A Right Love from a Wrong Wish

By thenikkaflora

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Vegeta, the Prince of the Saiyans, only wishes to beat his rival Goku (aka Kakarot as he endearingly calls hi... More

Chapter 1: Where Does Loyalty Lie These Days?
Chapter 2: Confronting the Cheater
Chapter 3: A New Enemy . . . and a New Crush?
Chapter 4: The Hunt for the Dragonballs
Chapter 5: Yuna
Chapter 6: Kakarot's Wish
Chapter 7: They're Back Together!?
Chapter 9: The Deal
Chapter 10: Falling for the Woman
Chapter 11: New friends and New Feelings
Chapter 12: Consequences
Chapter 13: My Prince
Chapter 14: Onward to Zhetra
Chapter 15: The New Enemy
Chapter 16: The Queen Returns
Chapter 17: The Battle (part 1)
Chapter 18: The Battle (part 2)
Chapter 19: The Battle (part 3)
Chapter 20: Beerus, the God of Destruction
Chapter 21: Epilogue

Chapter 8: Meeting the Supreme Kai

681 22 1
By thenikkaflora

When I finally arrive at the Lookout, I make my way toward the center of the floating island where the rest of the Z Fighters are gathered. Some of the others look up at me with that same anxiety they show whenever I'm around.

I smirk in triumph, enjoying how the fact there are some that still fear me. Not everyone is immune to my presence as the Green One gives me an annoyed look.

"You're late Vegeta. I thought you would be the first one here with Goku," he says bluntly.

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms and growl lightly. "I would have been here sooner, but that cheating dimwit was too busy sticking his tongue down the Woman's throat. I needed to deal with her first."

I hear Big Baldie release a chuckle. "Aww, are you jealous? I never knew the Prince of All Saiyans would have a crush on Bulma. It's adorable."

Another growl erupts from my throat as I give Tien the bird. "Shut up Baldie! You don't know shit! The Woman is too good for that low-class scum!"

Tien adjusts his gi as he throws me a concerned glance. "Jeez, I was only making a joke. No need to get riled up."

"Your joke was never even funny! Maybe you sho-"

"That is enough guys!!! Please!" Kakarot interjects profoundly.

I direct my attention toward the Third Class with irritation plastered all over my face as he steps closer to me, placing a hand upon my shoulder. Kakarot leans in so that no one else could hear him whisper.

"Vegeta I know you're upset about Bulma, but let's focus on the matter at hand okay?" he mentions softly.

I merely nod my head which causes Kakarot to pat my back a few times before facing the rest of the group.

"Okay everyone! Since all of us are here, we can begin talking about how to beat this elusive enemy!"

"Now we're talking Goku!" Krillin exclaims in joy. "What did you think of?"

I tilt my head slightly, feeling curious as to why we have all been called here for.

Kakarot clears his throat before addressing all of us with an eager gleam in his eyes. "We haven't been able to identify our opponent yet, but me and King Kai figured out who would be strong enough to find out who we would be fighting against."

"Who is it?" Krillin asks. 

"The Supreme Kai," Dende replies. "He is from the World of the Kais. And he is the strongest god in this universe."

I snort before releasing a chuckle. Everyone turns to me either showing disgust or confusion upon their faces. 

"What's so funny?" Piccolo asks.

"I don't understand. If this Supreme Kai is as strong as the little green one claims, why doesn't he get rid of this threat himself? We could also take care of our Androids situation."

"Gods don't fight Vegeta!" King Kai's voice booms out of nowhere. "The Supreme Kai does not interfere in lower worldly matters unless if there is something tragic that would befall upon our Universe."

"Bullshit," I reply. "He sounds lazy to me."

Dende tightens his grip upon his small cane. "Vegeta, you're disrespecting one of the greatest gods in the Universe."

"I don't give a damn! Where was Kami when Frieza took over most of our Universe and enslaved millions to work in his army!? Where was he when my planet got blown up!?"

No one dares to speak ever since I have given my outburst. The third-class is the only one who decides to respond. 

Kakarot straightens his stance and gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm surprised you want the Supreme Kai to get rid of our new enemy. I thought you would want to fight this monster as much as I do."

My head drops slightly as I stare at the tiles before looking back up at Kakarot and everyone else. "I still have my Saiyan instincts, but I don't want anything bad happening to Earth. It's the only place I can call my home now since Planet Vegeta has been long gone and Frieza has finally been defeated."

A red flush scatters upon my cheeks, and I turn my head away so most of the Z Fighters won't see my humanlike reaction. I cannot believe I have blurted out my inner feelings like a teenage schoolgirl confessing to her longtime crush!

"I never knew you felt that way," the Little Baldie states. "I mean, you tried to kill all of us when you came down to Earth so-"

"Krillin!" Kakarot barks. "He's not that person anymore! Vegeta has changed ever since he started settling on Earth. He is one of us now." 

I look back up at Kakarot and crack a smile. "Thank you Kakarot. I appreciate you saying how I do deserve to be here with the rest of you. That cheating halfwit seems to think otherwise."

The Third Class lets out a laugh and rests his hand upon my shoulder. "Don't worry about Yamcha. He's jealous because you get to live with Bulma and he doesn't."

"Ahem," King Kai starts. "As much as I love seeing your heartfelt moment, you all should get going to Supreme Kai's planet. Goku, I have already spoken to the Supreme Kai and his attendant so they are already expecting you guys. Lock onto the energy signal I'll give you, and you should be able to use Instant Transmission."

"Got it! Let's do this guys!" Kakarot says with a small salute to King Kai. He places two fingers upon his forehead and extends an arm.  

The rest of our group except for Yamcha, Kakarot's brat, and the Woman rests a hand upon Kakarot in order to prepare for teleportation. Dende tells us to be careful before we finally disappear from Earth.

The scenery around us changes within a few seconds, and all of us finally let go of Kakarot. Our eyes roam around the planet which mainly consists of vibrant fields, a dwelling in the distance, and neighboring planets floating in the oddly colored sky.

My gaze finally settles upon two figures sitting peacefully at a table about 15 feet away from us. One of them sets his cup of tea down, and he rises gracefully from his chair. The purple-skinned man walks toward us calmly as his gaze studies each of us curiously.

"Welcome to the World of the Kais! I am the Supreme Kai, and my companion is my attendant Kibito. King Kai has informed me of your dire situation, and my help is needed yes?" the Supreme Kai states eloquently.

"You could have helped us in previous situations," I say bluntly.

"Vegeta! Didn't Dende tell you not to disrespect the Supreme Kai earlier!?" the Big Green One says. He glances at the Supreme Kai apologetically.

"I'm sorry for his behavior Kami. Vegeta is kind of a-"

"It's alright," the Supreme Kai interjects. "Vegeta has the right to his own opinion. I watched over you all as soon as King Kai spoke to me. I do not blame you for being upset."

"If you knew these situations, especially with Frieza, why didn't you do anything to intervene in the past? Gods are supposed to watch over and protect us!"

"There are certain situations that must be played out despite how much suffering an individual has to endure. You are born to be a very powerful being Vegeta. And to fulfill your purpose, the destruction of your planet was necessary."

I could feel a vein pop out at the arch of my neck. I cross my arms tightly, preventing myself from strangling him. "What kind of purpose is that!? It's not worth the extinction of my race! The only ones left are me, Kakarot, and his brat!"

The Supreme Kai gives me a sad smile as his face evokes noting but pity. "I'm sorry. I know it is difficult for you, but I trust you will understand the bigger picture in due time. Besides, the destruction of your planet had another God involved and I couldn't interfere back then because the Universe needs that balance." 

"What does that mean!? Are you saying my race doesn't deserve to live!? The Saiyans have never been saints, but it's cruel to imply they needed to die for the good of humanity."

This meeting is not going as expected. I have certainly never planned on blabbing about my past issues to Kakarot and the group, let alone the Gods themselves.

"Every life matters," another voice pronounces. We all turn our gazes to see Kibito finally making his way toward us.

"All life is valuable. Your people did not die in vain. Their demise is only the first step to you fulfilling your purpose."

I exhale a heavy sigh. "Whatever. I'm done talking about my situation. Just tell us who we will be fighting against."

"Of course," the Supreme Kai adds. "I have not been able to fully identify this being for reasons that I cannot even explain, but I can say that he is a native from Planet Zhetra."

My eyes shoot up in surprise before regaining composure. "Zhetra? From the 134th quadrant?"

Supreme Kai nods. "Yes. That is the dominant type of energy I'm sensing. I cannot sense which individual it is because the energy is mixed with something unknown from our Universe, and I wasn't able to get a clear image from the crystal ball. This individual will arrive on your planet in about 2 months from now."

"I see," Kakarot states. "Can you get a reading on his power level compared to us?"

The Supreme Kai closes his eyes in concentration. The silence around us is tense until the Supreme Kai finally lands back in reality.

"This individual is a more powerful than all of you combined. Even with Goku as a Super Saiyan," he mentions sadly.

"Oh great! How are we supposed to beat this bad guy now?" Krillin states. "We have this guy and then the Androids to worry about. We're toast!"

"Oh don't say such a thing Krillin!" the Big Bald One's pet says. "We still have time!" 

Everyone in our group starts chattering amongst themselves about how to defeat our new enemy. They cease their conversations when I begin to speak.

"Will it make a difference if I were to become a Super Saiyan?" I ask tentatively.

The Supreme Kai's lips curl into a mischievous smile. "It doesn't hurt to try Vegeta. You have the potential to push past your limits and achieve the impossible. Many great things await you."

I was never exactly religious or spiritual, but this is probably the first time I have chosen to believe in a god. I crack a smirk as a glimmer of hope shines in the corner of my eye.

"Now that is what I like to hear Kami."

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