Abducted by Hot Aliens?

By xZaverax

16.8K 566 170

"I wonder if there are hot aliens in space." "Aliens don't even exist stupid." Or A girl named Tanji is abdu... More

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Off World Pt. 2
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Wedding Crashers


1.3K 46 5
By xZaverax

Third pov~

Day 1

The necklace that Tanji was wearing woke her up at 7 o'clock sharp.

You would think I could get more sleep on a whole other planet. Guess I was wrong.

Letting out a sigh, she got up from the bed after a few minutes of just laying there. Tanji looked around the room and realized that being kidnapped by some aliens wasn't a dream. She had indeed been taken to was a whole other planet. Tanji stretched her arms, legs then headed out of the room to meet her captors.

Passing by at least 3 bedrooms before heading down the stairs.

Mark and Jackson, Tanji's abductors were waiting at an oddly designed table with a plate of food in front of them. They looked away from each other and at Tanji as she walked into the living room.

"Morning Tanji how did you sleep." Mark asked as Jackson got up from the table.

"Don't act so buddy with me. Why did you kidnap me from my home? Don't give me some run of the mill response either." Tanji said her arms crossed.

"Ok ok if you calm down and sit down we will explain the situation to you." Jackson stated holding his hands up in defense.

Tanji looking at them both suspiciously before sotting down at the table. Jackson followed suit then gave a look to Mark indicating that he wanted Mark to explain why they kidnap the human girl.

"We kidnapped you because we needed a candidate for our first ever Olympic Games that will determine who will be marrying one of our kings. Jackson and I just so happened to be visiting Earth when we got this announcement. Since there wasn't a restriction on what species we could chose from, the choice to take a human female was made." Mark explained as he and Jackson looked at me.

"So you chose me? Why?"

"After watching you for a few weeks and also considering the personality of the king, we knew you guys would have a natural fit. Regardless of you being human. Plus the females here have always pinned after all of the kings attention which quickly annoyed them. Bringing you here would be kind of refreshing to them." Jackson replied.

"You two seem to be telling the truth so I'll believe you. What do you have planned for today anyways?" Tanji asked.

"We'll be training your body until you surpass your human limits. Being that we live on a planet with hella strong aliens, you wouldn't stand a chance. Now eat up we are going to start off by getting your strength and endurance up. For the challenges that you'll face the training will come in handy." Jackson said as he walked back to the table and put a plate of strangely colored foods in front of Tanji.

Tanji made a face before scarfing it down while having a casual convo with the said aliens in front of her.

3 hours later


Tanji was currently running away from strange looking creatures. For her, she just called them "Huge gray, green, and white blobs that look like wolves". Mark and Jackson on the other hand were watching this from their ship while sipping on their cocktail drinks. They had to admit that Tanji's will to live was strong but her endurance was lacking.

They had her swim in their 50 shades of pink pool, eat all types of strange things that would make any other human gage, and now this. Tanji was tired and wanted to just go to sleep.

"You are almost to the too! You can do it Tantan!" Mark cheered through the headset he was wearing.

"I'm going to hurt you both!" Tanji exclaimed before the connection dropped.

Night time

The moment Tanji walked into house they lived in Tanji rushed to the bathrooms and took a long hot bath. Her muscles ached and her bones felt like they were ready to break, but she admitted it was interesting. She got out of the shower and her suit formed around her.

Tanji walked over to her bed and collapsed thinking that she didn't know how she was going to last the rest of the training days.

Day 2

"I better not be running for my life again. Or else I will beat you both up." Tanji said glaring daggers into the backs of Mark and Jackson.

"None of that will be happening today. I'm sure your endurance has gotten a lot stronger since yesterday. Today will be a little bit easier." Mark said not taking his eyes off what he was looking at.

"Alright, what am I doing today?" Tanji asked leaning forward into her chair.

"You are going to learn out to handle yourself when there is no, as you humans call it, gravity." Jackson said.

Just as Jackson said that their spaceship pulled to a holt. In front of them was one of the moons that orbited Planet BT21. This moon was a mix if bright blue and orange. Once the ship landed the 3 said beings inside got out of their seats and headed to the back of the ship.

Mark let down the door and they all walked out. Tanji's suit had a built in space helmet which immediately activated the moment it sensed that there was no breathable air. Even Mark and Jackson had on space suits.

"So what are we doing on the moon again?" Tanji asked.

"We are here to train you on how to handle yourself when there is no gravity to keep you touching the ground. Depending on how they decide to have the challenges they might throw this one at you." Jackson said the three walked over to one of the empty craters.

"How do you just turn gravity off? That's not possible." Tanji said now that they were at the bottom of the crater.

"Like this"

Mark walked up to Tanji's suit and pressed a button. She started floating upwards and began to panic. Jackson and Mark on the other hand just watched hoping that Tanji would calm down and try to figure out how she could get back down before it was time to return back to BT21.

Back on the Planet

"Tanji you did an amazing job! Just don't freak out next time. The other competition will use that to their advantage." Mark said as they walking into the house.

"I'll try, not like a human from EARTH will get used to no gravity. Anyway, what training will we do tomorrow?" Tanji asked as she made her way to the kitchen.

"There won't be any." Jackson said from the living room.

Tanji stopped in the doorway of the kitchen and turned around confused.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Tomorrow you will be meeting the kings and the other contestants." Jackson answered.

Tanji turned pale at the thought of meeting the other contestants. She figured they wouldn't be as nice to her as Mark and Jackson have been. Tanji started worrying about how tomorrow would go. Mark and Jackson could tell that Tanji seemed nervous, anxious even so they got up and walked towards her.

"Everything will be fine. You have us after all." Mark said as he put his left hand on her right shoulder.

"He's right. We wouldn't just abandon you." Jackson said putting his right hand on her left shoulder.

Tanji smiled at her alien friends and hugged them both.

Maybe tomorrow won't be too bad. She thought.

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