Roommates Big Brother - a Jon...

By adriennebrock-marais

61.1K 935 225

More of a shorter quicker book then my normal ones. I was going through a lot when writing this so it's not t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 8

2.5K 32 12
By adriennebrock-marais

Payton's Point of View.
The next day we got ready for my dads, so they could meet Jonah. I know it's a bit to soon but Jonah wants to go. It was making me very anxious. I've been stressed out for the past couple of weeks since if I want to have my daughter back I have to move into a house. And I still can't find one, the court date is next month so I have to hurry up. But anyway, after about 30 minutes we made it to my dads house. 

"Ready," I asked Jonah

"Hell Yeah," he said.

Esther came with us since my dad, Ryland loves her. Even though she is still a little sick she made her self come with us. We walked down the walk way to the front Door. The door opened letting UNO run out and jump all over us. Cheedo just sat far away watching us then slowly walked over to us.

"Oh.. My... God, Payton what are you doing here," Father, Shane said.

"Well I wanted you to meet someone," I said. Moving out of the way for father to see Jonah.

"This is Jonah, he's actually Esther's brother but, he's also my boyfriend," I say. Dads looked shocked.

I haven't had a boyfriend or went near any guy since I want happened.

"Oh my god, oh my god," my father jumping up and down.

"Hello, Mr. Yaw," Jonah said reaching his hand out for my father to shake it.

My heart was beating out of my chest. Suddenly my father pulled Jonah into a hug. My heart slowed down.

"Payton can we talk please," Dad, Ryland said.

We walked in the "haunted" room.

"Have you told him about Ben and Alex," he asked.

"Yeah he is very supportive, but he hasn't meet Alex yet," I said.

"Just be careful, have you found a house yet," he asked.

"No, I keep getting rejected," I said.

After our chat I left the room. Yeah we are staying the night, lucky because Esther fall asleep. Jonah and I were sharing a bed. So I was showing him around the house.

"Is that you," Jonah said he pointed the the photos of me when I was pregnant, that are framed all over the wall of the hallway.

"Yeah, even though the reason behind the pregnancy, my dad what to document my whole pregnancy," I said.

"You look cute with a baby bump," he said, pulling me closer into his chest.

"Maybe one day you will have a bump made by me," he added. That comment made me smile.

"Hopefully, but not right now I can hardy look after the kid I have know," I said.

(Hopefully smut coming soon)
Newest member to the family

Her Name Is Missy (but we call here Missy Moo)

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