anonymous || pjm

By stale-bread-stick

3.1K 158 107

[Highschool!au] Despite the majority of the bad boy stories showcasing a fearless protagonist with a nonsensi... More


(Prologue): Unsolicited Embarrassment

501 14 13
By stale-bread-stick

Warning: a bit of swearing. Possibly more. Probably more. Thanks for reading!

If anyone around the school were to stop and ask who group of seven were, there wasn't a single soul who wouldn't know the answer. The second a new student entered the premises they would get a mouthful of words regarding the notorious members, and it was nearly impossible to get used to the regular early morning ear-piercing squeals of their 'fangirls' that erupted once they entered the building.

Maybe it was the leather jacket draped over his shoulder, the tight jeans, the occasional choker his friends insisted he wore so they could all match, or the smirk he carried along with him as a habit he unintentionally developed, but Park Jimin and his group fit in the 'bad boy' category almost perfectly.

He carried himself around proudly, head tilted high with a cocky smirk that sends the whole of the female population melting behind their lockers as they struggle to hide the deep mahogany on their cheeks. It was the complete opposite of the shy nature he presented a few years back, and he occasionally wondered what on earth his past self would think if he saw himself now. Disbelief, he supposed, but when he unexpectedly befriended a group of guys that ended up influencing him this way, it was a bit too late to turn back on the accidental impression he made. He had to admit that it was usually a bit tiring to hold up this fake image he created of himself.

Though sometimes it was more tiring to know that his friends knew of his true nature, "Jungkook-ah, I swear to god if you start pulling shit on me-"

"Relax, Jiminie-" The younger shut up once he saw the glare sent his way, "...hyung." He corrected, taking the smile of satisfaction the older male held as a sign to continue his sentence, "She's all the way over there, talking to her own group of friends. Why don't you, I don't know, go say a simple 'hello' or something?"

"For the last time- no!" In any other person's perspective, knowing their reputation, they most likely looked like guys that were ready to throw fists at each other, but in reality the closest comparison would be two school girls murmuring to each other about their nearby crush as one incessantly teased the other behind their lockers. Which is exactly what was happening.

"Dude, she's right there- hey look what you did, she's walking away." Jimin's eyes snapped towards your direction, watching as you stood in the same place as before, happily conversing with your friend in total obliviousness as to what was happening just a few mere steps away from you. He turned his gaze back to his cocky friend that sent a cheeky smile in his direction, "You looked."

The older male raised both his hands in the air as he shook them with a strangling motion, "Why you little-"

"Look, hyung," Jungkook started, successfully cutting off the other male's sentence from possibly getting too verbal, "You've been after her for, what, a year already? Two years? And the most you've said was a simple, boring, rather awkward 'hello'." The younger shook his head to himself, sighing exasperatedly, "Grow a bit, hyung."

Jimin somehow managed to ignore the fact that there were two hidden meanings behind his friend's last words, "I'm older than you, you little.. actually much larger than me, stupid twat! And it's actually much harder than it looks. Besides," He suddenly had a teasing smirk curve up his lips, "How many years did it take you to send a simple wink in a girl's direction, hmm? Mind answering that?"

Jungkook slammed his locker closed aggressively, brows furrowed and drumming his fingers against his thigh in irritation, "You know what- fuck it, I'm gonna talk to her myself-"

"nO jUngKoOk-" The smaller male gripped the other's wrist to stop him from sauntering towards you like Jimin knew he would, holding him back just in time for you to walk away and out of both their lines of sight with your friend by your side. Jungkook didn't know whether to sigh in pity or snort in amusement at the longing look his older friend had as he watched you. He chose the latter.

"Well, that was useless and stupid."

"Shut up, Jungkook."


Even though he was labeled at school as a bad boy with a short temper, the reality was that he had the heart and patience of an angel, and despite constantly being teased by both the two youngest members of the group and his hyungs with his short stature, he cared deeply for them. Deeply enough to go through with dumb favors like having to walk to the coffee shop that was three whole blocks away from school just to get Taehyung and Jungkook bubble tea at two in the morning, since they're not fans of things that are too bitter.

He pushed open the door whilst ruffling his hair, further disheveling it as he entered, the dulcet soft chime that alerted of his presence reverberating throughout the relatively small space of the shop, and he was immediately welcomed by the overwhelming yet comforting scent of coffee beans, sweetened milk and.. chocolate syrup?

Jimin ignored the urge to gawk at the display of sweets they had by the counter, prioritizing his friends as he only had a limited amount of money in his pocket. He repeated their orders to himself, lifting his head to see an unfamiliar girl by the cash register, but one he dug around his memory to remember, with the realization seemingly punching him in the face that oh yeah, this is my crush's best friend that will surely tell her every detail of this encounter if she were to recognize me, futher ruining her already ruined impression of me and oH mY gOd- she's looking this way-

The female surprisingly disregards his presence, not looking in his direction but instead at someone behind him, waving her arms in the air enthusiastically, "Oh, Y/n!" Your soft, mellifluous laughter approaching him broke him out of his thoughts as he sweat nervously in his spot, standing as still as a statue.

"Could you please tend to the customers here for a bit? It'll be quick, I gotta call someone!" She ran into the kitchen before you could respond, and you only chuckled to yourself because you knew that it wasn't going to be quick, but you'd do her this favor for her sake. Completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

Before Jimin could even think of doing anything, you lifted your head as both your eyes locked, your mouth agape at the surprise of seeing the infamous bad boy from school in a place like this. He had left quite an impression on you, and despite all the unspoken words between you both, you assumed it was just a silent vow to never speak of that encounter again.

Though it left a different kind of impression on him. He was embarrassed at first, but then he'd paid more attention on you, when all of a sudden he realized he was fascinated in the way that you smiled, melting at the way that you laughed, seemingly drowning in the color of your eyes, his heart swelling at the small habits he managed to see from behind his book and glasses as he shyly stared at your form from afar.

Though that was before; he's a bad boy now, he's popular, well known and it's time to finally be a man- "U-um," shit wait I'm not ready-

"What would you like?" You didn't want to make small talk, so you instead treated him like a customer, and he didn't know whether to feel glad- because he was obviously not in the right mind to both process your words nor reply to them- or feel upset, since it could have maybe been his chance to get closer to you.

"I'd like.." Fuck, what were their orders again- "An.. uh.." If he looked stupid before, he definitely did now, eyes darting back and forth to scan the menu with his palms sweaty as he tried to desperately remember what his friends asked for, ignoring the fact that he had it memorized just a mere few seconds ago.

This was not something he wanted to do in front of his crush.

It was only then he fully noticed just what he was wearing, a pink sweater- with sweater paws- baggy ripped skinny jeans, hair messy in all directions possible, all completed with a cherry on top that just so happens to be an embarrassing bear mask covering his nose and mouth that happened to be the only one he could find on his way out. Damn Taehyung for owning it for whatever reason.

"What are your-" He just barely stopped his voice from reaching an octave higher, "r-recommendations?!"

You blink. Was this really the Jimin that everyone fantasizes about at school? Maybe he really was just a cute guy behind his seemingly tough exterior. "R-right." Dammit, why were you stuttering now? "Well, it really just depends on preference, but if you want something refreshing, I'd suggest the Jasmine Green tea; or maybe since it was particularly cold outside today, the Hot Black tea with non-dairy creamer. Or maybe," You paused your sentence to let out an accidental giggle, "Coffee, since.. you look like you need it."

Well, she noticed. I'm screwed. Well then, time to settle for living a sad, lonely life by myself with nothing but my ten cats to keep me company until I die of young age. Wait, what's that thing I see flying away? Oh yeah, it's my chANCES OF BEING WITH HER-

"-hot chocolate, or- hey, are you okay?" He hadn't even noticed that you continued speaking, though his thoughts somehow wandered only for him to realize how damn soothing your voice is and, hell, he could listen to you saying the entire breakdown of the menu on repeat if it meant he could hear your voice again.

"Um, more.. Recommendations. I uh- do you have any others?"

"I mean, I could always hand you the menu, I'm sure you'd see more options than if I tell you my re-"

"No! I mean, well maybe- I mean, you could just say everything, I mean- could I have your number- I MEAN yOuR nAmE-" Freaking hell, just END ME- "I-I mean, I want- that." He blinked, pointing to a random option on the menu, his mind and vision so blurry and cheeks heated with different shades of red that he couldn't even pinpoint what the hell he just chose.

"Milk tea? Alright, would you like anything else with that? Or maybe additional black pearls or chocolate syrup in it?" You stifled a giggle at the dumbfounded expression on the boy's face. If this was the real Jimin- and not the one you see every day at school- He might just be one of the most adorable people you've ever seen. Not that you'd ever tell him, or anyone, that fact.


You raise a brow, "Yes to what?"


You shake your head to yourself with a chuckle, the kid must have been dead tired for him to be like this, you think. Though you were completely unaware of his inner turmoil even as you started making his order.

He tries so hard not to stare or do anything more stupid than he already did, rubbing his eyes with a hand you couldn't help but notice was adorably small, tapping his foot to pretend he was impatient even though he would be more than willing to sit there and watch you work for hours, his nails rhythmically clattering against the surface of the counter.

You finish his order under only a few minutes, thanking your friend for having taught you in the past, before opening a pen and turning the cup towards you, "What's your name?" You both knew that you knew his name, but just for the sake of having a proper introduction, you allowed him to say it himself.


"Okay, then. Jiiiiimin.." You drawled out as you scribbled it onto the cup, and he couldn't help but want to engrave the way you voiced out his name into every space and crevice of his memory. "Here you go! I'm Y/n by the way." He knew, but he couldn't possibly tell you that.

"Thank you, Y/n." You looked away to hide the blush quickly spreading across your cheeks as your hand brushed against his; it was childish, maybe, but enough to leave you a blushing mess along with him. No- Y/n, he's a playboy! This is how he tricks the girls! "Um, bye Y/n!"

You snapped out of your trance only when you hear the soft chiming of the bell above the door, quickly raising your hand to wave to the boy as he left, "Bye, Chim!" And you couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles when you see him nearly trip over his own feet at the nickname.

Jimin didn't regret coming; no, not in the slightest, but that didn't stop him from wanting to kill his two friends for most likely making him come here on purpose rather than just 'suddenly craving bubble tea'

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