Dusted hands

MysticFeather87 द्वारा

1.2K 58 25

Gaster couldn't help but think of the good times knowing that soon those memories would perish in this war al... अधिक

Clear Beginning
Things have changed
So Here We Are
We're just getting started
Authors note!
This is when the author gives up on making titles
A filler
The start of something new
Imma fight someone real soon

Enough fighting, i'm begging you

113 5 0
MysticFeather87 द्वारा

I've decided to put my notes before the chapter if that's alright, I wanted to point out to those who haven't caught on that the beginning of my chapters will start with scenes before humans declared war. But there will be a point where the flashbacks won't be needed. Don't forget to check out "Casting rain" by silversky13! Once again, thank you for continuing to read this story. <3

"Ok, this is hello" said Grillby moving his hands in a particular motion. 7 humans watched him closely , they looked as if they've done this before.
"Ok. Now you try"
They all copied the motion, impressively fast . Grillby beamed at them, praising them for easily learning a difficult way of communication.
"It's not us! It's you! Your a fantastic teacher!" Squealed Shanta, Chara rolled her eyes as Grillby flames sparked a little bit,
" I've only taught you the basics, those are easy-"
"Ya, and we know those." Scoffed Chara, If Grillby could raise his eyebrows he would.
"We just can't understand the larger words," corrected Shanta,
"Why didn't you say so?" Questioned Grillby feeling silly he had spent time teaching them things they already know.
"You looked like you were having fun" spoke Leila.
"It could of saved us time." Growled Grillby rubbing his face.
" We're sorry," squeaked Kylie, closing a book she had opened in her lap,
Grillby brushed off her apology,
"It's doesn't matter, at least we weren't working on this for too long." Sighed Grillby.
" We spent a whole two hours on this... in an empty classroom that smells like garlic" pointed out Gaten, Chara ushered to him raising her eyebrows.
"Hey! At least he's teaching us something!" Scolded Shanta, Taylor and Neil nodded their heads in agreement.
Grillby ignored the humans argument and glanced at the clock, he would rather leave now. Slightly irritated they hadn't communicated their knowledge before hand. So much valuable time down the drain, Grillby wasn't to sure he could continue doing this for much longer, the humans were getting more controlling by the second. Just yesterday was a Fish monster sentenced life in jail for breathing the water a waitress poured for him in a diner, they said he was causing a disturbance.  Also Gaster had found out that Grillby was teaching the humans sign language, and since then he hadn't heard much from him. So you could say this whole week has been a big blow for Grillby.
"It doesn't matter if Gaster was signing something rude! I don't blame him!" Cried Shanta angry tears forming in her eyes. Grillby snapped his head toward the humans, they were still fighting though they all went silent while Shanta silently cried.
"Have you seen how our governments been treating them!" Choked out Shanta as thick tears ran down her face.
"Oh geez," began Chara awkwardly "I- um, please stop crying?"
Grillby could've laughed at Chara's attempt to calm down Shanta, if it weren't for the situation.
Taylor glared at Chara and out an arm around Shanta.
Grillby cleared his throat earning the attention from all the humans.
"I think we've been here long enough," Grillby said awkwardly.
"Agreed, cmon guys let's go," said Gaten shooting Leila a glare before standing up, as they all stood up grabbing their bags Chara signed
<< Im sorry>> to Shanta either to impress her, or to get Shanta to praise her, to distract her from the harsh words that were exchanged.
Either way it didn't work and Shanta left the room with Taylor's arm around her. With a sigh all the humans left  quickly, and Grillby was left on the floor looking rather stupid.
Maybe he should have listened to the argument, he would definitely be less confused right now.
Sighing he packed up his bag and left the room, walking down the hallway Grillby had used this time to ponder about Gaster.
"Should I apologize... or not?" Was always the main thought in Grillbys mind. And his response was always
No, Gaster will come around.
Though it's only been two days Grillby couldn't help but feel lonely. Him and Gaster usually spent their time after school sparing, I guess I could understand why Gaster was upset with Grillby. Gaster was an organized monster, And Grillby has suggested to move sparing times. It must've messed up Gasters whole schedule. Grillby chuckled to himself. As if Gaster actually had stuff planned, he tended to keep to himself. Studying on anything science related.
Grillby stepped on a piece of crumbled paper, curios he bent over and picked it up unfolding it in his hands.
It was written in wing-ding.
There was only three people in this city that wrote in that language, and only one that went to this school. And Grillby happened to know him.
Grillby clutched the paper in his hands very tempted to just throw it. After all Gaster crumbled It up, he didn't need it obviously. Also Grillby was kinda irritated at Gaster, and throwing it away and imaging Gaster searching frantically for it brought some satisfaction to Grillbys yellow tinted flames.
Grillby pushed open the main door and stepped outside. The fresh air hitting him like a tidal wave and the sunlight drizzling into the wrinkles in his  clothing brought Grillby into a state of peace. Grillby spotted the humans far down the road, they were split into two groups and kept their distance from the other group. Sighing Grillby dragged his feet onward, stopping only when his phone chimed.

Gaster's POV

Gaster had awoke early that morning, and not wanting to cause a commotion he simply wrote Grillby a note thanking him and his whereabouts. Gaster stepped outside allowing the fresh morning air-
Gaster crinkled his nonexistent nose,
Gaster paused, there was a strange scent in the air. An aroma Gaster hadn't smelt for a long while, Gasters stomach dropped as a small pebble like substance hit his face.
Gaster rose a shaking hand to his face and wiped the spot on his face where the substance had hit. Looking down at his hand his suspicions were confirmed.
Light grey dust floated in the air, Gaster watched as it floated with the light breeze, as it floated into Grillbys open window-
Gaster sprinted inside and slammed the window shut. Gaster flinched as he sported a fresh crack spring my the bottom of the window. Gaster calmly walked over to the door and closed it gently, regretting slamming the window so hard.
"Gaster?" Came a voice behind him,
Gaster spun on his heels and faced towards a fiery figure, Grillby's flames burned low and with exhaustion.
"Are you ok?-"
<<Did you even sleep>>signed  Gaster noticing the heavy bags underneath the elements eyes.
"It was a long night," Grillby admitted exasperated.
"But!" He said more firm when Gaster showed signs of argument,
"What are you doing? I could hear you slam that window from a mile away."
Said Grillby pointing to the window that now has a crack running from the bottom.
<<I'm sorry,>> signed Gaster,
<<I'll get it fixed,>>
Grillby brushed off his offer,
"It won't be needed,"
Gaster tilted his head in confusion and waved his hands for an explanation
"I received a letter from the King, we'll be sent to our stations this time tomorrow." Grillby answered, raising an eyebrow
"Surely you should know, it was sent to all of the generals"
<<Well I haven't been to my house yet,>> Replied Gaster defensively.
"Well then shouldn't we head over there-"
<<No!>>Cut in Gaster, moving his hands in a fast and demanding motion
Grillby stared at Gaster in surprise.
"What's going on Wing-Ding?" Asked Grillby a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Gaster fumbled with his words. Grillby chuckled but was cut off with a yawn.
"Is there something in your house you don't want me to see?" Asked Grillby playfully.
<<There's dust in the air>> signed Gaster, eye sockets darkening.
"Dust? As in monster dust?" Asked Grillby the exhaustion seemed to evacuate him, Gaster could see the panic rise in his flames.
<<I-I don't know>>
"Did you see a fire anywhere? Did you mistake it for ash?"
<<it was defiantly dust->>
Grillby pushed past Gaster and swung open the door. Dust swirled in and Grillby's eyes widened.
<<did you think I was lying?->>
Gaster was cut off by a sudden blood curling scream.
Grillby didn't hesitate and took off outside leaving Gaster sputtering curses at him as he ran. Of course Grillby didn't understand one bit of it. Sighing heavily Gaster took off after him. Only after he turned around and closed the door. As He and Grillby ran the more dust appeared in the air and the more screams pierced the air . It seems that Gaster and Grillby were getting closer to the source because dust appeared on the ground. Leaving footprints as they ran by. Grillby's flames turned a bright purple when they ran past a monster laying wounded in the dust.
<<Are the humans attacking?>> signed Gaster frantically pushing Grillby forward when he stopped to tend the monster.
Somehow Grillby picked up on the signs and shrugged helplessly.
<< Cowards>> Gaster signed growling as several figures became visible through the dense dust.
Hundreds of humans were attacking the monster village, and about 50 monsters were defending it. Gaster could tell there were so many more monsters in this fight by just looking at the dust scattered everywhere. Still running Grillby summoned a fireball in his hand and threw it with a grunt towards a group of humans. When the fireball hit its target an explosion of magma erupted on them. Screams filled the air and the remaining humans looked the direction the fireball came from. Spotting Gaster and Grillby , the fear on their face turned into furry, a big human barked orders at them and about 20 humans came charging at them with their swords raised and screaming. The pair stopped running. Gaster with just a flick of a wrist threw the first five humans out of the way. Slamming them into nearby houses. The humans did not slow down. Grillby summoned a fire spear and attempted to throw it down the middle of the group. They humans quickly jumped out of the way now staring at the duo with smug faces. The humans were closing the space between them, and with quick reflexes Grillby and Gaster whipped out their swords and charged forward closing the space in between them. With clashes of the swords the humans circled the pair,
<<Well then>>
Signed Gaster nervously glancing around at the humans. Gaster could feel the element heat up in distress, only to cool down in seconds.
"It doesn't matter," said Grillby
Gaster stared at the elemental,
<< Are you having a hard time Grillby? Do you need someone to talk to?>>
The elemental sighed exasperated and pointed off into the distance. Gaster snapped his head around following Grillby's finger and spotted a group of monsters including the king himself. Gaster sighed a breath of relief, the humans however followed Grillby's finger too and noticed the king. The color flushed from their faces as they called for a retreat. As the humans filed out Gaster and Grillby attacked them satisfaction blooming in Gaster's stomach as he watched yet another human fall. The king and his soldiers jogged beside them joining in on attacking the fleeing humans. When Gaster turned to thank the king, he was startled into silence by the cold fury set on his face.

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FurtherDown auggie ! द्वारा


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