Shep689 Oneshots

By breeoc97

28.6K 846 248

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have th... More

welcome to shep689 oneshots!
new beginnings
first family vlog!
benji's sick day
grandparents visit!
instagram captions #1
what we always wanted
hospital trip!
telling benji & the fans!
it's a .....
name reveal!
day in the life vlog!
nursery tour
p.o box haul
welcoming coralei
bringing coralei home
instagram captions #2
meet coralei q&a!
first vlog as a family of 4
grandparents meet coralei
all about benji q&a
dentist time
benji's first day of preschool!
snapchat #1
bringing benji home
one year later
benji vlogs
birthday party planning!
rj's birthday!
dear benji
benji's 4th birthday
more birthday fun!
future grandparents
preschool parent-teacher conference!
postpartum depression
instagram captions #3
snapchat #2
trick or treat!
the shepherd's come to town
telling their parents
the aguiar's come to town
adoption q&a
will's birthday!
is the baby coming?!?!
sick day!
baby shower
date night!
parenting q&a
instagram captions #4
rj & benji's fun day
happy anniversary
will & benji's fun day
benji graduates preschool!
we can't believe it!
first dr. appointment
telling the kids!
telling family & the fans!
baby #3 q&a
family time & buying clothes!
it's a ....
hanging out w/ the shepherds!
hanging out w/ the aguiars!
baby boy name reveal
school supplies shopping
first day of school!
benji gets hurt!
nursery reveal
benji's 1st concert
coralei's 1st birthday
benji's 5th birthday
p.o box haul #2
welcoming theodore
skyping with theodore
the kids meet theodore
instagram captions #5
first family of 5 vlog!
grandparents meet theodore
q&a: the hard questions
snapchat #3
benji's book
benji q&a
benji's nightmare
water park!
instagram captions #6
rainy day!
wiggly tooth, allergies & more!
what benji remembers
kindergarten field trip!
he's our boy
benji's first week home
coralei's 1st haircut!
museum day!
adoption is tough sometimes
snapchat #4
benji's first christmas home!
will comes home!
theodore's 1st plane ride
spring break fun!
meeting benji for the 1st time!
all about theodore q&a
fall fun!
ptsd in benji's words
coralei gets glasses
will volunteers in benji's class!
instagram captions #7
coldplay date night
snapchat #5
benji saves his teacher!
coralei gets a big girl bed!
day in the life with ptsd
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
will faints
christmas shopping!
little heart to heart
meeting with santa
we wish you a merry shepherd-aguiar christmas!
benji's 1st school dance
ew! a skunk!
day in the life vlog!
benji's 1st time in florida!
theodore's first outing
instagram captions #8
coralei's bad night
i miss mommy
valentine's day surprise!
snapchats #6
coralei is two!
benji finds out
easter pregnancy announcement!
coralei's 2nd birthday
benji's first soccer game
benji turns six!
instagram captions #9
theodore's 1st birthday
changed our minds?
baby #4 is a.....
name reveal & nursery!
welcoming harlow
mother's day
the kids meet harlow!
instagram captions #10
the family tree grows
harlow's first outing
family quinceanera
benji's biological family q&a
snapchats #7
water park fun!
family meets harlow
theodore goes to sesame street!
buying school supplies & clothes
first day of school
sickness everywhere!
instagram captions #11
coralei's first school field trip
pumpkin patch fun!
a shep689 halloween
coralei turns three!
benji needs glasses
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
benji turns seven!
decorating for christmas & meeting santa
have a holly jolly christmas!
snapchats #8
happy new year!
instagram captions #12
will's birthday celebration
day in the life with four kids!
coralei is little miss sassy
valentine's day
theodore turns two!
instagram captions #13
benji gets his first phone
theodore's sick day
st. patrick's day
redoing coralei's bedroom
seeing the easter bunny!
easter day fun
benji plays hockey!
palm desert vacay!
instagram captions #14
snapchats #9
hard decisions
meeting benji's dad side
family pool day
day in the life vlog ~ summer edition!
dinosaur world!
dobby's tooth extraction
instagam captions #15
snapchats #10
florida fun with family - part 1
florida fun with family - part 2
dobby's birthday
harlow begins to walk!
first day of school
harlow 1st birthday!

taking 4 kids shopping!

113 2 0
By breeoc97

*RJ ventures out with all four of the kids and takes them grocery shopping while Will rests! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙*

The Shepherd-Aguiar household has literally no food! The older three kids were sick with nasty colds for almost a week and they couldn't get to the grocery store. Now Will has caught the cold bug and is currently sick in bed.

RJ decides to let Will get some much needed rest, peace and quiet without any of the kids bothering him and saying Daddy nonstop. Will is rarely sick and when he is sick he's down for the count for a few days.

RJ is going to take all FOUR kids out to get much needed groceries. He hasn't taken all four of the kids out by himself especially Harlow, since she is only three weeks old and mostly exclusively breastfeeds. He's hoping the kids don't act out and Harlow will take a bottle for him if needed.

All of the kids are ready to go and are waiting for RJ. Benji and Coralei are already arguing about something. RJ grabs his iPhone and wallet. He wakes up Will by accidentally turning the light on.

Will wakes up and sits up slowly.

"Sorry, babe! I didn't mean to turn the light on." RJ whispers as he sits down next to Will.

"It's alright. Where are you going, babe?" Will asks RJ as he rubs his eyes.

"I'm going to take the kids out for a little bit and get some groceries, we have no food. I want you to just rest and relax today. Do you need anything while we are out shopping, babe?" RJ asks Will as he kisses him softly.

"No, I don't need anything. But if I do, I'll call you, babe." Will says as he yawns.

"Well, rest up babe. You need to rest to feel better. I love you!" RJ whispers as he kisses Will twice.

"I love you too, babe." Will says as he smiles.

RJ films all of the kids sitting in the car ready to go. Benji and Coralei are in the very back while Theodore and Harlow are in front of them. Harlow is snuggled up in an pale purple blanket and is fast asleep. Theodore is holding his Eeyore stuffed animal that he carries around everywhere.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

"Where are we are going, guys?" RJ asks the kids.

"To the grocery store!" Benji and Coralei say in unison as they wave happily at the camera.

"Hi!" Theodore says as he waves happily at the camera.

"We are going to get some much needed groceries so I decided we can all go together and work as a team!" RJ says with a thumbs up.

"Yeah! Teamwork!" Benji says as Coralei giggles and Theodore hugs his Eeyore.

"Will has gotten the kid's nasty cold bug so I am letting him rest at home without any interruptions." RJ says as he begins to drive to the grocery store.

"We are driving Will's car because I still haven't upgraded my car to fit all four of these kiddos just yet! I know that sounds crazy that I haven't done that yet. But within the next month I'll get a new car, so I can take all four of these kiddos out if need be when Will goes back to work after his maternity leave ends. Well, we are going to head to the grocery store! See you guys when we get there!" RJ says as the kids wave.

RJ and the kids have made it to the grocery store! RJ is changing Harlow's diaper and she is crying loudly.

"It's okay, Harlow. It's okay, baby girl. Shh, shh, shh." RJ says softly to a fussy Harlow.

RJ puts Harlow's pants back on her and fixes her onesie. RJ then puts a pacifier in Harlow's mouth and she happily sucks on it.

"There you go, baby girl. You had a stinky diaper, girly! Pee yew!" RJ says as Harlow looks up at RJ and continues to happily sucks on her pacifier.

RJ then puts the baby carrier on himself and then puts Harlow inside. Harlow curls up in the baby carrier and gets comfortable.

"There you go, baby girl. All ready to go!" RJ says as he kisses Harlow's head.

Benji helps Coralei and Theodore unbuckle out of their car seats. Coralei and Theodore happily get out of their car seats and hug each other. Benji then climbs out of the car and smiles at RJ.

"Hey bubba, can you go get me a shopping cart from over there?" RJ asks Benji.

"Yes, Papi!" Benji says as he runs over to the shopping cart corral and grabs a shopping cart.

"Okay, Coralei and Theodore! Let's get going guys!" RJ says as helps Coralei and Theodore get out of the car.

RJ locks up the car and holds Theodore and Coralei's hands. Benji brings over the shopping cart and smiles at RJ.

"Thank you, bubba! Hey Coralei and Theodore, do you guys wanna get in the shopping cart?" RJ asks Coralei and Theodore.

"I do, Papi!" Coralei says happily.

"Me!" Theodore says, jumping up and down.

RJ picks up Coralei and Theodore and sits them in the seating area of the shopping cart. This shopping cart has a double seating area so they can both sit together.

"We are at the grocery store! We are finally heading in now! Harlow woke up while we were driving here and cried until we got here. She had a nasty stinky diaper so I had to change her and now she is content in the baby carrier. Theodore and Coralei are sitting together in the shopping cart and Benji is right here!" RJ says playing with Benji's hair.

RJ vlogs Theodore and Coralei and Coralei waves happily.

"Coralei's hair is looking cray today, but she didn't want me to do anything with her hair today so this is how we roll!" RJ says as Coralei giggles.

RJ films Coralei, Theodore and Benji eating a pretzel from Auntie Anne's. Benji is dunking his pretzel in a small cheese cup.

"We haven't even started grocery shopping yet and the kids are hungry already! So we got some Auntie Anne's pretzels! Coralei and Theodore are just having a plain pretzel while Benji is having a pretzel with pepperonis on it and has cheese to have with it. Harlow is also eating! She is having a bottle of breast milk, woohoo! She likes breastfeeding better but I'm glad she is taking the bottle without any problems! So we will see you guys after our quick snack!" RJ says with a smile.

After a quick snack break, RJ and the kids begin grocery shopping!

RJ films a time lapse of himself and the kids shopping around the grocery store. Benji and Coralei pick out a few things and put them in the shopping cart. RJ films a clip of Theodore watching Mickey Mouse on his iPhone and Theodore smiles at RJ. RJ then films Benji and Coralei holding hands and running around the aisles together happily. RJ films Harlow sleeping on him in the baby carrier.

"Do you think we have everything we need, guys?" RJ asks the kids.

"Yeah!" Coralei says as she dances around the shopping cart.

"I think we do, Papi! We have a lot of yummy food!" Benji says as he grins.

"Ya! Papi, juice!" Theodore says to RJ.

"What do you say, Teddy?" RJ asks Theodore, making sure he uses his manners.

"Wease!" Theodore says with a smile.

"Here you go, bud." RJ says as Theodore holds his juice cup and happily drinks.

"Tank you!" Theodore says with a smile.

"You're welcome, bud! Okay, we need to get a few more things guys! Follow me!" RJ says as he pushes the cart with Coralei and Benji following him.

"Our shopping cart is loaded down with a bunch of food! We will probably have enough food for a few weeks! We are now in the cosmetic area of the store! And you are probably wondering why we are over here! Well one, Will and I needed some toiletries so I picked them up! And we needed moisturizer because we can't have nasty crusty faces!" RJ says as he giggles.

Harlow spits her pacifier out and RJ ends the clip.

"Harlow likes to spit out her pacifier out so sorry about that! I also had to pick the kids up some tooth paste and mouth wash and now we are in the cosmetic area! Benji is picking up a present. Benji, do you wanna tell the camera what you are picking up?" RJ says as he films Benji.

"I am picking up a present for my cousin Gabriella! She is having a big birthday party and we are going!" Benji says with a big smile, showing his adult and little teeth along with missing teeth.

"Benji's cousin from his biological mom's side of the family is having a quinceanera, which is a huge birthday party for a fifteen year old girl. We are really excited to meet other family members in Benji's biological family. We are so happy that we are invited." RJ says as he rubs Harlow's head.

RJ films Benji looking around the makeup aisle. He picks up a nail polish and looks at it.

"What do you think Gabriella will like, bubba?" RJ asks Benji.

"Nail polish and lipstick!" Benji says happily.

"Aw! I think she will like that a lot, bub!" RJ says as Benji picks out two colors of nail polish and a lipstick.

RJ and the kids picks up a few more groceries before heading to the check out line!

RJ films a time lapse of himself, Benji and Coralei putting the groceries on the conveyor belt.

"We are finally out of the grocery store! Woohoo! I survived taking four kids to the grocery store! Will called and wants Starbucks so we are going to Starbucks after we put all of the groceries in the car. Do you guys want a Starbucks drink?" RJ asks the kids.

"Me!" Coralei says with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, I would like a Starbucks drink!" Benji says happily.

"What about you, Teddy?" RJ asks Theodore.

"Ya!" Theodore says as he grins.

"Okay, let's get the groceries in the trunk!" RJ says as Coralei and Theodore cheer in excitement.

RJ films another time lapse of himself getting all of the groceries in the trunk and buckling the three little kids into their car seats.

"We finally made it home! Sorry I didn't film anything else from our trip! We went to Starbucks and we had to bring all of the groceries in! But we are home!" RJ says as he let's Dobby outside.

"Harlow, Theodore and Coralei are all sleeping in their bedrooms, taking their afternoon naps. Will and Benji are watching a movie in our bedroom and I am going to join them after Dobby is finished using the bathroom! I am actually going to end the vlog here for today! I hope you guys enjoyed watching us go grocery shopping! We will definitely film us going to the quinceanera so get ready for that cool vlog! We love you guys and we will see you guys next time! Bye!" RJ says as he waves goodbye and turns the camera off.

RJ posts a picture of himself and the kids grocery shopping. RJ is baby wearing Harlow, Benji is standing on the back of the shopping cart and Coralei and Theodore are sitting in the double shopping cart seat. He writes the caption as: "I braved the grocery store with all four kiddos! We managed to get everything we needed and more! Now we are having a family day as a family of six! 👱🏻‍♂️🧔🏻🧒🏻👧🏻👦🏻👶🏻🐶"

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