he didn't notice until it was to late,  Boom the blast sent shadow flying he hit the wall but he still stood but he was now wounded his armor was cracked and he was bleeding out. Marco stood up and aimed his gun at shadow

"I win now you almost had me. but almost doesn't count,  I guess you can't beat me can you to bad I- ahhhhh ugggg ahhhh tsss aggh."

The injection had finally started to kick in Marco grabbed his chest in pain and feel to The floor. he was in pain he looked up Then with one more gasp he was dead.  Marco a beloved husband father, friend the best assassin of In his own right was no longer alive.  when Dimitri arrived he saw the body and checked it and told shadow to go drop off his body to John.

"That ends the last of the assassins,  now no one can stop me I win."

john couldn't believe it his friend more like a brother was gone dead. he gripped his fist and was so angry he heard a knock and went to answer it. he will take out his anger out on someone

"What the hell do you want??!!"

when he looked down It was a body bag he slowly unzip the bag and he lost his lunch he threw up whatever he had and was throwing up his guts.  john composed him self and knew what he had to do.

the next day

marie woke up to find her husband not there. she looked but thought he was probably training, she got up and put a robe on and went to get dante up, she walked into his room and smiled,  Dante was fast asleep.  he looked like Marco his face was like his. she walked up to his bed and lightly shook him but Dante didn't wake up She laughed and whispered to him.

"if you get up now I will make you strawberry pancakes."

Marco got up And rubbed his eye's and yawned and stretched.

"morning mommy I Love strawberry pancakes.  where is daddy mommy?"

"probably training as always.  come on let's go make pancakes."

Marie picked up Dante and they went to The kitchen.  Marie started cooking and Dante sat in his chair waiting for his mother to cook. a car had pulled up john sat there he gripped the steering wheel hard he wasn't to sure if he should but he had to. he stepped out of his car and locked it he made it to The front door and knocked.

"oh thats probably daddy. He probably just stepped out is all. let me get it."

Dante was happy because his father was home. and he was eating strawberry pancakes,  best day every or so he thought.  Marie opened The door she had her coffee she was expecting Marco but got john instead. confused she looked at john but John looked at her sorrowful,

"Marie it's Marco he's I don't know what to say."

"no he can't be no ooh God no."

Marie had tears she dropped her coffee and was on the floor crying.  john held her to comfort her she sobbed more,  dante heard his mom crying and he went to check when he did he saw his mom on The floor crying and a glass broke,  he saw a man holding his mother he walked over.

"mom why are you crying?"

Marie stood up and held her son crying more. confused Dante didn't know what to do.

"Marie I'm sorry for this I know this is hard losing your husband. I'm here if you need me ok."

Dante heard what The man said he put it all together and soon Dante cried his green eye's out. he cried with so much emotion,  he couldn't hold back.  he put his little arm's around his mother's neck and cried. This once happy family was now torn apart by a mad man who wants nothing more for then power The family was different no more happy but a former of themselves,  now  it was just two.

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