The Outcast

By woechesters

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How does one become on the top of Heaven's most wanted list? Well, first you really have to piss them off. It... More

Guardian Angel
Chapter 1-How to Become an Outcast
Chapter 3-Sorry, We Have a Problem.
Chapter 4-Let's Take a Little Trip
Chapter 5-Cannibalism and Fake Ears
Chapter 6-Got Hand Sanitizer?
Chapter 7-96.7 Angel FM

Chapter 2-I'm an Excellent Stalker

130 3 3
By woechesters

This is still kinda a filler. But we are gonna get to the story eventually, so don't give up hope.

It was probably the first time Sam had a near death experience that started my intervening. I wasn't a normal angel, we have established that. But I was raised by people whose only care was their duty. For a while I wondered if that was wrong, but I soon wanted to be more like them. If they saw someone die or something, they would let that person die, unless it was their duty to keep them safe. Yes now I am completely disgusted with myself. I think some of them may have cared but then they were brainwashed or something gross like that. Anyway, the first time one of the Winchesters almost died. Sammy was only 5. He still didn't know about what his father did, how his mother really died, and never appreciated his brother. Dean was one of the most caring brothers I have ever seen. If Sam didn't like what they were having for dinner Dean would make something different or give up his. Dean also knew what was actually out there. He would always make sure that his brother was safe. This night was an exception. John and Dean had gone out to hunt a werewolf. They had left Sam in the motel room alone. John figured that because it hadn't picked up Sammy's scent that he would be fine. Little Sam was sleeping and he knew what to do when he woke up, call his father immediately. I had decided to stay and watch Sam. He was sleeping rather peacefully, and soundly. He didn't stir when the werewolf opened the window and crawled into the room. I guess that children's hearts are exceptionally good because even though it had no bone to pick with Sam, figuratively speaking, he lunged toward the sleeping child anyway.

I had saved people before, but I'd never gone against heaven's orders. Completely. But letting Sam die seemed harsh as I could easily save him and he didn't have to die. Plus my entire caring personality was screaming, "SAVE THE CHILD! DEAD CHILD!" I whipped out Ack, who at the moment was a baseball (he's kinda got a mind of his own.. Although most of time stays in his original form, an Archangel's blade. They are the easiest to carry. Yes, Ack, Mighty Weapon of All, and yes a baseball bat.) and cracked it over the werewolf's head. He was knocked unconscious immediately. Unfortunately the crack woke up Sammy, who shot up wide-eyed. I just had time to grab werewolf and disappear before he saw us. He called John and Dean, who showed up within 8 minutes. John saw the open window as soon as they walked in the door, so he made Dean stay with Sam and he went it hunt the thing. He found it gutted inside an empty dumpster, near the house it had lived in. He researched why, and who, might had done it but never found a trace. Nearest he fingered some other hunter had killed it. He left town with the boys that night.

I saved their asses more times than I can remember after that. They never saw me, if they did they wouldn't remember. I think I was their waitress once.

I began to be able to have a live Winchester broadcast in my head. Subconsciously I knew where they were, what they were doing and who they were with. I had three until John died. I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop that. I showed myself and talked with him for a while, he knew as well as I he would die as soon as he signed the contract. I told him I would do my best to keep the boys safe. And I have.

I kept the Winchester channel streaming constantly after that. Hardly slept. I'm an angel I don't need to sleep, right? Well sleep makes everyone a nicer person. I was still a nicer angel with 3 hours of sleep a week. I visited the boys too. I was with them the night Dean wanted pie, I walked in with Sammy. Watched him get kidnapped, was incredibly angry I didn't see that coming, teleported back to Impala, and waited for Dean to realized Sam was missing. I hated the year after that, I basically just moped in the back seat of the Impala. When Dean died, I returned to heaven for the first time in forever. Our conversation went kinda like this;

Me: C'mon please! Why can't we just pull him out all ready! I mean this can't be his destiny!

Angelic Asshats: It is the Devine Word of God that we must wait. Besides the siege on hell is not working in our favor yet.

Me: then send more Angels who can fricken pull Dean outta hell!

Angelic Asshats: We have enough of our forces in the pit. We have to wait.

Me: Screw that! Just bring him back, would ya?

Angelic Asshats: *banish me back to earth*

Me: stands in the middle of Central Park screaming abuse through a megaphone at the sky.

Eventually I decided to confront someone who might know what was taking so long. And Cas told me absolutely nothing that cleared anything up. In anyway. "Waiting" isn't really one of my special skills.

And I didn't think I could wait, Sam was developing a habit, with Ruby. I seriously want to behead her. If you behead someone you might not stop the but you will slow them down, at least. And then you should blowtorch their head. Most of the time that method works. On, like, everything. Anyway back to Sam. Yeah I don't trust Ruby. My trust extends about as far away you have to be to stab someone in the gut. And before that Sam was trying to make deals and finding anyway possible to get Dean out of hell. I kept trying to get the angels to agree to put more people on pulling Dean out of hell. Our conversations were pretty much always the same, complete with me shouting profanities through a a megaphone. Finally they agreed. They finally broke into hell. I was kinda like a little girl who just got icecream. I was joyful, to say the least. That brings us to now.

At the moment I am waiting by Dean's grave. Waiting for the link with Dean to reconnect. I felt an emotion I now associate with grief when my "John" link went blank. Even more so when the "Dean" one died. But now the boys will be together again, and oh it's just peachy. Speaking of which I'm hungry. I'll be right back.

Ok I'm back, checked up on Sam. Got some food. And a folding chair. Hmmm technically it won't be peachy, because it's never "all good". But it should be better. You know, if we ever get free will.

Ow! Dad! My head! I double over, happy and in pain. Are those two things supposed to go together?

Cas suddenly appears beside me. "We have done it. Dean Winchester is saved." He says. I mutter back, "Yeah, I can tell." Pressing my fingers to my temples. Then I feel as if something click or popped in my head. I can tell the link's back in place. I laugh, smiling. Jumping up, I hug Cas, who has gotten used to my touching. And emotions. Then I laugh happily dancing around Dean's grave. I quickly banish the food and chair. Then I stand by Cas and we watch Dean's grave. In my mental link I see Dean wake up. He fumbles for his lighter, flicking it open to see he's in a wooden box. I hear a parched "Help." Then I see him kick open the box. Soon we see him hands push away the dirt. I twirl in place, then I hug Cas again. Dean gets up and looking around. Cas and I watch, him and follow him when he starts walking down a road. Eventually he comes up on a empty gas station. He breaks in and gets some water, food, money, and a copy of Busty Asian Beauties. Obviously. Cas turns to me. "I'm going to speak with him."

"He won't be able to hear you." I point out. I know enough about these boys.

"I'm still going to try."

I sigh and lean against the counter. Cas takes his true form, then I hear his voice boom. "Dean Winchester." Of course Dean perceives it as a loud screeching noise. That turns on the radio and tv and breaks all the windows.

Cas appears behind me. I glance at him with a told-you-so look. He looks back completely poker faced.

After trying Sam and Bobby's phones, Dean hijacks a car and drives to Bobby's. After all the testing and such, they have a reunion, then they go find Sam and have a another reunion. I go celebrate by winning the lottery. Well maybe I cheated a little but hey, I still get the money.

I appear in the back seat just as Dean chucks Sam's iPod behind him. I narrowly dodge it. "Asshat." I mutter. Of course they can't hear me. I often talk to them, though. Sam and Dean go on to have some boring talk about Sam's abilities. "He's lying." I tell Dean when Sam says he hasn't used his abilities. I'm finding this conversation rather boring, so I go find Cas. "Hi Cas." I greet showing up by his shoulder. "Hello Zipporiah." He is looking at a map, probably trying to find some stupid heaven thingie. I have honestly just given up caring about heavens problems. Earth is so much nicer. And free. I mean if you've ever been to America they were created on the idea of freedom, or course not everyone was free until like 50 years ago, but still. I go find a recliner and some Nutella and crepes. One of my favorite things to eat. I drape myself ceremoniously over the chair. I dip my finger in the Nutella then spread it on my crepe. Taking a bite I ask, "So, what's up?" Cas grabs a book. "I am trying to find the location of a certain morgue." "Ew. Why?" I ask frowning. He turns to me, "One of the garrison was found dead this morning, I'm trying to find the body." I smile, "And you haven't found him yet. I could help you with that you know. After I finish my crepe." I lick off my fingers. Then I wipe them down my jeans. I return the chair. Returning back to Cas, I ask "Where did they die?"

"Midvale, Utah" I immediately disappear, searching all the morgues for body's that show signs of being a vessel. None of them do. I check the morgues in near towns and city's also. Nada. I reappear by Castiel's side. "Zip." I say, then I smile, I love using my name for things. Cas turns to me. "Yes, but why would there not be a body?" I frown, "What?"

"There haven't been any bodies. Three of my angels have died in the past month, but none of their vessels have been found." I raise an eyebrow, "That's normal." Then through my link, I see Sam and Dean meeting the psychic, Pamela Barnes. "You're gonna have a call soon." I say looking at Cas. He frowns and I explain what the boys doing. He keeps frowning. I smile, "Try not to kill anyone." I joke.

"Well, some people should take a warning from a celestial being more seriously." I say to Cas as we stand by the psychics hospital bed. I feel bad for Pam. She was a nice lady. Now she doesn't have any eyes. Cas frowns, "I tried to warn her."

"It's not your fault Cas, she didn't listen to your warning." I comfort him. He frowns. He is quite good at frowning, most angels are.

As Cas broods, I let my mind wander. In my mental link I see Dean fall asleep on the couch in Sam's hotels room. A few minutes Sam slips out. I frown and mutter under my breath, "God Sam, why can't you see it's not helping anything?" Cas looks at me. "What?" He asks. "Sam's new hobby." I reply grimacing. After an awkward silence, Cas frowns, again. "I think I will try to speak to Dean again." He says staring into the distance. "You know it still won't work?" I say shooting a sideways glance at him. He looks back, not saying anything.

I am sitting in the chair across the room from Dean, who's lying peacefully on the couch. That's when we heard Cas's sound check. "Can you hear understand me? Dean Winchester?" And of course Dean heard intense screeching, that broke all windows and mirrors on the ceiling. Luckily Bobby came the rescue and pulled Dean out of a collapsing room. Bobby makes sure Deans ok before they get in his car. Honestly I don't know why they like getting in a car whenever they have a problem. Dean calls Sam, to check where he is and what he is doing, although I already know, I listen anyway, inserting sass as needed. Then Dean sells his million dollar idea, "let's go summon the thing that pulled me from hell. Com'n Bobby it'll be fun. We may die but still." Idea. I thought it was a great plan.

I sit cross legged on Dean's table, watching him sort out weapons, while Bobby spray paints the walls and floor while multiple traps and symbols.

"Quite an art project you got going there." Dean says to Bobby as he finishes the last trap.

"Symbols and talismans from faiths all over the world." Bobby replies. "How are you doing?"

"Holy water, silver, iron, salt rounds, and a demon ganking knife, I think I got everything." He says pointing to each thing as he names it.

"This is still a bad idea." Bobby points out.

"Yeah Bobby, I heard you the first 10 times." Bobby glares at him. Then he pulls over the spell bowl thingie, he recites the spell thingie and does the flare, boom, smoke thingie. I think thingies gonna be my word from now on. Anyway, nothing happens for about an hour. Maybe Cas is off duty or something.

I'm joking.

"Are you sure you said it right." Dean asks. Bobby glares at him again, "Touchy, Touchy!" Dean says. Then the tins of the roof begin to lift and rattle. "Wishful thinking, but maybe that's just the wind." suddenly the lights begin to flicker and blow up. Then Cas walks through the door. "Took you long enough" I grumble. Dean and Bobby open fire. Cas just looks at them. Then Cas touches Bobby and Bobby passes out. I stay seated. I'm only here for entertainment. Dean brings his anti-demon knife up and stabs Cas in the chest. I flinch for Jimmy. Being stabbed is painful. After Dean checks Bobby's pulse, he turns to Cas. "Who are you?" He asks standing up. "And the million dollar answer to the million dollar question is...." I say idly. Cas glares at me. "Castiel." Castiel replies.

"Yeah I figured that much, I mean what are you?"

"I'm an angel of The Lord." Cas says. Their conversation goes on like that for a while, with me interjecting with sarcasm occasionally. Until Cas gets rather close to Dean, meaning he puts two fingers on Deans forehead. Dean looks appalled. At first I wonder what he did then I realize he gave Dean the ability to see me.

Guardianship has some basic guidelines. One of them is your subject never sees you, but another states that if another angels grants them the ability to see you, you will be able to interact with your subject. Luckily the guardian can still become invisible.

I only realized that Dean could see me when I made my next sarcastic statement soon after the finger-to-forehead-thing. Cas had said, "God has work for you."And I had retorted with; "Cas, you shouldn't lie! It's unholy." Dean spun around looking for the source of my voice. I was so surprised Dean could hear me I almost fell of my spot on the table. "Holy crap Cas! What the hell'd you do?" But Cas was gone. "Son of a bitch!" I yell standing on the table. Then I look back to Dean. "I'll try to explain later." Then I went invisible. I watched Dean cuss up a storm, cursing Castiel and um, "that rather hot girl who appeared out of nowhere." I scold him, but me being invisible he couldn't see or hear me. I'm gonna have a nice sibling talk with Castiel later.

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