Killing Corpses (zombie novel)

By TheGirlWhoLived_xo

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"Come with me if you want to live." The guy said firmly, lowering his gun, extending a hand to help me up. I... More

Killing Corpses
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Three

198 17 0
By TheGirlWhoLived_xo

The door of the orphanage swung open, the rain falling hard onto me, as the policeman flung me into the hall, at a very surprised Cassie.

"Copsyn!" She screeched. "What the hell have you done now?! Oh dear god, I'm so sorry officer! Get in here, out of the rain..."

I was banished to the living room while Cassie negotiated with the officer. Turns out, one of the guy's friends phoned the police. They arrived on time.

I had broken the guy's nose, and nearly his jaw. His nose was seriously damaged, the blood had been gushing from it. His jaw wasn't broken or fractured, but it had a hefty bruise on it too. Serves him right. He got all he deserved, in my opinion.

Soon, I heard the front door shut and angry footsteps trek down the hall. Oh god. This wasn't going to be good...

"Copsyn. Jane. Roberts." Cassie said angrily. "What the HELL were you thinking?!" She yelled.

I flinched at her noise change, but didn't say anything. That just made her more upset.

"Well?" She questioned.

I still didn't speak.

"I'll answer for you then, shall I?" She raged. I just looked at her, raindrops dripping from my hair. She huffed angrily. "Well, you weren't thinking, that what it was. No, you just decided to take your emotions out on that poor boy who's now sitting in a hospital somewhere, bleeding his life out!" She scremed.

"He was a creep Cassie! He kept trying to move in on me, and flirting with me!!" I yelled back.

"Well Copsyn, did you ever think that someone may have just being nice to you? Don't you ever take that into account?!"

"Unless you call harrasment 'nice' I DON'T THINK SO!" I roared. She looked taken aback.

"I bet my life that you're being a big drama queen about all this! He was probably only being nice to you, and you took it the wrong way, as usual!" She yelled again.

I breathed heavily. "I-"

"Well," She cut me off. "You'd bettter be greatful now, because I've just talked you out of going to prison, again! But now what? A fine! And it looks like that family will be sueing us soon as well, with all that damage you caused him!"

"Wait here a minut-"

"And another thing," She continued. "I thought I was finally able to trust you, but I guess not. As usual, everything's about Copsyn. Wanting to go outside, do your own thing. Uh I should have never let you go out being so irresponsible latley-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed. "SHUT UP, SHUT. UP!" I roared until my lungs were raw, closing my eyes and clamping my hands over my ears. She fell silent, realising what she'd done to me. After I had started to recover, all this had to come and mess it up.

She looked solemn, and had tears in her eyes. "Copsyn...I-" She reached out to touch me, but I slapped her hand away harshly.

"Don't fucking touch me! Ever!"

She started to cry as I stormed off to my room, not looking back. I slammed my door with force that shook the whole floor, as I started screaming into my pillow once again.

The muffled screams took no effect, so I began pacing my room. I kicked various things, without realising it.

Who did she think she is?


What the hell does she know?


She wasn't there. She didn't know how that guy was behaving!


It's not-






I spun around to the unfamilliar noise, breathing hard. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary until I noticed glass sprawled over the floor, and a photo frame beside it.

"No..." I murmered, before racing down and examining the damage.

In my fury, I had kicked my bedside table, sending the precious picture flying. I hadn't a clue.

Since my Mom and Dad died, I had taken a picture of us all on holiday in Spain, from our home. I was only about nine in the picture, with buckteeth and rosy cheeks. My dad was burnt to a crisp and my Mom was as lovely as ever. I loved that picture.

I bent over the mess, scooping up loose glass, putting it in my bin, completly ignoring my sobs and tears. It was so stupid. I still had the picture.

Or at least I thought I did...

I lifted the picture that had been in the frame, and was horrified when I turned it over.

There was a huge gash, right down the centre of the picture, separating me from my mom and dad completly. I sobbed and sobbbed, mulling over my precious memory. It was so hard, all of this in one night. I just wasn't strong enough for all this stress.

I could hear my dad now, doing his stupid austrailian voice.

Hang on in there sweetie! G'day!

It made me cry more, before I finally placed the photo on a shelf, going to pick up the rest of the frame to put in the bin.

When the extraordinary thing happened.

As I lifted the backing of the frame up, another peice of paper fluttered out of it. A small square of paper, another photo hidden behind the picture that had ripped. An old one.

I dumped the frame and eagerly examined the photo, soon finding out why it was in my mom's frame.

I was a picture of my mom in a hospital bed. She looked tired, her hair was a mess, but she smiled. Standing over her, was my dad, still with hair. He looked proud, and I swear I could see a tear in the faded picture. I didn't understand, until my eyes drifted down to the blankets my mother held.

There was a baby in them. Tiny, but there. Small, but exsistent. And it certainly wasn't me. I've seen the pictures from when I was born, and my Father certainly didn't have hair. My mother had glasses, too. Plus the fact I didn't recocnise the hospital room from any of the pictures I'd seen.

So who was it?

I flipped the picute over, for clues, and sure enough, there was some writing sprawled in untidy handwriting. My Dad's.

It read:

Baby Liam Roberts, born on the 26th of June, 1990

I tried to comprehend what I had just found out. That was definetly my mother in that photo. And it was certinaly my father. So that meant... That baby in the photo....

I had a... brother.

"What?" I murmered.

Born 1990... It's 2014...

I had a twenty year old, older brother...

Old enough to be my legal gaurdian...

Old enough to care for me...

Old enough to get me out of this hellhole.

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