Demons Love


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I sat shaking in the cold, glass box I have spent most my life in. As a child, I would be thrown in here when... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chracter Info
Lesson 1/Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Lesson 2/ Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
lesson 3/ Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

325 12 0

Charlotte Pov

"Harder" Jayden yelled at me as I kicked my foot into his side, I grunted as I tried my hardest to make an impact. My leg had started to hurt with the constant up, hit, down, up, hit, down on a repetitive loop but with Jayden as my coach he didn't know the meaning of pain. Built like a brick wall and could hold his own weight with one arm for over four hours without braking a sweat, my father thought he would be the best trainer I could have. Jayden was over six foot, skin head and almost thirty, his body held one scar over all 8 of his ab muscles that he had got fighting for our world, the mortal land.

"I don't believe you're trying hard enough, Charlotte." He caught my foot and flipped me onto my back in one swift motion, I hit the floor hard and smiled at the irony of the collapse. I kicked his hand away from my foot and stood back to my feet, I was ready to give up, to complain of hunger or fake sudden death but I saw my father walking to the balcony above. He stopped. Eyes fixated on me, he doesn't hesitate to project his loathing anymore because he knows I'm a failure. A constant reminder of his wife's infidelity. Jayden caught my glance and armed his position, knowing I wouldn't give up while my father stood watching. My foot collided with Jayden time and time again, each hit felt more powerful but caused pain to spread through my thigh. Up, hit, down, up, hit, down I repeated on a loop as I do every training session.My father raised his hand and I stopped kicking turning towards him.

"You could do better but you are dismissed." His words were emotionless and I grit my teeth with anger, trying not to let it show. I heard Jayden's feet shuffle on the mat and he had disappeared, relieved of his duty. I knelt to the ground - balanced on my left knee - I bowed my head to the king.

"Yes sir." His hand dismissed me and I walked in silence towards the pearl white staircase, planted in the center of the royal red - themed room. My hand ran up the marble wall as I turned up the stairs towards my room. 'Could do better' 'you are dismissed.' I mocked a wave of his hand as the comments raced through my head, causing the fury to build up. I slammed my bedroom door shut with as much elegance of an infant trying to feed themselves. My walls were painted a dull grey but the royal blue bedding and carpet added the smallest amount of colour, my dresser pushed against the wall decorated with perfume and the little bit of make up. My ancient wardrobe held my fitness clothes for training, my ball gowns for the weekly parties and short dresses for daily wear. A party was to be thrown tonight, in honor of god knows what, more likely just another excuse for the husbands to go home drunk. I grabbed a red and black ball gown and threw it on my bed, I stripped from my other clothing and showered before changing into it. I had learnt from a young age to tie my own corset and ribbons were easy enough to bow. I pulled viciously at the lace as I tightened my posture.

"How could I possibly do better!" I yelled out in frustration and pounded my fist against the door, my fathers face flashed behind my lids. I hate him! My vision clouded with tears and I slid down the wall resting my head on my knees. Then I felt it. The moments that my body ran cold yet pumped with sweat, the dizziness causing the room to spin - or was it me that was spinning - darkness spread into the room that was lit with a thousand light bulbs and the throbbing in my temples. I scratched at my skin, it bleeding with crimson liquid yet I didn't stop, I continued to scratch as the shadows crowded the room. My skin paled and I caught a glimpse of the red pupil in my eye.

"Help me!" My scream filled the room and hopefully the hallway but my ears could not pick it up, registering as a hazy buzz. The door handle rattled as somebody forced entry. Eventually, the lock flew off and Jayden stared at me and then looked around the room, could he see them?

Kill him.

Take him.

Stab him.

The words were clear as day, the whispers coming from the shadows, I pulled at my skin, clawed at my eyes and hit my head to make them go away. Jayden ran to my feet the shadows moving from around his ankles only to close his exit after he had moved. He knelt in front of me, his hands cupping my cheeks.

"Charlotte! Listen to me! You can make them go away!" His voice started to make sense and I closed my eyes, praying it could all be over and that reality would set back in - maybe he had knocked me out while fighting and I haven't woke up yet. Blood dripped from my neck and on to my chest, I knew it was real. I screamed again as a shadow crawled up my arm, I felt as though I was choking.

"Jayden." I gargled, double checking I could speak. He lifted me up and rested me against his chest, his hands tapped my shoulders in a rhythm to steady my breathing, as it regulated my eyes became heavy with sleep. I fell backwards and Jayden's arms circled me, he carried me to the bed before I lost consciousness. Then the darkness took over.


Darkness was behind my eyelids and I almost set myself into panic mode before I realised I had the power to open them. The light flooded in and my eyes burned with the light that had imposed my darkness but I wanted to escape that darkness. When i had adjusted to the flood of brightness, I knew exactly where I was and sighed exasperatedly.

"Good evening, fair daughter of mine" I could tell it was painful for his mouth to say those words most of all to try and make it sound like he actually cared. I stared around my glass prison I had spent most of my life in.

"I take it you know why you are here?" He stood inches away from the glass and I didn't bother to rise to my feet to meet him any closer. Instead I lay with my back against the cool surface.

"If I knew that, I would already be free." I muttered and I caught an amused grin on his face. All lights in the room were a bright white and the intensity of them seemed to blind him, so I knew he wouldn't stay for long.

"The purpose of the box is to learn your lesson, with that attitude you might be in here for some time. Farewell daughter." With the final words he left the room and shut the outer lights of the box off so behind the glass was darkness. I stayed put, awaiting an epiphany to what might the lesson be for me to learn, though they were next of impossible to crack. When I would finally realise the lesson, the walls will dissolve around me and I would be freed. Till then I sit slumped against the glass reading the book, I have been reading since I was eight. As a child I spent most of my life in this box, especially after mother died and her infidelity was revealed to her dearest husband - more like a brute. A prison that was designed almost a hundred years ago when the world was at the beginning of the war in 2030. Maybe that world could've accepted me but nothing would change now. I turned the century year old pages that had creased with age and read the same familiar words I had read over a thousand times.

"Romeo and Juliet. Good book." My eyes snapped away from the book, focusing into the darkness. Was my mind playing tricks on me? I couldn't see anybody, I had not heard the door open but I definitely heard that. If it was my mind, I might as well indulge myself of the boredom I would be facing the next few hours or days.

"Yes it is." I whispered and I heard the faint sound of footsteps, now I know I could not have imagined that right? I continued to read the pages of love and betrayal before the male spoke again.

"Why are you not at the party?" His voice was beautiful, music to my ears and I placed the book at the side of me. I stood to my feet and approached the glass wall, I pressed my hands against it and looked deeper into the abyss.

"Why aren't you?" I raised an eyebrow and awaited a response and sure enough I heard the small chuckle of a male echo through the dark room. I smiled, hoping he could see me and footsteps could be heard again. For a second I caught a glimpse of his eyes, noticing the whites in the darkness and the tinge of red in the center.

"I thought I should go explore, see what pretty things I could find." He added another little chuckle and I laughed aloud. The ruffles of my dress pressed against the glass and I had to move away to straighten it out

"I'm here to learn a lesson." As he was doing, I began to walk around my box, stealing glances to the direction I thought he was in. Who was he? Why didn't I hear or see him enter my prison? At least if he's a predator I know the box will keep me safe.

"And what lesson would that be?" His footsteps had stopped and his eyes focused on me again, I turned on the spot and flashed a smile.

"I don't know yet. Who are you?" I peered once more through the mirror of the outside world, trying to find the man who had made me smile and laugh, something I haven't done in a long time. My breath created small spots of air on the glass and sometimes I'd be breathing so intently I could no longer see out.

"Curious I see?" His laugh seemed closer though he was still masked by the cloud of darkness. I wanted so desperately to see his face and his response told me I might not get to find out. If only I could escape this box, I could find out for myself.

"Wouldn't you be?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe if I help you learn your lesson, you can join me at the dance?" He calls out of the darkness once again, my body growing in anticipation to see his face but still he remained hidden.

"You might be here for some time then." I sighed and rubbed my arms with a chill, catching some of my wounds that were still healing. I had the urge to scratch at my skin again but I held myself back.

"Is that a yes to the dance?" He laughed causing me to laugh again, I took a step back from the glass and into the bright light of the box, that didn't seem to make a difference to the outside.

"Well, I am dressed for it and you would be helping could I say no?" I asked rhetorically and I felt a brief movement from behind my see through prison.

"Shall I help you learn your lesson then?" A playful tone echoed out towards me and I tilted my head, holding back a smile. I nodded, I had guessed he could see me and by the small sigh of content I had been correct.

"Or I could do this?"


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter nd it's only the beginning of something soooo biigg!!!

Keep reading and don't forget to comment and vote, it means alot to read feedback.


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