Read My Shorts

By TheOrangutan

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READ my SHORTS! ('cos eating them isn't very tasty) - A collection of very short stories, micro-fiction, one... More

The Last Theorem
Meet Bernard
Blood in the Sand...
Form A12
It's all Greek to Me
Aeolian Future
Ink Wraith
Blood of the Fallen
The Twubble with Twabbles
Thief of Time
The Mage's Touch
Come The Dawn
The Temptation of Words
See No Evil
Monkey Nuts
The Lost
The Ultimate Self-Portrait
Pass the Ketchup
Drabble - The Light
A Preferred Silence
Being Shown the Ropes
The Sands of Time
Quantum Reverse
'Gainst the Static of Space
A Shirt of Violent Green
Mirror, Mirror
The Promise of Distant Rain
Dark Blade
First Contact
Oi! Neil Gaiman...
A Triple Wybble
The Fool?
The Race for Her Affection
In Void
Knights of North and South
Half Empty
And in the Darkness Bind Them
Under Pressure
Five Bullets
Tuesday's Gift
Slenderman Collective
Scout 09
At the End
Baby Blues
Now I Lay me Down to Sleep
Small Man, Big Hammer
Alien Lights
13 Words of Halloween
The Back Seat of the Bus
The Absence of Light - #100WordScream
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Username Acrostic
A Wonderful Chaos
The Bird Man of Alcatraz Road
The Dark Side of the Moon
Rain Man
Under London
Route 19
And Ridian Danced

The Seep

445 33 31
By TheOrangutan

I was sitting on the swing in my parent’s garden when the Seep started. Black viscous fluid came from below me, pooled around my feet and tracked up my shins, enveloping me in stultifying encasement.

Everything stopped: time ceased to have meaning as the Seep invaded me, and I knew there was nothing I could do about it.

I’m still me, in a way, just as everyone else is: those who survived. The only difference now is that nothing matters in this world but self. The Seep found me at nineteen, at the peak of my physical fitness, with my mental faculties buzzing with the possibility of what might be. Many died, unable to cope with the shift in perception, the changes to their world or the battles that followed as civilisation adapted to the change in world order. Many died as the seep left them again, departing as suddenly as it had invaded them. But the darkness stayed with me and many others.

This is what happens when dark magic forces its way into you; you live, you die or you twist. Those few of us who survived without succumbing fully to the Seep were strong and we grew stronger as our new lives were hardened in the forges of a Seep infested world. We adapted, changed and morphed to shape or be shaped by the world around us. Many succumbed to the bitter darkness of the Seep, driven mad by pain or desire. Many couldn’t cope when the Seep left them bereft and craving more: cold turkey’s a killer when no-one cares.

Now the world has more than one type of human.

I am a Shaper. The mirrors of my soul reflect the darkness that whorls within, but the Seep is no master of me, it is a part of my being which I have learnt to control. For now.

Magic is a double edged sword. It is intoxicating, addictive and always there ready to be tapped and used. But use it too much, without thought or unwisely and it will consume you, use you and turn you into something else.

Now we live a fragmented existence, where technology is fickle at best, where we survive on the edge, fight for the right to walk the path we choose and try and avoid those who have chosen the path of utter darkness.

Do not depend on me, for am I neither good nor evil: I make my own path. Do not get in my way…


Just an idea at the moment, but this is part of wattpadwednesday where I we challenge ourselves to do something. In this instance to actually finish jotting down an idea as a short story type thingy. Maybe Brian will get round to making it something longer one day. 

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