Birds of a Feather | j.jk ✔️

By FarFromSuga

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Jungkook smirked. "I can kick your ass on Overwatch whenever you want, Baeps. Just tell me when." You playfu... More

Author's Note
Bonus: The Birds of a Feather Crew Plays Among Us


1.3K 100 50
By FarFromSuga

A/N: Hello! Welcome to my new story! Just a quick disclaimer. I'm not going to categorize this book as mature because as of right now, I don't plan any smut or otherwise mature scenes. However, there will be some use of cuss words and such. It won't be overdone, just a warning if you don't like that sort of thing.

"Who the fuck is Seagull?" you asked your teammates, surprised to see a name above yours in the Seoul individual player rankings.

"Dunno," replied your teammate GangnamGangster, "his name just popped up this morning. He must be pretty good to move up the ranks that fast." 

"How do you know it's a guy?" you asked. "We've talked about this!" 

You shook your head. Just because you were ranked the best Overwatch player in Seoul everyone assumed you were a guy. They certainly didn't expect you; a 20-year-old female university student. You got secret joy every time your team won a match against a bunch of cocky boys and you came over the microphone. As soon as they caught wind of your voice, they became quiet and normally the entire team left the match. 

You were the leader of your team. Most of the time it consisted of you, your second in command (otherwise known as the leader of the team whenever you couldn't play) GangnamGangster, or GG, as you most often called him. You'd never met in person, but you'd played enough matches with him that you trusted him to run the team in your absence. The next was Lynx, another girl player, she was the youngest of the team at just sixteen. She was kind of your personal protege. You'd defended her when she was bullied in a match and since then, the two of you exclusively played with each other. The other teammates came and went. Sometimes your roommates Daewon and, less frequently, Jia joined in. Other times it was GG's younger cousins. You'd even recruited a few people from your classes. Only occasionally did you get stuck with a random team member.

"Yes!" you exclaimed, as you secured another victory. "Good game, guys! I'm gonna leave after this match, but I'm going to invite Seagull's team to play tomorrow. I have a reputation to uphold." 

"Sounds good, Baeps," GG said, shortening your screen name--Baepsae. It was a low key reference to one of your favorite BTS songs. You didn't like to overtly make references--at least in the gaming community--as many were already surprised you were a girl.

You sent the invite and then logged off. Within just a few minutes, your roommates Daewon and Jia walked into the apartment. The couple had just come back from a date and were still kissing lightly as they walked through the door. 

"Ugh, at least wait until you get to your bedroom," you said, greeting your friends. 

"Hey, Mina-ssi!" Jia said, pulling away from her boyfriend. "I have the most amazing news!" 

You couldn't help but laugh slightly as the excitable girl practically threw off her coat and bounced your way. 

"So, you know how they're remodeling the performing arts building?" she asked. 

You nodded. 

"Well, none of the dance studios are functional, so guess where the dance program is renting out studio space?" 

You could tell Jia was bursting with the information and you don't know why she didn't just spit it out. Yet, you played along. 


"The BigHit Entertainment building! We'll be using the old studios that aren't used anymore!" 

You jumped up and took hold of Jia's hands. 

"Oh, Jia-ssi!"

Daewon rolled his eyes from the corner and placed his and Jia's coats in the closet. 

"It's all she's been talking about today," he said, a smirk crossing his lips. 

"Ah! Careful, oppa! Or, I'll leave you for Jimin!" Jia said, laughing. She turned back to you. "But, can you believe it? I'll be dancing in the same room as all the old dance practices! My professor said not to get too excited because we'll only be there when the idols aren't, but I think she underestimates my stalking capabilities." 

You laughed. 

"Just don't get arrested, Jia," you said. "But, you should sneak me in one day, maybe I can find of Jungkook's old water bottles." You laughed, especially as Daewon placed his head in his hands. 

"Remind me why I live with the two of you?" he asked, slinging his arm around Jia's shoulders. 

"Cause you love me," Jia answered. "And where else are you going to find someone to work on one of your nerdy indie games with?" 

"Hey!" you and Daewon said simultaneously. 

You and Daewon had been working on an indie game since your first year at university. By the end of your first year, the two of you had plotted the entire game. Since then, you'd been working slowly on the artwork and graphics, while Daewon programmed everything to work smoothly.

Your phone buzzed and you saw a text from GG. 

He just accepted the team invite. Have time for a short match? He says he only has time for one.

You thought about the homework you still had to do, but one match wouldn't hurt. 

Be right there. Got to defend my title. ;)


"Hey, sorry, I took so long, I had to move the Xbox to my room," you said. 

"You're good," GG said. "Let's get this match started." 

You heard as GG switched your team's mics over so you could speak with Seagull's team.

"Seagull?" you asked. "This is Baepsae, leader of the team."

There was silence for a few moments. 

"You're a girl?!" Seagull responded. 

You laughed. 

"Yeah, never speak to one before?" 

You heard GG and Lynx chuckling quietly. 

"No, uh, it was just unexpected," he said. "We're ready." 

You started the match. 

Seagull was good. You were impressed with the way he handled his team and switched characters skillfully. 

"I see how you over took me so quickly," you said. "But that won't last long."

"Ah? You think you can overtake me?" 

"I know I can," you said. "I've been champion for the past two seasons. I'm not gonna let some sea bird take my title." 

You heard members from both teams laughing. You beamed with confidence and went quiet as you focused on the initiative. 


Private Message from Seagull:

Good game. You deserved that victory. 

Thanks, but you're still  ahead in individuals.


Hey, don't get too confident. I'll take it back eventually.

I like your name by the way. Like the BTS song?

OMG, yeah? You know BTS?

Yeah, they're not bad.

You're the first guy I've met on here to admit to liking them. Well, okay, I sometimes catch GG singing cypher, but he won't admit it. 

Wanna play tomorrow?

Are you kidding? I've got a reputation to defend! ;)

A/N: There's the first chapter! I hope you liked it! I know this one doesn't have a ton of action, but I've got quite a bit to set up. Let me know what you think! 

They call me Baepsae~



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