Maybe Tomorrow

Galing kay diamondelf193

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Spontaneous Kim Sungah meets the shy Kim Ryeowook. Helping him overcome his depression and all of his insecur... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

785 22 3
Galing kay diamondelf193

Maybe Tomorrow: Part 1

Best Friends:

Sungah was right. She had invaded his thoughts. She wouldn't leave him alone all night. Ryeowook just rested his head on his pillow and smiled all through the night. Just thinking about her made him smile, making him want to scream and cry out. He wanted to dance like no one was watching. Sing like no one was listening.

Kim Sungah. Just the name alone sounded so beautiful. What would he do when he sees her again? What would they talk about? He wanted to hold her hand again. He wanted her to hug him again. He wanted her to kiss his cheek again. That moment just felt so magical and perfect. She just smiled like it was nothing. Why was she so confident and he had to be so shy?

Just like that, his alarm rang, telling him to get up for school. As he pulled on his uniform, he looked at his face closely in the mirror. Yeah, he guessed deep down he had a cute face. He just wanted to lose weight so it could show more. Did Sungah notice that? That maybe if he put in the effort, he could be attractive?

Ryeowook left his room in a daze, his thoughts still about Sungah. It made him think if this was what she was talking about in her note. She thought about him too, all night she said. Just like how he thought of her. Knowing that she was thinking of him just made him smile again.

"Ryeowook." His mother snapped him out of his thoughts. "Sit down and eat."

He did as he was told and sat down, ready to eat.

"Why do you suddenly want to go to an arts school?" His mother blurted out. He just smiled.

"I want to study music, and continue it into university." He grinned as he ate quickly. His mother smiled in return.

"I thought you had forgotten music. Even your father and I forgot about that talent of yours. What made you decide this all of a sudden?"

"I love music. A friend of mine helped me remember that."

"A friend?" His mother grinned in surprise.

"Yeah. I take the placement test at the end of the week." He stood up and walked to the doorway to put on his shoes.

"If it's what you want." His mother smiled, proud that her son has a dream in mind.

"Thanks, mom. Love you, bye!" He walked out and shut the door. When he turned around he jumped in surprise.

"Hello." Sungah stood there smiling.

"H-Hi." Ryeowook replied, not expecting to see her.

"Have you got an answer yet?" She asked as he tried to get himself together.

"An answer for what?" He asked in confusion.

"You dummy, did you even read the note I gave you?" She smiled at his nervousness.

"Of course I read it." He blushed.

"Well Mr. Red Cheeks, I showed you a poem and I asked you what you think of when you read it. I said I would ask you in the morning, which I am." She pouted.

He definitely remembered the poem. It repeated in his head all night. She said she could only think of him. If possible, his cheeks grew even redder.

"I-I thought of you." He looked at the ground in embarrassment. Why must he be so shy? Sungah smiled brightly.

"Hey. You don't have to hide your face from me." She laughed poking his arm.

"Sorry I-I can't help it." He smiled as he gathered the strength to make eye contact. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Well, it occurred to me that I never walked with someone to school before. So I thought I would try it with you. You know, since we're best friends and all."

She took both of his hands in hers and swung them around. She wanted to walk to school with him? Now he'll never be lonely. He held her hands a little more firmly, making them stand closer together.

"Kim Sungah." He looked into her eyes, smiling. "I'm always lonely on my walk to school. Take away my loneliness!"

"Ryeowookie, you're so stupid." She laughed. "Your mother is watching through the window."

Ryeowook froze and turned around, seeing his mom watching him. He quickly waved and turned back to face Sungah.

"Can we go now?" He begged her. She laughed and pinched his cheek.

"I thought you'd never ask." She grinned.

She gave a wave to Ryeowook's mother, to his surprise. She took his hand in hers and pulled him down the street.

"Ryeowookie, do you want to know a secret?" Sungah asked him as they walked.

"What is it?" He grew curious.

"I'm kind of hoping it will rain again." She giggled as she clutched his hand tighter.

Ryeowook looked at her and saw she was now trying to hide her face. She was actually blushing. And her voice had sounded so shy. The more he was with her, the more he began to see that maybe she wasn't so confident after all. Kim Sungah, secretly, was just as shy as Kim Ryeowook.

To Ryeowook's surprise, Sungah continued to hold his hand as they walked across the school campus and into the building. Down the hall, people stared and wondered. Now for the part he was not looking forward to. The walk into the classroom and to his seat. Sungah's hand tightened around his, letting Ryeowook know that she was nervous too. He held her hand tighter in return.

They came in and walked to their seats, avoiding eye contact with everyone else. They both knew they were getting stared at. They could hear the whispers. They sat down and Sungah released his hand, to Ryeowook's dismay. Her hand in his was his only sense of comfort.

"Don't worry." Sungah put on a happy face and patted his shoulder. "Just ignore them."

Ryeowook knew it was easier said than done. How was she so good at it?

Just ignore them. He can do that.


When lunch came around, Ryeowook felt overjoyed. He could eat with Sungah, away from everyone. Everyone's eyes on them just made everything awkward and uncomfortable. They sat on a bench together under the trees and began eating.

"Ryeowookie," Sungah spoke with her mouth full of food. "On the way home, let's get ice cream."

Anything you want my angel, Ryeowook held his tongue and forced down the words he desperately wanted to say. He couldn't say something like that to her, not yet.

"Okay." Was all he said in response.

"So have you gotten used to me yet?" Sungah poked his cheek.

"I-I think so." He smiled nervously. "I'm not sure yet."

"Well don't take too long, we're best friends! Best friends should be used to each other." Sungah laughed.

Ryeowook laughed in return. He wants so desperately to be more than friends. He wanted to be able to say Kim Sungah was his girlfriend. That she was his and no one else's. Everything got quiet and Ryeowook looked to see everyone staring at them, once again. Sungah ignored them and continued to eat as if there wasn't anyone staring at all. Ryeowook searched for a blush on her cheeks. There wasn't any. How was she so good at that?

"Ya. Why are you staring at me?" Sungah asked him.

"Wh-What?" Ryeowook felt nervous. Was it that obvious?

"You were staring at me." Sungah's expression was so serious, which scared him.

"I'm sorry." He immediately responded, staring at his knees. He guessed staring was off limits as well.

A big smile grew on her face, and she playfully hit his arm.

"You're so cute." Sungah laughed. Ryeowook could only laugh awkwardly in response.

He looked up to see everyone still staring.

"Sungah? Could you?" Ryeowook tried to point to everyone, silently begging her to make them stop.

"What?" Sungah asked, looked at where he was pointing. Surprisingly, she laughed. "It's okay, I get it."

She suddenly gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him to her. She leaned in softly kissed his cheek, for everyone to see. Since it wasn't what he was expecting, his eyes widened and his face turned deep red. Sungah's face turned serious as she turned to look at everyone else.

"Hey! What are you all looking at?" Sungah nearly shouted. Everyone turned the other way, finally ignoring them.

Unable to hold it in, Sungah began laughing. Ryeowook laughed in return, still trying to recover from what just happened. Their laughter just continued, lifting Ryeowook's spirit more and more. He knew that she was his everything. He just wished he could prove it to her.


Ryeowook and Sungah were on their usual walk home, this time with ice cream in hand. As they walked in silence, Sungah put her free hand in his, making his cheeks go red once again.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to that." Ryeowook looked at their hands together, fitting so perfectly. The way their fingers laced together. It was just perfect.

"Well, you should get used to it. What would you do when we start dating?" Sungah laughed as she swung their hands back and forth.

Ryeowook's heart raced from the thought of them actually dating. What was taking so long? Why couldn't they just date? What was stopping them? What was stopping her?

"I want to meet your parents." Sungah spoke up, making Ryeowook want to freeze.

"What for?" Ryeowook responded nervously.

Why so suddenly? Were things really that serious between them? Would his parents even approve of her? That was a debate. She is so beautiful and sweet, you just can't help but like her. But still, he feared she would be judged for dying her hair blonde. She wasn't a bad person, and that's so easy to see.

"Why? Am I not allowed?" Sungah pouted.

"It's not that." Ryeowook could feel his palms beginning to sweat.

"Don't worry Ryeowookie, it's not a big deal. We're still just friends." Sungah laughed at his nervousness.

Still just friends. Just friends. Those words just stung his heart.

"You want to meet them now?" Ryeowook finished his ice cream, as did Sungah.

"Well tomorrow you're meeting my parents, so it makes sense for me to meet yours today." Wait, what? did he hear that right?

"I-I'm meeting your parents tomorrow??" As if Ryeowook wasn't nervous enough.

"Don't be nervous, they're going to really like you." How could she be so sure? They had reached the door. How was he going to explain this?

"Just act normal." It was as if Sungah had read his mind.This should be fun. Ryeowook opened the door and stepped inside, with Sungah right behind him.

"Ryeowook, are you home?" He heard his mother call from inside the kitchen.

"I'm home." Ryeowook answered and he and Sungah removed their shoes. "And, I brought a friend home with me."

It killed him that he could only use the term "friend".

"Friend?" His mother felt surprised. He didn't bring people home often.

He and Sungah stepped into the kitchen, in which Sungah bowed politely.

"Hello." Sungah smiled sweetly. "It's such a pleasure to meet you."

His mother just stared. She didn't expect to see a pretty girl like this. How did Ryeowook manage that?

"We'll, we'll just be in my room." Ryeowook quickly took Sungah's hand and went to his room.

"Your mother seems nice. A little surprised to see me, but nice. Where's your dad?" Sungah chatted away as she looked around his room.

"He's still at work." Ryeowook answered as he shut his door.

"Do you think shutting your door is a good idea?" Sungah turned to face him.


"Your mother might get upset."

"Why would she get upset?" Ryeowook felt confused. Where was she going with this?

"Because she'll think we're dating." Sungah stepped closer and whispered into his ear. "And she'll think we're doing, bad stuff."

Oh. Oh! Ryeowook's face became a hot red. Sungah just laughed.

"Ryeowookie, your face is red." Sungah giggled. "Are you okay?"

No, he was not okay. He felt like fainting. He was absolutely not okay. How could he be okay after hearing that?

"Y-Y-Yeah. I-I'm, I'm fine." He forced his heart back to a normal speed.

"Relax, Ryeowookie. I'm just kidding." She laughed at his embarrassment. "So what do you normally do when you're home?"

"I, I study, usually. I help my mom cook. N-Not much really." Sungah grinned in surprise.

"You cook?" She smiled.

"A little. I'm not that great."

"Don't be modest, that's a good skill to have. I bet you're amazing."

"Why are you always so nice to me?" Ryeowook blushed a little.

Ryeowook never had a girl this close to him before. Here she was, in his room. Why would a girl like this want anything to do with him? Then again, earlier today he discovered she liked many qualities of him.

"I like you. I thought I had made that clear." Sungah stated like it was obvious. "Don't you like me?"

"Oh, of-of course I like you!" Did he just say that? Now it was out in the open. She knew how he felt. She said she likes him. But he couldn't blurt out that he liked her, and that's exactly what he did. It took him a second to notice Sungah was smiling.

"You're so cute Ryeowookie." Sungah giggled.

"Ryeowook! Come help me!" Ryeowook heard his mother call from the kitchen.

"I-I should go help." Ryeowook slowly opened the door.

"Can I watch?" Sungah stepped so she was standing next to him.

"Sure, if you want to." Ryeowook smiled, letting her step out first. He followed her into the kitchen, smelling the delicious food as he entered.

"I don't think I got your name sweetie." Ryeowook's mother turned away from what she was doing to look at Sungah.

"Kim Sungah." Sungah answered.

"Very pretty name." She smiled. "Ryeowook, go chop that over there for me please."

Ryeowook immediately started chopping while Sungah sat down by the table.

"It smells good!" Sungah commented.

"I made sure this was all healthy for my baby Ryeowook. Look at him, hasn't he put on weight lately?"

"Mom!" Ryeowook felt embarrassed beyond belief.

"What sweetie? You need to lose a few pounds. I'm saying it because I love you."

"Mom, please." Ryeowook begged.

"It doesn't matter, you're still cute as a button sweetheart." His mother pinched his cheek.

"Mom, please. Not in front of..." He pointed at Sungah.

"Sungah, you don't mind me babying him do you?" His mother laughed.

"Not at all, continue." Sungah laughed. "It's so cute to watch."

"Sungah, who's side are you on?" Ryeowook whined.

"She's very pretty, Wookie." His mother smirked at him, earning a giggle from Sungah.

"You think I don't know that?" Ryeowook whispered. Suddenly the front door opened, and Ryeowook's dad walked into the kitchen.

"Who are you?" He asked Sungah as he sat down next to her.

"I'm Kim Sungah." Sungah smiled politely.

"Oh, your Ryeowook's girlfriend."

"Dad! She's not my girlfriend." Ryeowook could just crawl into a hole and die. Were they embarrassing him on purpose?

"Well son, you had a love letter from her on your bed so I just assumed she was your girlfriend."

"You were in my room this morning?"

"Yeah. Well I checked on you last night, and you were sleeping with it in your hands, and you just left it there this morning so-"

"Dad, if you love me then please, please stop talking." Ryeowook begged. It's official, he might as well be digging his own grave.

"He hates when I embarrass him. But it's still funny." His father laughed along with Sungah.

"Ryeowookie, don't be embarrassed. I'll just write you more letters." Sungah smiled at him.

"Sungah, why did you do that to your hair? Excuse me for asking, but it's been bothering me since I walked in." Ryeowook's father asked out of nowhere.

"What, you mean the color?" Sungah asked, confused.

"Yeah, why dye it blonde?"

"Oh, it's not dyed blonde. Everyone thinks it is, but I've never dyed my hair before." Sungah smiled politely.

"Your hair is naturally blonde?"

"Yes, sir."

Ryeowook was listening in on the conversation. So Sungah's hair was naturally that golden blonde? She had never dyed her hair before? But, she was Korean, how was that possible? He didn't think a hair color that pretty could be natural. Maybe she was albino. 

"Ryeowook, wake up, pay attention. Hand me that bowl please." Ryeowook's mother popped him out of his thoughts.

As he continued helping his mother, he thought about it. He just learned something new about Sungah. Her beautiful hair was natural. Why did it seem like he was only falling more and more in love with her? Maybe it's because he was.


After dinner, Sungah insisted she had to leave and go home. It was a joy having her there. His parents really seemed to love her. Then again, how could anyone not love her? Ryeowook walked Sungah to the door, wishing she could stay for just a little longer.

"I wish you could stay." Ryeowook thought out loud.

"If you'd like I should sleep over here for a night." Sungah commented as Ryeowook opened the door for her. "But I don't think our parents would allow that."

"Y-Yeah, probably not." Ryeowook held the door open as Sungah stepped into the doorway.

"I was going to give you this tomorrow, but I think it would be better if I give it to you now." Sungah smiled as she handed him another folded piece of paper.

"What is it?" He asked as he took it into his hands.

"You'll see." She smiled as she turned and walked off.

He closed the door and quickly opened the piece of paper. It read:

"In my eyes... The saying that you're the only one I see. That, I believe is a lie. In my eyes, I see many people. But, amidst this group of people, I only search for you."

At the bottom of the poem, he saw one more sentence.

"Remember to eat well and get plenty of sleep."

~ Sungah

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