The Mafia's Doctor

By aTouchOfRomance

10.4M 329K 87.7K

[edited version of Doctor for the Mafia] Ila Archer was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in New... More

Author's Note
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242K 7.5K 2.3K
By aTouchOfRomance

"I meant it." He said. He slowly walked towards me and stopped at a foot away. "I wouldn't waste my breath lying."

I nodded my head, making note that he's an honest man. If it was anyone else that claimed they were truthful, I wouldn't believe them. For some reason, I took his word for it. The intensity in his eyes, that never seem to disappear, made sure I did. Without excuse, he walked past me in the direction of the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked. I took a step forward, ready to follow him.

"I'm going to find you new clothes to wear." He said as if it was obvious.

"Why?" I questioned, confused, "Is there a mafia dress code?"

"No." The corners of his mouth twitched upwards as he lightly laughed at my question. "I thought you'd be comfortable if you took a shower."

He pointed at me with his finger, up and down my body. I looked down and remembered that I was still in my attire from yesterday. Under my black coat, my red blouse hung wrinkled from sleeping in it.

"Thank you," I said, slightly embarrassed but majorly grateful.

"I'll be back in a bit." Mr. Mafia Man said as he left.

After he left the room, my curiosity took me over to the bedside drawer. When he came into the room, I saw that he had placed something down. I was surprised to see that there was a chocolate muffin and a glass of water. Cautiously, I took hold of the muffin. The smell, as well as the sight of it, was enough to get my stomach rumbling. Food has always been a weakness for me. I ruled out the possibilities of it being poisoned. If he wanted to kill me, he would have done it by now.

It got me thinking of my donut from yesterday. Was it still in the alleyway?

I knocked on my little sister's room and got no answer. I frowned as I opened the door and found it empty. Good for me since I don't have to hear her complaining when I take her clothes.

I walked over to Serena's closet. Dr. Archer's body shape was very similar to my younger sister, petite. They also look just about the same age. Without heels, Dr. Archer seemed about Serena's height.

Who would have guessed that sisters are helpful in a way?

I picked a variety of clothes Dr. Archer could choose from and walked out of my sister's room, bumping into Giovanni.

"Sorry." He said, hiding something behind his back.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied quickly, making him look suspicious.

I raised my eyebrows, telling him that I wasn't buying it.

Giovanni rolled his eyes and held up hands.  They were filled with different styles of lingerie, "It's for Tamera." Giovanni licked his lips as he explained.

Matching the name of his on and off girlfriend and the lingerie, I got the idea.

" the way, I was looking for you. Your grandma needs you in the.. ah.. kitchen." He told me, quickly continuing up the stairs to the third floor.

With the clothes in my arms, I decided to see what my grandma wanted before going to Dr. Archer. I made my way down the stairs to the first floor.

"You called, nonna ?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

Instead of seeing my grandmother, I spotted my sister. Her black hair, so dark it almost seemed blue, was recognizable. Serena was the only one in the kitchen. She was sitting down at the table, on her phone as she ate her sandwich.

"She's not here."

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Library, I think."

During the day, my grandmother spends most of her time in the kitchen, garden, or library. I was about to leave when Serena stopped me.


I turned my head to see what she wanted. She had stopped looking at her phone. Her green eyes examined the pile of clothes in my arms. Before she could claim it was hers, I rushed out of the kitchen. I heard her getting up as I walked up the stairs.

"What are you doing with my clothes?"

I was back on the second floor. I quicken my gait to the library, wanting to find my grandma so I could finally get these clothes to Dr. Archer before Serena could take them away. I jogged my way to the end of the hall.

"Grandma?" I asked, stepping into the room filled with books.

There was a knock on my door and an unfamiliar man poked his head inside.

"Who are you?" I asked, setting my muffin down and getting up from the bed.

"Giovanni," was as all he said. It didn't take much to understand that he was involved with the mafia. He looked like one of them, comparing to the guy that stood in front of me in the line at the donut shop and Mr. Mafia Man. I found similar traits among them, light skin and dark hair. Either they were related or belonged to the same nationality, Italian. They're also absolutely good looking.

He walked in, sets of clothes in his arms. "These were picked out especially for you." He grinned as if he knew something I didn't.

"Thank you," I said, sounding so uncertain that it sounded more like a question. Giovanni laid down the clothes on the bed and walked over to me, handing over a towel.

"No problem." He shrugged, but that sly smile was still plastered on his face.

"You can put the rest of the clothes in the closet. The bathroom is through that door right there." Giovanni said, pointing at the only door in the room, before leaving hastily.

"Yes, Matteo? " My grandmother's reply had a hint of annoyance, "What is it this time?"

"Gio told me you needed me for something."

"Why would I want to see your face more than once, ragazzo?" Her eyebrows furrowed, but she didn't look up from the book in her hands.

I frowned.

"Nonna!" My sister yelled from behind me. She had caught up with me. "Matteo is taking my clothes!"

"I want to borrow them. You have money you can get new clothes."

"You have money too!"

My grandma put her book down. "Serena, let him be."

I turned to my nonna surprised that she took my side. Serena, too, was confused. My grandmother always showed me tough love ever since I was born. I had two years of her unpleasant affection all to myself until Serena was born. I watched all of Serena's 29 years where our grandmother favored her over me.

"Have you ever put it into consideration that he's too embarrassed to buy his own girly clothes? It's 2018, Matteo. Society has accepted people for who they are."

"They are not for me." I defended myself. "They are for-"

"I knew this would happen." My grandma cut me off, "I had to change your diaper when you were little, Matteo. I'd turn into a girl too if I were you."

My sister snickered. I frowned and left the room with some of my ego depleted.

I was about to go ask Giovanni why he had told me my grandmother needed me but I remembered that Giovanni was probably getting it on with Tamera.

I got to Dr. Archer's room and walked in. I was met with a very angry Dr. Archer, wrapped in only a towel, holding up a sheer underwear.

"Really?" She yelled, "You expect me to wear only this?"

With Giovanni's directions, I checked out the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door before I stripped down naked, covering myself in the towel.

Realizing that I forgot to bring clothes to the bathroom with me, I walked back into the room and over to my bed. I picked through the clothes Giovanni brought. They were all tangled and piled up. My finger got caught in a hole of the fabric. I lifted my hand up to see it was a sheer underwear.

Looking down at the pile, there was nothing but sexy and revealing lingerie. At that moment, Mr. Mafia Man walked in.

"Really?" I yelled, disgusted, "You expect me to wear only this?"

I let go of the sheer underwear and picked up an edible thong from the pile. I threw it at him and, unfortunately, missing.

"I quit if you think I'm going to be wearing this as my uniform. I'm not fulfilling your nasty fantasy!"

"Who gave you these?" He asked me as he bent over. He picked the thong with his fingers and examined it.

"Playing innocent, really?" I said, glaring at him as I crossed my arms, "You sent Giovanni to bring me these."

Mr. Mafia Man frowned and cursed under his breath, "Fucking Gio."

"I didn't send him. I went to get clothes for you." He claimed, holding up the bunch of clothes in his hands. "But I didn't get you any undergarments. In this situation, I think you'll find the lingerie to be helpful."

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