Baby Blues

By livmadly

31.4K 1.2K 154

Bridget Della Mathews is on her way to becoming a preschool teacher though her mother has never been for the... More

1. Cold floors and Blurry skies
2. Best Friend...
3. Cute Boys and Baby blues
4. Not my type
5. The drama queen
6. A Library Visit
7. Date
8. First Kiss
9. Butterflies and Going Steady
10. Movies and Silly pagers
11. Advice and views
12. Friends
13. Sleep Over
14. First Time
15. After
16. Hair
17. Sweet and a Tease
18. Personal Pillow
19. The Brunch
21. Apologies
22. Home sweet Home
23. Thanksgiving
24. Misunderstandings
25. Something Off
26. Holidays
27. Mad or Mad not
28. Birthday Surprise (Part 1)
28. Unwrapping thy gift (Part 2)
29. Meh
30. Family Matters
31. Leroy
32. The Talk
33. Me and You
34. Me and You Too

20. Going out

555 31 3
By livmadly

To celebrate Anne moving in with us we decided to go out during the weekend. We would have gone the one before but I had a brunch to attend. I wasn't a fan of going out especially to clubs but the majority won and sometimes you just had to give in for your the sake of your girls.

I hadn't gotten around to telling Kevin yet because I wasn't sure how he would react. We had chatted so many times during the week but I just never brought it up. I knew that I had to eventually because going without telling him was not an option.

I decided to call him during my lunch break since we were going out in the evening and I couldn't put it off any longer. The phone rang a few times before he picked up

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey handsome, are you busy? I thought that maybe we could have lunch together or something"

"I can't but we can reschedule to another day if you want"

He made it sound like I was making an appointment. I didn't want to feel like I was making an appointment to have lunch with my own boyfriend.

"It's fine I just wanted to talk to you about tonight"

"What about it?"

"Well the girls and I—"

"Kev are you coming?"

The sound of a girl's voice cut me off. I suddenly became curious to know who it was especially since she just cut his name short, come to think of it I didn't even have a pet name for him.

I decided not to over think it since it was most likely Stephanie or Samantha though I wasn't overly fond of Samantha since she seemed to have interest in him. I hang out with his friends a few times after we started dating and they were cool to be around. Drake was into computers and Danny was more on the business side. Samantha and Stephanie were the two other people in the group studying medicine.

"Yeah I'm coming just give me a sec" he responded "Sorry you were saying?"

"Who was that?"

"It doesn't matter. You wanted to tell me something about tonight"

"Oh yeah I'm—"

"Kev come on, everyone is waiting"

"Just give me a second Joey, I'll be right there"

Joey was the girl who kept staring at Kevin when I went to see him at the hospital. I told him that the girl had a thing for him but he denied it. Honestly I didn't like the fact that he was hanging out with her and where the hell was he going? I thought he said that he was busy

The words left my mouth before I could stop them "Where are you going? I thought you were busy"

I just hoped that I didn't sound pokey or jealous

"I'm going out for lunch with some of the guys from work"

More like guys and girls... but I chose not to say that out loud

"Oh ok then don't let me keep you"

'"They can wait what did you want to tell me?"

I sighed then decided to continue "The girls and I are—"

"Kevin" the girl whined and I lost it

"You know what, I have to go. Why don't you call me when you're not too busy dealing with interrupter girl over there"

He laughed "Interrupter girl seriously"

"It's not funny Kevin" I complained

"Beautiful" he said in a knowing tone. I could literally hear the smirk he had on his face "are you-"

I cut the line before he could say it. I knew what he was going to say and I didn't want to hear him say it because it would make it all so real. I was jealous and he knew it... I was never going to hear the end of it. He tried to call but I let it ring till it cut then put it away. I guess I would have to tell him another time


I avoided Kevin for the rest of the day, not that he bothered to call or text. Hannah had told me to try and contact him again but I decided against it. If I wanted to go out then I would, it wasn't like I needed his permission. I just wanted to tell him as a form of courtesy.

I decided to wear a black vest tucked into gold shiny shorts that were above the mid thigh and threw on a blue jacket with black heels. Hannah went with a peach off shoulder top tucked into a high waisted mid thigh black skirt with heels the same colour as her top that snaked around her calves. Anne also decided to put on a high waisted skirt but peach in colour with a black long sleeve see through top and black heels. We all let our hair down though I had to tone mine to straighten it.

After doing our make-up we left the house and left in Anne's car. It was decided that since I wasn't going to drink I would be the one to drive us back home so Hannah drove when going.

"Did you tell Kevin?" Anne asked as we parked the car near the new club

"Nope" I said popping the p "I'll tell him later besides it's not like I need his permission to go out"

"Fine but just be ready to face a very unhappy boyfriend by the end of the night" she concluded

"Whatever besides if all goes well... he will never know"

There was a long queue outside but we went straight in because Anne knew someone which was kind of weird since she was new in town. You couldn't really hear how loud the music was from outside but once we went in it was pretty loud.

There were so people on the dance floor while some were seated by tables. We went straight to the bar and ordered shots though mine wasn't really a shot. Mostly when we went out I had alcohol free cocktails and energy drinks... yeah I know... story of my life

Most of my shots contained energy drinks which took convincing the bartender... they always came around eventually.

More than you know by Alesso started to play and that's when we went on the dance floor. The one thing I loved about going out with my friends even though I rarely did, was losing myself to the music. It's like all your problems magically drifted away just for a little while.

The DJ played songs from artists like One Republic to Chris Brown. One thing was for sure, I didn't need alcohol to enjoy myself.

"Having fun?" Someone yelled above the music getting my attention

I turned and smiled once I recognised the person standing behind me. I had to search through my mind to remember his name and I did. He was Henry the British guy I met when I went to the movies with Kevin. What were the odds? He was dressed in a tight fitting black shirt that left nothing to the imagination paired with jeans. His smooth mocha skin looked beautiful with the effects of the strobe lights.

"Yeah, hi"

"Hi" he smiled "can I dance with you?"

I thought nothing of it "sure" though there was a tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me that Kevin would not approve but then what guy would approve of their girlfriend dancing with another guy

Dancing with him was fine even though he did get a little handsy sometimes. We went back to the bar where Anne and Hannah were now seated. She gave me a weird look once we got there but I ignored it

"Guys this is Tyler and Tyler this is my best friend Hannah and her cousin Anne"

He greeted them and they did the same though I could tell Hannah wasn't as enthusiastic. After a few more drinks Hannah and Anne went back to dance though I could see that the alcohol was getting to Hannah.

Anne had a very high tolerance, I swear it was so high it was weird. I remember some years back some guy started buying her drinks in the hopes of getting her drunk... perve and she welcomed the challenge drinking till the guy gave up after seeing his bill. She mostly took spirits when she really wanted to get wasted butshe didn't do it often.

I didn't feel like dancing so I remained by the bar with Tyler.

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"He had to work and it's kind of like a girl's night so he wasn't invited"

Speaking of boyfriends I checked my phone and found a few messages from mine. They were sent a few hours ago and he was asking if we could have a late dinner together tonight. The last two texts were from him asking me if I was ok or upset with him for some reason. There were even a few missed calls and just like that my mood dropped

"Sorry for the intrusion then" he smiled "Hey, are you ok?"

"I'm fine don't worry about it"

He was sweet and nice to talk. He didn't really lift my mood but I did feel a little better. Anne and Hannah came over a few times ordering drinks but I stopped them when I felt like they had had enough. He had also been drinking though not too much, apparently he was here with his friends who were somewhere in the club.

We were chatting and the conversation was flowing till he went quiet and just stared at me. The alarms were going off in my head but I chose to ignore them. I decided to focus my attention on my non alcoholic cocktail but I could still feel his eyes on me

"What?" I asked when I started to feel a little uncomfortable

"Nothing... I just..." suddenly he leaned in and kissed me. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. I sat there frozen till I felt his lips move against mine

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away "What are you doing?" I asked in disbelief

"Trying to lift your mood" he smiled sheepishly

"You don't go about kissing girls with boyfriends in the hopes of lifting their moods" I half yelled "I have a boyfriend. How would you feel if our girlfriend started kissing random guys"

He looked a little uncomfortable and I was glad he did.

"I'm sorry" he ran his hands over his face looking frustrated "It's just that I'm attracted to you and it felt right in the moment but I really am sorry"

"I have to go" I stood up looking around for Anne and Hannah but he held my hand stopping me from moving

"Look, I'm sorry... but I'm not just a random guy. I can't say that I regret what i did but I am sorry"

He opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted by Hannah "Is there a problem?"

He quickly let go of my hand and I took a step away from him "I was hoping we could leave, where is Anne?"

"Go to the car I'll get her"

I nodded and manoeuvred through the crowd to get to the door. The nice cool air hit me though I noticed that it was starting to get a little colder nowadays. I got into the car and made myself comfortable making sure that everything was ok. Anne and Hannah walked out a few minutes later though I wondered what took them so long.

They got in and we left after I made sure they had their seatbelts on.

"What happened?" Hannah asked after she realised that I wasn't planning on saying anything

I sighed "He kissed me"

"He did what?" Anne said leaning forward since she was in the back

I rolled my eyes at her "You heard me"

"Did you kiss him back?"

"Of course not, what do you take me for?"

She put her hands up in mock surrender "No need to be hostile. I was just asking because the guy was pretty hot"

Hannah shook her head "So are you going to tell him tomorrow?"

"I don't know" I shrugged "Do I have to? I mean it wasn't my fault"

Honestly I didn't want him angry at me. Come to think of it I had never really seen him angry. The most serious he had ever gotten with me was at the beginning of our relationship when he felt like I wasn't putting much effort

"You don't want to play that card, believe me you're just going to complicate things. Keeping it from him no matter how small you think the situation is just going to complicate things"

"I agree with Hannah. If you don't tell him and he does find out he's going to think there's more to it. It wasn't your fault so I'm sure he'll understand" Anne assured me

Would he really understand that it wasn't my fault or would he overreact? I guess there was only one way to find out

"Yeah you're right" I sighed "worst case scenario I end up single"

"Best case scenario makeup sex" Anne sang making me flush while the laughed at me


Saying I was nervous the next day was an understatement but I couldn't find a word to use to describe just how I was feeling. Kevin and I decided to have lunch together and I was in the restaurant waiting for him. He came in a few minutes after I did and he smiled when he saw me

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey" he leaned in kissed me and took his seat

We ordered our food and ate though I wasn't the best of company... that and I didn't have much of an appetite. He tried to make conversation but I wasn't really into it. I was too busy thinking about how I was going to tell him. I had to make sure that I put it in a way that didn't make him angry but something told me that I had a better chance at learning how to fly

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine"

"You don't seem fine"

"Well I am"

I didn't mean to sound grumpy but I couldn't help it. I was supposed to play the super sweet girlfriend and get on his good side but I was doing the opposite

"Ok then, what did you do last night?" he asked

"Nothing" I said defensively "Why do you ask?"

"Jeez I'm just asking coz we didn't really talk. What's up with you? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No. Why? Do you think I'm hiding something? Why would you think I have something to tell you?"

I took a sip of my water trying to swallow my guilt even though I shouldn't be guilty because it wasn't my fault and it wasn't intentional on my part

He put down his cutlery and just looked at me "Look if you didn't want to have lunch you should have just told me other than acting like I forced you to come" he looked exasperated and that's not how I planned our lunch on going

"Look It's not that"

"Then what is it? Tell me"

"I went out last night" I paused "with Anne and Hannah"

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out?"

"I don't know and I... amm..."I cleared my throat "I met a friend while we were there and he... amm... he kissed me"

I sat there looking at him waiting for his reaction but it never came. He just sat there looking at me with an unreadable expression... deafening silence is all I got and it was killing me. I wanted him to get angry or something, anything would have been better than the silence.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it

"I have to go, I'll call you later" he called the waiter and got ready to leave

I felt my throat constrict. I took a deep breath because it felt like I wasn't getting enough air.

"I thought you wanted us to spend the rest of the day together" my voice came out smaller than I intended as I watched him pay the bill and get up

"Not today"

And with that he left



I'm kind of obsessing over Capital letters by Hailee Steinfeld & Bloodpop and Melanin by Sauti sol ft Patoranking.... 😍😍😍

If you enjoyed the chapter please feel free to click on the little star #vote and comment. I would really like to hear from you

Until next time... 😚😙😘 mwaah


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