Gastina/Aguslina One Shots ENG

By KingBenXMal

4.4K 82 14

Short stories related to Aguslina and Gastina! I hope you'll like them! I'm new to this writing thing but I r... More

Aguslina- X-Mas Preparations
Aguslina-New Year And Surprises
Gastina/Lutteo - Double Date
Aguslina - "te extrañe tanto „
Gastina - There Is No Pushing Me Away
Aguslina- let's go to the beach!
Aguslina-"I love you„

Aguslina - Nightmares!

386 10 0
By KingBenXMal

Carolina's PO.V.

My whole body is aching. I am laying on the ground without knowing how I got there.

Suddenly I hear a voice whispering.

"Kope please help me„

Only one person calls me Kope. I try my best to ignore the pain and I slowly crawl towards the body laying on the ground.

I am shocked to see the person I love the most in so much pain.Agus Is laying there his eyes half open. He looks so weak.

I'm sure I'm crying my eyes out but I don't care! My best friend,the love of my life, the person that I would die for in a heartbeat in so much pain right in front of me and the worst part is that I'm just crying and looking at him,unable to do something to help him.

I don't even know if I am crying because of agus or because of the pain I'm in.

I see two big men coming towards me.They drag me away from Agus, who is too weak to do anything, I try kicking them. I shout but they are stronger than me.They tie me on a chair.

After they tie me,they start walking towards agus' direction.They kick him and I am not able to look anymore.

All I can hear is Agus screaming for help.I open my eyes and I see Agus standing up trying to hit them back.He is doing good till they lift him and throw him to the ground with all the power they have.

I start crying harder and harder.I feel weak. My crying propably can't be heard because I'm a mess of shock and breathless .I close my eyes. I can't watch them kill him but either way the tears are blinding my vision.

They leave him laying on the ground looking lifeless.I start screaming and my crying gets louder.They start running at the exit meeting with a feminine figure. They high five with a girl I could recognize anywhere.Agus' ex-girlfriend.I already knew she was crazy and really jealous of mine and agus' friendship since they were a couple, but I never thought she could go this far!I am so scared.

They take out two guns,one each and point it at my direction.Two shots. The sound rings in my ears making them bleed.I try screaming for help.I hear him screaming.I put all my power trying to break the rope they tied me with but I fail miserably.I'm too weak.

The men cameback and untied me. They kicked me in the ribs causing my already weak self to fall down hitting the cold floor.That gives them time to run away laughing.

I take all the power I have to crawl towards him. I reach his body.His eyes are still open.


"shhh you'll be okay„

"Carolina I lov-„

He didn't get to finish. His eyes started closing. I stared in shock trying to keep him awake. His eyes close and I start
screaming, crying,trowing punches to the floor causing my hands to start bleeding."

"Agus! No! please! I can't do it without you! please don't leave me! I'm nothing! please! no! stay with me! I need you! I love you! everything will be okay„

His body starts fading.I tried hugging him but when I tried he was gone and I fell on my head.

"Please come back„I scream and jump.


I'm sobbing and crying. I realise that was a nightmare but it just that it felt so real.Things start coming back to me as I realise that I'm in bed in the tour bus and It hasn't even been a week since we started 'Soy Luna En Concierto'

Right now I only want to see Agustin. I got up from the bed. My whole body was shaking and I could barely walk but I slowly walked towards Agus' bed.The curtain was closed

"Agus please wake up it's me Kope„I whispered/cried.

Agustín's P.O.V

"Agus please wake up it's me Kope"I hear someone whispering.

I open the curtain and see Kope eyes red, face tear stained and she is still crying her eyes out.Honestly I hate seeing my best friend, the person I adore the most, that I have the strongest feelings for like this.

I reach out to hug her and I feel her whole body shaking. I take all my power to not cry as well and I pull her in the tightest hug I can master.

She hides her face on my chest as she is still sobbing.

"Que te pasa princesa?„

"Nightmare.. You... Death.„

"shhh it's ok I'm here. I'm ok.I'm not going anywhere„

I feel her nod as her crying gets louder.I hug her tighter if that's even possible.

"can I sleep here? It's just I don't want to be alone. I understand if you don't want to. I'm gonna leave„ she says shyly.

She tries to leave but I'm obviously stronger than her.

"Si obvio que puedes„

I tuck her in the bed pulling a blanket on top of her and shortly after I get in too before I close the curtain.We lay down and she hugs me tight like I'm going to disappear any moment. I hug her tighter and slowly I feel her drift of to sleep with me following her.


Carolina's crying wakes me up.Currently her whole body is shaky and she is whimpering/crying. My heart breaks.

I try to calm her down with the only way I can think of. singing.I start singing Gaston's and Nina's song.Our song.

El mundo cambió y fue en un suspiro.
Ya nada fue igual.
Ni cuando respiro.
Te veo pasar.
Me olvido de todo.
Será esto el amor.
O será otro modo.
Ya eres parte de mí.
Yo te necesito.
Acércate a mi, por favor.
Un instante, cambió mi vida.
Te esperaba y no lo sabia.
Y ahora veo otra realidad.
Mitad y mitad.
Todo es nuevo.
El mundo cambió.
Sin que digas nada.
Te escuché reír.
Lo vi en tu mirada.
Te siento llegar y mis pensamientos.
Vuelan hasta ti.
Viajan en el viento.
Estamos tan cerca Y todo dá vueltas.
Acércate a mi, por favor.
Un instante, cambió mi vida.
Te esperaba y no lo sabia.
Y ahora veo otra realidad.
Mitad y mitad.
Todo es Nuevo.

I feel her relax as her lips slowly shape a sweet smile.She is so cute.I slowly drift off to sleep with her in my arms.


I wake up and I see Carolina hugging me with all the power she has because I'm guessing she is still scared from yesterday night.

Honestly I can't blame her. She is really sensitive and fragile. She is the most important,innocent,beautiful soul
I know.She is still sleeping peacefully and I can't be more happy that she is so peaceful.Yesterday that she was
like this. I hate seeing her like this.I promise! No! I swear I'm gonna do everything I can for her to be forever happy!

"Kope I love you so much I swear I'm always going
to be here protecting you. I adore you. I know we are best friends but you are the most important,pure,innocent,
beautiful,joyfull person I know I love you„ I whisper at the sleeping beauty.

Carolina's P.O.V.

I was sleeping when whispers woke me up.I kept my eyes shut and I just listened.

"Kope I love you so much I swear I'm always going to be here protecting you. I adore you. I know we are best friends but you are the most important,pure,innocent, beautiful.joyfull person I know. I love you„

I can't speak.Am I dreaming or something?He loves me?How is it possible that he Is into a girl like me? Soy la chica invisible!The girl everyone laughs at!And I'm pretty sure that's the reason I took the part of Nina!

Don't get me wrong I love Nina! All I said is that we are so alike!Agustin continues talking, my eyes are still shut and I'm still In his tight grip, I wish I could stay like this with him forever!!

"Kope I really like you! No I love you! no I ADORE you!and I really wish you could hear all that I am saying to you princesa„

Agus P.O.V.

I really wish we could stay like this, with her in my arms forever!Anyways I keep speaking to the sleeping beauty.

"Kope I really like you! No I love you! No I ADORE you and I really wish you could hear all that I am saying to you

In that moment her eyes flutter open and i'm left speechless as I feel my cheeks heat up and turn a
bright shade of red.

Neither of us moves so we stay in the position we were with me hugging her as I look down at her.Hers cheeks match mine.All I can ask is.

"For how long have you been awake Princesa?„

She hides her head and I feel her shyly whispering

"Quite a lot actually„I scream in my head and swear at myself under my breath.

I panic as I realise that she probably doesn't feel the same way and I ruined my friendship with her because I couldn't keep my mouth shut!I'm such an idiot and she probably hates me for seeing her in a different way.

"Kope I understand if you don't feel the same way but please I want us to stay best friends. I'm so sorry it's just you are so beautiful and ugh you probably hate m-„

I would of kept on rambling if the thing I never thought would happen but in my craziest dreams happened.I felt Carolina's lips on mine. At first I was shocked but it didn't take long until I was kissing her back with as much love I can.Arms hugging her waist tightly. We pull apart for the shake of air.

"You would of kept on talking and it was the only thing I thought to shut your mouth successfully„

I chuckle at her comment but my face turns serious.

"Kope you already know how I feel for you„

She nods in my chest and I keep talking.

"can I learn how you feel about all this?„

I ask as gentle as I can In order to not make her feel uncomfortable .I feel her head lift and she looks at me straight in the eyes as I get lost in hers.

"Agus I honestly love you so much not as friends but as something more. It's just i never thought you would have feelings for an invisible girl.I mean I'm so ugly. Any girl would be better than m- „

Now it's my turn to shut her up as I place my lips back to their place. She doesn't take a second to kiss back as I feel her smile within the kiss and I smile wider if that's even possible.

"No girl is better that you.You hear me. I love you.NEVER dare say that sentence again!Si princesa?„

She lowers her head

"It's the truth„

I hug her tighter.

"You are perfect!Si preciosa?„

I can see that something is bothering her and she looks really nervous.

"Agus. What are we?„

I smile as I say.

"I love you you love me if you want it too,I think it's obvious„

Her nervousness is replaced with pure excitement as she

"I really want it too„ I merge our lips once more and all I can think of is how lucky I am.

"You know you should shut my mouth like that more often. like every day, every hour, every minute,Every second„ I smirk and she laughs loudly as she playfully slaps my chest.

I pretend to be hurt and I look at her faking being offended and hurt. She looks at me with so much worry.

"I'm so sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you.I'm so awful.I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot„ I swear I could see some tears.

"Hey! Hey! I'm OK! I was just playing with you!„.She looks at me angry but relieved.

"You idiot! You scared me„She turns her back at me.

"You love me and you know it!„She pretends to think and she turns around and says

"Umm No„ I get closer to her and position my head next to her neck and whisper in her ear just to tease her

"Yes you do„

I turn her around and she refuses to look at me. I try without hurting her to make her look at me but I fail. So I start tickling her. She burst into laughters as she pleads me to stop.

"pleasee hahaha pleasee stop Please hahahaI beg you„ She is the cutest.

"Say Agus is the best and I love Agustín Bernasconi„ She shakes her head no so I tickle her more.


I finally stop and she manages to catch her breath and she looks at me with a huge smile on her face that matches mine.

"I couldn't stay mad at you for any longer„She admits.

"I know babe„I tease a little more.

"You are a jerk! you know that?AND don't call me babe„she harshly but playfully tells me.

"A:Only your idiot and B:You are mine and I'll call you babe so that all the enemies A.K.A other boys know that too„

"Too cheesy but I love you„ She kisses me.

"So It's five in the morning. so I say we keep the curtains closed,stay at bed, cuddle,maybe kiss and watch a movie till we are hungry, by then we'll probably have reach out destination so we go out in a restaurant to eat, then explore the city and finally come back here and maybe watch another movie?„I quickly suggest.

"Sounds like plan! Have I told you I love you„She smiles

"And you say I'm the cheesy one? Well, Yes you have but I don't mind you saying it again„I shrug.

"I LOVE YOU "she kisses me and I prepare the movie. I return to our previous position and hug her tightly. I'm so ready to spend this day.this tour and my whole life with MY Kope.

A.N. This is a one shot I already have published on my previous account and my previous book so I thought I publish it here too!

Heyy!I hope you like this! If you can, please give me feedback by commenting! Byee!

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