A Niley Story: The Kids of t...

By Niley4Ever101

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Sequel to Our Future, the name is sort of as it suggests. This story is set 4 months later and Miley and Nic... More

Chapter 1: Pregnancy News
Chapter 2: A Gender Reveal and Baby Announcement
Chapter 3: Baby Preparations
Chapter 4: It's Here!
Chapter 5: Parents!
Chapter 6: June 11th
Chapter 7: Anniversary Aftermath & Pregnancy #2
Chapter 8: Pregnancy #2 Pt. 2
Chapter 9: It's a Girl!/Valentine's Day
Chapter 10: Valentine's Day Part 2
Chapter 11: Adam Turns 1
Chapter 12: Back to Work (Finally!)
Chapter 14: Post-Birth
Chapter 15: The Disney Reunion
Chapter 16: The Reunion Aftermath
Chapter 17: "Before The Storm" Music Video
Chapter 18: Nick's Birthday
Chapter 9: Announcement of Pregnancy #2
Chapter 20: The Bitch Is Back!
Chapter 21: Miley's Birthday and the MTV AMAs
Chapter 22: Nick's Tour
Chapter 23: American Idol
Chapter 24: Work and Family
Chapter 25: Olivia's Funeral/Lizzie
Chapter 26: The Miley-Lizzie Duet and Hannah Montana 2
Chapter 27: CR3, Music, and Holidays

Chapter 13: Destiny Hope Jonas

324 2 0
By Niley4Ever101

Nick's POV:

The next two months were just waiting for our daughter to be born.  Miley's belly grew a tiny bit bigger and Adam was getting anxious for his sister's entrance.

Today is Miley's due date.  Miley had woken up first to her water breaking, which had made the bed wet.  I had felt the wet bed and woke up, realizing she's in labor.  The wet bed we would have to deal with later when we're home with Destiny, but right now it was action time.  I just slipped on a robe and slippers, got Adam from his nursery, and took Miley to the hospital.  I checked her in, and the nurse led us to a room, where we had to wait a couple of hours before she could push.  I decided to call our families to tell the news.  I put Adam down and pulled out my phone and dialed some numbers.  When I finished making the calls, I turn to Adam, who's crying.  "Mommy's alright.  She's in labor, Adam.  Destiny is going to be born."  I soothe him.  "Remember, we discussed this?  Mommy has to push Destiny out.  You'll get your sister soon."

Soon Adam stops crying and looks at me.  I picked him back up since Miley had to stay in bed.

Within an hour, everyone arrives and comes in our room.  Tish asks, "How's Miley?"

"She's fine.  We have to wait one or two more hours before she has to push."

"Ok.  How's Adam?  It looks like he was crying."

"He was.  He didn't understand what's going on and he's just anxious for his sister to be born.  I talked to him and soothed him."

"Oh, poor baby.  Do you want me to take him when Miley has to go push?  That way you can help and when Destiny's out, I can bring him in and you can introduce them to each other."

"Yeah, that'll be great.  Thanks, Tish."

"You're welcome."  She goes down to sit down next to her husband and my father-in-law Billy Ray.

Kevin and Danielle are seated next to each other and Joe and Sophie.  Mom, Dad, and Frankie are sitting across from them.  Miley's siblings Trace, Brandi, Braison, and Noah are either seated next to each other or standing by their parents.  Frankie and Noah are just staring at each other.

Just then, a figure comes in.  "Hello?  Is this the Cyrus family?"

Billy Ray stands up.  "Yes, who are you?"

"Dad, it's Christopher Cody."

"Why, hello, boy!  Haven't seen you in a while.  Whatcha been up to?"

"Not much.  Sorry we lost contact with you guys."

"It's no problem.  How'd you find out where we were?"

"All over the news already.  Mom let me come as soon as I could.  I can't believe I missed Adam's birth and everything else."

"It's alright.  And it's no problem.  The public are going to find out anyways when Miley and Nick release an announcement."

I spoke up.  "Yup.  It's nice to see you, Cody."

"You too, brother.  Now where's my nephew?  And I guess my niece."

"I am holding Adam.  Your niece is not born yet but Miley has to push soon.  So don't worry.  You didn't miss anything."

"Ok, good."

The whole time we had talked, my whole family was looking at us.  Mom decided to speak up.  "Nick, honey, who's this?"

"This is Christopher Cody, Miley's, er, sort of twin.  He's Billy's son from a different relationship but he and Miley were born around the same year.  He lives with his mom and the Cyrus family had lost touch with him and his mom.  Same must have applied to them."

"Oh, well, nice to meet you, Chris."

"You, too, Denise."

Then it was time for Miley to push, and I left Adam with Tish and the Cyrus family to catch up with Christopher and my family to meet Miley's twin half-brother (is it technically twins when you share the same dad but a different mom and you're born the same year?).  I head with the team of a nurse, doctor, and midwife to the delivery room and help Miley push, just as I did with Adam.

Soon, our baby girl was born.  The birth was quicker than Adam's, as the second child comes out quicker than the first's, and Miley was left breathing as our daughter was cleaned off by the nurse.  Then the midwife left the room since her duty was done, helping with the delivery.  The doctor checked Miley and Destiny over to make sure everyone's healthy and left, giving us an ok.  Then the nurse gave Miley Destiny, who's now wrapped up in a blanket, and leaves so we have privacy.

Miley was fingering around with Destiny and looking at her.  "She's so adorable.  Destiny Hope Jonas."

"Destiny Hope Jonas," I repeated.  "She's beautiful, like her momma."  I kiss her and Miley responds before breaking it apart.

"Take a video.  We'll use it to announce it."

"Not now.  You're covered in sweat and everything."

"I can take a shower and change."


Miley hands Destiny to me, gets up, though slowly as it's post-birth, takes her shower, and changes into the sweatpants and t-shirt we packed into the bag.  She goes back onto the bed for more rest and takes Destiny back.  "Now take it."

"Fine."  I pull out my phone, get the camera on Instagram ready, and take a video to add to my story, putting it in selfie mode.  "Hi, everyone.  Just wanted to let you know that Destiny Hope Jonas was born this morning at 10:00."  I turn it onto Miley and Destiny.

"Of course, the birth was nice and quick, as the birth of the second is quicker than the first.  Health-wise, I'm healthy.  Our beautiful baby daughter is healthy as well.  Adam is due to meet his sister soon.  My mom Tish has him and will bring him soon.  We have family here to meet Destiny as well, including my half-brother Christopher Cody, who I haven't seen in such a long time.  And everything was crazy when I went into labor that I didn't see him or talk to him."

"So back to the birth and labor, Miley had went into labor at 8:00 this morning.  When her water broke, it wet the bed, and I actually felt it and woke up.  I took her and Adam to the hospital, where we had to wait two hours before Miley pushed.  Then it was time and just like I did with Adam, I helped to push our daughter out."

Miley was looking down at Destiny, who began to open up her eyes a bit.  "Oh, Nick, look.  She's opening up her eyes a bit."

"I see that, baby."  I zoom in on it.  "Everyone, we're witnessing our baby girl opening up her eyes a bit for the first time."  I stay like that for a while and then I hear the door open, and change the view to Adam and Tish who came in.

"Hey, is she here?"

"Yup, she's here.  Just born and she just opened her eyes a bit."

Adam goes up to me and Miley.  He hugs me and tries to climb on top of Miley, but he couldn't go all the way.  "Mommy, Daddy!"

"Hey, Adam!  Don't climb on Mommy now.  She just gave birth to your sister."

"Baby sister?  Destiny!" he calls out.

"Ah!  Normal voice, please!  And she's right here, in Mommy's arms!"

He looks at his sister.  "Small, Daddy."

"She is.  Only 8 pounds.  Babies are small, Adam, unlike you.  You were 9 pounds."

He grins.  "Big boy!"  I guess he's proud of himself.

Miley pipes up, "Yes, a big boy.  And, Mom, thanks for bringing him in."

"It's no problem.  That's what grandmas are for, right?"


Tish snaps a picture of Destiny and leaves the room.

Miley helps Adam up and lets him interact with Destiny.  "Now, Adam, be careful.  She's only a newborn."

After a while of seeing his new sister, Adam climbs back down onto the floor with some assistance from me.

I turn the camera back to selfie mode.  "Alright, we're going to get going, so we can have some private time with Destiny and family.  We are so happy to introduce you guys to our brand new little girl.  Bye."  I end the video and add it to the story & the "Daddy Life" highlight.

Christopher comes in.  "Hey, Tish told me the baby was born.  I'd thought I come to meet Adam and her."


He walks over to Miley's bedside and fingers with his niece.

Miley smiles.  "Hey, Christopher.  Haven't seen you in a while.  What have you been up to?"

"Not much.  Just visiting my new niece and apparently nephew."

"Cool.  I would hug you, but I'm holding a kid here.  So this is Destiny Hope.  I gave her my old name."

"Awww, hi, Destiny.  I'm Uncle Chris."  He looks at her for a while, then at Miley.  "Where's my nephew then?"

I see Adam hiding behind me and brought him out.  "This is Adam.  I think he got kind of shy when he saw you."

"That's alright."  He bends down and smiles at Adam.  "Hey, buddy.  I'm Uncle Chris."

Adam just buries his face in me.

"Still shy."  He stands up.  "Well, Adam looks a lot like you, Nick, and Miley," he says as he turns to Miley, "Destiny looks a lot like you."

Miley smiles.  "Thank you, Christopher.  Now where's Daddy?"

Christopher mumbles (odd), "He went off somewhere.  We got into some sort of a fight when you were giving birth."

"Christopher!  Please don't tell me that it's one of those stupid fights you have where Daddy goes, 'How come you haven't contacted us?' or 'How come you didn't visit us?' and you responded with 'You haven't contacted us' or something like that."

He continues to mumble, "Maybe."

"Christopher!  Seriously, go fix it with him!  And if you haven't contacted us or at least Daddy hasn't contacted you, how'd you find out where we are?"

"The news.  They had seen you and Nick leave with Adam to the hospital and now the paparazzi are parked outside.  And since Mom saw the news, she let me go, especially since I hadn't seen your family yet."

"Crap.  How much paparazzi?"

"I don't know."

I went to the window and looked out.  "There's a little bit of the paparazzi, not too much.  I would have thought more, considering there's celebrities in the house.  Your dad, me, Miley, Noah, Kevin, and Joe."

"Does it matter?  You made the announcement, didn't you?"

"Yes.  But it is sort of more than that, Chris."  I turn around to him and Miley again.  "Paparazzi track our moves a lot.  And whatever is private gets out, so therefore our lives are public.  We can control it the best we can, but some stuff can still get out.  Our relationship was one of those things.  We didn't like it then, we don't like it much now, but we're more open about it now."

"Hmmm, I thought you guys liked being famous."

Miley pipes up, "There are some benefits of being famous, but there's also cons, like everything else in life.  Growing up in the business is a pro and con.  Pro - money.  Pro - finding my husband here.  Pro - dressing up and having fun.  Pro - having friends and family in the business to support you.  Pro - supporting change.  Pro - finding out who you are, whether its through music, acting, etc.  Con - having your private life becoming public life.  Con - relationships ending due to unwanted media attention.  Con - having a on-screen double life become a real-life double life and being associated as Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart.  Con - having the producers of the movie force you to date your co-star and on-screen love interest for profits of the movie, which has long been over.  Con - them controlling my life.  Con - Disney controlling us and making Nick and I their leading couple."

"Oh.  So you had it tough, but sounds like you enjoy it."

"Yup, since most of those cons are gone anyways.  The only one that is still there is the first one I said.  That one always remains in a celebrity life."

"Yikes.  Do you think I make it in the news?"

"Rare.  You would make it since you have a famous family, like Frankie.  Frankie sometimes makes it into the news because Kevin, Joe, and Nick are famous and when the Jonas Brothers were together, he was nicknamed the 'Bonus Jonas.'  Same thing with their mom and dad.  Only you don't make it into the news often because you have a private life and your mom makes sure of that."

"What about Adam?"

"Same for him.  He's got a famous mom and dad, so he makes it into the news sometimes.  And Destiny will too."

Christopher nods.

Billy Ray comes in.  "Hey, Miles."  He sees Christopher and freezes.

Christopher mumbles something and tries to leave, but Miley stops him.  "Christopher, stay and talk to Daddy.  You need to be adults and work stuff out."

"Nope," was his answer.  He leaves.

Billy Ray unfreezes and goes to meet his granddaughter.  "Hey, there, little one.  You look like your momma.  You even share the same name as her."

Miley smiles.  "Hahaha, used to.  Remember I changed it?  Now it's given to her."

"Oh, right.  So how's the little girl?"

"She's good.  She opened up her eyes a bit before.  Now I think she went back to sleep."

"Hmm.  So how are you, darlin'?"

"Good.  The birth was nice, easy, and quick."

"Did Adam meet her?"

Adam, who removes himself from me seeing that his uncle went away (who knows where now), nods.  "Grandpa!"

Billy Ray looks at him.  "Adam!  Where were you?"

Miley answered, "Hiding behind his Daddy.  He was shy meeting Christopher."

"Hmm.  A shy one."


Billy Ray finishes talking to us a while later, and exists the room, probably to go find his eldest son to talk to him (hopefully without an argument).  Everyone else comes in to meet Destiny and heads home and then Miley wants to take a nap before we have PEOPLE magazine come by to interview us.  We had set up an interview on the birth, and they're arriving after lunch.

Since Miley is taking a nap, I put Destiny in the cradle next to the bed and take Adam with me to get lunch (it's 12:00 already).  Seeing that we had skipped breakfast, we got a big lunch.  We also got Miley some lunch, which she can eat when she wakes up.  I cut up Adam's burger and fries and help him eat it.  Then I eat my own burger and fries and take Adam and Miley's lunch back to the room.  I set the food down on the moveable tray next to her bed, take Destiny, sit down, and just play around with her while Miley's sleeping.  I noticed our daughter looks a lot like Miley, sort of how Adam looks a lot like me.

Miley had woken up then.  "Where's Destiny?"

"She's with me.  So is Adam."

"Ok.  Good."

"While you took your nap, I took Adam to get some lunch and we brought you back some."

"Ok.  Thanks, honey."  She moves the tray in front of her, so she can eat.  "PEOPLE is coming soon, right?"

"Yes, so eat your lunch."

She eats her lunch.

The nurse comes in.  "We're going to need to clean the bed, Mr. & Mrs. Jonas."

Miley gets up from the bed, so the nurse can lift up the sheets and take them.  She sits back down on the bed once the nurse takes them, puts fresh ones on there, and leaves.  "I might have to change again, but whatever.  This outfit can get messy."

I nod in agreement.

The PEOPLE interviewer comes in.  "Miley, Nick, is this the correct room?  The staff had to direct me."

"Yes, it is," I answer.

"Ok, good."  He comes in with a photographer so they can take pictures and sits down on a nearby chair.  "Let's start.  What's her name and what was the inspiration?"

"Destiny Hope Jonas.  We named her when we found out the gender when Miley was pregnant.  The inspiration was just naming her after Miley, who had the name at her birth before she changed it to Miley Ray.  It just seemed fitting for her."

He jots that down.  "Now tell us the story of the birth.  What happened?"

"Well, you know how water can wake you up?  That's how it was this morning.  Miley was the first to wake up with her water breaking, which had wet the bed.  I woke up feeling something wet and realized it was Miley in labor.  We, of course, had to go to the hospital then, and took Adam with us.  This was at, like, 8:00 in the morning, I think.  It took a couple of hours before she could push, so in the meantime, I watched over Adam and called our family, who came to visit in the morning.  When it was time for Miley to push, I left Adam with my mother-in-law Tish Cyrus and helped Miley push.  The birth was quick and easy, and everyone was nice and healthy."

"How many pounds?"

"Destiny is 8 pounds.  Her brother Adam was nine at birth."

"So this is your second child then?"

I nod.  "Adam was our first, being born a year ago.  Now Destiny is our second."

"Which family came by to visit?"

"My brothers, Joe & Kevin's wives, and my parents.  On Miley's side, it was her parents, and her siblings, including her half-brother Christopher Cody.  Adam was the only kid here."

"Since Adam looks so much like you, who does Destiny look like so far?"

Miley answers, "Destiny is my mini me.  She looks so much like me."

The interviewer looks around.  "So where is the kids then?"

"Nick has Destiny in his arms right now.  Adam is right next to him."

"Ah, ok, perfect.  I'll let the photographer take some photos, perhaps one or two, and then we'll be on our way."

"Ok, great."

The interviewer steps aside for the photographer, who gives us instructions.

Miley and I hold Destiny and Adam goes in front of us.

The photographer snaps the picture and then has just Miley holding Destiny.  He snaps that and leaves with the interviewer.

Miley and I are left just spending time with our daughter and son.  We're a family of four now.

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