Ziff under fire

By ziffdion

527 129 53

American security agents, suspecting Dr Zhang is hacking into U.S. computers, try to abduct him. The Canadian... More

Part 1 - Tidings of Doom
Part 2 - A Serious Security Situation
Part 3 - Fry! Fry! Fry!
Part 4 - Jump Starting
Part 5 - Snow Angel
Part 6 - Spitball
Part 8 - Yeast is a fungus
Part 9 - Operation OzBoz
Part 10 - The Terramax
Part 11 - Next left on Hoomalu
Part 12 - Moaning Minnies
Part 13 - A wee spot of bother
Part 14 - Boulevard des Allumettiéres
Part 15 - Radar lock-on
Part 16 - Don't Touch the Shower Handle
Part 17 - Bending space-time
Part 18 - Gravity Shear
Part 19 - The Atom Bomb
Part 20 - Sergei, Russian spy
Part 21 - Thermal Diffusion
Part 22 - Sabotage
Part 23 - Calutrons
Part 24 - A need to know basis
Part 25 - The kübelwagen
Part 26 - Lili-Marlene
Part 27 - The FOO
Part 28 - Compo rations
Part 29 - The Bren Gun Carrier
Part 30 - Back To The Guns
Part 31 - Alsos
Part 32 - Under Attack
Part 33 - Souvenirs
Part 34 - Escape
Part 35 - Item Eight Leader
Part 36 - A cloud of sparkling petals
Part 37 - Where's Ondy?
Part 38 - Immobilfoam
Part 39 - Yield Varlot
Part 40 - Souvenirs
Part 41 - Home
Part 42 - Who is Toktakunov?
Part 43 - Epilogue: The Bombs
Part 44 - Appendix - Nuclear Science

Part 7 - Under Surveillance

12 3 3
By ziffdion

Early in the evening, Grandma was out jogging and Pacman was upstairs stuffing himself with Emma's sausages. So I was alone in the apartment enjoying my favourite British detective story on TVOntario when the front door bell rang. I opened it thinking it was Grandma but instead it was Ottawa Police detective Scott McLean and Serge.

'Hi Ziff ,' Detective Scott said. 'This is Serge. May we come in?'

I stepped back. 'Yeah, sure, make yourselves at home.'

'In that case, do you think Emma would have some coffee and those fabulous cookies?'

'I think you should ask her yourself.'

We climbed the stairs and tapped on the apartment door.

Emma opened the door. 'Well if it isn't Ziff and Scott. Right on time. I just made a fresh pot of coffee and a batch of cookies. Come in. Come in.'

Scott introduced Serge and we were soon sitting around the kitchen table munching Emma's fabulous cookies. Beryl and the other resident of the apartment, Mr Bragg, were at a meeting of the guerrilla grannies.

We chatted for a few minutes about the temperature and the possibility of more snow before the topic turned to the chance of the Ottawa Senators winning their next hockey game.

By this time Scott was working on his second cup of coffee and steadily finishing the cookies. Then Pacman decided he liked Serge and hopped onto his lap.

Serge almost spilled his coffee as he sat back in alarm. 'Is this your cat?' he asked Emma.

I laughed. 'Don't let him hear you say cat. He thinks he's a wolf.'

Serge relaxed slightly as Pacman made himself comfortable. 'Er, what kind of dog is he? He looks like a tiny yak.'

'A Mongolian gopher hound,' I told him as Pacman yawned, displaying a set of teeth that would make any piranha proud.

Scott finished the last cookie. 'Ziff, why did you call me about Murga?'

'You ask me to call, if I heard anything . . .?'

'That's odd. When I found Murga's email on Eric Bragg's computer, you told me you didn't know Murga.'

I thought quickly. I couldn't tell him Murga had tried several times to kidnap me without explaining about Dr Zhang's work. And I had promised not to do that.

'I remembered seeing Mr Bragg talking to him.'

He paused. 'Well, the man you pointed out claims to be Claude Dubois and he had an apparently genuine Québec driver's licence with that name in it. I checked with the Sureté du Québec. The SUV was rented in Montréal and, as your landlord, Eric Bragg, is no longer missing, we had no reason to detain him. Are you sure he was Murga?'

'Er, no,' I said quickly. 'I just assumed he was Murga.'

'Another thing,' he added. 'Serge Dufour is with C-SIS, Canada's Security Intelligence Service. He has been checking up on a U.S. based outfit, Rockphase Security, which seems to be doing some cross border shopping. They may have been involved in a curious incident on Highway 416 a few weeks ago.'

'The OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) discovered a tour bus abandoned near the bridge to the U.S.A.,' Serge explained. The tires had been shot out, nine millimetre bullets were found at the scene and witnesses reported dozens of men were involved. The bus had been stopped behind a stalled a snow truck and a station wagon. And witnesses reported three people on a motorcycle, a Harley, may have been involved. Mysteriously, these three vehicles and all the passengers and driver of the bus vanished before the police got there. The bus was rented by someone we can't identify. Witnesses also reported the presence of a TV camera crew, which we have been trying to locate without success.'

'Of course, this may be a coincidence,' Scott interjected, 'but, these days, we can't rule out the possibility of terrorism which is why Serge got involved.' He sat back in his chair and looked wistfully at the crumbs on the cookie plate.

I used the excuse of getting a drink from the fridge to hide my panic. I knew exactly what had happened but I didn't want to reveal information that would expose Dr Zhang secret time phase theory. I did a bit more thinking, this time very fast. I found a few more cookies and gave them to Scott with another coffee. It seemed to keep him happy.

Serge was less easily bribed. 'Would you have any knowledge of this bus incident?

'I'd have to say, "no,"' I replied blandly.

'In that case,' Serge said equally blandly, 'can you explain why you are under surveillance?'

I pretended surprise. 'I am!? No. I didn't know. Who would want to surveille me? Is that a word?'

'You tell me.'

The interrogation might have lasted longer but I was saved when Grandma charged into the apartment with orders for me to go get some apples from the Galactic Deli. A work colleague had told her they were on sale. My grandmother was larger and louder than most people and intolerant of anything that conflicted with her immediate demands. She made it clear that Serge and Scott were interfering with her plans and, therefore, no longer welcome.

They took the hint. Serge gave me his business card and murmured, 'Call me anytime, Ziff, and watch your back.' Scott nodded. He was still munching the last cookie as they left.

I walked to the Galactic Deli, picked up a kilogram of apples and found Kozak at the check out counter. 'Hey, I said, 'we should talk.'

'Yes . . . but not 'ere . . . I will buy you a soda at the Eatery.'

We paid for the groceries and I followed him next door to the Happy Log Rollers Eatery where he slumped in a corner booth.

'What did Murga tell you?' I asked as I slid into the booth. The waiter came over and we ordered drinks.

'Ow did you know 'e was 'ere?'

'I saw you cavorting with him in the snow on rue Sumac.

Kozak looked horrified. 'I was NOT . . . cavorting! . . . Maybe I was gallivanting . . . a little. But 'e was buried in ze snow.'

'So what is he plotting now?'

'Ze Time Agency trapped him in Germany,' Kozak replied gloomily. 'It took weeks for Toktakunov to set up a nexus link through Silverwood School. Dr Zhang's nexus is so old fashioned. Murga says 'e could not take me 'ome because it will only permit transfers to ze past time. And the Time Agency is tracking anyzing after zis time. We are both stuck here until Toktakunov can bamboozle ze Time Agency computer.'

The waiter came over with a beer and a ginger ale and Kozak stopped to drink before he spoke again. 'I 'av' ze good news. Murga rented a new apartment for me. It is just down Bank street. I don't 'av' to stay at ze Galactic Deli anymore.'

'So, did you find out about my parents? Where are zhey . . . er, they?'

Kozak shifted in his seat uncomfortably. 'I do not know, exactly. I will ask Murga.'

'You promised Triple Oh you would help us,' I said angrily.

'But if I do zat, Murga will not give me a ticket to my 'ome and I am tired of living in this uncivilized time. Zhere are too much violence, guns, drugs, alcohol, religion, crime and poverty. I am scared all ze time.'

'Well Triple Oh . . . Agent Onderdonk . . . did promise to send you home you if you helped him arrest Murga.'

'Oui. Yes, 'e did but I do not know whezzer I can trust 'im.'

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