The Hunger Games: Multi-Verse

By flywithmyjetpack

3.1K 71 24

What would happen in a Hunger Games with Kylo Ren, Annabeth Chase, and Gale Hawthorne? In a Games containing... More

Intro (Gale)
Author's Note
The Train (Hawkeye)
Arrivals (James Potter)
Chariot (Jacob Black)
Mentoring (Clove)
Group Session (Annabeth Chase)
Scores (Natasha Romanoff)
Interviews (Television)
The Last Night (Peter Parker)
The Games Begin (Nico DiAngelo/3rd Person)
The First Anthem
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Final Author's Note

Individual sessions (Gamemakers)

94 1 0
By flywithmyjetpack

Prune Wellhorn was extremely satisfied with how the Games were playing out so far this year. It had been her own revolutionary idea to retrieve tributes from other meta-galaxies, and she had then earned herself the position of Head Gamemaker. 

The group session had gone great. These ultra-powerful tributes mostly avoid each other and stick with those of their own separate clans. Not too much mingling. An interest dynamic was being created, one of teams, and Prune could not be more ecstatic. The citizens of Panem were surely dying to see these fascinating tributes enter the arena. 

She sat into her comfortable seat at the front of the Gamemaker box. It was 8 a.m., and one of the tributes from Panem was scheduled to have the first showing of the day. 

The other Gamemakers settled in around Prune. An aura of excitement surrounded the Capitol employees. Everyone was tittering and ready for the first session -- more than usual, due to the talent of the tributes.

The large, square, metallic door suddenly slid open to their left. The Gamemakers all craned their necks to see who the first tribute was. 

It was a young woman with an upturned nose, dark red hair, sneering eyebrows. She stood in front of the Gamemakers and said her name in a drawling, bored voice, "Johanna Mason of Panem." 

The woman then promptly proceeded to picking up an axe and hurling it at one of the bodily targets. The axe found it's spot square in the chest of the target. She did the same with a second axe and second target, and then a third. The Gamemakers were appalled when Johanna exited through the elevator without another word. 

The rest of the Panem tributes had similar offerings of skill; Clove with knives, Gale with a bow and arrow, and Paylor with much strength. The Gamemakers were, for the time being, satisfied.

However, they were in no way prepared for the show that the tributes from other meta-galaxies were going to put on for them. 

Chewbacca the Wookie from the Star Wars meta-galaxy walked into the room and let out a feral utterance that only Chewbacca could make. The tall Wookie was not intimidating to any of the Gamemakers, who watched the beast judgmentally. Then Chewbacca walked over to one of the steel combat dummies and ripped off the arms effortlessly, gaining the room's respect. Prune's eyes were wide as she wearily watched the Wookie exit the room. But in her stomach, she felt a bubbling sensation of intense pride. 

She had created the greatest Games ever. 

Kylo Ren, of course, barely introduced himself to the Gamemakers since he considered himself of higher status than them. He then used his lightsaber to slash several dummies to pieces in a matter of seconds. His red lightsaber buzzed lethally through the air, and the Gamemakers were entranced by the weapon. 

"Make a note to have one of those things put in the arena." Prune commented quietly to one of the Gamemakers sitting around her. 

James Potter stunned the Gamemakers by grabbing his wand and conjuring a strange, black-hooded, floating creature that literally drained all of the warmth from the room. Prune felt a sudden spur of undeniable fear, and underneath that, a sheet of waving hopelessness. She could feel her breaths starting to quicken as she felt the world beginning to end around her. The hooded thing floated closer to the Gamemakers arena, where all of the employees were beginning to recoil and panic. In desperation she stood to her feet, and yelled, "Stop!" At James. 

James gave a wave of his wand and the creature disappeared. He strolled with his head held high and his shoulder proudly back from the room, leaving the Gamemakers shivering and feeling quite eerie behind him. 

The Gamemakers were especially intrigued by Nymphadora Tonks' display of shifting hair colors and facial features. 

Peter Parker had them all on their feet, stomping and clapping for him as he swung from rung to rung on the ceilings, scaled the slick metal walls with ease, and lifted the entire shelf of hundred-pound dumbbells over his head, giving them a winning smile from underneath the weight.

Demetri the vampire impressed them eternally with his invisible speed and massive strength. He climbed the wall closest to the Gamemakers' perch and reeled his arm back away from the force field, fist cocked. The Gamemakers leaned back in their seats fearfully. The vampire released a flying punch at the force field, and Prune expected him to launch away from them onto the ground -- and perhaps need resuscitation. However, Demetri easily pulled his fist back with a sly grin on his face after a magnetic booming sound had been created from the clash of his fist and the force field. 

Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus, used pieces of scrap metal to assemble himself a gangly gun in less than ten minutes. When he shot the gun towards one of the dummies, the dummy simply blasted to charred and flaming pieces. 

Clarisse LaRue, daughter of Ares, showed off her daunting skills in combat that would match any of the Panem tributes. Same with Annabeth Chase. 

After the final tribute to present themselves, Nico DiAngelo, walked out of the room after impressively opening a crack in the ground to the literal Underworld, Prune stood before her fellow Gamemakers. 

"Cohorts, colleagues, and friends, today we have watched the most impressive batch of tributes perform their most cherished skills that Panem has ever had the blessing of seeing. We have built the mightiest Games that this nation will ever watch. Cheers to us," Prune raised her glass and added, "And may the odds be ever in their favor." 

A few chuckles came from the crowd as the group of Gamemakers drank in celebration. 

All of the hard work that had gone into this years Games was about the unfold. Individual training was officially over. 

It was almost time for the main event. 


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