The King Pins Daughter

By Queen_Bree_2020

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Ariana is a king pins daughter. Her mom is a drug addict and the state has decided that she is no longer fit... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
New Characters
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

5.6K 98 14
By Queen_Bree_2020

Ariana POV

Hey y'all. I'm Ariana Rodriguez. I am 11 years old and I have been living with my mom since I was a baby. My dad has never really been around that much but he always sent us money. I know that I have brothers but I've never met them either.

My mom uses drugs so the state has decided that they were going to take me and put me in the system. But she signed over all her parental rights to my dad before they could take me.

He should be here to get me soon. I know that he is coming from Houston and we live in Miami. I am going to miss my friends and everyone. Like I am really going to miss my mom. I hope I get to see her while I'm living with my dad.

I showered and did all my hygiene stuff before I got dressed. I don't have much but I'm grateful for the things that I do have. My clothes are all pretty old and people was always bullying me. I know that I'm going to be starting at a new school so I really hope that they don't bully me there. Cause people love to pick at me since I'm quiet.

Me and my mom live in this one bedroom apartment and right now I'm sitting in the living room with my mom. She's actually sober right now. These are the best times with her. When she's high, she says and does things that I don't like. He is not always the nicest person when she is high but when she's not, she's amazing.

We just sitting here talking since I prolly won't see her for a while when I leave.

Mom-Ari, are u going to be OK going with your dad?

Me-Yes mama. I always wanted to have a relationship with my dads side of the family and now I have the chance to.

Mom-Are u sure? I will move down to Texas and move somewhere close to where y'all living so that I can be there with u.

Me-No mama. U don't have to do that. I'm really going to miss u but I know that u don't want to leave Miami.

Mom-I will for u baby girl. U know that I will do anything for u.

Me-I know mama but its OK. I'll be OK. We can always talk on the phone and I'm sure my dad will let me come see u.

Mom-Yes he will.

We sat there talking when somebody came to the door. My mom went to see who it was.

Mom-Ari, go back there to your room. I'll call u out when your dad gets here.

Me-Yes ma'am.

I went in the back room and looked at a book.

I already know what's going on out there. My mom is getting high and she doesn't want me around her when she does that. So I always end up back here in my room. I use this time to just read the books that I have. We don't have a TV or anything so reading is what I always do.

I'm a nerd and that's another reason why people always pick on me. They will ask to see my work when I'm done and when I tell them no, they get mad and start messing with me.

I think I was back here in this room for about an hour before my mama called me back out to the front.

When I went in there, it was a man who looks kinda like me.

Mom-Ari, this is your dad Antonio. Antonio, this is your daughter Ariana.

I hugged him and he hugged back. I wonder why he hasn't always been here for me.

Dad-I haven't seen u in so long baby girl. How are u?

Me-I'm good.

We all sat down to talk and then we had to go. My dad grabbed my two bags that I had and then we left.

Now we're on his private jet. I haven't ever been on a plane before, let alone a private jet.

It was quiet so I decided to ask my dad some questions.

Me-So dad, how many brothers do I have?

Dad-U have 4 brothers. Ramone, Mario, Javier, and Alejandro.

Me-Are they going to like me?

Dad-They all love u already. They can't wait to meet u. Well Ramone met u already when u was a little baby but the other ones haven't.

Me-Why weren't u there?

Dad-Well baby girl, with the business that I'm in, things happen. And some stuff happened. I never wanted to leave u. But I had no choice. I'm sorry that I haven't been there all these years but I'm here now. You're my baby girl, my only daughter, and I love u.

I hugged him.

Me-I love u too dad.

We sat in silence again for about another hour before I started up another conversation with him.

Me-Dad, what would u do to me if I got in trouble at school or at home?

Dad-It depends on what u did. If u fight at school and get suspended, imma whoop yo behind. Same goes for disrespecting teachers or me. And if your grades drop. I know you're smart so there is no reason for u to get anything less than an A or B on your report card.

OK now I'm a lil scared. I'm respectful and everything but sometimes I can have a smart mouth. And sometimes I be talking way too much which usually ends with me in some type of trouble. But not a lot.

The plan landed in Houston. We got off and my dad and I went and got in this all black truck. He drove off. First he drove by the school I'll be going to. I'll be going to Houston Elementary until high school since it has grades K-8.

Then we drove all the way to his house. Well its my house now too.

When we got there, it was huge. My dad opened the gate and then drove up to the front door.

He parked and then we got out and went in.

The inside is even bigger than the outside.

We walked to the front room and it was four boys in there. They all looked a little bit older than me.

One of them looked over at us.

He got up and walked over to me.

Him-Wassup. I'm Javier but u can call me Javi.

Me-I'm Ariana but u can call me Ari.

The rest of them introduced they self after him.

Ramone is 19 and he's the oldest. Then its Mario who is 16. Then Javier is 13. And Alejandro is 12.

We all was sitting around when my dad decided that we should go to the mall.

When we got there, we started walking around to all the different stores. I'm still in kids sizes cause I'm small so we went in Justice to shop for me.

I could tell that none of them had ever been in this store before and I hadn't either.

My dad let me look around to find the stuff that I like when I ran into Tatiana. She is one of the bullies from my old school. I remember people talking about her coming to Texas for a visit with somebody but I never thought I would run into her here.

She saw me and walked over to me.

Tatiana-What u doing here?


I kept looking around at the clothes that I wanted.

She followed me.

Tatiana-Why u in here? It ain't like u can afford anything in here anyway. U would do better going to the goodwill.

Me-Leave me alone Tatiana.

Tatiana-And what u gon do if I don't?

Me-Just leave me alone.

I kept walking around looking. This store is huge.

She came back over to me.

This time she started messing with my hair.

Tatiana-How is yo hair this long and pretty when you're ugly?

She pulled on my hair and I pushed her on the ground.

I guess someone saw because they went to go find our parents.

My dad came over and so did her mom. Her mom helped her up off the ground while Tatiana glared at me. I don't care. I told her to leave me alone and she didn't. I'm not a fighter but if u push me far enough then I will fight.

Her Mom-What happened?

Tatiana-She pushed me on the ground.

They looked at me.

Me-I told u to leave me alone but u wouldn't.

Her Mom-Tatiana, what were u doing to her?

Tatiana-Nothing. I just asked to touch her hair and she got mad and pushed me.

Dad-What happened Ariana?

Me-She came over and started messing with me and I kept walking away and she kept following me. She was talking about how I shouldn't be in here and I should go to the goodwill to shop. And then she said how is my hair so long and pretty when I'm ugly. She pulled on my hair and I pushed her.

Tatiana-She's lying. I didn't say that or pull on her hair.

Me-Yes u did.

Tatiana-No I didn't.

Me-Yes u did.

We was going back and for the until our parents said something.

Her Mom-Tatiana, apologize to her for pulling on her hair and saying mean things to her.

Tatiana-I'm sorry for talking about u and pulling on your hair Ariana.

I nod.

Dad-Ariana, apologize for pushing her on the ground.

Me-No. I was defending myself.

My brothers looked at me like I was crazy.

Dad-Apologize to her now Ariana.

Me-No. If she didn't mess with me and pull on my hair, she would have never got pushed. Its her fault she got pushed, not mine.

I'm really stubborn. I don't know where I got that from.

My dad apologized for me and then he paid for my stuff and we left the store.

I walked out with my brothers while my dad grabbed the bags.

Mario-U crazy.


Javier-All u had to do was say sorry and walk off but u chose to be difficult. Dad bout to get u.

Just as he said that, dad came walking out the store.

He handed the bags to Ramone and then he came over to me and grabbed my arm.

He took me around the corner to one of the family bathrooms. He went in and locked the door.

Me-Why are we in here?

Dad-All u had to do was say u sorry and walk away but u decided to be difficult and not apologize.

Me-Its her own fault she got pushed. Ain't nobody tell her to come over there and start picking on me.

Dad-I understand that she came picking on u but u should have been the bigger person.

Me-I tried that. I walked away from her like three times but she kept following me, messing with me.

Dad-Why didn't u come to find me?

Me-I don't know.

Dad-If anybody is messing with u, u need to tell me or another adult. OK?

Me-Yes sir. Am I in trouble for pushing her?

Dad-No. But next time I tell u to do something u better do it. Do u understand me?

Me-Yes sir.

We walked back out where my brothers was. I thought I was bout to get a whooping.

They all looked at me.

Alejandro walked over to me.

Alejandro-U don't look like u just got a whooping?

Me-Cause I didn't.

Alejandro-If that was one of us he would have beat the heck outta us.

Dad-Come in y'all. We going to footlocker then we heading home.

We followed him to footlocker and we got a lot of shoes. I am definitely being spoiled by my dad and brothers. Like, everything I wanted, I got it. I have so much stuff now, I don't need to go shopping for a long time.

We went home and I put all my stuff up in my room. Then my dad ordered some pizza and we watched some movies. At about 10:00 we all went to bed. I'm already loving living with my dad and my brothers and I just got here.
Chapter 2 coming soon.

Hope y'all like it.

Character pictures will be coming as soon as chapter two is up.

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