Your not the man i fell in lo...

Por jem437

657 19 7


Your not the man i fell in love with.
chapter two: new beginnings.
Chapter three: confusion and controversy.
Chapter four: you promised.....

chapter one: we're on top of the world.

106 3 0
Por jem437




" ladies and gentleman your winners and still tag team champions, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins!" Justin Roberts announced.

i jumped up and down in the locker room as my boyfriend retained his title.

yes, my boyfriend is Seth Rollins and we've been together for two years now.

i'm also training to be a diva and i wrestle in NXT so i travel with RAW and SMACK DOWN a lot.

i ran to the stands and saw Seth doing a interview, so i waited.

once he saw me, he ran up to me and engulfed me in a giant bear hug.

" you did amazing two tones." i said, smiling.

" thanks baby." he said, kissing my nose.

" hey, what about me?" a voice asked, i turned around and saw Roman and Dean.

" OK, you did amazing too." i smiled, letting go of Seth and hugging Roman.

roman and i had gotten to be really good friends, even before i started dating Seth.

Dean however, he was a different story. he's always hated me for some reason, i mean, he has never even talked to me, and shoves me away whenever i try to talk to him. honestly, what the hell did i do to this guy?

" OK roman, hands off my girl." Seth warned, laughing a little.

" hey man, you know i would never steal her, i'm engaged." he said, backing away slowly.

" ya i know, i'm just joking." he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

" so, anyone up for drinks?" Dean asked.

" totally, are you coming felicity?" Seth questioned.

" i can't, i have a meeting with Vince in 5 minutes." i said.

" OK, see you back at the hotel." he said, he kissed my forehead and left to party with they guys.

i walked to Vince's office with the biggest butterflies in my stomach, he didn't tell me what the meeting was about, so i was nervous as hell.

Vince smiled when he saw me and gestured for me to have a seat.

" good evening Felicity, how are you?" he asked.

" i'm good Vince, how are you?" i asked.

" good, thanks for asking, now, down to business, we're pulling you from NXT." Vince said, and my heart stopped. Pulled from NXT why?

" what?" i asked Vince.

" we're pulling you from NXT." he repeated.

" why?" 

" because we're drafting you to the main roster!" he said, excited. i felt of jolt of electricity flow through my body and  restart my heart.

" seriously, thank you so much Vince!" i squealed.

" ya ya your welcome, now leave i have other clients." he said.

i left his office and went searching for my best friend, the Miz. i couldn't wait to tell him the news.

i found him in catering, talking to Emma. after she left i jumped on his back and covered his eyes.

" guess who Mizzy." i said.

" um... is it my crazy Canadian best friend?" he guessed.

" yup!" i said, getting off of his back. and yes i am Canadian, i'm from Toronto, Ontario.

" hey Fel, what's up?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

" i just got drafted to the main roster!" i said, Miz did a spit take all over summer Rae and fandango as they walked by. 

" wait seriously?" he asked, wiping coffee off of his mouth.

" yup." i said, smiling. he picked me up and spun me around.

" oh my god my best friend is officially a diva!" miz squealed.

" ha ha, you sound like a diva." i chuckled.

" hey!" he said, punching me in the arm.

" sorry, but can you believe it, wait til i tell Seth." i exclaimed.

Seth POV.  

it's 2 am, and Roman and i are looking for our drunken lunatic friend, AKA Dean.

i don't understand why we keep letting him drink.

i swear, if we would let him, he could drain the whole bar dry by himself.

after searching for another half hour, we decided to give up and get another drink.

" i'll take a rum and coke." i said.

" give me a couple tequila shots." Roman added.

" and i'll take a pint of beer." someone slurred behind us. it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was.

" where the hell have you been Dean?!" i yelled.

" i was fucking one of the female bartenders behind the dumpster across the street." he said, smiling.

" bartender, cancel the beer and get a glass of milk." i said.

" dude no!" Dean whined.

" Dean, we need to get you sober, no more drinking." Roman said.

Dean's smile faded into hurt and despair, and he fell to the floor crying and curled up into a little ball.

" don't take my drink away please!" he sobbed, causing the whole bar to stare at us. great, just what i need.

" Dean, drink." i said, handing him the glass of milk.

" ooo, yummy!" he said, in his best 5 year old voice, chugging the milk.

" thank you." he said, handing me the empty glass and skipping out of the bar.

i returned the glass and Roman chased after Dean.

i walked outside and saw Roman chasing Dean across the road and back.

" a little help here Seth?" Roman asked.

i grabbed Dean and held him down as Roman raced to get the car.

with the help of security, we were finally able to get Dean in the car, and we made it back to the hotel.

i got to my room and saw felicity watching TV.

" hey, how was drinking with the guys?" she asked, giving me a hug when she saw me.

" it's a long story." i chuckled.

" let me guess, you had drag Dean out of the bar after causing a scene right?" she asked.

" ya how did you-" 

" that's what always happens." she laughed.

" ya that's true." i said, thinking about every time we've gone drinking.

" hey, it's ambrose, what else do you expect?" she asked.

" exactly, so anyway, how'd the meeting go?" i asked, grabbing a can of soda and sitting on the couch beside her.

" well, Vince said that they're pulling me from NXT and moving me to the main roster." she said, smiling.

" wait, seriously?" i asked, jumping to my feet.

" yup, i'm so excited." she said.

i picked her up off the couch and spun her around our hotel room. 

i'm so happy for her, she's been working hard for this since i met her, and now she finally has it.

" OK Seth put me down." she said, laughing.

" sorry baby, i'm just really happy for you." i said.

" i know, i'm a new diva, and your one half of the Tag Champions and the shield is dominating WWE right now, could things get any better?" she asked.

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