Were We Meant To Be Together?

By Xylesia

77.5K 4K 942

Kyungsoo had no idea that filling some random form would lead him to an arranged marriage with none other tha... More

Chapter 1 - A Twist In Fates
Chapter 2 - The Big News
Chapter 3 - If Only He Knew
Chapter 4 - The Royal Engagement
Chapter 5 - Kyungsoo's Days In Palace
Chapter 6 - Getting Used To Our Fate
Chapter 7 - We Can Try
Chapter 8 - Just Friends
Chapter 9 - Red String Of Destiny
Chapter 10 - Smiles
Chapter 11 - Am I Going To Be Happy?
Chapter 12 - Absolutely Unwell
Chapter 13 - Yeah We're Alright Now
Chapter 14 - Lunch Box
Chapter 15 - I'm Glad That You're Okay Now
Chapter 16 - October
Chapter 17 - Dawn
Chapter 18 - Let's Pretend It Never Happened
An Open Letter To Everyone
Chapter 19 - Heart Attack
Chapter 20 - Practicing For Marathon? Maybe Not!
Chapter 21 - Is This How It Feels?
Chapter 22 - Expectations
Chapter 24 - Realizations
Chapter 25 - Wrong Timing
Chapter 26 - Stop Ruining Our Moments
Chapter 27 - Contented
Chapter 28 - Pillow Talk [TW]
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - For Better Or For Worse
Chapter 31 - Surprise
Chapter 32 - Dreams And Reality
Chapter 33 - Somewhere Faraway
Chapter 34 - Miracles

Chapter 23 - Tired

1.8K 118 18
By Xylesia

"I reached home...Yaa!!.....Alright alright....See you later...." Chanyeol laughed as he disconnected the call and placed it back in his pocket.

He's just so happy today. After all, he met his best buddies after such a long time. He just missed them so fucking much and seeing them after so long, he just...he just really can't express how happy he is. And for all this, he must thank Baekhyun. That brat really gave him one of the best birthday gifts ever.

Chanyeol walked out of the car and headed towards the main door. He passed the hallways humming to a tune that got stuck in his head and was about to enter his room when he saw Sehun leaning against the door. He gave his brother a questioning look but the younger just frowned at him.

Huh,...that's strange, Chanyeol thought.

"Hyung...aren't you forgetting something?" Sehun asked with a frown.

"No...?" Chanyeol replied feeling a little confused.

"I can't believe it!" Sehun huffed angrily. "You're the worst person ever hyung. The WORST!!!" he yelled and stomped his way towards his room.

"What the...?" Chanyeol looked at disappearing back of the fuming male and ruffled his hair. What in the hell just happened? What was he supposed to remember? What exactly did he forget?

Chanyeol let out a loud sigh and entered his room which was completely dark. He fumbled his way across the place and turned on the lights. He blinked several times to adjust his vision and then dropped his bag on the sofa. He took out his jacket then went to the toilet to freshen up.

When he came out of the toilet, that's when he realized what exactly he forgot.

He freaking forgot his date with Kyungsoo!

How the hell could he forget about the date he asked for? How could he stand up on Kyungsoo? How could he forget about him? Chanyeol smacked himself and cursed out loud. God, he's such an awful person! Kyungsoo must have waited for him at the café. He must be really angry at him.

"You're such a jerk Yeol!!" Chanyeol cursed at himself.

But speaking of Kyungsoo, where is he?

Chanyeol walked towards their bed and saw the smaller man curled up on it. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a white tee and black leather sweater. His hair was styled up but it was partially messy now. Chanyeol crouched in front of the man and stared at his sleeping face. Kyungsoo must have looked really beautiful today. Suddenly Chanyeol wishes that he could have at least seen the man today. Kyungsoo doesn't dress up much but he must have looked really gorgeous today.

"I'm sorry Soo..I really am.." Chanyeol sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration.

"You don't have to be sorry..."

Chanyeol instantly looked at Kyungsoo and saw the smaller male stirring from his position. Kyungsoo got up from the bed and headed to the toilet without even glancing at his direction. Chanyeol too stood up from his previous position and walked to the closet to change his clothes.

After 10 minutes, Kyungsoo came out of his toilet and by that time Chanyeol was nervous as hell. He kept messing up with hair, a bad habit he follows when ever he's nervous. He just feels so sorry and guilty towards Kyungsoo right now. He really should have given him a call or something. But he was so busy with his friends today that he completely forgot about his date.

"Ughh...!!" Chanyeol groaned and flinched when Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow at him.

Before Chanyeol could utter another word, he saw Kyungsoo grabbing his phone and plushie and walking out of the room. He immediately ran towards the smaller male and stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Where are you going?" Chanyeol inquired.

"To the guest room," Kyungsoo replied coldly.

"Is it because you're angry?" Chanyeol asked. "I'm really sorry Soo.. I'm really sorry..I just forgot about today when I met some buddies from high school.." Chanyeol explained looking at Kyungsoo, hoping that the smaller man would understand.

Kyungsoo looked down at the floor and gently removed his hand from Chanyeol's grip. Then he looked up at the taller man and said "I'm not angry at you Chanyeol. It's normal to forget about people who aren't important to you..."

Chanyeol's eyes grew wider at the reply. Is this what Kyungsoo thought about him? Is this how he perceived his feelings for him? "Kyungsoo no! You're getting it wrong... I really wanted to come today but I was.." Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the smaller male walking away.

"Kyungsoo wait! It's not like that! Let me expl-" Chanyeol tried but stopped when he heard Kyungsoo saying "I'm tired Chanyeol..Please.."

He saw Kyungsoo walking away and turn the corner to get to the guest room. He stood in the hall for a long time and thought how sad and exhausted Kyungsoo looked today. He really did hurt him today.

He really fucked up this time.


Kyungsoo woke up half past 6 and turned around to look at the empty bed. He curled up more inside the blanket and pulled it above his head to hide from the sunlight. He really doesn't wish to welcome the morning today. He's just so tired. He's just so tired of everything.

Last night when he came back home, he felt so empty and numb. At first, he wanted to scream and yell at Chanyeol. He wanted to ask him why he forgot their date. He wanted to yell at him for it, scream at him until his lungs hurt. But then he realized why should he do all this? Why should he yell and scream at someone who doesn't even give a simple fuck about him? Why should he beg for attention from him when clearly doesn't want to give him?

It'll only make him seem more pathetic than he already is.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh and sat up on the bed. Last night's scene kept playing on his head like a broken record and it irks him how they just won't stop. You know what? He's not really angry at Chanyeol. He's just really, really angry at himself. He's angry at himself for expecting too much. He's angry at himself for hoping too much. He's angry at himself for forgiving Chanyeol too easily.

But mostly, he's angry at himself for loving Chanyeol a little bit way too much.

Sometimes he really thinks that it's a crime to fall in love first. Because the one who falls first, always loses the most.

And in this case, he is losing himself.


"Master Chanyeol, Her Highness is looking for you" the maid informed and walked out of the room.

Chanyeol nodded and set aside his projects before making his way towards the study where his mother would usually be at this time. He walked down the corridor and turned left to enter the southern part of the palace. He then turned left again and came face to face with the big oak doors. He gently knocked on the door twice and entered when he heard his mother saying 'come in'.

"You were looking for me..." Chanyeol said.

"Yes. Sit down.." His mother pointed towards the chair. "Kyungsoo would be here in a minute."

Chanyeol felt a little tensed when he heard his name. He still can't get over the fact that Kyungsoo thought he was unimportant for him. Why would he think like that? What exactly did he do to make him feel unimportant?

"Speaking of Kyungsoo...Why was he sleeping in the guest room?" His mother enquired all of a sudden.

"Um...It's because.." before Chanyeol could answer, he heard the door being opened and closed.

"Kyungsoo – ya...You're here..." his mother smiled fondly at the smaller man and urged him to sit down on the unoccupied chair.

The three of them talked about few things and Chanyeol noticed how subtly Kyungsoo ignored all of the questions or things he said to him. His mother probably noticed it too and kept glaring at Chanyeol whenever their eyes met.

"I know that movie was really fun..." his mother laughed. "Anyways let's get back to the task for which I called both of you here," she said, getting back to her professional side. "I called you two because as you both know that there are only 2 weeks left before Chanyeol's birthday so, I and your father decided that it would be the grand time for your first public appearance."

"First public appearance?" Kyungsoo asked looking confused.

"Yes dear... The royal couple has to appear in front of the public after their marriage. We would have done this within the first months of marriage but due to your studies, we pushed it back. We would have conducted it during the New Year but during the Southern gala we met few officials who wished for the immediate appearance..." his mother explained and Kyungsoo listened to it intently.

"Therefore...I and your father decided to host a birthday gala and make your first public appearance there." His mother informed and the couple nodded in understanding.

"So...Where are you going to host this party?" Chanyeol asked.

"At your uncle's hotel in Japan...Plus you two should spend some time alone" His mother replied, her eyes glinting with a hidden mischief.

"Mom..what are you planning?" Chanyeol asked now really nervous.

"Oh..it's nothing...I'm just sending you two to spend some time alone from the palace..." his mother replied nonchalantly.

"Are you sending us on a honeymoon mother?" Kyungsoo asked blatantly making both Chanyeol and his mother wince at the boldness.

"Ah..yes..that and the gala..haha.." his mother let out a nervous laugh and Chanyeol, on the other hand, turned red like a tomato.

"I think you should go now...You guys will leave the day after tomorrow..." his mother shooed them away making Chanyeol blush even more.

A honeymoon with Kyungsoo?

Damn..he really can't wait for it.

A/n This chapter is unedited so please ignore the grammatical errors. I AM REALLY, REALLY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE GUYS!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I'm truly sorry for the late update guys because my school sucks and it's fucking my mind up. And as you all know a fucked up mind doesn't really help you with writing so..i hope you all understand. I had been stuck with this chapter for 3 long days and this is what I came up with. Although let me inform you that this is only the half part of the chapter because if I uploaded the complete chapter in one go you guys might lose something. I don't know what but something. Anyways...We got Soo ignoring Chan because hell he deserves it and well some feelings and their first public appearance is going to happen soon.

Guys.. I know this chapter might seem a little dull because this is an intermediate chapter before the actual one and I had to put this to clear out the feelings between them. But let me tell you something...In the upcoming chapters, things are going to heat up. So hold on to this story and please look forward to it.

Make sure to comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote.

Also, guys, I'm in desperate need of a beta so if anyone is willing...Please, please DM me.

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