Lovers' Sin


438 37 26

They decide to break the rules, but only to encounter death and put the Kingdom into ruin and despair. *** Se... More

💞Lovebirds- Scene II💞
❣Angry Lovebirds- Scene III❣
Love Stains- Scene VI
ACT II- Scene I
Rebels- Scene VI
🍴 Peaceful Dinner? 🍴
🌑 The Shadow 🌑
Taste Of Bliss


18 0 0


I stand before the window in my room, thinking about Arthur. My hands feel icy as they miss intensely the warmth and sweetness of his. My hair remains as stiff as a frustrated cat's tail. My mind is getting distraught with all the worries it has to carry besides the dearest persons of my life: the man I love then the fruit of our union, our babe.

"Mistress!" Enter Ada, out of breath. As she speaks, a heavy noise of a drum slips through the room.

"Ada? What is that noise? And... Thou lookest worried."

She takes my hand with a slight hesitation and sonorous fear in her voice.


"Thou hast to come with me. I beg your Majesty."


She looks impatient as I take a minute to follow her and leave my room, which I can speak my chagrin to. The walls cannot speak, but their silence lets me have the feeling that it's not always wrong to run out of words, where we are so tired to search for them that we just decide to bury them inside. They don't judge me for my tears, nor do they despise me for not regretting to bear a child from a man with little resources whose skin is opposite of mine. I can paint the walls in any color I want, any time, any day. Thus, they must know what not having its own voice feels like. The only difference is that I was like them once, but then, I revolted.

"Are we in danger?"


"Yes, Mistress. I'm here to save thee."


"Save me from what, Ada?"


"Your Majesty, I don't remember telling thee about mine older brother. But his name is David. He was the one who helped Arthur, thy husband to escape from the dungeon."


My heart races as fast as a shooting star. I feel such a high relief that I hardly know how to react to the good news.

"Arthur! Where is he? I'm sorry if I keep shaking. I just can't believe that he's really alive. You mean he's waiting for me, Ada?"


"Yes, mistress."

I take her hands and I walk her outside.


"Wait! What if the guards catch us? Tekle came and commanded them to not let anybody in or out."


"We will go from the secret passage that go through the dungeon to the garden. Worry not thy soul, mistress. They're waiting for thee."


"They? Wasn't it supposed to be only thy brother?"


"Nay. There are about a hundred men outside with him."


"How come? That sounds treacherous. They are too many for the watchmen to not notice them."


"Thou wilt have to trust me if thou wantest to see Arthur, the holder of thy biggest dreams, again. I will not be able to make this proposition twice. Thou hast to decide now!"


"If I leave, I will bring shame upon this kingdom. And after I've heard about the state of my father, it hath become very difficult to choose between right and wrong. What sayest thou? Which path shall I take? Tell me the truth. Be honest with me!"

She looks up at me with pity glistening in her eyes, then she answers.


"Choose the hardest one! Arthur is thy choice, the father of the child that th'art carry'ng. The world will be angry, but it won't be a burden as long as he sticketh by thy side."


"Thou soundest heavy-hearted, Ada. What is troubling thee?"


"Me and..." I weep, wanting to release that deep agony strangling me.
"Me and thy brother got engaged today."


"That is wonderful!" I embrace her as soon as mine eyes fall onto her beautiful ring, crowning her finger with grace. "Wherefore I'm lost, friend. Thou shalt be happy, not in tears? Art thou just sad because of me leaving?"

She nods her head. Although she claims that she will just miss me, her watery eyes keep warning me about something else which leaves me concerned.

"Ada, I always knew that you loved my brother although he never really broke that carapace keeping ye apart. He truly lovest and carest about thy wellbeing. He was just too afraid of disappointing our father."

At that, she frowns and snaps out of the subject.


"C'mon mistress, we are late."


We continue running and I lift my robe off the marbled floor in order to prevent it from dangling against my feet to not endanger my baby.

We head to the back of the castle and enter the secret passage which my father uses in case of any attacks. We walk through the exit and stop by a chariot.

"Is that thy brother's carriage?"



A very handsome gent hops down the chariot and bows down to greet me, passing his helmet behind his back to follow the custom gesture.


"Your Majesty!"


I motion to him to raise his head.

"I heard that thou hast saved my husband. I am very grateful."


"I believe in the Almighty, your majesty. I think it was my duty to help an innocent fellow under such circumstances."


"Take me to see him!"


"As you wish, your Majesty."

She stretches her delicate hand to me and I help her to get in the carriage.

"Allow me to have a word with my lovely sister, your Majesty."




I disguise my fury with a broad smile and take Ada's arm to walk away from the chariot, then I shake her as hard as I can to wake the good sense in her since what she did clearly showed that she hath become insane.

"Why did you do this? What is wrong with thy mind?"


"Let go of me! Th'art hurt'ng mine arm."


"I won't! You are a criminal."


"Well, I clearly didn't get to that point."


"It was not our plan."


"I saved his life. I cleared the arrow out just in time."


"You better leave this place and come with me. They will figure that it was thee."


"I know. I wanted to help Candace. She deserveth to be happy."


"I don't think she will longer be when she finds out that it was thee."


"I didn't mean to hurt the King. I was simply going to shoot it close. It was supposed to be a warning. However, when I saw Gigar next to him, I completely lost it."

He notices the bruises on me and snorts from irritation.


"Who did this to thy neck?"


"Tekle. We can't compare a woman's physical strength to a man's. Can we?"


"I told thee to let me handle it my way. You never listen, Ada!"


"I'm sorry. I was angry, out of my mind... It's too late now. Amul switched up our plans and wanted to pull himself out of the conspiracy. I was so disappointed that my thoughts have shifted to the other option I had left which was to do it myself. Now, he's going to leave me and you too."


"I won't! That's why you have to come with me."


"I have to tell him to forgive me. If I shall be punished, then I will."


"Look at me!" I tilt her chin up.
"I'm thy brother. They will have to run me over before getting to thee."


"If I turn myself in, maybe he'll forgive me."


"It's even more complicated than you think. You believe that he will forgive thee when he finds out about Gigar?"


"He asked my hand for marriage and I consented."


"Art thou mad? That was not on our agenda."


"I love him."


"This is madness! Why art thou so obsessed with him?"


"I do not know. Maybe thou canst tell me."


"I always knew that he was too weak emotionally to take the King down from the throne. Ada, that's his father, for the Earth' sake!"


"He promised me that he'd set our people free. Most of us are suffering from forced labor here. For those who are as fortunate as us, the hardship is bearable. But what about the others? I was so naive believing him!"

Tears start to cascade down my tears and I can't even stop them.


"It's alright." I pull her into my arms. "I understand. Cease thy tears, for thou art not alone."


"I was a fool, Dave. Gigar will sell me away!"


"You grew up around him. Maybe he'll spare thee from this."

I tighten my arms around her, noticing how tense her body gets against me.


"I have something to tell thee about Gigar."

I raise my head.


"What is it?"


"I am not afraid because I have used him to get into the dungeon to help thee and Arthur. But that he would take his own crime and flip it back onto me."


"Crime? What crime art thou referring to?"


"He will twist the story and lie to Amul. I know he will!"


"Did you ever love Gigar?"


"Not after what he did to me!"


"Waste not my patience! Spit it out."


"I can't tell thee. Forgive me! I should have told you the whole truth."


"Thou art trembling! What did that snake do to thee, my sister? Speak to me!"


"If I do, you'll never be able to look at him the same. I would not like you to make the same mistake as me: to dirty thy hands for me!"

I dry my face as soon as the memory of Gigar clouds up my mind, remembering why I have to keep silence over the accident that occured between me and him. I can't tell whether it's dread or shame. Or maybe, it's just both, besides what Amul's reaction will be.

"Now leave! Please."


"I am not leaving without thee. You have not told me yet the story. Besides, if they touch thee again, I will not take it peacefully this time."

She kisses me on the cheek and embraces me tightly before backing away from me.


"No. I'm staying. Take the Princess to Arthur and hurry now. They are coming. I already spread the powder around to knocks the guards out."

(Indistinct mumbling)

"There's an archer at the roof! There's an archer at the roof."


"Go! They're here. Worry not though, I'll be fine."


"You better be, if you don't want that rebellion to cause an outrageous ending."

I rush outside and fix up my helmet.

"Men! Oh ye who know what slavery feels like. Ye whom have dipped your hands in this revolution which we have to make a victory, shoot your shot, for it is our night... The time we've been waiting for. Now, lighten up your arrows!"


I hear David's deep voice giving commands and there seemingly have arrow shooting everywhere which makes me very frantic.

"David? David?"

I call him out, trying to get down the carriage.


"Now, fire!"


As he yells this, hundreds of arrows lunch towards the castle and some of the men rush through the secret passage to execute their plan.

Attempting to go back inside, someone pushes me back into the chariot.


"What were you thinking, Princess? I thought you knew that in this life, you always give something to get what you want. It's all about exchange."


"Saying that, you must be very selfish."


"How ironic! Thy half brother should hear this. Maybe then he could get off his sheep's clothing for once."


"Speak not about my brother! There is no way he could be worse than thee."


"Now, stay easy for the sake of the baby that th'art carry'ng."

I shut the door and order one of my men to take her to the woods. Whereas, Ada is nowhere to be seen. I start looking after her as soon as the trees around the castle start burning down.


As soon as I left David, I went back inside and sneaked through my modest dwelling. A few days ago, I stored a frog in a jar, which I punctured a few holes on the top, so that the small creature could find enough air to breathe.

It had a wounded leg when I found it. So, I prepared a mixture of healing herbs and placed it on the injured area, after tapping some drops into its mouth. It was breathing softly, barely giving me any sign of life. But then, as I have just returned to the room, I found out that the experiment has been successful just as I wished. Now, I have to get the tuft of the remaining herbs and tell someone to bring it over to my lady, Gertrude.

As I reach for the jar to free the frog, the door slams shut. Before I can turn, a hand grabs me and blocks my mouth.


"You better ease thyself, for I am not very pleased with thee."


He taketh his hand down my mouth and turneth me violently toward him.

"Why art thou treating me this way?"


"Why did you attempt to kill my father? You thought I wouldn't find out that it was thee?"


"It's not how you think it is."


"Then explain thyself!"

Even mine own voice frightens me. I didn't mean to yell at her and less, harm her. I just can't fight the anger inside of me. It's burning my bowels out. Setting these words free are the only healing that I can offer to my heart at this current moment.


"I didn't plan to launch the arrow directly at him. It was just to release all the outrage that I felt after our short conversation. Because you lied to me."


"That does not explain the fact that you nearly killed him. I never lied to thee and you know it!"


"How come? You promised my people a better living condition. We agreed about overthrowing the King and that you go to Jerusalem with me. You knew that you were going to stay here and make thy mother comfortable on the throne while I wouldn't be here to enjoy these glorious moments with ye. You were using me since day one, Amul."


"It was only at the beginning, not after. I slowly fell in love with thee along the process. I admit that you were the only innocent, but smartest person that I could get as an accomplice in this affair. Whereas, Ada, you have gone too far."


It's the moment to tell him the truth. If I let this occasion go, I might lose all my chances to gain his forgiveness.

"Innocent? Yes, I was. I wish Gigar understood that when I was just an adolescent growing up in his father's castle. I was only fifteen when he asked me to..."


"Asked you what?"


"Asked me something that was forbidden. He was a lady's gem. No maidens could take a break admiring his handsomeness and... I was sadly one of them."


"Please, don't tell me that you were his maiden before."


"I was. I'm sorry!"


My legs abruptly feel anesthetic while my ears shake from discontent, as a mild pain wraps around my chest area.

"So, thou sayest that I've stolen mine own brother's maiden? That's why he was so angry when he saw thee with me. And you're telling me this just now?"


"I was, but not anymore. We have decided to put an end to our sentimental relationship, just a week ago."


"How canst thou do this to me, Ada? You should've let me know before agreeing to marry me."


"What for? I stopped loving him a long time ago. Our bond lasted only because he had threatened to make me leave the castle. Besides, although you were aware of my feelings for thee, thou hast never reacted. I was tired of waiting, and Gigar was just around the corner. So what did you expect me to do?"


"He's my brother! We are related by blood. Do you understand that? How are you feeling by the fact that you are now standing between the two of us?"


"Ashamed. Or maybe because of the fact that he hath tried to take advantage of me right here in this room and that nobody hath ever found out."


She turns her back away from me in tears.

"What do you mean?"


"I was standing close to the bed, looking in the mirror just after I was done showering. I had my nightgown laid on the pillows while I was drying my hair..."



I ask, tapping my feet on the ground from impatience.


"I heard a knock on the door, so I went and opened it. Then I saw him wearing an enormous smile on his lips. It looked more like a greedy one. He asked if he could come in and before I could answer, he rushed in and locked the door behind him. He said, 'pardon me if I come to notice how sublime thou lookest just now.' At that, he advanced and brushed his thumbs against my cheeks. There was that unreadable message in his eyes, which had me totally unsure about staying or seeking for refuge..."


"I can't believe thee. There is no way that it is the truth!"


"It is! And I'll be alright if you don't consider my words truthful. You never noticed a thing, anyways. And less, cared enough."


"I did care!"


"I doubt it!" I turn back facing him. All my strength is gone. Our love hath no future. This ring that I carry is no longer meaningful. Sadly!

"I just want thee to listen. That's all! Like I was saying, the way that he was staring down at me allowed me to see what was on his mind that night. His eyes glowed with the hunger of getting what he wanted. Me! And I couldn't reply to his advances. I just couldn't do it! I was not that type of girl and he got very angry till he nearly forced me to. I felt powerless, dirty and unworthy. I helplessly reached for my pillows to smother my desperate cries, right after, so nobody would hear a noise just as he instructed. For some reason, he never said that he regretted it or why he spared me from such humiliation. I was just a piece of detritus that he almost used and got rid of. Now tell me, do you think that was love or cruelty?"


"Thou liest. I need proof. I am sure that you would have told somebody if it really happened."


"Tell who? The King? His people? I am a simple servant, a young lass who adds up on his endless lovers' list. You really think that my story would've sounded credible? I had no power, especially because of his countless threats."


"The castle is under attack and I am stuck here with thee after an explanation. It is even worse than what it seems. I can't concentrate. Thou art hung in my thoughts... And I am hurting, very badly, Ada!"


"Thou art not the only one. Besides, David and I have already set the guards up. It's over! That's what you were supposed to do, but since you didn't, we had to act."


"It's my fault! I shouldn't have taught you how to manage a bow and less, a sword. As I look at thee, I tend to see mine own reflection: the bad-sided one. I want the old Ada back. Would that be possible?"


"No. My hands cannot undo what I have done. I am not that sweet little girl that you once knew anymore. I've thenceforth grown insusceptible. I will be punished. Won't I?"


"I am under obligation to take thee before the elders to judge thy case."


"If I confess, wilt thou forgive me?"


"I'm considering to, since you have saved the King's life."

She swiftly grabs the jar which hath a tuft of herbs in it and handeth it to me.


"Take this! Don't mind the frog you see from the other jar. I shall set it free in a second. Put the herbs on your father's wound and make him chew some of it before you discard the rest. That should help for a faster recovery."

I search up a small container that hath my herb powder in it and give it to him as well.

"Keep this close! If ever you get weakened and cannot defend thyself from an opponent, dash a small amount towards them and they shall become drowsy and fall asleep. Just make sure you cover your nose so that you don't breathe it yourself. Thou knowest that I am not fond of violence, but that didn't protect me from being misled by my wicked heart."


She tightens the cap of the jar and a warm tear drops on the back of my hand. That's when I notice her weeping. Her tears are needling my heart with a sharp desire to forgive her. The veins of mine entire body contract from pain. Blood rushes through my head, making it almost impossible to hold back my emotions. My knees weaken seeing the distress that she's in.

"Anything else, before I pronounce the sentence awaiting thee?"


"Yes! I love you. That will be all."


It would take a thousand men to resist the passion tingling in my flesh as mine eyes make contact with hers. Or maybe, I will just ignore it.

"I figured the snare that David hath dragged the men into. It was a clever move from ye."


"We wanted to abduct the king and keep him hostaged until his people come to agree to make a covenant with our fellow Jew brothers..."


"And since you noticed that the King went out on his way to meet me, it was the perfect time to alarm David to attack the castle while you'd warned the King with the arrow and panick my brethren so they take him back to the castle. But, your plan failed because of the misdirection of the arrow. Is that right?"


"Yes. But at that, I was noticed by Tekle and I've struggled to run free from him since he was stronger than me."


"I gave that bow to thee."


"But not thy heart. My help was all that was valuable to thee. I guess I am verily unfortunate when it comes to men."


"If it was true, then I would not be here with thee. Tell me the truth, Ada. Did Gigar really attempt to seek selfish pleasure with thee without thy consent?"

A heavy knock bangs on the door.


"It must be him. So why don't you hide in the closet and find out yourself?"

After hearing Gigar's authoritarian voice telling me to open the door, Amul gets inside the closet in which he hath to bend so he can fit. He looks too robust for a small and ordinary wardrobe as mine.


"Ada, I know you're in there! Open the door."


"What wantest thou?"


"To talk."


"I'm not sure to want to."


"Open the door, I say!"


Wrath echoes in his voice. However, I take the risk doing as he says.

"Hold on!" I unlock it and he enters, dragging me along with him toward the mirror.


"Look in there! What do you see?"


"I don't know. You?"

He twists my arm.


"Look harder."


"Maybe if you could stop being abusive, it would be easier to get the answer you hope to hear."

He turns me toward him and digs his fingers into my cheeks, which makes me let out a soft whimper.


"What is that story that you're marrying Amul?"

She stares at me.


"I want you to leave my room."

I say, as soon as I manage to draw his sword from his scabbard and back away from him.


"I feel like you've made the wrong choice here."


"That's what I should've done five years ago. Remember?"

I point the sword at him.


"I do."


"I pity you! You are worthless. You are not even ashamed."


While she speaks, I look down cautiously at her shaky hands holding the sword and in a sudden, I dodge and snap it away.

"I told you to be careful."


He grabs my arms and nails me to the wall as he places his elbow under my chin.

"Why are you doing all this? What are thy thoughts reveal?"


"If you are not with me, then you'll be with nobody else."


He presses his cold lips against my cheeks, then I shiver.

"Please, stop."


"Why? That's why you wanted me out of your life? To be with him? You played with my senses... Thy words are a venom that is fatal for a man's heart. What about what you told me in the dungeon? Was it another ruse of thee?"


"I do not want to talk about it."


I flinch, mine ears cringe from the eagerness to hear the rest of it.


"You will! Tell me, lovest thou my brother?"


"With every single breath I draw, I do. But how can my soul love thee after thou hast tried to exploit it?"


"And yet, thou promised to give me a second chance if I helped thee with the guards to save Arthur, that welk. I would've never agreed to turn against mine own father's will without thy manipulations. You tricked me, Ada."


"Please, move away from me."

He leans his head forward.


"I wanted to marry thee. I spent many sleepless nights because of my wrongdoings... My sins, to be fair. I confess that I was foolish putting my hands upon thee, offering kisses that thy soul didn't claim. But I was punished enough! Take that stake down my desperate heart, Ada. I can no longer take it!"


"You threatened to get me accused of blasphemy and drag me into forced labor in exchange of my silence upon thy deviant behavior. I was caged, used and left with these tormentous memories of that dull night where you attempted to steal my innocence, the only valuable possession I have."


"I regretted it! Till now. I was scared of losing thee. That's why I was trying to keep thee strapped under my wings with my threats. Forgive me!"


"You killed that love yourself. Now, it's too late to resurrect it. It's dead and rotting in the ground."


"You promised!"


He claps my cheeks while pressing me against the wall.

"I will never be yours. Never!"


""You do not mean it. Look at me."

With minimal effort, I raise her head up.

"Thine eyes are as magnificent as the moon when it emits its contagious beauty in the glorious skies. Why are they filled with tears? Do I disgust thee to that point?"


"I just desire to go back to Jerusalem, my lovely city which thy father destroyed."


"If thou wantest so, I am ready to abandon everything to follow thee. Just one word and I'll deprive thee from the cruel punishment of incarceration. I'll protect thee. All thou hast to say is that you forgive me."


It is clear that my brother is deeply in love with her. It deprives him of sanity and makes him weak. The closet's temperature makes me nearly have the feeling to pass out. I breathe softly while my heart is restless inside me. I am left with a hard choice to make: help her escape and make her my wife or call off our engagement in order to preserve the peace between me and my brother.


"Your father needs you. I can't let you do this. Why do you want me? You would have thousands of maidens dying to espouse thee and be by thy side, even if it would last for one day. Set me free of thy love!"


"Before going to the dungeon, you said, 'I know it is too costly to ask, but I need your help,' and I said 'yes, whatever your demand is, it shall wherefore be my command.' For thee, I was willing to touch fire and kiss danger just to make you smile. I begged and eventually dipped my hands into what I wasn't supposed to, just to gain your forgiveness. When will the time come? I am tired, Ada."


"Stop talking."


She motions to me to quiet down.

"Why? Nobody can hear us. Besides, I have never decided to break up our bond. You did so yourself! Please, get back with me."


It was not what she told me earlier. Was it a lie?


"You told me that you'd give me a break so I could put my thoughts together. We both agreed on that."


"I revealed to thee the secret passage of the castle and sold mine own men away to thy brother, just to prove thee my love. Then you gave me thy word that you'd marry me. I do not even know what I am going to tell my father. I did it all for a maiden. What kind of man am I?"


"Amul owns my heart. I did not expect to receive any ring from him. Mine ears melted at his words. After all, we all have our own little sins to carry."


"Now it's chaos. I will go outside and pretend to do my duty since I've already failed the kingdom."


He backs up and I hold the cue of his coat before he reaches to the door.

"I'm sorry."


"I forgive thee. It maketh sense why Amul was rushing to come here after thee. I hope you weren't the archer who attacked my father."


"All I can say is that I forgive you for everything that happened in the past.
I am not an assassin."


"Thou canst not even deny it. Of course you did! I wish you never came between me and my brother. Because, I'll be torn apart if you choose him and clearly, I won't be able to be close to him as before. I won't expose thee either, since it'll be the little I can do to pay for my actions. The ones I committed five years ago. In that same room, I forcefully claimed thy love, and this is here that it shall be also set free."

I walk out.

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