The Flame Queen: Book One of...

By EllieMItchell93

487 76 77

To All You Daring Adventurers, Prepare To Venture Into The Realms of Peradon, But Do So At Your Own Risk...F... More

A Brief History of Peradon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

17 2 5
By EllieMItchell93


Violetta stirred in her sleep. The nightmares were never far away. Like monsters with sharp talons, they crept into the space between thoughts and clawed through her subconscious mind. They were coming for her; coming for all she had left to give. The traitor.

Sunlight burst into the room, waking the young princess from her oppressive dreams. Violetta groped for the curtain cord. When her fingers slipped round it, the sun granted her peace.

'That's better.' She blinked a few times, clearing her vision when a figure to her left made her bolt upright. Violetta scrabbled to the back of her bed. She stared back across her chambers and found herself at the mercy of laughter. The figure stared back from her dresser mirror and continued with its fit of giggles. She observed her mirrored twin from afar, where it appeared as a bedraggled and bloodshot mess, with hair sticking out at all sorts of odd angles.

Violetta was reminded of those awful dreams and could already feel herself being pulled back into their dark abyss.

Remains littered the surface below her. Violetta could smell the blood that smeared the high stone walls of an ancient cell and the melted wax which welded her to a chair. She'd struggled at first, making several attempts to break free, yet when her bonds broke, more appeared.

Vicious chains sprang up around her and bit into her tender flesh. Violetta had to stifle her tears as footsteps approached. Several figures circled round her before ripping a musty sheet off of an ornate mirror. The golden lense glared back, its clawed feet digging into the stonework.

'Look!' snarled a cruel voice. 'Look at what you've done to yourself!'

Violetta refused her captor's orders, only for an unsightly creature to stalk forward, its breath like the rottenest of eggs.

'Go on,' the figures chanted. The demonic creature seized her hair, tilting her head for a better view. 'Look at what you've become.'

Violetta longed to resist them. She felt her eyes moving in the mirror's direction and was unable to do a thing about it. A scream of anguish split her lips. Her reflection showed the true extent of her captor's brutality. Hair had been ripped from her now bleeding scalp, her face cut and bruised beyond recognition.

The creature behind held her still while the circle of figures began to swarm, beating her with their sizeable fists. Violetta howled in pain. She was a princess no longer. Now she was but another bloodied creature, her gentle spirit broken by a room full of traitors. Her life was drained from her once more, stored all too conveniently in that damned gift of Lord Jork's.

Shrill laughter gave way to darkness. It leaked into the last of Violetta's thoughts as all feeling dissipated from her limbs. And there in the darkness came a familiar whisper,


Violetta left the memory in a daze. Her startled eyes reflected back at her, peering through a mess of hair.

'It was only a dream,' she assured herself. 'Dreams can't hurt you.'

Yet Violetta wished she knew what they meant. She had heard that mirrors related to truth, but she had yet to connect Jork's ball to the sensation of life being drained from her body. Perhaps Ryore's mention of a traitor at the ball had played some mysterious part in this. One day she would figure it out.

Violetta brushed a hand through her unkempt mane, wincing as sunlight stung her eyes. She didn't understand. She remembered pulling the cord and the sun filtering back out of the room. She turned to find the curtains closed, with the faintest strip of light peering through. That's odd.

Violetta followed the bothersome glare, all the way down to her own left hand. Oh my. A scintillating rock stood out on her finger, bound in claws of the finest ivory. Violetta glowed with happiness. This was not the reaction she would have expected from herself. Something stirred within her, some basic need to feel loved and cared for. She felt it pull at her heartstrings as

snippets of the previous evening flooded her mind. Colourful gowns fluttered all around her, lending the impression of living art. Hands hugged her slender waist, moving her to the most romantic of slow dances. Violetta gave in and rested her head against Ryore's shoulder. It had felt special. Beyond that. Any thoughts of Xyhoni seemed to fade away, replaced by those of the suave Ryore.

Violetta still couldn't believe how brave this man dancing with her was. He had saved her life. While he had a first appeared to be a mystery, Violetta now knew one thing for certain. She could trust this man with anything.

'Ryore, I owe you a great debt, for saving my life.'

The pair swayed to and fro with Violetta's arms stretched round her saviour. She'd noticed Xyhoni glaring from afar. No, not glaring, surely? But glare he did. Her worries faded when Ryore twirled her around, making her feel all giddy inside.

In that moment, bathed as they were in the light of the ballroom, Violetta realized why she'd been so set against marriage. The idea was not a problem in itself. Violetta had once imagined such a life where she were wed. The distress came with the thought of losing someone; of the exhausting grief that she and her father had both endured. Since then her heart had chained itself shut and she had sworn never to remove those bonds, for what could be worse than losing a part of your soul?

Now, wrapped up in the arms of this brave man, Violetta began to reconsider. She wondered how Ryore might fare as a husband, or even as a father. If her only choice was to wed, then maybe it wouldn't be such a loss if it was to him. There was merely the issue of him as another Realm's ruler, as well as the dim view her father took of his heritage.

That night had become a surreal blur. Violetta remembered having taken a seat away from the dancers, attempting to calm her heart's infernal racing when Ryore made his way through the bustling crowd. He padded over, a coy smile lost on his lips. Of all the eligible ladies,

Violetta wondered why Ryore only showed interest in her.

'How are you feeling?' he asked.

When Violetta gazed off in thought, he sat down, pulling her hands toward his own. Ryore's gaze was intense, a bold ocean blue, his body pressed so close to hers that a shiver ran the length of her spine. He leaned into her just as he took a breath, as though trying to immortalize her scent. All this and more made Violetta lean forward, expecting to be kissed when Ryore stood.

'Ladies, gentleman, and all others present.' His tone was firm, yet still possessed a sense of warmth. 'I have here our honoured guest of the evening. Both beautiful and highly intelligent, I give you Princess Violetta Flame!'

Violetta was helped to her feet, where she was met by the applause of the entire ballroom. Ryore had surprised her a lot that night, but it was his kneeling down which shocked her the most.

'Tonight, honoured guests, I ask Princess Violetta to be my wife.'

Shock spiralled through Violetta's mind. A knock sounded on her chamber door. It sounded distant as though she was hearing it from under water. Violetta drifted over to it, still picturing Ryore's handsome face, his skin gleaming like the finest porcelain. She hardly noticed that she had already unlatched the chamber door when her father burst in with a grave expression.

'I've heard rumours.' He stepped over the threshold, his lips curled inward. 'I must admit that I was so merry with drink that I hardly remember the night's events, but here we are.' He glanced down, his eyes popping wide. 'Darling, your robe?'

Violetta followed her father's gaze and blushed, pulling her robe tight around her curves.

'My apologies, father.'

King Eagan paced the room at his own leisure, his hands restless. He didn't appear to know what to do with them. Sensing trouble, Violetta began creeping toward the window, giving her father more distance to cross should he start to become upset. To Violetta's confusion, his eyes brimmed with tears. She wondered if she should tell him about Ryore's news; of the traitor that sought her out, though she began to wonder if it was that Seer from the ball. Reiza, wasn't it? Perhaps she would keep such details to herself for now. Her father was clearly upset.

'So, it really did happen then? My daughter.'

Violetta followed his open-mouthed gaze to her hand where the resplendent gem curled round her finger.

'Yes, I suppose it did.'

Her father took a step toward her.

'I can't believe it, though I suppose I don't want to.'

Violetta could hear the disappointment in her father's tone. The fact that he didn't want to believe left her in doubt of her own actions. She thought back to the attack at Ryore's ball, hoping to change the subject.

'Have they found her, the Seer that attacked me?'

Her father drew close, his eyes lingering on the engagement ring.

'No, my child, they have not.'

'Father, I—'

'Shh, I am glad that you're safe.' He held his palm up to halt his child from trying to speak. 'But Emperor Ryore, despite his brave actions, is still an enemy to our people. What's more, he has expressed his concern about Prince Arlas.'


Violetta stared into her father's eyes. Something in his expression made her numb. Was Arlas the traitor Ryore spoke of?

Eagan trailed his fingers along his daughter's cheek.

'Although Arlas was escorted out by his elder brother, Ryore swears to have seen his face in the crowd shortly before that Seer attacked.'

'I don't understand. I want her caught, Father. I want to know that I'm safe, please!'

Violetta was shocked to find tears streaming down her cheeks.

'Calm yourself, daughter.' Eagan drew her to him, stroking her fall of golden hair. 'The guards will find her, I assure you. In the meantime I've called Lord Jork here to discuss the events of the emperor's ball.'

He held Violetta close, not as tenderly as her mother used to, but firmer, as though hoping to protect her from her deepest fears. While her father's hugs were a great cure, it was a mother's touch she needed most.

'I must go.' Eagan stepped back, tearing the comfort of his warmth away. 'Oh, and Violetta. Despite Ryore's daring actions to save you, know that I shall not give my blessing to an


* * * * *

Violetta hadn't been at all surprised by her father's words. To him there was no greater shame than in marrying one whom he viewed as the enemy. Yet, neither had he forbade the marriage. Since their last talk, a bargain had been struck.

Due to her current engagement to Ryore, Violetta would honour her father's wishes and leave the palace that had been her home since birth. Upon the day of her marriage, she was to join onto the Winter throne. With this in mind, her father had but one other condition if she wanted his involvement. Violetta would be held personally responsible for appointing another successor once her father passed.

'They need to be caring, brave, and wise beyond their years. Someone who will earn their title through their courage and their selfless actions.'

Violetta had thought this over a great deal. She could see no unfairness in this. With Ryore already a Realm ruler, she would gladly take her place beside him as empress.


The princess jolted back into the moment. Her father was sat at the head of the throne room with Lord Jork standing to her left.

'Forgive me my lord, I must have drifted off into my thoughts.'

Violetta was shocked to not have noticed her mind's own wanderings and bowed toward their dear friend. Jork gave her a rare smile, one which understood the mind's occasional wanderings.

'It's perfectly all right. Please rise. After all, it happens to the best of us.'

King Eagan did his best not to smile.

'Now, to the matter at hand. Jork, I summoned you here today because Emperor Ryore believes your brother to be involved with that devious Frost Seer.'

'Arlas?' Jork's face conveyed surprise. He showed all the signs of a man who was oblivious to such preposterous claims. 'Is he certain?'

An old habit of massaging his own shoulders showed the extent of Jork's unease. Violetta knew how much her father disliked upsetting his friend. Sadly, there was no alternative than to ask him such questions.

'Ryore claims to have seen Arlas a split second before that Seer attacked Violetta.' Jork's face pinched in at the sides. 'But, both my daughter and I, indeed the whole ballroom, saw you escort your brother out just prior. Tell me, were you with him the entire night?'

'Yes, your grace. I was.'

The restraint this man showed gave Violetta hope. Lord Jork had always seemed to be a decent man. Her father had known him ever since they were boys and although he possessed a mysterious edge to his character, he remained positive in all of her thoughts.

'In that case, may I make a suggestion, my lord?'

Jork nodded, his expression a mixture of frustration and worry.

'Step forward, dear friend.' Eagan motioned for him to approach the throne. 'Lord Jork of the Air Realm, I request that as of today, you are to keep Arlas under strict watch at all times. He must never leave your castle unless he is to be accompanied by yourself. Do you agree to be bound by these terms?'

Violetta felt a lump form in her throat. Jork lowered his head as though defeated, the strict undertone of his friend's words echoing around him.

'I shall do my best, Highness, but I'm afraid my brother has a bit of a sneaky habit.'

Eagan tensed.

'Go on?'

'Highness, he has an odd habit of disappearing on me.'


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