Were We Meant To Be Together?

De Xylesia

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Kyungsoo had no idea that filling some random form would lead him to an arranged marriage with none other tha... Mais

Chapter 1 - A Twist In Fates
Chapter 2 - The Big News
Chapter 3 - If Only He Knew
Chapter 4 - The Royal Engagement
Chapter 5 - Kyungsoo's Days In Palace
Chapter 6 - Getting Used To Our Fate
Chapter 7 - We Can Try
Chapter 8 - Just Friends
Chapter 9 - Red String Of Destiny
Chapter 10 - Smiles
Chapter 11 - Am I Going To Be Happy?
Chapter 12 - Absolutely Unwell
Chapter 13 - Yeah We're Alright Now
Chapter 14 - Lunch Box
Chapter 15 - I'm Glad That You're Okay Now
Chapter 16 - October
Chapter 17 - Dawn
Chapter 18 - Let's Pretend It Never Happened
An Open Letter To Everyone
Chapter 19 - Heart Attack
Chapter 20 - Practicing For Marathon? Maybe Not!
Chapter 21 - Is This How It Feels?
Chapter 22 - Expectations
Chapter 23 - Tired
Chapter 25 - Wrong Timing
Chapter 26 - Stop Ruining Our Moments
Chapter 27 - Contented
Chapter 28 - Pillow Talk [TW]
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - For Better Or For Worse
Chapter 31 - Surprise
Chapter 32 - Dreams And Reality
Chapter 33 - Somewhere Faraway
Chapter 34 - Miracles

Chapter 24 - Realizations

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De Xylesia

Chanyeol thought that everything would become alright when they will land in Japan. He really believed that Kyungsoo would return back to his usual self and they would explore the place and make new memories with some kisses here and there. He really, really hoped that they would finally act like newlyweds and not some college goers who are forced to live together.

But boy he was wrong. He was so, so wrong.

Because the moment they landed in Haneda Airport, his dreams of having a wonderful honeymoon got totally crushed. No, it wasn't because of his husband who was completely ignoring him but it was due to a certain guy who came to escort them from the airport. And because of that certain guy, he's really having a tremendous inner conflict about whether to just chop the guy's head off or put his husband inside his pocket.

It's not that he doesn't trust Kyungsoo or something but he just doesn't trust this stupid guy. Chanyeol just can't understand why this guy won't stop staring at Kyungsoo. He knows that his husband is really cute and all but seriously this guy needs to realize that Kyungsoo is absolutely off limits.

Ahh!!! He's so frustrated about everything!

The drive to the hotel took exactly 30 minutes but for Chanyeol it felt like an eternity. He felt like he was in hell because this guy instead of focusing on driving kept glancing back towards his Kyungsoo through the rearview mirror. And the way he was looking..ugghh...it's making his head go dizzy with anger and possessiveness. Why won't this guy understand that Kyungsoo is his? Just why?

When they finally arrived at the hotel, Chanyeol let out a sigh of relief. It's over. Finally, this guy will go away and not bother him or his husband anymore. He ruffled his hair and got out of the car only to wince at the scene in front of him. This sleazy guy was opening the door for Kyungsoo and he was actually smiling at the smaller man like he meant the world to him.

Ahh! Chanyeol's really going crazy here. He really, really feels like ripping this guy's head off. Why won't this person understand that Kyungsoo is married? Why won't this guy stop giving his husband those heart eyes? JUST WHY? Chanyeol's so freaking angry right now.

He glared at the man and was about to walk towards Kyungsoo so he can take him away from the stupid man but stopped when he saw the smaller man actually smiling towards that sleazy guy. And it was not just any smile; it was his special heart-shaped smile which Chanyeol himself saw rarely.

"Do you remember me now?" the man asked with a fond smile and Kyungsoo nodded at him.

"I remember you Ryeowook hyung...I do remember you.." Kyungsoo replied with a grin.

Ryeowook hyung? Who the fuck is this Ryeowook hyung? Chanyeol glared at the said man and walked towards the duo. He stopped right in front of the man and grabbed Kyungsoo's hand tightly. He looked down at the smaller man and saw how he still won't look at him. He felt a slight pang in his chest but decided to ignore it for the sake of the situation. But before he could walk towards the hotel, he saw his uncle approaching them.

"I'm glad you're here Chanyeol! I missed you so much my nephew!" his uncle cried out dramatically and Chanyeol groaned due to the embarrassment.

"Uncle Siwon..." Chanyeol pouted and the said man ran towards him like a puppy before embracing him in a tight hug. He let go of him after he noticed Kyungsoo and without any words engulfed the smaller male too. This earned him a yelp from Kyungsoo and deathly glares from the two taller males.

"I can't believe I'm finally seeing you after such a long time Chanyeollie! You've grown so handsome!!" He cooed at the said man and ruffled his hair. He then turned to Kyungsoo and clasped his hands tightly to express the happiness he was feeling. "I'm sorry that I was unable to attend your wedding. But really Kyungsoo, you are better than I expected. Son – hee was right about you. You truly are graceful.." he said sincerely.

Kyungsoo blushed at the compliment and bowed to him. "You're flattering me Uncle Siwon...But really thank you for the compliment..."

"Wahh! You have a beautiful voice too!" Siwon looked awed. "You've got the perfect match Chanyeollie! You're lucky son!!" he said excitedly and patted Chanyeol's shoulder until the younger male had to push him away.

"Anyways, Ryeowook call the staff and tell them to put their luggage away." He ordered Ryeowook before turning towards the couple with a dazzling smile. "And welcome here you two. I hope you have a grand time here. Call me if you need anything. Ryeowook will show you to your room." he said before walking towards his car.


"Who was that Ryeowook hyung?" Chanyeol asked as soon as they entered their room. Kyungsoo as usual ignored his entire existence and walked to the toilet to freshen up. Chanyeol flopped on the bed and groaned at the smaller man's reaction. When will he stop ignoring him? This whole ordeal is driving him nuts.

Okay Chanyeol, take a deep breath and calm yourself down. You can ask him again when he comes out of the toilet, his mind tried to calm the growing frustration. He heard the opening and closing of a door and saw Kyungsoo walking out of the toilet wearing his all-black pajama. He walked past the taller male and settled on the unoccupied side of the bed.

"Come on Kyungsoo..Tell me who was that Ryeowook hyung.." Chanyeol inquired again, poking the smaller male on the back. When the said man didn't respond once again, Chanyeol huffed in annoyance and did the next thing that came to his mind. He got up from the bed only to land upon the unsuspecting smaller which resulted in a loud yelp coming from Kyungsoo's mouth.

"Get off me Chanyeol! You're too heavy!! Get off! Off!!" Kyungsoo shrieked but Chanyeol ignored his cries and put his full weight on the smaller man making him groan due to the heavyweight.

"I will but first tell me who that Ryeowook hyung is.." Chanyeol whined in front of Kyungsoo's ear making the smaller flinch.

"He's my hyung from neighborhood. He moved away to Japan when I was in freshman year of highschool. Now get off me!!" Kyungsoo replied hastily and tried to push the taller male off him.

Chanyeol rolled to other side and stared up at the ceiling. Ah..so that guy is his hyung, his inner voice said. But why does that guy look at him like he's the sweetest candy in the world? his mind supplied. Chanyeol let out a sigh and turned his head towards the now sleeping Kyungsoo. Maybe he's overthinking a little bit. But honestly, right now he shouldn't care about that guy at all.

He should think about how he can make up to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo woke up from his slumber when the sun has already set for the day. He turned over to his right and saw Chanyeol curled up on the side. His heart swelled up at the scene and let his eyes linger over the man's face for a few seconds before getting up from the bed and tucking the giant in the comforter.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh and messed up his already messy hair. It's always been like this. It's always been him taking care of the taller, looking out for him. At first, he didn't mind them at all. But now he feels tired. He's tired of everything. He really hoped that Chanyeol would return his affections but maybe he didn't wish hard enough for it to come true.

Kyungsoo walked towards the balcony and stared at the beautiful scenery in front of him. From where he is standing, he could clearly see the ocean in front of him. And since the sun has just set, he could enjoy the red hue it left over the horizon. The cold wind gently drifted along making shivers run from his arm to spine.

His trance was broken when he heard the vibration of his phone on the bedside table. He walked towards it and opened it to find a text from an unknown number. Out of curiosity, he opened it and saw that it was just a text from Ryeowook hyung asking him to come down to the lobby. Kyungsoo smiled at the text and walked to the cabinet to get his jacket before turning the knob and leaving the room.

When he reached the lobby, he saw Ryeowook waiting for him. He smiled at the older male and walked in his direction. Ryeowook returned him a fond smile patted his hair before completely messing it up. Ryeowook chuckled at his work and then looked at Kyungsoo before laughing out loud.

"You're so going to pay for this hyung!" Kyungsoo growled and started chasing the older male who couldn't seem to stop his giggling fit.


"But do you remember that incident?" Ryeowook asked as he sipped his third glass of strawberry smoothie.

"Which one?" Kyungsoo asked looking confused.

"That one...The Halloween one.."

"What Halloween?"

"You're becoming forgetful Soo...You don't remember the freshman Halloween party?" Ryeokwook tsked.

"Are you talking about your freshman Halloween party?" Kyungsoo questioned and Ryeowook nodded in agreement.

"Man that was ...Who would have thought that Kyuhyun would go that wild and actually punch Yesung in the face..." Ryeowook crackled at the memory.

"Speaking of Kyuhyun hyung, how's he doing these days?" Kyungsoo inquired while munching on some chips.

"He's fine I guess. We lost contact but I heard he got together with Yesung...Funny right?" Ryeowook replied nonchalantly and finished his drink. His phone buzzed as soon as he placed the empty cup on the table and he fished it out to read whatever it was displaying on the screen. He cursed out loud a little later and got up from his seat.

"Soo I would love to talk to you later but right now I have to go. Mr. Choi is really angry at me now. I'll call you alright! Bye bye!" Ryeowook hastily said before darting out of the small café hurriedly.

Kyungsoo too left the café and walked back to his room. Since the café was adjacent to the lobby, it didn't take him much time to reach his place and enter the room. He took out his jacket and placed it on the rack before walking towards the living room. As soon as he stepped inside, he was faced with Chanyeol's stoic look.

"Where were you?" He asked with a frown.

"I was out with Ryeowook hyung." Kyungsoo shrugged and headed for the bed without sparing a second glance in the taller man's direction. He put on his headphones and completely ignored Chanyeol's entire existence.


An entire week passed away since they landed in Japan and to say that Chanyeol was disappointed was a complete understatement. An entire week in Japan and Chanyeol has only stepped outside of his room for food and nothing else. He didn't go for sightseeing nor did he venture the local market. Hell, he didn't even explore the freaking hotel he's residing in. And it's all because of one guy.


Every day Kyungsoo wakes up before him and leaves the room only to return late at night from god knows where. The smaller male doesn't even greet him. Heck, he doesn't even acknowledge his mere existence. It feels as if he's completely invisible to Kyungsoo. And this actually hurts him. It pains him to his very core because never has the smaller male treated him like this ever. Just what did he do so wrong to deserve this cold shoulder?

Chanyeol really can't seem to understand it.


He paces in his room for the umpteenth time when Kyungsoo walks out of the toilet drying his wet hair. He walks past the taller and settles in front of the mirror to adjust his hair. Chanyeol grits his teeth in frustration and tries to control the anger which keeps bubbling inside him.

"Where are you going?" Chanyeol gritted out.

"To Ryeowook hyung." Kyungsoo replied while brushing his fringes back.

"You're not allowed to go." Chanyeol replied sternly.

Kyungsoo turned around to face him with a raised eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You are not allowed to go." Chanyeol said curtly.

Kyungsoo huffed at the words and looked at Chanyeol with disbelief. "You don't own me Chanyeol. You can't decide whether I meet someone or not."

"I'm your husband. I have the right upon you." Chanyeol stepped closer to Kyungsoo, drawing his full height.

"Husband? Don't make me laugh Chanyeol." Kyungsoo shot back and walked past him but before he could take another step, Chanyeol grabbed his arm and pulled him into a back hug.

"What exactly did I do wrong for you treat me like this Soo? Please tell me my mistake....I don't like this Kyungsoo..I don't like where we are right now..." Chanyeol pleaded, making his hold tighter around the small male.

"You haven't done anything wrong Chanyeol..." Kyungsoo whispered. "It's just my fault for expecting too much from you. Even when I know that you don't like me..."

"I like you Soo...I really like you..." Chanyeol blurted out without even realizing what he said. He noticed how Kyungsoo shivered in his embrace and he himself felt embarrassed from the confession he just made. Kyungsoo let out a sigh and moved away Chanyeol's hand. He let out a dry chuckle and turned to face the taller man. Chanyeol noticed how glazed his eyes looked but he didn't say anything.

"That's your mistake Chanyeol." Kyungsoo said after few moments. "You like me while I love you."

Before Chanyeol can even react to the statement, Kyungsoo turned around and walked out of the door.

A/n This chapter is unedited so please ignore the grammatical errors. I AM REALLY, REALLY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE GUYS!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I wrote which chapter while I was completely drowned in homework. So yeah..It's quite a mess. But I really hope you like it. And you know guys I think that I'm a secret Suju stan. First Heechul, then Siwon and now Ryeowook...I guess Suju is killing me right now.. Ah what is wrong with me?!!!

Make sure to comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote.

Calling up the beta squad! Please help my poor ass!!!

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