~.:Fictional to Nonfictional...

By Spearist

137K 6.1K 3.8K

Being an Otaku and living by yourself is hard. You would wish that your life could be just like your favorite... More

The Mysterious Man.
A New world.
Things are different here.
Living Together.
Knowing You.
Sudden caring.
Unexpected encounter
The New Man
The idiots and an Uchiha.
Questions left Unanswered..
Tremors Part 2.
Tremors pt. 3
Tremors Pt. 4
Tremors Pt. 5
Tremors: Final
Madara's Little Task.
Little Gift.
An unexpected Call.
Arrival Of the CEO
Open House.
Family Times.
Final Decision. (Updated)

A New World Pt. 2

7.2K 320 214
By Spearist

Your P.o.v

I stayed under my blanket, not wanting to face him. My face was still in its tomato state, and I could hear him ruffle with his hair a bit. It seems as he is still in disbelief, and I could not blame him. If it were reverse, I would be feeling the same... Except more freaked out because I would have lost everyone I loved or my true goal within the story line...

I felt a tug at my blanket, if I held onto them, he'd probably would yank it out from my grip and thus having me fall on the floor once again. Not wanting to relived it again, I let it go and he yanked it off of me.

I hid my face into my pillow, so I don't have to see his body. I still cannot believe he is still in his boxers! I heard him sigh greatly before speaking.

"Will you stop this nonsense, I still have many questions for you, young maiden."

I peeked at him from my pillow; His arms, perfectly toned as they folded against his chest. He was also well toned when my eye slowly made its way downward. Those abs of his, made me scream inside like a Fennec fox screech. To the point one of my organs might have burst from the noise. I quickly hid my face once again, feeling it grow hotter.

Madara P.o.v

She hid her face once again. A tick marked formed on my head as I grabbed the back collar of her shirt and lifted her away from her hiding spot. Her face was flushed red, as if she had some kind of fever. She tried to hide her face with her hands, but I grabbed her small frail hands in my free hand.

"Tell me more about this "world" of yours."

I need to know everything about this world I am in, and to find out why I cannot use any Chakra or my Rinnegan. If it is like the beginning, everyone could never control Chakra until Princess Kaguya consume the fruit from Shinju. Perhaps, there is another Shinju here. If by any chance there is, I will be the first to consume the fruit from it.

Third person p.o.v

As you were being hanged by your back collar, you sighed heavily. It was best to inform him about your world and his, having much differences between both worlds.

"Okay Okay, I'll tell you everything..!"

"Finally. First of all, why can't this world control chakra?"

You looked at him confused, unsure on how to answer him. The best possible answer were, its made up. Hardly believing he would take that as an answer. Carefully, you thought for a bit, trying to think of a way for him to know... None of these things exist.

"Well... In this world, we do not have the Shinju, if people do talk about it, it was an old folk tale that we made for entertainment. Used it to inspire our youths! We are more advance in technology, rather than magic or "Chakra" as your world has."

You watched him as he continues to stare at you, looking for any evidence of fib. He puts you down, seeing no such thing on your face. Madara sighs and places his index, middle, and thumb on his forehead, squeezing it. He was indeed frustrated to hear this response.

Feeling with concern, you almost forgot the time. Looking towards your clock, only to realize, the power is still out. Lucky for you, you have kept a battery powered Clock in the kitchen. Slowly, you made your way passed Madara to the kitchen, only to be stopped by him, grabbing your arm.

"I am not done with you, young maiden."

Your expression becomes uneasy and sweat comes down rapidly. Slowly turning your head to face him, with an embarrassed chuckle, wanting to get away.

"W-Well... I... I was just going to the kitchen to see the time... Eheheh... Errr.."

The Man looked at you, annoyed by the response. He lets go of your arm and you scurried away. Madara, folding his arms, followed you into the kitchen.

You ran out and down the narrow hallway, slowing down into a walking movement, you turned your head to the left and read the clock.

7:12 a.m

Deeply sighing, it was far too early for you to be awake, especially on the weekends. You would usually sleep in till 10, then wake up to get ready for the day. Which was to either shop for this week coming, or to just stay home watching or reading Anime. Going out to have fun was never your option, mostly because you were a loner/Otaku. Most of the people at school either ignored or bullied you.

Your thoughts were soon snapped back, as your crush walks into the kitchen and clears his throat.

"Now that you know what time is it, I still have further more questions to ask."

"Okay... But after I answered them, we need to go shopping..."

The raven hair man raised his eyebrow at you, curious on why you said we? You quickly took notice of his reaction, and responded to his question.

"Well one, my power is out, so trying to dry your... Armor would be hard. And I do not have a clothe line hanger outside. Plus, last time I've done it, someone would steal my clothes. Two, it would be better if you had more clothes, rather than wearing the same outfit everyday... (Not to mention, trying to walk around here in a towel, just waiting for your armor to be cleaned again.) And thirdly, it would help you see the difference between your and my world. I think you would understand how much we advance into technology, and why we rely on it more than what you are use to."

Madara blinked at your response, before nodding in agreement.

"Alright young Maiden, you better hope these responses of yours is satisfying to me."

You nodded to his remark, and tried your best to explain things to him. All the while, averting your gaze on his almost nudity.

As you checked the time, from Madara's many questions about your world, it was already 10 till 10 in the morning. You sighed and sink into the couch as Madara sits there, eyes closed. It seems he was still having a hard time believing of such a world, that never had the likes of his.

Nevertheless, you obligated yourself to help him... Fit in your world. You stood up and stretched a bit, having Madara open his eye to take a glance at you.

"I'm going to get ready... Then I suppose we could find you something to wear for now, until we manage to find clothing in your size and... Taste?"

The Raven hair man just closed his eye once more, before speaking.

"Hopefully, this world of yours doesn't have a bad taste like you have for this couch."

"It was the cheapest one I could find!"

Sweating from his comment, you believe he would make a few remarks about your taste from now on.



Haha~! This was probably my shortest chapter, but hopefully it was to your liking! Despite it being quite boring for a few of you uwu;;....

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