Adventure in Dreamland - Soni...

By sunnyshade_

6.1K 67 81

(DISCLAIMER: Since I have not watched Sonic X in a while, I'm going to be using the game canon in this story... More

Chapter 1 - The Rough Fall
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Star Warrior
Chapter 3 - A Visit to Cappy Town
Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 6 - Whispy Woods

Chapter 4 - The Fight in Cappy Town

822 7 13
By sunnyshade_

"SONIC, SLOW DOWN!!" Tiff yelled out amidsts the screams of her brother.

"Sorry, kiddo, going slow isn't really my thing."

Sonic screeched to a stop at Cappy Town. A large gray creature with a traditional Japanese-style mallet, a jutted-out jaw, and wearing a cloth held around its waist with a white rope stood within Cappy Town, smashing its mallet onto the town streets.

"Holy Chaos, that thing's the size of a Death Egg robot! Maybe bigger!"

Sonic couldn't help but look at the monster in shock, yet in a battle stance, ready to attack.

"Yeah, Smackdown! Mash them Cappies!"

Sonic turned around to notice a large car in the Cappy Town streets, with what looked like a giant blue penguin-thing wearing red, orange, and white robes. Next to him was a strange purple snail with a green shell.

"What the-"

Tiff quickly pulled him out of the line of sight.

"That's King Dedede and Escargoon! You can't let them see you!"

Bummed out, Sonic ducked behind a building. He sighed, annoyed he couldn't join the fight.

"Hmph, fine. But if that little puffball Kirby gets in a pickle out there, try and get those two out of the way or distract them. I'll help him out."

Tiff nodded in understanding. "I can still get the Warp Star, but if you say you're a hero of your world, you can help out. When Kirby's in a bind, Tuff and I will distract Dedede and Escargoon. Just stay here and make sure those two don't see you!"

"Got it. But don't get yourself into a heap of trouble. I'm stepping in if you two get so much as injured."

Tiff nodded, running out towards her brother.

The monster smashed down its hammer, pieces of the ground beneath its designated smashing area flying into the air.

"Kirby, suck up those rocks!"

Kirby followed Tiff's commands, and Sonic found it hard to believe how Kirby could inhale all those chunks of rock.

"Wow. Tokkori wasn't kidding about that thing's appetite."

Once Kirby inhaled all the chunks launched his way, he leapt into the air and seemed to change form, his pink skin turning to a strange stone brown, and an odd rock hat on his head.

"Yeah, Stone Kirby!" Tuff exclaimed.

"..Stone Kirby? Ok, that thing can eat stuff like rocks and transform? That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Lately."

However, the monster heard Tuff's exclamations, and slammed it's hammer near them, launching them into one of the nearby buildings.

"Tiff! Tuff!"

"Oh no!" Fololo and Falala cried out.

Sonic immediately got out of his hiding spot.

"That's it. I'm going in!"

"Wait, what about Dedede?" Falala asked.

"Distract him or something! I told Tiff if she and Tuff got injured, I'm gonna step in."

Fololo and Falala exchanged glances.

"We're gonna go check on Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby. Try to stay out of trouble!" Fololo responded.

Sonic shrugged. "Trouble's my middle name! But I'll try. Now, go check on the kids. I'll handle the monster."

Fololo and Falala nodded as they flew off towards Tiff and Tuff. With that, Sonic turned towards the monster, taking a step out of hiding.

"Hey ugly!"

The monster turned towards Sonic.

"What in the-" Escargoon and Dedede turned to see Sonic.

"You messed with the wrong hedgehog!"

Sonic sped around the monster, a blue streak forming behind him, keeping him from staying in one spot long enough for the monster to squash him with it's mallet. Leaping from various buildings without the monster smashing any, he bounced off the hammer and leapt onto the monster's jutted-out jaw. When the monster locked it's vision onto him, he pulled down his lower eyelid a bit and stuck his tongue out.


The monster lifted it's hammer to smash him, but Sonic jumped out of the way just in time before the monster smashed it's own head.

"Hey! Watch where you smash that hammer, ya doggone dunce!" Dedede yelled.

"Yeah, smash that blue thing, not your face!"

Sonic turned to see the monster with a dented face.

"Ha! Too easy! Now, time for you to experience a REAL smashdown from the Hero of Mobius!"

Dashing towards the monster and sitting on his foot, he relaxed.

As Tiff looked up from where she was thrown to, she saw Sonic just chillaxing on the monster's foot.

"What's he doing?!"

Sonic looked up at the monster.

"Hey hammerface! Down here!"

The monster looked down and raised its hammer to smash Sonic, but the blue hedgehog sped away just in time, causing the monster to squash it's own foot, denting it.

"Wow! Look at him go!" Tuff yelled.

"Tuff, this is bad! He's gonna get spotted by Dedede!"

Tiff quickly got up and ran towards Kirby, still as Stone Kirby.

"Kirby, get in there and help out Sonic before he gets in any more trouble!"

"He seems to be handling himself just fine, Tiff. Look!" Tuff interrupted.

Tiff turned around to see Sonic rushing onto various parts of the monster, taunting it, and then dashing out of the way before the monster damaged itself.

"Haha!" "Over here!" "Nope, down here!" "Is that the best you can do?" "Whoops, up here!"

Tiff was a bit astonished. "Wow, he's really good! But Kirby should still get in there and help him. Kirby knows how to beat these monsters better than Sonic, so we should still get the upper hand on Dedede!"

Kirby picked himself up and nodded. "Poyo."

Sonic was trying to catch his breath for a moment, seeing Kirby run up to him.

"Heh... You gonna pitch in, Kirby? I could use a little help taking down Cuddly over here."


"Exactly! I think."

The two dodged another hammer slam from the monster, jumping out of its smashing range. Tiff and Tuff ran in.

"Hey Tiff! What exactly can Kirby do in this form?"

"He can transform into various heavy stones. Why?"

Sonic smirked. "I've got a plan."

The blue hedgehog directed his attention to Kirby.

"Ok, Kirby, here's the plan; I'll get you on top of the monster high enough for you to turn into a stone or whatever it is you do as Stone Kirby and smash down on him. I'll be right below you, spin dashing through it enough to split it in half. It should break no sweat. Ready?"


"Alright, let's go!"

Picking up the small Star Warrior, Sonic made his way across various building roofs in Cappy Town.

"Hey, what's that blue thing doing with that pink pest?" Escargoon tried to ask before getting whacked on the head by Dedede's hammer.

"Tryin' to beat our monster, that's what! Smackdown, squash 'em!"

"Sire, that blue pincushion's going faster than anything in Dreamland. Smackdown couldn't get him to stay still!"

However, this moment was cut short with Sonic hopping on Dedede's head to get some lift.

"Alright, Kirby, here we go!" Sonic called out to his puffball pal.


Sonic threw Kirby up above him like a volleyball, positioned right above the monster's head.

"Ok, let's do it to it!"

Sonic spindashed straight down, practically splitting the monster in half. As he did so, Kirby transformed into a stone and fell fast.

Once on the ground, Sonic dashed out from underneath the monster, avoiding Kirby's crushing blow. The monster was nothing but debris after Kirby changed back. The brown color on Kirby's skin and the rock hat dissapated, returning Kirby to his original pink self.

"Alright! Nice job, Kirby!"

Sonic lifted up his hand, and Kirby leapt up to high-five him with his tiny stubby pink arm (since he had a lack of hands).

"Woo! That was awesome!"

He spun around to see Tiff and Tuff behind him.

"You two alright?"

Tuff immediately spoke up.

"Alright? Who cares? That was AWESOME!! How'd you go right through that thing?"

"Well, it's a little technique I call a spindash. I curl up in a ball, I spin really fast, and then these quills can cut through any robot Eggman throws at me! Plus it works great on these monster things, apparently. I've used it on things like water monsters trashing cities, so using on a monster is no big-"

"Well look what we got here!"

The blue hedgehog spun around to see Dedede and Escargoon standing behind him and Kirby.

"You got some nerve helping that pink goofball take down Smackdown!" Escargoon yelled.

"Oh yeah? Well YOU'VE got some nerve sending a monster on a town of innocent people! Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree where I'm from."

"Watch your mouth in front of His Majesty King Dedede!"

Sonic smirked and folded his arms hearing of the name.

"So you ARE this Dedede guy I've been told about. Well, I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, since you almost trashed all of Cappy Town with that giant monster."

Dedede pulled out his hammer in frustration, but Escargoon interrupted the scene before an attempt to turn Sonic into a blue pancake was made.

"You don't look like you're from Dreamland. Where'd you come from?"

Sonic turned his head. "Like I'd tell you anything!"

But Dedede hatched a plan. "Hold up, if you ain't from here, that means you don't got somewhere to live, right?"

This dawned on Sonic. "Uhh... so what if I don't?"

Escargoon caught on. "Well, you could bunk with these two little troublemakers in Castle Dedede. Since it looks like you've made friends with them, I'm sure they'd be fine with it."

The blue hedgehog was a bit befuddled by this.

"Hold on, why would you let me live in your castle after I just wrecked your monster?"

"Yeah, this seems pretty suspicious of you, Dedede. What're you planning?" Tiff backed up Sonic's suspicions.

However, Tuff intervened, grabbing his sister by the arm.

"What?! C'mon, let him stay in the castle! He's not gonna be better off with us leaving him out in Dreamland by himself!"

Tiff didn't want to admit it, but Tuff was right. She sighed.

"Fine. We'll take him to Mom and Dad."

Tuff grabbed Sonic by the arm and pulled him along to the castle.

"Alright! C'mon, Sonic!"

"Woah, kiddo, slow down! Wait, what am I saying?! I'll race ya!"

As they ran off, Tiff, Kirby, Fololo, and Falala followed them, with Tiff shooting an icy glare at Dedede before focusing back on following Tuff.

"Sire, this is genius! With that spikeball inside the castle, we'll get better info on him!"

"Yeah, and maybe that'll help us get rid of that pink pain for good!"

The two laughed maniacally as they made their way back to the castle.

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