One Hundred Fantasy Clichés T...

De Timegear33

164K 8.6K 3.4K

From the same writer that pointed out some of the worst tropes in popular culture in A Hundred Clichés That N... Mais

Fantasy; The Flawed Yet Fun Genre In Fiction
#1: Being Human is a Bad Thing
#2: Zombies Completely Wipe Out Humanity
#3: A Princess Must Always Be The Damsel In Distress
#4: The Evil Wizard
#5: Vampires Going Out During The Day
#6: De-Wolfied Werewolves
#7: The Clueless Parents
#8: The Brave, Always Successful Knight
#9 The Evil Queen
#10: All The Characters Are Eye Candy (Hot)
#11: Mermaids Are Pure Creatures
#12: A Lack of Creature Diversity
#13: The Main Character Must Die
#14: Romance Everywhere
#15: The Brooder Always Dies
#16: Animals Are Reserved Only for Kid's Books
#17: The Wicked Witch
#18: Unoriginal Twins
#19: A Lack of Family Dynamics
#20: The Lonely Guardian
#21: Endless Ammo
#22: Immunity to the Virus
#23: Too Much Action
#24: Humor is a Bad Thing
#25: Never Do Fan Fiction
#26: Always Create a Prologue
#27: Give The Main Character a Love Interest
#28: Turn the Main Character Into a Villain
#29: Secondary Characters Are Not Important
#30: The Secret Sibling
#31: The Fake-Out Death
#32: The Over-Powered Character
#33: The Surprise Villain
#34: Tonal Shifting
#35: Milking Out the Story
#36: Killing Off a Character
#37: Too Much Information Too Fast
#38: The Power of Friendship
#39: Plot Formulas
#40: Copycat Work
#41: Depressing Endings
#42: The Last Man Standing
#43: The Bland Main Character
#44: Wizard Stories
#45: Fast Weaponery Mastery
#46: Children are Annoying Secondary Characters
#47: A Small Cast
#48: The Hero is Always in the Right
#49: Humanity are Monsters
#50: Your Idea Will Never Catch On
#51: Status Quo
#52: Edgy Characters
#53: The Heroic Sacrifice
#54: The Runaway Princess
#55: Mistranslated Words
#56: Forbidden Love
#57: The Creator's Pet
#58: The Chosen One
#59: The Ex Machina
#60: The Forced Apology
#61: Long As Heck Character Descriptions
#62: The Animal Sidekick
#63: The Always Pure Princess
#64: Time Travel
#65: Multiple Universes
#66: The Mutant Minority
#67: The Body Swap
#68: Shoving Morals Down the Audience's Throat
#70: Innocent Fairies
#71: The Warriors Effect
#72: All Supernatural Creatures Are Immortal
#73: The Name of the Monster is Frankenstein
#74: The Typical Werewolf Pack
#75: Edgy Scarred Characters
#76: Mistaken Identity
#77: Plot Holes
#78: Violence is Necessary
#79: The Skyler Perspective
#80: The Gary Sue and Mary Sue
#81: Historial Inaccuracies
#82: Love Triangles
#83: The Genocide Route
#84: The Mindless Zombie
#85: Actions Do Not Have Consequences
#86: The Tragic Backstory
#87: Be Afraid of Risks
#88: The Betrayal
#89: The Villain is Entirely Wrong
#90: The Reformed Villain
#91: Blood is Everything
#92: Not Finishing What You Have Started
#93: The Goody Two-Shoes Character
#94: Unbreakable Weapons
#95: The Villainous Protagionist
#96: The Hero Versus Villain Dynamic
#97: A Limited Target Audience
#98: Every Story Idea Has Been Done
#99: The Dark Half
#100: The Imagination Quota
New Horror Cliché Crushing Editorial
The Horror Cliché Crushing Collection

#69: The Emotionless Loner

784 57 15
De Timegear33

A very common fantasy character trope is none other than that of the emotionless loner.  These characters simply are individuals who do not follow the established moral status quo.  They prefer to be alone, always keeping themselves in the shadows.  On the moral plane, the emotionless character is a wild card, who is either defined as a classic anti-hero or a simple one dimensional villain.  Appearance wise, the character will wear darker colored clothing and have a creepy, ghost-like aura to them.  Most of the time, the emotionless loner identifies as either the common goth or someone who feels lacks empathy.  A traumatic event brought upon their characterization, leaving them mere shadows of their former selves.  In every conversation, they talk in a low, disinterested voice with a mysterious chilling choice of foreboding words.  They are the dark character that many authors feel make a great addition to their cast.

  However, these loner characters are far from an essential writing element.  Nine out of ten times, these characters become an unavoidable, annoying cliché that the best of authors should avoid at all costs.  The emotionless loner is not a character trope that should be used often, if at all.

  The first issue with the emotionless loner is their over-saturation in fiction, especially in fantasy.  If you want to read some fictional story about an enchanted, far off land, you will always encounter at least one example of these characters.  Sol was a male variant of the character trope in the Warriors' book Eclipse.  Foreshadowing about an upcoming fearsome event (a solar eclipse) to the four cat Clans, he disappears into the shadows after merely making an appearance in ShadowClan territory for a chapter.  After the eclipse occurs as said, he reappears and is seen as the cat world version of Rasputin; mysterious and secretly quite cunning.  A female variant of the emotionless loner occurs in the anime and manga series Puella Magi Madoka Magica in the form of Homura.  Introduced at the beginning of the series, Homura plays the role of the emotionless magical girl who forewarns the titular character Madoka that becoming such a being will destroy everything that is important to her, life included.  Although Homura is also a trope breaker of the emotionless loner through her character development in the series that leads to her by the end fighting graciously in the memory of her now dear friend Madoka, there is no denial that at least in the beginning of the series she was the definition of this trope.  No matter where you look, some form of the emotionless loner will go into play, for the better or worse.

  The second and final problem surrounding these characters are that most are an example of weak writing.  Making the character only a mysterious loner that from time to time contributes to the plot does not equal diversity in their characterization.  They are one dimensional pieces of cardboard that could be replaced with really any other character.  Their purpose to the overall storyline is a weak one.  Unless character development or more definitive character traits are given to the character (like in the case of Homura), the emotionless loner is a stick in the mud to an otherwise solid plot.

  Writing is not an easy process.  It is an art that truly takes even for the best of us years to master.  There are no shortcuts to making a strong story.  The emotionless loner is an example of a shortcut that in the end does not always create a strong story.  Time and devotion are the true keys to mastery in the writing arts.


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