~.:Fictional to Nonfictional...

By Spearist

137K 6.1K 3.8K

Being an Otaku and living by yourself is hard. You would wish that your life could be just like your favorite... More

The Mysterious Man.
A New world.
A New World Pt. 2
Things are different here.
Living Together.
Knowing You.
Sudden caring.
Unexpected encounter
The New Man
The idiots and an Uchiha.
Questions left Unanswered..
Tremors Part 2.
Tremors pt. 3
Tremors Pt. 4
Tremors Pt. 5
Tremors: Final
Madara's Little Task.
Little Gift.
An unexpected Call.
Arrival Of the CEO
Open House.
Family Times.
Final Decision. (Updated)


13K 360 295
By Spearist

A/N: This is my first time writing this... However, I felt like maybe this character needs more attention and have a better build up story. Not to mention, there were more stories that I have enjoyed... Only to see that the author's time wise is taken from real life... Now, to by pass my extremely free time at work, I've decided to give it a try! I do hope everyone likes it!

Oh and do ignore the grammer if I do have some, thank you!


Your life wasn't how most people had. Sometimes one family is a happy family, or a divorce/ separation between the parents happen. Perhaps one parent was thrown in jail for crimes they may have committed, or your parent had a child at a young age. Who knows what really happen to the parent's life decision.

On the other hand, your case was no different either. Instead the situation with your parents, were slightly different. Your parents are drug addicts. No, not just one, both of them were.

Everyday they would come in with the same things that you held no knowledge of. Sometimes they would scare you, because of the unusual way they acted. It was like something possessed them as they sniffed some powder, or inject something into their arms. You'd lock yourself in your room when they would scream or shout in some kind of excitement or rage. You were so young and could not understand what was happening.

One day, upon arriving to school, you noticed a bunch of kids were gathering around, viewing something. It must have been a very unique item as it gave an awed vibe in the air. You walked up and see a boy, holding some kind of picture book as he was reading and making such sound effects. Everyone started to make comments about the character on the book.

"I wish I was there! I could be his friend!"

"Me too! I do not like how they're treat him!"

Curiosity overtakes you, inching closer to take a good view on it. You were able to get a small glimpse of it, before the bell rung. The small boy closes his book and the crowd of elementary students dispersed, leaving you standing there in wonderment.

The day went by, as you tried to find the same boy who had the book, yet he was no where to be found. Giving up was not your answer as you also had three more days until the weekend. So if you could not find him today, you would find him before the weekend came!

The next day, you continued your search, but to no avail, he could not be found. However, your search was not over yet. As you continued your search for the remaining two days, your result still came out to be the same. It was like he was a ghost or something, just like in the movies. Unfortunately, the boy was real as many of the elementary kids DID gather around him. Perhaps he was just out for a couple of days or so, then again he could have moved... Having that feeling of him, whom held something that perk your curiosity, made you worry. Was that the only time you would've ever seen it? Or was it fate that decided to mess with you, and remind you of your current lifestyle...

Defeated stabbed through your little heart. Slowly turning around, you bumped into someone and caused you to fall on your bottom. After a brief moment of clarity, your view showed the same boy from 3 days ago, lending you a hand.

"Ah! Sorry, I was reading my manga and did not see you!"

"Manga? What's that?"

Curiosity struck you again, it was a new word that you never heard of. You looked at him with such confusion on your face.

"Oh right, this is an Anime book. But my brother calls it a manga, he also let me burrow it! Its really cool and I feel bad for the main character..."

"Why do you feel bad for him?"

"Oh, that's because the way he grew up! If I was him, I would definitely feel that way too!"

The boy started to tell you about this Manga called Naruto, you learned a bit about this character and his ambition of becoming Hokage. It sparked your interest and now you wanted to continue it. The small boy decided to lend you the Manga, only because he's already ahead of the manga series.

Since then, you would take home a new chapter everyday and read it. The Manga helped you to have a small quiet life at home, and kept you occupied from going out of your room.

Years went on and both you and the boy, who you now called Shoyo (Mostly because he almost resembles a character from another Manga series.) Became best friends, but one faithful day, he told you depressing news. His family was moving to another state, and he will permanently stay there for his life until he was older.

Before he left, he gave you his lastest volume of Naruto Shippuden. He told you that you and him will always be connected just by reading this volume. You smiled and hugged him, saying your last goodbyes to your beat friend as his parents called for him. You watched as his car drove off, followed by a movers truck. Lowering your head, you now know it was time to go back home to your parents.

Once reaching your house, you opened the door and expected them to be taking their drugs again. Unfortunately, you were wrong, both of your parents looked at you furiously. This sent shivers down your back; goosebumps forming on your arms as your parents stood up.

"Where have you been?! Do you know how long we have been looking for you?!"

"Your father right! You can't walk out of this house like you own the place. You belong to us and you have to stay here! You did not ask us premission to leave this house!"

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my friend..."

"Friend?! What friend?! If he or she asked you to come by, then that is no friend!"

"But he is my friend!"


You felt a burn on your cheek as your father hand smacked across your face.

"Don't talk back to your mother like that! Go to your room! And give me that book, I bet he or she gave you porn or something!"

You desperately held onto your book as your father tried to take your Manga.

With little patience of his, he slapped you hard this time, which caused you to gasp from the pain and lose grip on your Manga. Finally relieved of retrieving the book, he went outside as you tried to follow him, only to be pulled back by your (h/l) from your mother. It hurt, and it got worse when she suddenly started to beat on you.

By the time nightfall came, you were in your room, sitting up and holding your knees, all the while sniffling. Tears fell from your flushed and bruised cheeks. The last thing they told you, was to respect them more, then you would be able to come out. You stared at the door, knowing all too well that even if you step out, they would come and beat you again.

Now feeling drowsiness come upon you, you laid down on your bed, pulling your blankets over you. What came into your mind before going into darkness, was living in the world with Naruto and them. You wish you lived with them and could go on many adventures and train like a ninja. Oh how you dreamt of that to come true, but reality would always be there to remind you.

Your pre-teen to finally teenager years went the same. Yet, only to insert the beatings and your parents now abusing you. Some days you went without food and water, other days were you trying to desperately cling to life. Your hope and and dreams were slowly dying, and you believed this is how you were meant to live like... However, a spark of hope was sent your way.

Once again, entering your house, your parents were passed out on the floor. Overdosed from their drugs again, which gave you a sigh of relief. A light shined from the table as a vibration noise could be heard. Turning your attention towards it, the little device that continued to vibrate and shine was your mother's phone. Someone was calling her? You walked up to it, grabbing the little device and looked at the caller's ID, it shown sister. Curious about this particular name, you answered it. Only to meet someone yelling on the other side of the phone.


Shocked to hear that outburst you hesitantly answered back.

"U-Um... My mom can't come to the phone... She's passed out right now..."


Silence was only heard as you feared you would get yelled out for not waking her up.

"Mom? Who is this? (F/N), is that you?"

You were sent back. How did this person know your name? You knew no one else related to you or your parents. Yet here is this women, talking to you as if she already met you.

"Y-Yes... Its me (F/N)... How do you know my name?"

"I'm your mother's sister. I only got to see you when you were born! I bet you have grown beautifully! How are you and your parents?"

You held a dumbfound face as your Aunt, just finding out today, changed her attitude quickly. She kept on questioning and questioning, and questioning everything about you!

It was becoming overwhelming you shouted, but lowly so that your parents won't wake up, for her to stop.

"Oh, forgive me! My sister has never told you about me huh? Sigh, what has she been doing this entire time?! I gave her money and she promised to pay be back two months ago."


You gazed back upon your sleeping parents as you had a moment of thought. It was ruin as your stomach growl, needing something to be put in. Knowing that you will not be fed once again, you asked your Aunt if the two of you could go out for lunch and discuss it instead. Your Aunt squealed excitedly, its been ages since she seen her niece and agreed quickly. The meet with your Aunt would be held in two days.

On the day of the meet, you slowly open your door and peeked out. Both of your parents were not in sight. Slowly, you walked out from your room and closed it softly. Making your way down the hallway, a snore was heard as it made you froze in your steps. Lightly and slowly turning your head, you saw your parents passed out on the couch in the den. You gulped and continued to tip toe toward the front door. Once reaching the door, you quietly unlocked the door and open it slowly, only for it to make a creak noise. Instantly, you stopped and peered over to your parents, whom remained asleep. Sighing, you open the door wide enough for you to slip by and out of the house, then closing it behind you quietly. Now you made your way to the meet up.

You arrived at the location, waiting for your Aunt. As you waited, you had to think what was the cheapest item to buy, just so she did not have to spend so much on you. Especially since your mother have not paid her back.  Thinking to yourself, a Burnett woman approached behind you. She placed a hand on your shoulder, making your body jerk from the touch and turned around. The women looked at you confused, then smiled lovingly.

"You look just like my sister... Oh, Where are my Manners! My name is Miya Lawson. I am your Mother's younger sibling."

She gave you a big hug before examining your appearance over all.

"Nope, this won't do. I am going to spoil you!"

Utterly confused by her sentence, your Aunt grabbed your hand and ran to a nearest clothing store. She had you try different clothing and told you to pick out your favorites. Afterwards you both went to eat at your Aunt's favorite place, she even let you choose whatever you want and desserts. 

You spent all day with your wonderful Aunt, and for once had a good time. Your positive mood went away as your knew it was time to head back to the hell hole. Miya noticed your mood change and she took you one last store for you to check out, that store was an Anime merchandise. 

Your eyes lit up in such joy as everything was anime, looking toward your Aunt, she nod her head and you ran off to find the Naruto series. It took some time but you finally found them, and it looks like they had the updated volumes on the shelf as well. You grabbed as many as your could, wanting to continue your dream of being in the series and escaping reality. Your hand froze as you saw the same volume that was left by your best friend. You grabbed the book and took the many volumes you wanted to her. However, you stopped in your tracks as you remembered what happen the last time. You were afraid to have something brought back to you... only to be taken away once again... 

Tears formed in your eyes as you stared at the Manga's, this made you wish more of the life within this fictional world... A hand was felt on your shoulder as you looked up toward the person. Your Aunt looked at you with concern and told you to go ahead and get them, which you did.

After the store visit, your Aunt asked for you to tell her everything that has happen to you. She felt that something wasn't right with you, and held a feeling as she first saw you. They were very hard to see but Aunt Miya saw the bruise marks on you. Of course you were afraid to say anything, but at this moment you wanted to get away from your parents. You poured everything out to your Aunt as she wore a very horrified face. Her only niece was being abused and felt guilty for never checking on you. She made a decision and asked for you to move out now.

Your Aunt had you move out from your parents and into a single bedroom apartment. She told you she would pay for your rent and give you an allowance for personal stuff and groceries. As much she wanted for you to live with her, you couldn't. Your Aunt tends to travel a lot as she worked for a business corporation. She was sent almost everywhere for new meetings or to help out in another location. So you stayed in the apartment and continue your school.

Two years passed and now you were 17, this was your last year in highschool, but you were rather quiet throughout your years. You were known as the Otaku in school, but the quiet type. You had good scores and stayed in rank 3rd of your class, but you weren't very popular for having a such high rank. Sometimes you would be bullied due to your quietness, but it never stopped you from dreaming of being with Naruto and his friends. You came to the 4th Great war Arc and fell head over heels for Madara Uchiha. Yes, you knew he was evil, but he had a good reason! You also felt the same as Madara felt. This world is full of hate, but the only thing that was different between you and him. There was still some hope to find in this world, and that little hope helped you to keep moving on.


Aha! Finish!.... ugh.. that was too long... maybe I was too detailed TT ^ TT... But I felt like this was necessary to include the detail.. so do forgive me! 

Don't worry the next chapter is coming up!

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