Little Kookie ♡

By Kai_Roseee

183K 5.3K 1.4K

The Adventures of Little Kookie and the Gang. Jungkook likes to relieve stress or all that he's feeling or th... More

Little Kookie ♡
Birthday Cake ♡ Little Kookie
Marry You ♡
Water Park
Chore Day
Meeting Little Kookie Part One ♡
Meeting Little Kookie part two ♡
Meeting Little Kookie part three ♡
Meeting Little Kookie Part 4
Halloween Town ♡
Losing Bet ♡
Dada Yoongi ♡♡
All Mine ♡
Mookies <3
Little Special Gifts/Xmas ♡ Part 1
Little Special Gifts /Xmas ♡ Part 2
Unpleasant Dreams, Thoughts & Feelings ♡
Icky ♡
Cranky~ <3
Operation: Make Jimin Better part 1 ♡
Operation: Make Jimin Better part 2
Breakfast & Strawbabies <3
Forgotten Accidentally <3
Troublesome Kookie <3
Agh! I'm so sorry!
Taehyungie <3
Nap Time
My Bad Guys
My Big Baby 1
My Big Baby 2
New Book
Hello Lovelies!!

Day off~ Little Time <3

6K 185 92
By Kai_Roseee

A/N: IM ALLLIIIVVVEEEEEE *mushu voice* sorry for taking so long to update, I have been extremely busy and not at my best sorry T~T But I hope you like this chapter and it makes up for it <3 sooo here's our new little <3

Jin pulled out the last clean piece of bed sheets from the dryer. He brought the warm fresh scented sheet to his face and inhaled. A gentle sigh escaped the elder male as he hugged the sheet against himself. It felt so nice, it was like a sweet warm cuddle that he needed, desperately. As of late Jin's stress level has been pretty high.

Though he dared not to show that to rest of his band mates. The last thing he wanted was for them to worry more on top of their plenty worries and stress.

Jin let himself sink away in the bed sheet, nuzzling it softly. "Hyung." A voice spoke up from him causing Jin to jump and fumble with the sheet. He quickly caught it and looked back to who called out to him. There stood Namjoon with a curious arched brow. "Mhmm, are you cooking soon? because...I'm hungry." He rubbed his stomach. "Ah, yeah I'll cook lunch after I put these sheets away." Jin smiled a bit at the leader. Namjoon stood there for a moment to observe Jin. Something was not right, he could feel and see it. He was gonna ask but he heard a scream. Namjoon swirled around and peeked out into the hall from the laundry room.

Jin picked up the basket full of sheets and went to walk out the laundry room. Kookie went racing past him, screaming and giggling loudly down the hall. "Monster!! Monster!!!" Kookie screamed over and over before he disappeared around the corner. Moments later, Hoseok came running after the little. "Kookie come back!! There's no monster I promise!!" Hoseok called out to him.

"Guys, please no run-..." BANG!! a loud crash sounded in another room. Jin sighed heavily as his shoulders dropped. "Running..." He mumbled with a faint frown crossing his pink lips. "Its alright Hyung, I'll go check it out." Namjoon tenderly rubbed his lower back before leaving out the room.

Jin liked the gentle touch he was receiving from Namjoon. It was comforting to him. He stared down the hall where the three had gone to for moment. That frown more like a pout still stuck on his handsome face.

Jin left and went to go place the bed sheets back onto the bed of his band mates. After he finished that, he cooked lunch. It was a simple and quick lunch to keep the boys tied over til dinner. Jin stepped out the kitchen to call out to the boys but he stepped on Kookie's small race car. The elder groaned and hopped on one foot, holding the injured one. A small curse left his lips. Jin looked across the rest of the floor to find the rest of Kookie's toys thrown all across the living room area.

Jin groaned and went to go pick them up before any of the other boys hurt themselves. He made note to scold Kookie a little about his toys not being put away. He got on his knees and begin to pick up the toys and put them in the small toy box. Jin picked up a stuffie, it was in the form of a monkey. It was cute, soft and fluffy with long arms to wrap around and hang from things. He carefully brushed his thumbs across the real soft fur on its belly. A little smile etched it's way across his lips. "Its so cute....wonder where this came from?" He pondered to himself as he kept playing with the monkey.

"Hyung!" A voice shouted. Jin jumped and quickly hid the monkey plushie behind his back. "Ohh there you are...foods ready?" Taehyung asked. Jin nodded a bit quick with a smile. "Go eat, I'll be there soon." He waved his hand. Taehyung smiled and nodded before leaving to the kitchen. A sigh of relief released itself from Jin. He looked back to the monkey, smiling at it, he got up and placed it in a safe place. Once he was done he went to join the others for dinner.

"All done!! Kookie gets sweets now!!" Kookie chimed as he held up his bowl with messy hands and face. Jimin chuckled and took the bowl as Taehyung came into clean his face. "Good boy." Jimin praised. "Such a good baby." Taehyung smiled pets the Little's hair. Things were a bit better between the three. They still had quite a few things to talk about and work on. But for now things went slow and easy, they were cautious with what they did or said towards Kookie. Yoongi was helping out quite a bit and kept a good eye on the three of them. He was secretly taking care of them, like always did to everyone.

Yoongi sat there now watching the three with his spoon up to his lips as he listened quietly. Jin sat there watching with his chin propped in his hand, his spoon slowly stirring around in his bowl. It was real sweet and nice to be taken care of and be very loved. A little sigh escaped Jin, little did he realize, he was kind of jealous of Jungkook. He got to be carefree and do the things he wanted without a single thing to stress him. All he had to do was sit back, relax, play and be all loved, cuddled and cared for.

A pout forms it's way across Jin's pink lips. Jin jumped when he felt a hand rest on his lower back. "Jin~Hyung, you okay?" Hoseok asked as he slightly leaned over to him. He kept his hand on his back, he slowly moved it up and down. The gentle rub felt soothing and nice on Jin's back. Without thinking too much about it, he leaned into Hoseok's side. "M' just tired is all..." Jin mumbled as he looked down at their knees pressed together.

Namjoon arched a brow when he glanced at Hoseok and Jin. The sight wasn't unusual, Jin was quite clingy with Hoseok. He was always hugging and touching on Hoseok. Namjoon smiled a bit at them as he finished off his lunch. "You should start resting up more Jin~Hyung, don't want you to over work yourself or get sick." Hoseok softly spoke into his hair as kept rubbing his back. Soon his hand inched forward to Jin's hip, his thumb softly rubbed up and down it. Jin sighed with content at the feeling, he closed his eyes. "I know but I have much work to do and I have to take care of you guys and make sure everything is okay." Jin rubbed his face a bit with his sleeve.

Hoseok made a light smacking noise with his lips. "Ahh, Jin~Hyung, it's okay we're grown boys...we can take care of ourselves and handle things." Right when Hoseok said that, Namjoon dropped his bowl and Kookie flung cake on Jimin's face. Kookie giggled at the sight, he grinned and put the spoon his mouth. "Daddy has cakey on face!" He clapped his hands. "Kookieeeee." Yoongi softly warned.

Jin raised his head to look at Hoseok with narrowed eyes. "Yeah sure you can." He shook his head. Hoseok chuckled a bit and moved from Jin. Jin softly whined when the younger pulled away from him. He covered his mouth and looked away. Did he really just whine??? Jin shook his head and went back to eating his food.

Hoseok was a little caught off by the whine, but he smiled anyway. "Its alright Jin~Hyung, it's good to relax and have to yourself...let us take care of you for once...we can cook, clean and do the chores while you lay back and relax." Hoseok patted his shoulder before getting up to put his bowl into the sink.

Jin stared down into his bowl for a good moment before he looked up to find Namjoon staring at him. A fond smile rested on his features. "Jin~Hyung as your leader, I demand that you take a good break for a week...don't worry about a single thing." Namjoon pats his head before leaving the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung took their messy little to the bathroom to bathe him.

Yoongi sat there eyeing Jin in silence a little. Something seemed different about him but he wasn't going to say much. "Relax...and take things easy...everything will be alright...we'll be here if you need us." Yoongi gave a half smile before leaving the table. Jin watched as he left the kitchen. His mouth twist to the side as he thought about it.

Jin got up and washed the dishes, he continued all the rest of the chores and cooking.

After a long day, Jin showered and put on his comfy pajamas. He came out from his bedroom to make sure the lights were out and things were put away. Reaching for the light switch, he glanced around a bit. He spotted the same plushie monkey that he had picked up earlier. Jin stared at it for bit til finally he grabbed the monkey and went upstairs to his bedroom.

Jin shut his bedroom door and flopped down on the bed. He groaned and sighed at the soft feel of his bed comforting his tense body. Jin laid there staring at and playing with the monkey. "Maybe, it won't be so bad if...I do have a few days off to myself..." He mumbled as he waved the monkey's arm. He softly giggled at it and made quiet monkey noises. "Mmhnn...your name should be...choco monkey." Jin smiled and hugged the monkey to his chest. He turned over and pulled the blanket up to his shoulder.

The next morning..

A few of the boys woke up a little late in the morning. The first one up was Namjoon. He slowly walked down around, scratching his side with one eye open. He arched a tired brow, he didn't find Jin in the kitchen like usual. It was almost 10 am, he was usually up by 8 with breakfast done. Namjoon stifled a yawn and stretched out, he went to the cabinets to pull out a box of cereal.

Hoseok came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Morning Namjoon~ah." He croaked a bit. His brows knit together. "Hmmm? no breakfast cooked or Jin~hyung??" He asked as he went to sit at the table. "Nope must have overslept but it's okay cereal for the day is fine." Namjoon brought two bowls over, milk and the cereal to the table.

Little noises of the cereal being prepared sounded through the kitchen. "Morning." Yoongi grumbled as he slowly made his way into the kitchen. He went to the coffee maker to get a cup but he seen that there was none made. "Hmm??" He hummed in confusion. Yoongi slowly glanced around the kitchen. "Jin~hyung is it's just cereal and juice this morning." Namjoon spoke before scooping a big spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

"Ohh..." Was all Yoongi said before he sighed and went to grab a bowl. One by one the boys got up from their beds and made their way into the kitchen. The other boys were surprised to not find a hot cooked breakfast from Jin. But they accepted it and ate cereal. "We told Jin~hyung to take a break, he needs a well needed today we gotta do things ourselves." Namjoon explained to everyone. The boys all nodded. Jin did deserve a good days rest, he worked so hard for everyone and himself. The least they could do was take over and do things for Jin.

The boys were talking and eating before Jin stood in the doorway with the monkey in his arms. He rubbed his eyes and yawned real big before looking sleepily at the boys. Jungkook glanced up, his brows raised up then knitted together. "Mmhm? Hey.. what are you doing with Nico?" He asked with a frown forming on his lips. Slowly, he was slipping into his little space from the sight of his monkey. Jin hugged the monkey tight against his chest. "Names not Nico...ish Choco~..." Jin's brows knit together, a pout on his lips.

"Ehhh?!?! His names not Choco! It's Nico!! Give em back!!" Jungkook held his hand out for it. Jin shook his head and stuck out his tongue. "N~no...mine, all mine!! Kookie no loves Choco no more! Left Choco alone and lonely." Jin huffed. The boys sat there with shocked and confused expressions. Why was Jin acting like this? He was known to be a big childish but not like this. "Whaaa?? Lies!! I wuv Nico!!! Jus...loose him...buh, Kookie wans him back now!!" Kookie demanded as he gets up from the table.

Jin shook his head fast and turned away. "N~no!! Mine mine!!" His cheeks grew red from frustration, he was on the verge of tears. "Jin~hyung?" Hoseok called out to him with a worried expression. Jin looked to Hoseok, he stared at him before running to him. He dropped to his knees beside the chair and buried his face into his thigh. "Dada! Kookie is trying to take Choco...don let that meanie take him." Jin cried.

All of the boys sat there wide eyed at Jin. Hoseok looked at the others before placing his hand on Jin's head. "Ahh, it''s Okay baby, we won't let him take it...Kookie just needs to be nice and share." Hoseok looked to the Little. Kookie gasped, he huffed and flopped down on his chair. Soon the Little bursted into tears too. "Buh ish mine monkey! Jinnie to~too big..." Kookie cried. Jimin wrapped his arms around Kookie and kissed his cheek. "Its okay baby, Jinnie is a Little like you now." Jimin smiled. Kookie sat there with wide eyes.

"Yeah, so that means you have to share your things with him." Taehyung rubbed Kookie's lower back. The Little gasped with such horror. Share? what was that? He never had to share his stuff with anyone. Kookie shakes his head fast with his cheeks slightly puffed out. "No! Kookie no share wiff Jinnie! Ish all mine! Jinnie can no be little!!" Kookie huffed.

"That's not fair Kookie and you know that...Jin can be little and he can play with your stuff." Namjoon said as he reached out to caress Jin's hair. Jin peeked from Hoseok thigh and looked towards the leader. He smiled at him, a soft giggle escaping him. "Daddy...can I has...milk and...nanas?" Jin asked barely above a whisper. Namjoon was surprised that Jin called him Daddy, he smiled at the boy and nodded. "Of course you can, how about we get you something better? Some banana milk!" Namjoon got up and went to go get the small carton from the fridge.

Hoseok pulled Jin up from the floor and onto his lap. "Why don't you sit here love, the floor is kind of dirty..." Hoseok smiled at Jin and begin to rub his lower back. Jin smiled and leaned against his Dada and nuzzled him. "Ahh, I see baby likes that huh?" Hoseok hummed. Namjoon came with the milk and gave it to Jin. "Th~that's mine!!" Kookie whined real wide. He reached across the table and tried to snatch it from Jin but he ended up squeezing the carton. The milk splattered all over the Little's face causing him to gasp. Jin sat there in shook before his eyes begin to water and his lip trembled.

"Kookie that was not nice at all!! You need a time out!" Taehyung frowned and stood up, he grabbed Kookie by the wrist to pull him out the chair. Kookie huffed, grumbling and whining as he got dragged out the room. Jin finally begin to cry, the boys quickly rushed to his aide. "Its okay love, you're fine..let's go get you cleaned up." Hoseok spoke as he tried to soothe the Little. Jin quietly kept crying, he buried his face into Hoseok's chest. "We'll be back soon." He said before getting up with Jin in his arms to the bathroom.

The remaining boys looked around at each other with a bit silence. Expressions of surprise, shock and a bit of worry were passed around. "Another Little..." Jimin finally spoke up as he rubbed the back of his neck with a faint smile. "Yeah whose to have thought that our elder hyung would...turn out to be a Little." Namjoon sat there with his arms crossed, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, we did tell him to take a break, you did demand him to and so he did..." Yoongi shrugged before a small displayed on his pale lips. 

"Jin~Hyung is a kid at heart, a bigger kid than any of I guess I can say I saw this coming." Yoongi said as he looked at the two boys. "Ahh, you're right, it shouldn't be tooo bad right, two Littles...what could go wrong..?" Namjoon asked with pure confidence and determination. "Uhhm well Hyung it might not be that easy, Kookie seemed really upset about it..." Jimin said with worry on his face. "No worries, we gotta get Kookie to understand that, he has to share and be nice..." Yoongi shrugged. Namjoon nodded in agreement. The two left out the kitchen into the living room. "Ehh, but you guys don't know how Kookie can get..." Jimin softly mumbled, he heaved a sighed. 

Jimin really hoped things that would go real smooth with two Littles. "You can come out of the corner now Kookie..." Taehyung called to him from the couch. Kookie quickly got up from the small chair sitting in the corner. Seeing Yoongi, he went running to him, he wrapped his arms around his neck. "Dada!!" He squeaked. "What's up Suga Kookie?" Yoongi asked as he gave his butt a gentle pat. "Daddy was being s~so mean to K~kookie, went in time out for no reason." Kookie tattled, he made a cute mean face at Taehyung.

Taehyung arched a brow in surprise, he then narrowed his eyes. He was going to say something but Yoongi held up his hand for him not to speak. The three, well four were still a bit on rocky grounds. So they did not need to over step boundaries. Yoongi wanted to slowly piece them back together, so he did more of the caregiving and guiding. Which had been really nice and helpful. "Now now baby, why are telling such lies on your daddy? That is not nice, right?" Yoongi questioned. Kookie didn't dare to look at Yoongi, but the elder forced him to look at him when he took his chin into his hand. "Right Kookie?" He said in a slight tone.

"Yes Dada." Kookie frowned and looked down. "Now what did you do that was so bad?" Yoongi asked. He went and sat on the couch, pulling Kookie onto his lap. "Mhhm, Kookie was...m~meanie to Jinnie." He played with his fingers. "And what else?" Yoongi asked. "Mhhm...nothing else Dada." Kookie looked up at him with innocent doe eyes. "Kookie, you know better, you were mean and did not share with Jinnie.." Yoongi corrected. "Ohhh..." Kookie said before looking back down.

Hoseok finally came back into the living room with a shy and quiet Jin behind him. He was now all cleaned up, he wore a huge light blue jumper that went down mid thigh. Jin had on black shorts that could be slightly seen under his jumper. "We're Back!!" Hoseok chimed with a big grin. The boys looked to the quiet Little that stood there quietly, gripping his Dada's hand real tight. "Jinnie, wanna say hi to everyone? I promise they are really nice." Hoseok encouraged, he gently rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb.

Jin gripped the monkey stuffie in one hand, he slowly brought his eyes up to look at everybody. 

"H~Hewwo~" He said in the most softest tone. Everyone smiled, all except for Kookie. "Awwhh, you're too cute." Taehyung gushed with a big boxy smile. Jin looked back down blushing. Hoseok sat in the recliner right by Yoongi and Kookie. "Now Kookie what do you say to Jinnie?" Yoongi gently nudged the Little. Kookie sat there looking down with a frown on his face. "Sorry..." Kookie mumbled. " know better do it right." Yoongi gave stern tone and expression.

The Little looked at the other Little, he kept his pout on his face. "K~kookie is reawy sorry Jinnie." He looked back down to Yoongi's fingers that he played with. "Good boy...that is my sweet Kookie." Yoongi praised before leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "Ish...kay." Jin smiled a little before hugging the monkey to his chest. "Alright Kookie, now that we have another Little, you have to be nice and share your stuff...just at least til we can get his own things...can you be a good boy and do that?" Namjoon asked with a hand on his hip. Kookie looked to the leader then to Jin who cuddled up with Hoseok. He slightly narrowed his eyes, the frown still on his cute pink lips.

Kookie did not want so share his stuff, not at all. All of his stuff belonged to him. He felt that it was no fair to him. He was a Little first and should be the only Little. "Kookie, Namjoon hyung is talking to you." Taehyung spoke up as he reached out to poke his baby's cheek. Kookie looked to his daddy for a moment, he finally nodded. "What was that? Words baby..." Taehyung lightly wagged his finger. "Yes, Kookie will be good and share." He finally spoke before reaching out to Taehyung wanting to be held. Taehyung of coursed granted his silent request, he kissed his cheek and smile. "Thank you baby." A sudden rumble of someone's stomach sounded throughout the room.

The boy's looked to who it came from with shocked expressions and smiles. Jimin blushed and hugged his stomach, he gave a slight embarrassed smile to his friends. "Daddy is hungry!" Kookie chimed with a big smile. "Yeah, we're all pretty hungry since Jin did not cook today." Yoongi rubbed his stomach and sighed. Namjoon grinned at the boys. "Welp!! That means we have to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner and do all the chores today! It's our time to do the housework and take good care of Jinnie." He looked to Jinnie who sat there with an innocent yet lost expression.

"Mhnnmm Jinnie ca~can cook too..." Jin said in a soft tone, most of his words said in the state of such a young child whose just learning how to speak. Namjoon took note of that right away. It seems Jin might be smaller than Kookie, it was cute. He just wanted to hug and cuddled his hyung so tight all day. "No, no that's okay baby, we can do it, we want you to relax and play with Kookie." Hoseok pointed to Jungkook as he rubbed his hand soothingly up and down Jin's lower back. Jin shyly nodded and looked down to the stuffed monkey.

"Alright! Now we gotta everyone tasks to do! I can cook the meals for today, but we need to grocery shop." Namjoon folded his arms and rubbed his chin in thought. The boy's held scared and worried expressions from what Namjoon just claimed to do. "Ahh, no that is a bad idea! We do not want to burn the house down or ruin Jin's kitchen! Big Jin will kill you and us for letting you in there!" Jimin piped up with a faint frown. "Whaaa? But I can cook, Im not that bad guys, I cooked with Jin hyung a couple of times before." Namjoon tried to defend.

"You cant even cut an onion without cutting your fingers off or the cutting board in half." Yoongi said with a dead expression on his face. "Yeah I don't want to eat your fingers for lunch hyung." Taehyung spoke up while he bounced Kookie who was playing with his hair. Namjoon huffed with a pout on his face. "But as leader I should be taking care of you guys." He tried once more. All the boys shook their head, Jin and Kookie just mimicked them with soft giggles.

"All in favor of Namjoon ah not cooking and going to get groceries, say I." Yoongi raised his hand. "I.." All of the boys agreed. "It is settled, you and Jimin ah can go get groceries." Yoongi smirked a bit as he shrugged. "Huhhn?? I don't wanna go get groceries!" Jimin groaned. Yoongi gave Jimin a look. "Did I ask you what you wanted to do?" He asked. Jimin huffed and frowned. "Fine!" He got up from the couch to go to his room to get ready. Namjoon followed behind him.

"Hoseok, you can help me cook the meals, Taehyung you are on Little duty! But I need you to do a few chores with Hoseok, can you do that?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung grinned and nodded. "Yep Yep I sure can!!" He chimed happily before squeezing his Little causing him to giggle. "Great, I'll go make a grocery list for those two and the chores that need to get done." Yoongi got up from the couch and left to go do his tasks.

"Alright cuddle cakes get up Dada has to go help hyung do chores, go play with Kookie." Hoseok lightly patted his butt, Jin whined and buried in his face into his neck. The Little wanted to be held and cuddled all day with a few loving kisses here and there. "Baby cakes'll have fun with Kookie, isn't that right sweetness?" Hoseok looked to Kookie, who slowly nodded. "Go get your toys for you guys to play with." Taehyung whispered into his ear before setting him down to let him go get the toys.

In a matter of moments, Kookie came back with a bin full of toys. He dumped them out in the middle of the living room floor. Jin peeked out from Hoseok's neck, his eyes glimmered at all the cool and pretty toys. Hoseok carefully set Jin down on the floor. Jin slowly crawled over to the pile of toys. He picked up a block and a car, he stared at them closely.

Kookie sat on the other side of the pile of toys and picked up a squeaking banana and action figure. Seeing that those two would be fine, Hoseok left to go find Yoongi. Taehyung turned on the television to a kid cartoon. "Oouuu!! Bubble guppies is on wanna watch!!" Kookie pointed out as he turned his attention to the television. Taehyung smiled and left it on that show, he ruffled both the boys hair and went to go get his chores for the day.

Namjoon and Jimin bid the others goodbye, he stopped by Jin. "Anything you want from the store sweetheart?" He asked. Jin looked up, he thought for a minute. "Mhnmm n~no, Kookie stuffs is nice...I wike em." Jin smiled as he waved the block around, it was such cool and pretty color to him. It was green and blue, it looked like candy to him. "Alright then, be good boys, love you guys." Namjoon left right after Jimin gave kisses to Jungkook.

Kookie went back to watching the cartoon, he slightly played with his toys. He heard a slurping noise, he looked over to find Jin with the block in his mouth, sucking on it. Kookie gasped, "Hey no, no! Bad Jinnie!! Dats mah block!! Don't eat it dummy!!" Kookie huffed and reached over to take it. Jin was not giving it up that easily, he whined and pulled away. The block remained in mouth. "Dirty dirty boy!!!" Kookie shouted and whine.

The two littles fought over the toy, their strength pulling against each other. Til finally, they both fell backwards, the block ended up hitting Kookie the face. Jin feel back and hit his head on the corner of the couch. Both of them start wailing out loud. Taehyung came running into the living room with a panicked expression. "Ohh no, what is wrong??" He asked as he goes to help them up.

The two mumble incoherently, crying their little hearts out as they hold their boo boos. Taehyung was lost but had an idea of what happened. "How did you two hurt yourselves?" He asked. "J~jinnie was putting ma~mah block in mouth letting be all nasty!!" Kookie pointed accusingly. "Try to take it daddy b~buh he did no give back!!" Taehyung finally pieced it together. "Awwh, I see it's okay baby, you should have told daddy...c'mere..." Taehyung looks at Kookie's red face. He smiled and sweetly kissed his boo boo for him, he hugged him. "You'll be okay sweetness." Jin whined wanting attention too.

Taehyung went to Jin, he gave him a warm smile and kissed his boo boos too. He tenderly pets Jin's head and looks at Kookie. "You two will be o-..." Taehyung suddenly stopped when he felt something warm and wet engulf his hand. He quickly turned to see that Jin had put his fingers in his mouth. "Ahh...ohhhhh, someone's real little and likes to nom on things...I got something for that." Taehyung reached to the small side table drawer to pull out one of Kookie's paci.

In one swift movement, he pulled his fingers from Jin and put the paci in his mouth before he could whine. Jin slowly sucked on the paci, trying to look at it, his eyes crossed a bit. Taehyung chuckled and poke his nose. "Too cute, hope you like that." Taehyung pets Jin's head. Kookie sat there in pure shock at what was happening. Jin had his paci in his mouth and taking his Daddy's attention. Kookie whined and tugged on his daddy's shirt. "Daddy das mine...jin no have it!!" He was on the verge of tears.

Taehyung turned to Kookie, a light frown on his face. "But Kookie, you rarely use this one...remember you have to share okay?" Taehyung spoke so sweetly to not get the little all worked up. "Look, Jin is Littler than you have to be a good big boy and look out for him, can you do that for Daddy?" He asked with hope that Jungkook would comply.

Kookie stared at Jin with teary eyes, he gripped Taehyung's shirt and shook his head. The tears came flowing as he buried his face into his Daddy's shirt. This was no fair at all, he did not like this one bit. Taehyung cuddled and kissed his baby's cheeks to try and make him feel better. "Taehyung, can you come help me??" Hoseok called out from the hall. "Coming!! Alright behave you two, I'll be back soon." He kissed both their cheeks and left to go help Hoseok.

Jin happily played with another toy he picked up. Kookie glared at him, his arms crossed. Wanting to be the good boy that he was he let Jin play with the toy. He grabbed his coloring book and crayons. He laid on his tummy and turned through the book to pick what he wanted to color. Kookie found a cool bunny holding eggs and flowers. He picked up a yellow crayon and carefully colored within the lines.

Jin stopped playing with the toy and watched Kookie color. He was amused by what he was doing, he wanted to do it too. So he grabbed a pink crayon and scooted by Kookie. "Cowor.." Jin spoke from behind the paci. "No Jinnie, you for my daddies." Kookie covered the book. Jin pouted, looking ready to cry. Kookie sighed and uncovered the book. "Color dis page...kay?" He pointed to the next page.

Giggling happily, Jin took the pink crayon and scribbled all on the page. Kookie cringed a little but went back to coloring. He went to pick another color, just as he get another crayon, Jin scribbled all on his picture. " Hey Jinnie!! N~no stop it!!!" Kookie whined and tried to pull away, Jin kept scribbling and giggling. He was having so much fun.

Kookie's picture was now all ruined, he was so upset. "Stupid!! Stupid!!! STUPID!!!! Its mine all mine no share with you!!!" Kookie took the book away and snatched the paci out his mouth. He took all of his toys away from Jin. Jin sat there shocked with wide eyes, tears begin to form. Soon the Little begin to cry out loud. His put his fists to his eyes and cried for his Dada.

Hoseok and Taehyung came running back in. "What is going on??" Hoseok asked, he quickly picked up Jin and cradled him close. "Kookie, whats wrong now?" Taehyung went to him. "Jinnie mess up picture for daddies!! He made it all ugly, cause he stupid!!" Kookie cried. Taehyung gasped, he smacked Kookie's hand. "That is not a very nice word, I know you are upset but you don't say that." Taehyung sighed, his baby begin to cry.

Jin kept crying, he did not like how was getting treated at all. "Dada, Kookie so~so mean, don wanna pway no more, jus wanna Dada." Jin gripped onto the back of Hoseok's shirt by his neck. "It's okay hun bun, Kookie doesn't mean it." Hoseok rubbed his back and kissed his cheek to soothe him. "Kookie no wike Jinnie!! He no need to be wittle!!! He not nice!!" Kookie huffed and banged his fists against the floor. "I think it is nap time for you, you've been quite cranky." Taehyung picked Kookie up.

"No wanna nap!!! NO wannnnaaaaa!!" Kookie shouted as he gets carried all the way the stairs to his room. "Come baby, lets go sort through these socks and undies." Hoseok carried Jin to his room to finish folding his laundry. He sat Jin on the bed with the pile clothes. "Alright whites socks in one pile, black in another and colors on its own." Hoseok showed Jin. The Little sat there wide eyed, thumb in his mouth sucking on it. Nodding a little, he placed one sock at a time in its own pile. "That's good, you're such a good boy." Hoseok praised Jin, petting his cheek sweetly. Jin nuzzled into it, loving the warm feeling and gentle touch.

"Dada..." Jin spoke almost in a whisper. "Yes baby?" Hoseok folded his shirt. "Jinnie reawy a good boy?" He asked around his thumb, he was looking down, playing with a sock. "Of course I do, you've been good so far." Hoseok gave his cute tight smile.

"Ohhh....Dada like Little Jinnie?" The little asked, he gained the courage to look at him. "Yes, I love Jinnie so much, he's so cute...the most cutest in the world." Hoseok pinched his cheek. Jin blushes, he take his thumb from his mouth to wrap his arms around his Dada's waist. "Will Dada always be Dada and take care of Jinnie?" He slightly whispered.

Hoseok arched a brow at the boy. He ran his fingers through his hair before fixing the misplaced strains. "Yes, I will always be your Dada...Im so happy to be your Dada! Im glad you chose me Jinnie...I really am." Hoseok hugged the Little and kissed the top of his head. He felt so warm and happy inside, Jin was so clingy, Big or Little it seems. Hoseok would do anything to keep Jin safe. He deserved someone to care for him. A small yawn escaped Jin's lips, he was real sleepy now.

Hoseok laid Jin down and tucked him in. "Dada...lay wiff me pwease?" Jin asked way to sweetly as he rubbed his eyes. "I wish I could baby but Dada has to clean and cook..I'll be right here folding clothes." He kissed his head. Jin pouts but nods, he turned to his side and gripped Hoseok's long loose shirt as he fell asleep.

Hoseok smiled and went back to folding. The house seemed peaceful and quiet til...

"Agghhh!!! Namjoon!!!! Namjoon!!! No! No!!!" Yoongi yelled. Hoseok came running to the kitchen, Taehyung was right behind him. "Wha~ woah!!" There was milk and eggs spilled all over the floor, some was all on the counters. "Great now how am I supposed to make our lunch with no eggs or milk??" Yoongi, who wore Jin's pink apron, groaned. "I am so sorry Hyung I~I did not meant to." Namjoon frowned. Jimin sighed and shook his head. "See why we don't need you in the kitchen??" He chuckled a bit.

Taehyung gasped and covered his mouth. "Ouuuu you got it all on Jin's favorite kitchen cloth set!" He pointed out. The boys gasped and looked at the dirty towels. "Ohh no~!" Namjoon went to walk over to it but he slipped on the milk and eggs and fell. He caused Yoongi to fall when he hit his ankle with his leg. Just like a domino affect, the others came falling onto the messy floor. Yoongi fell into Jimin, Jimin tried to catch himself but he slid into Taehyung, who tried to catch him. As those two went down Taehyung tried to grab onto something but he grabbed Hoseok, who pulled away but fell.

The boys groaned and rubbed their hurt body parts. "Dammit Namjoon!!!" Yoongi groaned as he held his leg. "Uggh what is that burning smell??" Hoseok asked as he slowly sat up. Suddenly, the pan that was on on the gas stove went into flames. They all screamed and tried to get up from the slippery floor.

"Get some water!!!" yelled Taehyung.

"NO!!!! Don't you'll make it worse!! Get some salt!!!" Namjoon shouted.

"We didn't get any salt!!!!" Jimin screams.

"What??? I told you to get salt!! I put it on the list!!!" Yoongi yelled.

"Are you kidding me guys?!?! Forget the damn salt!!! Get a pan to cover that!!!!" Hoseok yelled as he slid across the floor.

The fire slowly trailed along, soon the nice decorative window curtain caught fire. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH" The boys screamed and scrambled around to get the fire out. Jimin goes to try and fan it. Yoongi grabs a pan to cover the fire. Namjoon tries to help but him and Yoongi end up bickering about him helping. "I GOT I GOT IT!!!!!!!!" Taehyung came running with the fire extinguisher, he pulled the pin. "Wait wait!!!" Hoseok shouted but Taehyung pushed down the clip and sprayed not only the fire but the boys with it.

Taehyung does not stop til the fire is completely gone. "Whew...all gone." He breathed a deep sigh of relief. Yoongi and the others glare at Taehyung all covered in foam. "I am kill you." Yoongi threatened as he wipes the foam his face.



The two Little's called out as they stand in the walk way of the kitchen. Everyone freezes, fear rush through them when they hear Jin. They slowly turned to look at him. They were so dead. It was silent as Kookie and Jin looked around the kitchen. "Woah bubble worl' !!!" Jin giggled and clapped his hands. He came running into the kitchen to the play with the foam. Kookie was right behind him. "Babies wait!!" Hoseok tried to grab Jin but he missed and slipped.

The two started to play with the foam and throw it around. Happy laughter filled the room. Yoongi and Taehyung could not help but smile and watch them play. Jimin flung foam at Taehyung gaining his attention. "Hope you know you're cleaning all this foam up!" Jimin narrowed his eyes but he gave a half grin.

"Yeah I know, we better get this cleaned up cause Big Jin wont find this as nice or fun as Little Jin." Taehyung said with a worried and scared expression. Jimin looked to Jin, he gasped. Jin was about to put a handful of foam into his mouth. "Baby no!!" He shouted. Just in time, Namjoon yanked back his hand and sighed. "Geez you really like trying things with your mouth huh?" He chuckled and wiped the foam out of Jin's hand.

Jin giggled at Namjoon. "Daddy so funny wiff all bubbles." He smiled and clapped his hands. Namjoon's brows perk up in surprise, a small smile crossed his face. "Seems like he chose his two main caregivers." Yoongi smiled. "Im his, Im his daddy...did not think this was how he would call me daddy.." Namjoon rubbed his neck. "Joonieee!!!" Hoseok groaned and smacked his arms.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Come on you guys lets get cleaned up and clean this mess up..."

Jin was laying the middle of the floor of the living, sucking on his thumb. He was becoming fussy. No one was giving him attention, they were busy cleaning. Both him and Jungkook got baths and changed into different clothing. Jin wore a big lose beige sweater with black shorts. Jungkook wore blue shorts with a long white t shirt with a t rex on it.

Jin kept whining and softly crying, he rubbed at his eyes and rolled around. He did not have any toys to play with and he couldn't find his monkey. He wanted his daddy or his dada.

Kookie was drinking his sippy cup full of juice as he sat on the couch. He was kind of watching Jin. He looked at the others who ran around cleaning the kitchen together, making it spotless for Big Jin.

The Little knew they were to busy to tend to Jin. He sighed heavily and got up from the couch. He went waddling to the closet to pull out his huge favorite blankie. Kookie went running from the closet to the kitchen. "Daddy." He called to Jimin was closest to the walk way of the kitchen. "Yes baby...?" Jimin looked to him from what he was wiping down.

"Can Kookie have warm baba of milk pwease?" Kookie clasped his hands together. "Yeah sure sweetness." Jimin went to put together the warm bottle of milk. He came back to his baby and handed the bottle to him. "Feels good?" Jimin asked. Kookie hummed and checked on his wrist, just like his daddies would do. "Uh huh! Thankies!" Kookie kissed his cheek and went running to the living room.

"Mhhm, you gave him some warm milk? I gave him some juice not too long ago." Taehyung watched Kookie run off into the living room. "Well he asked very nicely, so I gave it to him...he'll tell us when he has to pee." Jimin shrugged and went back to cleaning.

Kookie dropped a few pillows on the floor by Jin. Jin looked at Kookie with red eyes, noses and cheeks. He went back to whining and crying softly. "Dada...Daddy." He weakly called out. "Shh, shhh Jinnie...Daddies are busy now." Kookie placed the pillow under his head. "Wan baba?" Kookie holds up the bottle of milk to show Jin. Eagerly, Jin nodded and made grabby hands at it. Kookie pulled the blanket up to Jin's tummy. He placed the nipple of the bottle to Jin's lips, who took it instantly.

Jin laid on his side sucking down the delicious warm milk. Kookie laid on his side, watching Jin drink. He smiled at him and gently pets his hair, just like his daddies did when he was feeling extra little and being bottle fed.

Jin stares at Kookie, he gripped on to shirt as he drinks all of his milk. His eyes were getting real droopy now. Jin did not get to take a full nap today with all the full commotion. A cranky, sleepless little was never a happy little. Once Jin finished the bottle, Kookie patted his back to help him burp. He let out a cute little burp and sighed with content.

"Good boy." Kookie smiled and kissed his cheek. He grabbed a paci and pushed it into his mouth. A yawn escaped Kookie himself, he did not get a full nap either. Kookie laid down fully and pulled the blanket up to their arms. Jin was out like a light, Kookie soon fell asleep too. The Little's cuddled up together and slept peacefully.

The others caught the cute sight of them sleeping together. Pictures were taken of course to keep.

The boys decided to order take out. They did not want to mess up the kitchen they worked so hard on to clean. They managed to replace everything that was burnt or messed up. It was perfect and spotless to a T. There was no way Jin would know or find out about the incident. They just needed to keep Little Kookie quiet. So they bribed him with suckers for each day of the week, good or bad.

Kookie took the deal, how could he pass up such a great deal. Lollipops a day was a dream come true to a Little.

The boys sat around the coffee table eating the food they ordered. They didn't even want to mess up the kitchen table. Jin sat in Hoseok's lap, eating the noodles being fed to him. Jungkook sat on Jimin's lap eating both his daddies food. "Well today was fun, I think we did pretty good." Namjoon smiled.

"You literally almost burned down the kitchen." Yoongi deadpanned. "Huh that's not my fault, you left the towel near the burner." Namjoon defended himself. "Yeah but that wouldn't of happened if you did not drop all the eggs and milk." Yoongi said as he stuffed a dumpling into his mouth. "He is right Hyung." Jimin said, he winced when Kookie bite his finger. "Sowwy daddy." Kookie said with cheeks full of food.

"All that matters is that the kitchen did not burn down, we took care of two Littles, we did all of the chores too! I think we deserve caregiver and housewife of the year award." Hoseok chuckled. Jin nodded and grinned clapping his hands. "Uh huh daddies did so good~!!!" He chimed. The boys gave a little chuckle at Jin and shook their heads.

"Yep yep!!" Kookie agreed. "You did so good Kookie, we saw you took care of Jinnie whie we were busy, you did so good." Taehyung smiled and kissed his cheek. "Uh huh!! Kookie loves Jinnie now, wittle brudder!!" Kookie smiled his cute bunny smile. Jin was not so bad at all, he is a Little too. All Littles are different from another. Kookie took that into good heart and thought that Jin does need a break too, he does so much for everyone. It still sucks sharing all his things but he was learning to share. Sharing is caring and Kookie cares for Jinnie.

Jin sat there wide eyed at Kookie. "Mhhnm? K~kookie wuvs Jinnie??" Jin asked slowly. Kookie nodded with a pork bun in his hands. "Yep so much!! Very much Kookie do best to take care of Jinnie too." Kookie nodded with confidence. A big grin spread across Jin's face, he sniffled and leaned over to hug Kookie. "Jinnie wuvs kookie so much too!!" Everyone cooed at the sight before them. Having two Littles wasn't bad. They had a bit to talk about with Jin once he was big again. But for now they were all going to enjoy their dinner together.

The next morning.

Namjoon came down the stairs, yawning with his hair a mess. He was making his way to the kitchen when he saw Taehyung and Jimin run out the kitchen. Jungkook went leaping over the couch in panic state.

The leader was confused as to what was happening right now. He walked into the kitchen to find Hoseok and Yoongi hugging each other in the corner. "Whats going on guys??" He asked.

Hoseok shakily pointed. "J~J~J~Jin Hyung." Yoongi let out a shake voice. Namjoon quickly turned to find Jin standing at the stove gripping the kitchen towel. A dark and uneasy aura gathered around him. "Ohh shit..." Namjoon mumbled. "What in the hell happened to my damn towels??" JIn asked in scarily calm tone. "H~huh?? What do you mean hyung??" Namjoon asked with such nervousness and fear in him.

Jin gave Namjoon a deadly look. "I know what happened....these aren't the same towels I bought for this kitchen...You bunch of idiots!!." Jin glared at the three of them. Namjoon's brows knit together as he tried to take a good look at the towels. Somebody had got the wrong ones, they similar but not the same. "Im gonna kill you all!!!!" Jin shouted at them. The boys screamed and ran out the kitchen ducking for cover. It was going to take a lot to make it up to Jin about his towels and kitchen. But right now they needed not to die.

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