Plagg meets Marinette

By Jazzmino-Cappuccino

1.3M 42K 66.5K

Plagg was bored. He was just sitting in Adrien's bag with absolutely nothing to do. He was just about to fall... More

Ch.2 A Heart-to-Heart with Tikki and Plagg
Ch.3 Kittens
Ch.4 A Visit
Ch. 5 An Invitation
Ch.6 The Ladybug Ball
Ch.7 Operation Ladynoir
Ch.8 Just a Friend
Ch.9 A race
Ch.10 Denial
Ch.11 Interviews
Ch.12 Acceptance pt.1
Ch.13 Acceptance pt.2
Ch.14 An akuma
Ch.15 Sleepy Kitty
Ch.16 kiss and make up
Ch.17 he likes someone else?
Ch.18 The Confession
Ch.19 The heart wants what it wants
Ch.20 A valentine's day gift
Ch. 21 What are we?
Ch.22 Imagination
Ch.23 Instincts
Ch.24 The test
Ch.25 The reveal

Ch. 1 Plagg Meets Marinette

119K 2.8K 5.1K
By Jazzmino-Cappuccino

Edited 9/16/2018
Fan art artist: Lolohime

Plagg was not having a good day. The day started off with Adrien oversleeping and running out the door, causing Plagg to miss breakfast. The creamy Camembert practically screamed at Plagg to eat, but instead it taunted him as he was pulled away from it.

Not to mention that Adrien did not stock up on Camembert, leaving Plagg practically starving. Now he was forced to sit in the dark, cheeseless prison of Adrien's bag for six hours while he finished school... school of all things?! Ugh, life was unfair.

Suddenly, Plagg picked up the scent of cheese. It most definitely wasn't Camembert, but he was so hungry he didn't care. He carefully peeked out of Adrien's bag, decided the coast was clear, and followed the scent. It was coming from the girl's backpack who sat behind him- Marinette, if he recalled correctly.

His nose told him he had found a cheese danish. Jackpot. He took a large bite out of the sweet pastry, smiling happily. Once he was finished, he realized how tired he actually was. Marinette's bag was much more comfortable than Adrien's. There would be no harm if he decided to take quick cat nap. Adrien wouldn't notice if he was gone for a few moments.

He let his eyelids close and sleep overtook him.

When he awoke, he was hit with a bright light. He stared dazedly, still half-asleep. A pair of bright blue eyes stared back down at him. A jolt of worry passed through him and he looked around. Currently, he was sitting in Marinette's hand, in her room! Oh no! He had overslept!

"Oh, are you alright?" she asked him.

"No, I'm starving! Do you have any Camembert? Or any cheese at all?" he asked her. His surprise didn't last long when he realized he was still absolutely famished.

"Oh, wait here, I'll go get you something," she said, gently putting him down. She walked down the staircase.

While he waited, Plagg looked around and snickered. There seemed to be a lot of pictures of Adrien in her room.

A few minutes later, she reappeared with some Camembert.

"Here, snack on this while I make you something. You must be starving, sitting around in my bag all day," she said, giving him the Camembert and disappearing again back downstairs. Roughly half an hour later she came back with a tray filled with an assortment of cheesy items.

"I don't know what you like so I brought you some cheese croissants, cheese danishes, specially made cheese macaroons, and a cheese tart. I also made you some cheese sauce," she said, referring to the cup.

"Oh, you angel. It's perfect," Plagg dreamily told her as she set it down.

He was in cheese heaven. Everything was so delicious- not to get started on the cheese sauce. Plagg couldn't get enough of it. Marinette had gone into the bathroom and seemed to be talking to herself in the mirror, but Plagg wasn't paying attention to her- he was too focused on his delicious cheese. When Plagg was finished, he couldn't believe the day would come, but he was full. Marinette came out and sat next to him.

"So, what's your name?" She asked him.

"I'm Plagg," he told her.

"I'm Marinette. So Plagg, how am I going to get you back to Cat Noir? I'm assuming you're his kwami," she told him.

"How do you know what a kwami is Marinette?" he asked, surprised she knew what he was.

"Because Plagg, she has her own kwami," a voice sang joyously. Plagg looked around the room to see a red kwami with black polka dots. It was Tikki!

"Tikki? You mean that this is-"

"The one and only Ladybug!" Tikki finished.

Plagg couldn't believe it. I mean, the resemblance was uncanny. The hair, the eyes, her kindness to help people, or in this case kwamis in need. If he was paying more attention to Adrien's classmates he would've made the connection quite quickly. He couldn't believe how dense his miraculous holder was.

"Plagg, are you alright? Do you need any more cheese? Tikki already had her dinner." Marinette told him.

"No thank you Princess, I'm quite full," he told her.

"That's good," Marinette said. Unconsciously, she had begun to stroke his head. What surprised Plagg the most was that he enjoyed it, and actually began purring. Marinette giggled. Plagg could now see why his kid fell in love with this girl. She was amazing. Tikki sure was lucky to get her as her miraculous holder.

"Plagg, how am I going to get you back to Cat Noir? He can't transform without you." she asked.

"Don't worry Princess, tomorrow just bring me to school with you and I'l be able to find him. It's where he lost me." Plagg said.

"That's good," she said. He saw relief in her eyes knowing he could safely return to Adrien.

"Oh, and Marinette?" Plagg said.

"Yes?" she responded.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Cat Noir anything about your identity. Cat's honor!" he said, placing one hand over his heart and one hand into the air.

"Thank you, Plagg. It's time I go to bed. Tikki usually sleeps with me, but do you want your own bed?" Marinette asked him.

"It's quite alright. Thank you for offering," Plagg said.

Marinette went into the bathroom and changed, then she went into bed. After a couple minutes, she was sound asleep.

"So do tell me how you managed to end up in Marinette's backpack," Tikki said.

"I was hungry, and I smelled cheese. I followed the scent into your miraculous holder's backpack. While I was there, I fell asleep and woke up here." Plagg told her.

Tikki sighed. "Your miraculous holder is probably worried sick, this is incredibly irresponsible of you to do Plagg!" she scolded.

"Maybe, but I have no regrets. Marinette truly has a heart of gold; I can see why my kid fell for her. She's got to be the kindest one you've had yet," Plagg commented breezily.

"Yes, she is truly special. Come on Plagg, we best get some rest as well," she told him. Her eyes glowing with pride as she spoke of Marinette.

"Yes, goodnight Tikki," he said

"Goodnight Plagg," she said and they both fell asleep.

When Plagg woke up in the morning, Marinette and Tikki were already up. Tikki was munching on a cookie. Marinette noticed he was awake and smiled.

"Good morning, Plagg! I got you some breakfast," she chirped sheepishly, and handing him a cheese croissant. "We ran out of Camembert when I fed it to you last night, but I stuffed the croissant with the cheese sauce. I hope it's alright?" She asked. Her eyes filled with worry that he might not like it.

"It's perfect Princess," he said and began eating the croissant.

"I have to get to school, so can you both fit into my purse?" she asked.

"Of course Marinette, don't worry. Come on Plagg," Tikki said, gesturing him to come into the purse with her. Marinette's bag was astonishingly comfy and soft. She seemed to have adjusted it to make it comfortable for Tikki.

"You are certainly living the life of luxury, aren't you?" Plagg teased.

"I told her she didn't have to, but she wanted me to be comfortable," Tikki said.

It felt like no more than a moment had passed before they reached the school. Marinette seemed to be talking to a girl. He assumed it was Alya, the girl who ran the Ladyblog. Well that was ironic, wasn't it? Ladybug was sitting next to her in class and she was completely oblivious. When class started, Plagg sneakily snuck back into Adrien's bag. Lunch came around and Adrien was all alone, so he popped out again.

"Hey kid," he said.

"Plagg, where have you been? I was worried sick!" Adrien said.

"I got lost following a scent of cheese. I had gone so far I didn't know which way to go to get back. Fortunately, your lady found me and brought me home. I gotta tell you kid, she is an angel! I see why you fell in love with her." Plagg said, lying a bit so Adrien wouldn't know how close Ladybug really was to him.

Adrien seemed to be processing what he had just heard.

"You went to Ladybug's house?! Did you see her without her mask on?" Adrien asked.

"Of course. She isn't Ladybug when she is chilling in her bedroom." Plagg replied.

Adrien's eyes widened.

"Don't get your hopes up kid, I'm not telling you who she is. I won't even give you a hint," Plagg said.

"Of course," he said. "But do tell me, how did she win you over? I've never heard you speak with such high praise."

"She transported me to cheese heaven," was Plagg's simple reply.

"Why am I not surprised?" Adrien asked.  "But please Plagg, if you must go out for cheese hunts be sure you know the way back! Anyone could've found you and I might've never seen you again."

"Alright, I promise," he said.

He would keep that promise since he never did that in the first place. He found this whole situation amusing. Neither Ladybug nor Cat Noir had any idea that they went to the same school. Let alone they were friends with each other in civilian form. Plagg smiled to himself. He just couldn't believe that some cheese and a cat nap were the reasons he found out Ladybug's identity. The bell rang and Plagg hid back into Adrien's backpack. He found himself already starting to wish he was in Marinette's purse. Plagg got himself as comfy as he could and let himself fall asleep.

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