Shep689 Oneshots

By breeoc97

28.6K 846 248

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have th... More

welcome to shep689 oneshots!
new beginnings
first family vlog!
benji's sick day
grandparents visit!
instagram captions #1
what we always wanted
hospital trip!
telling benji & the fans!
it's a .....
name reveal!
day in the life vlog!
nursery tour
p.o box haul
welcoming coralei
bringing coralei home
instagram captions #2
meet coralei q&a!
first vlog as a family of 4
grandparents meet coralei
all about benji q&a
dentist time
benji's first day of preschool!
snapchat #1
bringing benji home
one year later
benji vlogs
birthday party planning!
rj's birthday!
dear benji
benji's 4th birthday
more birthday fun!
future grandparents
preschool parent-teacher conference!
postpartum depression
instagram captions #3
snapchat #2
trick or treat!
the shepherd's come to town
telling their parents
the aguiar's come to town
adoption q&a
will's birthday!
is the baby coming?!?!
sick day!
baby shower
date night!
parenting q&a
instagram captions #4
rj & benji's fun day
happy anniversary
will & benji's fun day
benji graduates preschool!
we can't believe it!
first dr. appointment
telling the kids!
telling family & the fans!
baby #3 q&a
family time & buying clothes!
it's a ....
hanging out w/ the shepherds!
hanging out w/ the aguiars!
baby boy name reveal
school supplies shopping
first day of school!
benji gets hurt!
nursery reveal
benji's 1st concert
coralei's 1st birthday
benji's 5th birthday
p.o box haul #2
welcoming theodore
skyping with theodore
the kids meet theodore
instagram captions #5
first family of 5 vlog!
grandparents meet theodore
q&a: the hard questions
snapchat #3
benji's book
benji q&a
benji's nightmare
water park!
instagram captions #6
rainy day!
wiggly tooth, allergies & more!
what benji remembers
kindergarten field trip!
he's our boy
benji's first week home
coralei's 1st haircut!
museum day!
adoption is tough sometimes
snapchat #4
benji's first christmas home!
will comes home!
theodore's 1st plane ride
spring break fun!
meeting benji for the 1st time!
all about theodore q&a
fall fun!
ptsd in benji's words
coralei gets glasses
will volunteers in benji's class!
instagram captions #7
coldplay date night
snapchat #5
benji saves his teacher!
coralei gets a big girl bed!
day in the life with ptsd
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
will faints
christmas shopping!
little heart to heart
meeting with santa
we wish you a merry shepherd-aguiar christmas!
benji's 1st school dance
ew! a skunk!
day in the life vlog!
benji's 1st time in florida!
theodore's first outing
instagram captions #8
coralei's bad night
i miss mommy
valentine's day surprise!
snapchats #6
coralei is two!
benji finds out
easter pregnancy announcement!
coralei's 2nd birthday
benji's first soccer game
benji turns six!
instagram captions #9
theodore's 1st birthday
changed our minds?
name reveal & nursery!
welcoming harlow
mother's day
the kids meet harlow!
instagram captions #10
the family tree grows
harlow's first outing
taking 4 kids shopping!
family quinceanera
benji's biological family q&a
snapchats #7
water park fun!
family meets harlow
theodore goes to sesame street!
buying school supplies & clothes
first day of school
sickness everywhere!
instagram captions #11
coralei's first school field trip
pumpkin patch fun!
a shep689 halloween
coralei turns three!
benji needs glasses
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
benji turns seven!
decorating for christmas & meeting santa
have a holly jolly christmas!
snapchats #8
happy new year!
instagram captions #12
will's birthday celebration
day in the life with four kids!
coralei is little miss sassy
valentine's day
theodore turns two!
instagram captions #13
benji gets his first phone
theodore's sick day
st. patrick's day
redoing coralei's bedroom
seeing the easter bunny!
easter day fun
benji plays hockey!
palm desert vacay!
instagram captions #14
snapchats #9
hard decisions
meeting benji's dad side
family pool day
day in the life vlog ~ summer edition!
dinosaur world!
dobby's tooth extraction
instagam captions #15
snapchats #10
florida fun with family - part 1
florida fun with family - part 2
dobby's birthday
harlow begins to walk!
first day of school
harlow 1st birthday!

baby #4 is a.....

110 3 0
By breeoc97

*Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore find out what the new baby is! What do you guys think? A boy or a girl? Send suggestions! Love • Bree! 💚*

Today is the BIG day! Will and RJ are finding out the gender of Baby Shepherd-Aguiar #4! They thought they could wait until the baby's birthday but they just couldn't any longer!

At Will's last doctors appointment, the doctor found the baby's gender right away and put the results in an envelope so Will and RJ can do a gender reveal with the kids!

Will and RJ decorate their kitchen island a little bit because they are filming the gender reveal on the kitchen.

"Look at the cute question mark, guys! We are doing the baby's gender reveal today! The color of the question mark doesn't mean the baby is a boy! It's the only type of butcher paper color we have! So shh! Anyway, we wanted something kinda cute on the table since we are filming this! I hope this doesn't make a mess! You know I'm a controlling bitch that way." Will says as RJ giggles.

"Don't worry I'll have a towel ready just in case! This is a cute idea though. Something different and cool! Benji and Coralei are so excited to do this! They have asked me twenty times is it time to make the volcano." RJ says as he kisses Will's cheek.

"Who wants to help Papi make the volcano?" Will yells from the kitchen to the kids.

"ME! ME! ME!" Coralei says as she runs into the kitchen, hugging RJ's leg.

"Me too! Me too!" Benji says as he and Theodore walk into the kitchen.

"I'm so happy to have some helpers! This volcano is going to be so cool! It is going to tell us if the baby in Daddy's belly is a boy or a girl!" RJ says as Will nods happily and pats his baby bump.

Coralei and Benji climb on the bar stools and sit down. Theodore is running around the kitchen, clearly not interested on what's going on.

"We gotta make the volcano and then wrap it around this tiny vase! Sound good, guys?" RJ says to Coralei and Benji.

"Yes!" Coralei and Benji say in unison.

RJ grabs everything they will need to make the volcano. Coralei and Benji wash their hands and then sit back down on the bar stool.

"Are you guys excited that we are going to find out what the baby is?" Will asks Coralei and Benji.

"Yeah!" Coralei says as Will fixes her crooked glasses.

"I am so excited! I couldn't wait anymore!" Benji says with a little giggle.

"Papi and I are really excited too! I'm excited to decorate the baby's nursery!" Will says as Theodore babbles loudly making him giggle. 

Will films a time lapse of Benji and Coralei making a batch of salt dough with RJ and then covering a small vase with it! Benji adds a little LEGO man near the volcano.

"Benji and Coralei helped RJ make the volcano! It is so cute! They did an awesome job! Also, if you are wondering where Theodore is, he wants no part of this process which is expected. He is only one and he rather watch Coco." Will says as Theodore hugs his leg.

"Hi, buddy! Your hair is getting so long." Will says as Theodore babbles.

"Da da!" Theodore says as he looks up at Will and smiles.

"Daddy and I gotta add the ingredients in the volcano! You guys can play until we are done!" RJ says as Benji, Theodore and Coralei run over to Dobby and play.

"We didn't want the kids spoiling the surprise! Shh!" RJ says as Will giggles.

"Benji wouldn't have, but Coralei would have. She can't keep a secret, you guys have seen that with our pregnancy announcement!" Will says as he fixes his shirt.

Will and RJ then fill the vase with the colored vinegar with their eyes closed because they didn't wanna see the color! They then added a squirt of dish soap!

"Vinegar and dish soap doesn't smell good together! Eww! Oh my God!" Will says as he gags a little bit.

"It does stink! Eww! Okay guys! You can come back in the kitchen!" RJ says as he covers the top of the volcano with a piece of tissue.

Will and RJ pull out the baking soda packets that the midwife made for them to pour into the volcano. Their midwife is like a best friend to them!

Benji, Coralei and Theodore walk back into the kitchen. Benji and Coralei sit on the bar stools and wait patiently.

RJ picks up Theodore and tickles him making him giggle loudly.

*Benji, Coralei and Theodore's outfits*

"Okay guys, we are going to put the baking soda in the volcano! Are you guys excited?" RJ asks the kids as he bounces Theodore on his hip.

"Yes!" Coralei and Benji say in unison.

"Ya!" Theodore says happily.

"Remember guys, a blue explosion means the baby is a boy and a reddish pink explosion means the baby is a girl!" Will says as he sets the camera on the tripod before walking over to Coralei and Theodore.

"How come it isn't pink? Why a reddish pink?" Benji asks Will and RJ.

"That's a good question, bud! I don't know the answer to that!" RJ says to Benji.

"Pour it in slowly!" Will says as he, RJ, Benji and Coralei pour the baking soda into the volcano.

"I hear it fizzing! Woah!" Benji says trying to see inside the volcano.

"Don't put your face near it, bubba. Stand back." Will says.

"It sounds like it's about to explode!" RJ says as Theodore covers his ears afraid of the volcano popping.

"Yay! Explode!" Coralei cheers, making Will and RJ laugh.

Then, the volcano begins to blow over, revealing pink suds!

"IT'S A GIRL!" RJ and Will say in unison as they hug each other.

Will and RJ's guesses were wrong!

"Our moms were right, baby! We are having another girl!" RJ says as he kisses Will a few times.

"I thought for sure it was a boy! Wow, I was so off! Now I need to find cute baby girl nursery ideas online!" Will says as he kisses RJ's cheek.

"Baby sister! Yay!" Benji and Coralei cheer in excitement!

"You are going to have a baby sister, Teddy! Yay!" Will says as Theodore smiles, even though he doesn't know what that means.

"Look guys! Ms. Hailey got the baby a little sister onesie! How cute!" RJ says as he holds up the pink onesie.

"It says best little sister! Aww." Will says as he placed the onesie on his baby bump.

"We have no name picked out! What so ever! We were taking about names last night and couldn't agree on anything! So, please give us some ideas! We want something that goes well with Benjamin, Coralei, and Theodore." RJ says as the kids play with the volcano.

"Was your guess right? Leave it down below! We love you guys and will see you next time!" Will says as he and RJ wave goodbye.

"Bye!" Benji, Theodore and Coralei say in unison as they wave goodbye.

The text at the end of the video says: Baby Shepherd-Aguiar is a GIRL!

Will posts a picture of the kids, RJ and himself's reaction to the volcano exploding! You can see the pink coming out of the volcano. He writes the caption as: "Baby #4 is a little GIRL! RJ and I are so excited to welcome this little girl into our family in September! I am so blessed to have two boys and two girls! Our family is officially complete! 💙💖💙💖 #ItsAGirl"

RJ posts a picture of the volcano and the picture shows the kids reactions! He writes the caption as: "We have another princess coming into our family soon! Coralei is very excited to have a baby sister to play dress up with! Benji really wanted another sister and he is getting one! Theodore still kinda doesn't understand what going on, but he is excited either way! Will and I are so happy to have four healthy and amazing kids! What a dream come true! Now it's time to debate on a name, since we have NO girl name ideas! 💙💖💙💖"

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