The Tears I Shed For Him...

By Cyn_happiness77

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For the first time, I saw him hesitate. Just the slightest bit. Then it was gone and his handsome face smooth... More

Chapter 1~There is no place like home
Chapter 2~ The runaway
Chapter 3~Payback My Friend
Chapter 4~ Give it up for plan...C?
Chapter 5~ Fast and Furious
Chapter 6~ A Sorrowful Good-Bye
Chapter 7~ Heights make me Hyperventilate
Chapter 8~First day in hell-I mean school...
Chapter 9~What are the odds?
Chapter 10~It's for the best...
Chapter 11~Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Chapter 12~My Lips Are Sealed
Chapter 14~Why explain when I can show you?
Chapter 15~The Confession Game!
Chapter 16~Pep Pep Preppy Prep
Chapter 17~Unknown POV
Chapter 18~First Date...
Chapter 19~Enough is Enough
Chapter 20~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 21~ Freedom Came With Its Price
Chapter 22~ Torture
Chapter 23~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 24~ Life or Death...
Chapter 25~ In Loving Memory of...
Chapter 26~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 27~ What Happened To Innocent 'Til Proven Guilty
Chapter 28~ Just Stop While You're Ahead

Chapter 13~Say Yes...Hell No!

220 7 4
By Cyn_happiness77

Song to the right>>> = Awesome!

Picture to the right>> = Nahuel's sexy bod! xD Don't ask why I put it, I just felt it necessary *Swoon*

Would you like to know something that never helps when you are drop dead tired? A teacher preaching in the most boring, monotone voice humanly possible.

I folded my arms up over the desk and delved my head in the center, letting my eyes flutter close as my Chemistry teacher—Mr. Utley—continued on with the days lesson; stopping every fifteen minutes to vent over how horrible his life has become after his fiancé ditched him at the altar. I mean don’t get me wrong, I empathize the guy but honestly going on and on about it isn’t going to bring her back.

            “…equations of mole-to-mole basis shouldn’t be hard for you guys. This is Chemistry guys not rocket-science. We use basic math skills, so I do not see how seventy-five percent of this class’ students failed the quiz.” He continued, sounding not a bit interested in what he was saying. “You have to put passion into each equation—just like the same passion I showed Patricia. But did she appreciate it? No, apparently not because she took all my money and left! Traveled to Vegas and wasted it all on casinos and cheap jewelry! Even after all we went through! I gave her my heart and she…”

By then I toned him out enough that his low voice was nothing but a rumble of background music. God was I tired! I didn’t manage to sleep a blink last night and that was no thanks to Nahuel. That stupid idiot, he left me out in the frigid—dark—parking lot alone and without the slightest clue as to where I was. So after wandering around for an hour or so I finally reached the familiar corner of my apartment building, I hobbled up the stairs due to the frostbite on my toes then once inside I got the beating of my life by my father. The entire time he scolded me severely on how I should never attempt to run away again blah, blah, blah. Luckily the cold had numbed my body enough that I didn’t feel every harsh blow of his belt buckle on my skin—not that I can say the same about this morning. I awoke with sore spots all over my back and shoulders…but nothing that a little icy-hot couldn’t manage to fix up. I did manage to explain to my father about what really happened though, and he did apologize, but it wasn’t like he could suddenly take back the pain that I endured due to his brutal hands—or to be literal his brutal belt. Tears rimmed the back of my closed eyes but I refused to cry—especially here in class. So instead I let my imagination soar and before I knew it, my hyperactive mind had taken me to one of my favorite scenes of this teen-romance novel I’ve been reading; of how the sexy protagonist battles his inner demons for the power of love, for his girl. Then he runs to her house and knocks down her door from its hinges, demanding to speak with her, imploring that she give him another chance—to give them another chance—that he has never felt such intense vehemence towards any other girl. The strong pull that she gave was enough to drive him to insanity. After some doubt and struggles they would seal it with a fiery kiss that fogged up the entire room due to the sultry, a kiss filled with eternal promises—a kiss that can never truly exist in reality.

            Almost on cue there was a light nudge to my left elbow, so hesitant, afraid even. Rolling my head with lazy sluggishness, I revealed only half my face; enough for me to see. It was Brandon.

            “What?” I flinched as the word came out sharper than intended. His reaction only proved he took it that way as well, since he licked his dry lips and stuttered slightly as he choked on his words.

            “Uhm…I uh, I just wanted to uh…” he scratched at his neck, averting his gaze. I raised my eyebrows at him, watching as perspiration began to show along the curve of his fair eyebrows.   

            “You doing okay?” I asked in concern, lifting my head all the way. He wiped the back of his sleeve over his forehead with a feverish nod. Honestly he looked like he was one step away from having a seizure. Swarming with guilt, I reached over to rest my hand over his shaking one. It won his attention and his brown eyes sliced over to mine again where I quirked my lips into a small but reassuring smile. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I’m just really tired and I tend to get cranky when I’m really tired,”

I received another nod, with a lopsided smile, “Y-yeah it’s okay. I just got a bit nervous, you never look this down and I just thought maybe you were mad at me or something.”

I let out a little chuckle, loud enough that even Mr. Utley was able to hear. His ice-blue eyes flashed over to me, a snarl curled his lips.

            “Do you find my misery funny, Miss Rivera?” he demanded, standing from the stool he had been reclining on so he can stomp over to me.

Immediately i felt my smile deflate, and I shook my head once, “No, Mr. Utley, I wasn’t laughing at you I was only—”

            “Only what?” he cut me off, his face flushing in anger. “Chuckling to yourself because of some joke you suddenly remembered?”   

I lifted a brow, “Uh no, I didn’t remember a—”

            “You know what, just get out!” he thrusted a scrawny forefinger toward the door, it trembled slightly, and I don’t think I had to guess hard as to why because it was purely obvious that it wasn’t because he was cold. With an inward sigh, I stood, taking my notebooks and bag with me. I kept my head low as I slumped my way to the door, just to avoid the mocking faces of my classmates but that didn’t really mean I was able to block out the sly snickers that emanated from my every direction. I bit back the foul rage that flooded my mouth as I stepped out the class—slamming the door hard once I was on the other side.

            Seeing I couldn’t do much waiting like an idiot outside the door, I decided I could take a quick trip to the library, assuming that I had lunch after this class ended. Glancing down at my wrist watch I realized I only had twenty minutes left before the bell rung. I gave my Chemistry class one more rueful look before sauntering down the hall, and toward the library; remembering that today I started a strict schedule under the watchful eye of Nahuel. At first I had planned to just ditch and carry on with my normal and way more practical routine, but something told me that Nahuel wasn’t joking when he threatened to hunt me down if I didn’t show. Letting out and involuntary shudder, I hugged myself the rest of the way—like a frightened mouse running into the territory of a cat.


            After the lunch bell went off it took Nahuel less than ten minutes to enter the library—not that I was counting or anything…

            “Nena,” he greeted with a wolfish grin, as he saw my sulking at the same table where we first met. “Feels like Déjà vu seeing your sexy little frame sitting there. Only now you look like you’re about to sneeze—last time you looked just plain out constipated.”

            I glowered, squeezing as much venom seep into my gaze as I could muster. Letting it do all the talking for I knew if I opened my mouth we’d only end up in violence. Nahuel let out a short snort before taking a seat beside me, draping his arm languidly across the back of mine. His was body too close for me, that I had to slide half of my rear end off the seat.  

            “Honestly, I was planning on you not showing up,” he commentated casually, pausing just long enough to flick his fringe out of his eye with a brisk movement of his head, “I had already come up with various schemes in how to hunt your ass down. I must say I’m disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to put them to work—ah well perhaps next time.”

            Stupid self-confident, snarky bastard!

            “There won’t be a next time.” I snapped, “nor any time after this. I’m tired of you, Nahuel. You’re like a constant pain in my ass.”

He pinched my nose playfully, “tsk, tsk, Elaine. That is no language for a young lady.” He scolded in a mocking child voice.

My fists clenched on my lap, and I took the time to slow my breathing before I lose it. To no surprise, Nahuel barked out in amused laughter—loud enough that the librarian shot him warning look—he answered it with a wink before turning back to me.

            “Ugh, you’re such a perv, how could you do that to a forty-five year old lady?” I demanded in half disgust, half incredulity.

            “Age is just a number, nena, learn to embrace that.” He shrugged, using his outstretched arm to pull me in closer. “Now, back to the matter at hand—I had told you something last night, and considering those big bags under your eyes, I know you remember well what it was.”

Self-consciously I reached up to prod at the flesh beneath my bottom lashes, and then hastily pulled it away when I realized he was only trying to screw around with me like always.

            “You said a lot of things last night, Nahuel,” I reminded scowling up at him, “and most of it wasn’t exactly important so I tend to forget.”

With a sneer he leaned into me until his lips were just brushing my ear. I stiffened.

            “Then let me freshen up your memories,” he breathed coyly, “I have stuff in store for you but in order to start them I need you to make a quick decision. It’ll be yes, whether you want it or not.”

My scowl morphed into a grimace as I battled to grasp onto what he really meant. “What do you mean?”

            “I’m going to ask you a question—one in which you’ll answer with a yes.” He explained, and I swear I was able to feel as his lips curled into a smirk at my ear, “the rest will be history.”

I swallowed hard, “if my answer is going to be yes, then why ask at all?”

            He shrugged, “’cause I feel if you are the one to answer out loud then it makes it more…official.”

            Pressing my lips, I nodded slowly, an indication for him to proceed. Only that instead of talking, he abruptly swerved my seat around—nearly accomplishing in throwing me out of it as well—so I was facing him head on. Rigid as a rock, I saw as he reached out to cradle my face in his hands and his lips began to move.

            “Elaine,” he started, licking his lips airily before continuing, “be my girlfriend.”

My eyes widened, and then bulged. And if it wasn’t for his hands to be closed around my face, my jaw would’ve dropped to the ground. My mind was reeling, flooring in a way I didn’t think was humanly possible; thrusting out question after question, all while staying immobile and keeping me in shock. Nahuel’s eyes searched my face, soaking me in, and then he let out a low chuckle.

            “Hello,” he sang, “nena, you still with me?”

My lips parted, and the only sound that could escape was a “uh-huh”. There was more laughter, and he let go of my face to recline back on his seat, resting an ankle over his knee.

            “I knew my sensual demands always tend to render a girl breathless,” he smirked, “but to put her under shock? I must say this is a great achievement for me.”

            I shook my head to gather my thoughts before finding my voice again, “First of all, you caught me off guard,” I asserted, “and second, that wasn’t even a question. It was a statement. You said you were going to ask me a question—”

            “Yeah, a question you’re going to answer with a yes,” he cut me off sharply, his face pinched up irritated, as if impatient with me, “I’m waiting for you to say it.”

            “Hell no!” I nearly screamed, “I won’t, not ever—no—I’d never say yes to be your girlfriend even if the Zombie Apocalypse took place and we were the only two survivors that needed to repopulate the world. I’d rather make hybrids with apes.”

He lifted a brow, “Hybrids with apes? No, I don’t think even they would find you somewhat appealing.”

            “If you think I look so ugly then why are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” I demanded, enraged.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. Holding it for a whole minute, he finally let it go out through his nose as his lashed fluttered up to he could look at me again. His dark eyes weary.

            “Look, Elaine.” He started, running both hands through his hair, “if it were up to me, I would have dropped you right now, and looked for another more willing girl—which isn’t hard seeing half the girls would take off their clothes in a matter of seconds just begging from me to fuck them—but unfortunately, things happened last night, and turns out someone else saw you last night. They also saw me helping you to safer grounds.”

            A gasp escaped my lungs, “S-someone say me?” I stuttered.

He nodded gravely, “and it wasn’t no friend of mine either. It was one of the guys from the other gang. This puts you in a very dangerous and vulnerable position Elaine. So I lied through my ass saying you were my girlfriend—not only did I get myself in trouble, but now you’re going to be watched 24/7 by all the members of The Blood just to assure you keep your trap shut.”

            “You helped me?” not only was this shocking to me, but oddly, I found it sweet of him. “You’re helping to keep me alive?”

Perhaps my words seemed uncomforting to him because he had to avert his gaze and swallow a few times before answering, “Call it what you will. I’m only doing this because if you die, then that puts a lot of my month’s plans to waste. And I hate having to rewrite my calendar’s schedule”

            Oh, yeah sure…whatever you say.

I shrugged, hoping I made it seem like I wasn’t fazed. “Ok, well thanks I guess.”

            “Welcome,” he grunted, shaking his head, causing his hair to flop back over his eyes, “So go on say it.”

            My eyebrows shot up, “Say what?”

            “Say yes,” he blurted, throwing his hands up exasperated. I pursed my lips, well if I was going to agree on being the Devil’s Mistress then I might as well have some fun while I’m at it. I mean, it only seems fair since he’s going to be making my life hell, the feeling should be mutual am I right?

            “Alright, but you have to ask me again,” I ordered with a devilish smile. “Oh and while you’re at it, you might as well take it to your knees.”

His eyes narrowed to slits, and I swear my ear caught a glimpse of a low rumble at the base of his chest that could only be defined as a growl. “You’re lucky I already told everyone that you belong to me because if not I would have told you to go find yourself another bitch.”

            “I hope you realize you just called yourself a bitch,” I snickered, just then his hands shot out again, coiling around my waist and pulling me roughly against his hard body. His lips brushed mine breezily before he spoke again.

            “Don’t piss me off, nena, ‘cause you’ll truly hate the results.” He growled into my lips before sinking in to kiss me deeply. I struggled against him but he held on to me with brutal force. Finally he pulled out for air; his panting stirred the stray hairs from my face. “Now, Miss Elaine, would you do me the great honor in being my girl?”

I waited a few seconds for my breathing to regulate before answering. “Yes.”

He smirked, pulling away. “That’s what I thought.”


Any thoughts?? 

Any heart attacks??

Haha, yeah I know, it's a bit of a shocker, so enjoy it while it lasts 'cause Nahuel isn't the nice boys type of guy ;) if you know what I mean. 

Vote <3




Oh and BTW before I forget ;) >>> in the External Link>>Takes you to my Tumblr <3 If you wanna be awesome you should follow lol 

Take care 

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